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Mono Project Releases Version 1.0 517

theblackdeer writes "Just poking around the go-mono.com Mono website; it's now the multi-colored mono-project.com. Even better, it updated before my eyes to include the 1.0 release. Screenshots are (slightly) updated, too. Mono 1.0 includes the Mono Develop IDE (based on SharpDevelop, I believe). Download now and start your GTK# engines!" Alliante adds "You can download the Release Notes and the Packages on their website."
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Mono Project Releases Version 1.0

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  • by SIGALRM ( 784769 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:09PM (#9571759) Journal
    From the FAQ [mono-project.com]:

    The Mono project has also sparked a lot of interest in developing C#-based components, libraries and frameworks

    Yes it has. In our company's roadmap, we considered C# and Mono, but the controversial elements of their licensing (ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Windows Forms subsets) gave us pause until we researched it further. Most of it is covered under the ECMA/ISO and the other technologies developed on top of it.

    Looks like the Mono strategy is to work around the patent issues by using a different technique that retains the API but changes the mechanism.
    • Retaining the API is one option, but not the only one they talk about - "removing code" is another.

      If this looks like nit-picking, consider the implications for porting a Dotnet app to Mono: if 80% of API coverage is achieved instead of 100% it could easily make the port uneconomic.

      This is the problem with the Mono value proposition - it drops exponentially in relation to compatibility, and you don't have to drop far until you've brought the whole cloning strategy into question, the question being whether
  • beware... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:11PM (#9571780)
    mono makes your throat sore. you get it from kissing girls. actually i guess that's not going to be a concern around here.

    forgive the interruption.
  • by Pengo ( 28814 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:13PM (#9571798) Journal

    A open source RAD evironment sounds like it could have a huge impact on the number of apps that could be rolled out.

    Not so much for the enterprise market, but also for the 'shareware' class applications. Most of my Windows specific applications are programs that are from very small development houses or shareware products. (I love to support a small shareware author!) . I use open source when prudent, but I also love to use a nice simple tool that even if it costs $15-$20 bucks to a pay-pal account, is money well spent in my opinion. Maybe Linux will start to attract this development base with Mono.

    Another question, I have a pro version of C# I picked up at staples last year. Anyone know how realistic is it for me to build an application in Windows using my copy of C# and compile it and run it on mono?

    • by chetohevia ( 109956 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:17PM (#9571853)
      As long as you don't use P/Invoke or too many of the Windows.Forms items, it should do fine. That's part of the whole point.

      The other thing you can do is run Gtk# on Windows for your xplatform GUI. :)
    • by Tobias Luetke ( 707936 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:18PM (#9571857)
      As long as you either use GTK# ( download ), wxNet or console mode you won't even have to recompile it under mono on linux/MacOs/whatever. You will be able to just run it.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      This would depend upon which class libraries you used. Basic apps should work fine, but those using the windows GUI APIs wil not be portable.
    • by jbellis ( 142590 ) * <jonathan@carnage ... minus physicist> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:19PM (#9571869) Homepage
      ironic that this comes just days after MS announces that whidbey [microsoft.com] and the next-generation .NET framework hit beta 1.

      I'm cheering for the Mono guys but I don't see how they can avoid being also-rans in the compatibility race.

      • The gmcs compiler is a demonstration of generics support that you can use right now, at least in a prototyping capacity. The mono team is watching the ball.
      • by goodviking ( 71533 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:18PM (#9572597) Journal
        I used to agree with you, then I read "How Microsoft Lost the API War" [joelonsoftware.com]. The thing that really struck me was that fundamentals components of .NET will be abandonned with Avalon [infoworld.com]. This is why I now think that open source .net is a masterstroke. MS is basically asking/forcing their developer base to adopt a now open sourced, platform neutral enviornment. In a few years, they're going to break the whole model and say that to play, you have to retrain and recode major portions of your work. At that point, it becomes more cost effective to stick with mature solutions that work, not play catchup to the latest and greatest. "Look, Shinny Things" is not a better business strategy than compatibility and reuse.
        • Not abandoned exactly. There will be new APIs that supercede them for Longhorn only (Avalon/XAML) apps. What they're really trying to do is break the tie with legacy apps on Longhorn. Your System.Windows.Forms (which is really the only part that is changing with Longhorn) apps will not be using the latest and greatest API once longhorn hits, but that's about it. If you've properly seperated your UI from the rest of your app then this shouldn't be a *big* problem for most people....especially since i
        • Microsoft released .net as a standard to get better support for it. It doesn't hurt them in any way because .net isn't all that revolutionary (nice, but not revolutionary). Avalon is just the Windows-specific API for creating rich UIs (like cocoa# will be for the mac). Avalon is Microsoft's way of making sure Windows will stay the preferred environment for .net development. You can still code GTK# or cocoa# applications. You could even code winforms if you want.

          If the community were smart, they would
    • by thelexx ( 237096 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:20PM (#9571882)
      Dear God NO, the last thing I want is the Linux software landscape to degenerate into a million shitty little utilities that all want $20-40 from me for something I probably only need to use once.
      • eh? That's the point of shareware....if you continue to use it then please be kind and pay for it. If you do not continue to use it then don't worry about it....where's the problem?
    • It will take a little bit of porting if you have any Windows.Forms or any windows32 API calls (hah). Most of the Windows.Forms stuff is currently handled under Wine with Mono. Changing that stuff over to GTK# wouldn't be too bad, plus they would be able to use the application on Linux, and OS X.

      I would like to congradulate the Mono developers on a job well done. Programming languages are finally becoming a little more senesible!
    • by arvindn ( 542080 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:42PM (#9572156) Homepage Journal
      I cheer your voice of sanity in crowd of ideology and narrowmindedness.

      When the windows desktop market was the size of the current linux desktop market (not in terms of percentage, of course, but numbers) there was a huge market for shareware. Why doesn't that market exist for linux today?

      One reason could be the technology, which you've addressed, but IMHO the main reason is the economics. A while back, in a newsforge article [newsforge.com] I analyzed the situation and suggested how to create such a market. I was quite taken aback by the feedback, which consisted mainly of semi-coherent rants saying "shareware is teh evil!!!" and "kill anyone who dares to suggest proprietary software for linux!!" and so on, despite the fact that what I proposed would have the side effect more open source software getting written.

      The linux landscape is changing, its going mainstream, and there are a lot linux users who don't like that. I must humbly suggest to such people that you cannot do anything about it, and you should therefore either accept the reality or start moving to another system where you can feel more "l33t".

      • I recommend these people try the HURD. I hear they need a bunch of wannabee uber-geeks to test their kernel...

        Plus, you can bitch and moan all you want about it being the One True Gnu, and be right for a change.

      • by Dr. Evil ( 3501 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:27PM (#9572739)

        That's politics, not economics.... and Shareware's only bite is in closed-source non-free software.

        The shareware model has generally proven ineffective. It has the maintinence problems of closed source along with stunting growth of other software by leveraging the effect of "market dumping".

        I'd like to see more creative models, like the one where the author sets a "freedom" price on the software and people contribute to having the source code released under an open license. I think people would feel better contributing cash to a project if they knew it wasn't going into a vacuous pool.

      • by Dalcius ( 587481 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:59PM (#9573079)
        "The linux landscape is changing, its going mainstream, and there are a lot linux users who don't like that. I must humbly suggest to such people that you cannot do anything about it, and you should therefore either accept the reality or start moving to another system where you can feel more "l33t"."

        You call others narrowminded but I don't think you yourself understand the reasons people are afraid of the side-effects of Linux growth. Maybe you're just hearing a vocal minority.

        I personally cannot stand to use Windows these days, for many reasons... but one of the biggest is the environment. Under Linux searching for help, files or other content is particularly easy: the signal to noise ratio is quite good. Under Windows, it's "Sign up to download, we sell your email, now you can wait in a queue to get your file, but here are some ads to keep you busy". Pop-ups, spam, misdirection, just junk in general.

        The bottom line for this reasoning is that Linux it's just easier to find what you want (or at least a definitive 'It doesn't exit') in a shorter time. When the community starts growing, we'll see lots of wannabe applications attempting to sell themselves to you, registration keys and website registrations, hassles downloading files or getting help, etc. This is a Bad Thing.

        That all said, I'm in favor of Linux's growth and I think most people are. There aren't many true Linux users who do it just to be "leet" and I think its pretty silly to suggest that. Most Linux hobbiests do it because they are in control, in one way or another -- application choices, configurations, power, etc.

        Slapping a dogma on someone and calling them an idiot isn't helping anyone. I think the Linux community is ready to expand and wants to expand, it's just afraid of how severe the consequences might be when the 'unwashed masses' start using this stuff.

      • by Psymunn ( 778581 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:03PM (#9573123)
        One of the problem with Shareware (or cripple ware) and open source is that it's generally just as easy to distribute the shareware version as the complete version, so it only takes one person to purchase a product and give it to everyone.
        I think this impacts open source game production because, frankly, it's hard to find a way to give the source to the community and still ensure some kind of revenue stream.
        What I figured is, why can't someone release a game, GPL all the source code, but claim that the artwork and level data are copyrighted and, please, feel free to give your buddies a copy, but don't use the art/leveldata in a commercial release
        I think that, while not nesseccarily in keeping with the free software ideology, it is in keeping with the open source philosophy (and yes, bare with me, i know that free is not cost free and open is not simply saying 'check out my code')
        By providing my source code to whomever wants it, I make it easier for the next guy not to have to reinvent the wheel. But the specific game data (leveldata, game sprites) are what makes this game unique (if only at the surface level) and are useless to a programer who wants to use my code to write his own game.
        Such a license would allow one to release a Shareware version of the game (akin to Doom or Commander Keen, where you get an episode, not some software that expires over time and does half of what you want) which allows for commercial distribution, and a full version which the author can sell.
        Of course, maybe that makes the author a capatalistpropriatarypigbastard, but i'd like to hear feedback on the idea...
      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:46PM (#9574173)
        People have to eat. As far as I can tell, food isn't free. Until food is free, I will charge a reasonable fee for the use of my software. If the software is terrible, I'll give it away - or, more likely, not even release it. I have hundreds of projects that never made it to a release-quality state and would never release them without serious effort on my part.

        So, I cheer on anyone who encourages closed-source commercial development for Linux because food isn't free and people have to eat.

        Now, before you rate this down, here's what I would recommend the Linux community seriously consider. There are a large contingent of commercial organizations who would port their Windows applications over to Linux in a heartbeat if there was a Windows-like registry for Linux with the sole purpose of accomodating commercial applications. This registry would have to be protected by the OS itself and require Linux users to generally agree to not touch it (read: crack it). I don't care how the registry is implemented, but organizations want the ability to enforce 30 day trials on systems. The lack of a centralized, secured repository of information really deters commercial interests from porting high-quality software from Windows to Linux. There's a lot of Linux software for Windows, but over 90% of it seriously lacks in an area called usability - Oh, I've heard of "great strides" being taken, but every once in a while (every 3-4 months) I'll randomly try a distro. - Fedora Core 2 being the latest since it looked pretty interesting, but the first screen I encountered after the unusable installation put the username and password entries on separate screens...this is what I mean by usability - ease-of-use, the command-line login is more usable than the new graphical login of Fedora. The result? I went back to Windows and I'll wait a few months and try another distro. or a ported application to see if usability has improved any. BTW, I'm one of those people who makes recommendations for software/hardware combinations. To win me over to Linux is going to take some serious effort in the area of usability - effort I have yet to see. (And I know my way around enough of Linux to be dangerous, so don't write me off as some idiot Windows user).

        That said, I also want every company that ports to Linux to agree that if a product goes EOL (End Of Life), the source code to that product becomes Open Source under a compatible license. This, IMO, is fair and reasonable. See, I like to develop software first and once I've finished what I've worked on, then I receive input about it. However, until I am completely done working on the source code, I don't want anyone else to touch it, let alone see it. Just like an artist, I only want people to see the finished product, not some half-finished masterpiece. It is only fair to existing users of the software to see the source code if it is no longer being developed. As such, if I EOL a product in the product line, I'll either migrate existing users to another product or open the source code. One thing I won't do is leave them hanging without options.
        • There are a large contingent of commercial organizations who would port their Windows applications over to Linux in a heartbeat if there was a Windows-like registry for Linux with the sole purpose of accomodating commercial applications. This registry would have to be protected by the OS itself and require Linux users to generally agree to not touch it (read: crack it). I don't care how the registry is implemented, but organizations want the ability to enforce 30 day trials on systems. The lack of a central
  • by cmdrwhitewolf ( 580710 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:16PM (#9571826)
    Go Mono, Go! I hope you infect everybody!

    (at least I'm not back in college anymore, where they would've probably hauled me away in straight jacket for chanting that...)
  • likes [mono-project.com] Modest Mouse [modestmousemusic.com].

    Anyone here use Muine, is it better than xmms?
    • Re:Someone... (Score:2, Informative)

      by B1ackDragon ( 543470 )
      I've used Muine, a while ago. It automatically downloads album covers from amazon or something, which was cool but didn't always work. Also, it is organised into albums, so if you've got a directory of music thats mix and match, you have to select an album just to hear the one song off of that album. I could be wrong however, it was a while ago.

      Actually, I think it suffers from that all too common among Apple and Gnome base apps problem of "Its so intuitive it's annoying." I like an asthetically pleasing
  • .NET terrarium.. (Score:5, Informative)

    by joeldg ( 518249 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:18PM (#9571854) Homepage
    Wonder if that can be run in mono..
    installing to find out.

    I have been playing in GTK getting sprites and such working, but would like to use this for more portability.. .NET terriarium is damn cool
    http://www.windowsforms.net/default.aspx?tab Index= 6&tabId=42
    Check it
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's been 3 years and a ton of code. Great work. Let's get those apps rolling out.

    I now await the FUD machine.
  • CLR is good stuff... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by tcopeland ( 32225 ) * <`tom' `at' `thomasleecopeland.com'> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:19PM (#9571873) Homepage
    ...it enables things like calling Ruby from C# and vice versa [rubyforge.org].

    I think someone is working on a Ruby to IL compiler, but I failed to successfully Google it...
    • Java Ruby bridge (Score:3, Interesting)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) *
      Someone is also working on a Java->Ruby bridge here [rubyforge.org].

      Once they figured out the CLR is really meant to run C# apps and they would have to drop interesting Ruby features, they probably gave up.

      BY "Supports other languages", the CLR really means "Supports migrating other language developers to C#".
    • Originally I thought the CLR would be great, as it's basically language interop the Right Way - as long as you remember that language interop always involves compromises, you're good.

      But it seems that the dream of great language interop has not been reached even with .NET - look at the work Nat+Trow are doing with Beagle/Dashboard. Rather than use the .NET CLR tools to reuse the Lucene search engine (written in Java), they forked it and rewrote it in C# - why?!

      I see this even more. Interop is great in

  • by Sanity ( 1431 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:20PM (#9571881) Homepage Journal
    This may seem like flamebait, but they throw the first stone right there on From the Mono website [mono-project.com]:
    ...However, the Java runtime systems commonly available on Linux lack the performance that customers demand, and Java applications do not conform to the Linux GUI look and feel.
    If these are the best justification for .NET over Java, then they are pretty weak.

    As has been pointed out ad tedium in various Java-related discussions on /. - Java's early reputation for poor performance may have been justified in the 1.0 and 1.1 days, but modern Java VMs employ sophisticated JIT compilers which gives it comparable performance to natively compiled languages like C++, and easily matches .NET's CLR performance. Java's bytecode and .NET's bytecode are not that different, the main differences are in the APIs.

    Which brings us on to the second justification for .NET over Java, native GUIs, which is even weaker. Java-Gnome [sf.net] does the same thing as Mono's GTK bindings, offering exactly the same GUI abilities, and SWT [mindprod.com] offers a truely cross-platform GUI API with a native look and feel on each platform it runs on.

    • Unfortunately, while I agree with you on all your well-made points, I don't think your'e gonna be able to convince people who have a long-held hatred of everything to do with Java.

      Yes, it's unfortunate, but at the time the mono project started, those statements were true and were good justification. However, as time progressed and java stabilized as a great programming language, different reasons for pressing the mono issue came to the forefront.

      Like it or not, this is an MS dominated industry, and they'
    • The way I see it, companies who have .NET solutions now have the option of switching to windows.

      We have solutions in .NET. Sure, the debate rages on as to whether .NET is better than Java, but personally, it's easier for me to develop in .NET using C#. If I wanted to ditch windows, my only option used to be to completely redo our apps in Java, but time simply doesn't allow for that.

      With mono, all we have to do is slap the code on a linux box and we're good to go.
    • by miguel ( 7116 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:31PM (#9572018) Homepage
      First, keep in mind that Mono also ships with a Java VM, so your Java code will work on Mono ;)

      There are other reasons, I do not claim these are all of the possibilities, but here are some more:
      • Multi-language support by design, which lets some complicated languages like C, C++ and Fortran
        to be supported without hacks.
      • ValueTypes (structs) are not supported in Java, which is a source of major pressure on the GC, an
        issue solved completely by the availability of it
        on .NET
      • Today: Generics are a VM feature, not only a language feature: which means that your list of
        ints will be a list of ints, and not syntactic sugar for a list of objects of Integer. Importan
        for performance.
      • Binding APIs for C# and .NET is trivial, which is why there is a whole industry of bindings
        for the framework: its trivial to call back into the old code base, without using JNI of any kind.
      • Some people care about the fact that it has been standardized by ECMA.
      • .NET improves upon the lessons learned from Java and were able to make changes that Sun could not
        (yes, that means that someone else can build something new now, and fix the .NET mistakes ;-)
      • Some of us prefer C# the language to Java the language.

      But feel free to use Java for doing Gnome applications, I have nothing against it, we are
      only an equal opportunity platform provider. Let the big boys fight it over.

      • by LDoggg_ ( 659725 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:00PM (#9572345) Homepage
        You know Miguel, you've honestly ticked me off in the past with your anti java sentiment.
        That said, this is the first time I've seen a post of yours that has some merit.

        I've been coding in Java for more than 6 years now, and I guess I've just gotten really comfortable with the language. I've also been using linux for several years now. The last few years has seen good JVMs & IDEs available for linux, so I've kept developing with it.

        Recently I've become involved in setting up K12LTSP networks. I started a project [sourceforge.net] that's windows companion CD of software the students will be using at school on linux.
        I wrote the graphical installer in Java and it took me no time at all. Its XML based and exactly what I wanted.
        One problem, I have to bundle a vm to make it autorun.

        Your mono stuff looks like it can do this and totally open source. I'll have to get use to some new libraries and what not, but if this works out, I'd be really psyched about your project.

        Anyway, keep up the good work, and congrats on 1.0 !

      • by iwadasn ( 742362 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:46PM (#9572926)

        That still seems a little weak. Most of the things you are trying to solve are either vacuous, or simply problems that should be solved at the VM layer without causing the users any additional pain.

        Multi-Language: Please, they're all the same language designed to look like other languages. Java has multi language support to (Jython). This is not a fundamental reason.

        Value Types: Use escape analysis and a better GC. This is a hack so programmers can give hints to a stupid GC.

        Generics: Where are the C# generics? The version we're using at work doesn't have them. Java Generics will arrive first, but be worse off in the beginnnig. C# will arrive later, and initially have a better implementation. Java should fix their implementation in a future revision of the VM and bytecode standard.

        Bindings: Spin the wheel and see which function gets called today. Not much needs to be said here, but there's something to be said for the precision of the java bindings as opposed to the pattern matching of the C# bindings.

        ECMA: And patented by Microsoft. Fact it, Microsoft will embrace and extend it, or threaten lawsuit to keep their monopoly. The ECMA won't do jack about that.

        C# language: The only even marginally valid claim. However, the lack of checked exceptions and sub-standard stack traces are pretty nasty. I don't think C# is a step up in any meaningful way, unless of course you like writing crappy code and just can't bear to know which exceptions you should be worried about. If that's the case, VB6 will always be waiting.

        I'm not saying that the C# people are stupid, or anything like that. But this whole endeavor seems to demonstrate a monumental lack of foresight. Why fragment the world even further rather than uniting behind a standard the Microsoft doesn't own?
        • by Sunspire ( 784352 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:52PM (#9573645)
          Multi-Language: Please, they're all the same language designed to look like other languages. Java has multi language support to (Jython). This is not a fundamental reason.

          The big difference is that .NET/Mono is actively moving towards a general purpose VM whereas the JVM is not. Sun will officially support other languages when... well never. Today, you've got languages like Python/Ruby/Haskell being targeting at the .NET CLR, but look at the big picture. What about CLR version 2, 3, 4... ? The potential is huge. Parrot is the only thing even remotely like it the open source world, and that's only for dynamic scripting languages at the moment. Don't count out a Parrot to Mono CLR compiler yet either! The multilanguage feature has the potential to unify all the minor languages to a single CLR. Right now we're writing GTK bindings for C, C++, Python, Ruby, Perl, etc. With GTK# (despite the name, it's more like GTK-Mono IMO) every language targeting the CLR gets up to date bindings!

          Where are the C# generics?

          In Mono.
      • by Armchair Dissident ( 557503 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @03:05PM (#9573772)

        I now have to use C# at work as our company has decided that this is what Microsoft's future is invested in. I've had a love-hate relationship with it, and my opinion of .NET is possibly clouded by my use of C#, rather than a criticism of .NET, but anyway:

        • Multi-language support by design is a hack. It's not real. C++, for example is not C++ as I, as a C/C++ hack, know it. It's a thing that is something like, but not quite C++.
        • structs as ValueTypes are a pain in the arse. They have the same syntactic semantics as classes but have no similarities. Because of this
          flibble foo = new flibble();
          flibble bar = new flibble();

          means two completely different things depending upon whether flibble is a struct or a class. Which has given me endless problems with DateTime.
        • Generics are not yet a standard feature of of .NET CLR. This is the reason given by Microsoft for not including generics as part of C#.
        • EMCA standardisation is a joke if the libraries can be butchered. The language is the least of the problems when portability is concerned. The precise way in which the libraries work and interoperate is the big problem.
        • .NET - as far as I can see - was simply a way of touting a "write once, run anywhere" platform, without actually proving the case. C# takes some things out of Java, and some out of C++, but never asks the question "why are these here". Operator overloads without templates, and without a good distinction between references are pointers spring to mind. (what does 'foo == bar' do?)
        • Some prefer C#, but I can't see why...
        Sorry Miguel. Mono is a worthy project, and I have it running on OS/X - it's impressive from that point. But as .NET stands, and especially C#, Microsoft got it hideously wrong.
        • Here's a good one everyone.... When does if(null == blah) { return true;} throw an exception? When the guy writing a class has decided to override == and not really considered nulls. Wow, isn't that grand. Now we can get a null pointer exception when we're trying to prevent a null pointer exception. So now there's no possible way to avoid throwing the exception, and the exceptions in C# are slow too. THANKS MICROSOFT!!!!! Operator overloading should be strictly forbidden. Here's another question for a
    • by Sunspire ( 784352 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:34PM (#9572053)
      Java, as it is now, is a complete non-contender in the area Mono is focusing on, which is Linux desktop apps. First, there's no complete open source Java implementation, no distribution ships Sun's JVM. Sure, you can download the JVM for free, but how can you expect us to build a desktop around the thing in that case?

      If these are the best justification for .NET over Java, then they are pretty weak.

      There's a lot of reasons to go with .NET over Java, and vice versa. This argument will likely never die. Ultimately the difference isn't that big. That said, I personally prefer the direction .NET/Mono is taking and I think Sun is foolish to be resting on its laurels. At this rate Mono will become a major force in the Linux landscape and Sun is doing nothing, five years from now they'll still be wondering what the hell happened.

      Which brings us on to the second justification
      for .NET over Java, native GUIs, which is even weaker. Java-Gnome

      Java-GNOME is completely dead. Java on the desktop, except for Eclipse and SWT (no thanks to Sun) is completely dead. GTK#/Mono has a lot of momentum and Ximian/Novell throwing their weight behind it which is not to be underestimated. Guess which is more likely to have support two years from now, Java-GNOME or GTK#?
      • by mrtrumbe ( 412155 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:06PM (#9572422) Homepage
        Java-GNOME is completely dead. Java on the desktop, except for Eclipse and SWT (no thanks to Sun) is completely dead. GTK#/Mono has a lot of momentum and Ximian/Novell throwing their weight behind it which is not to be underestimated. Guess which is more likely to have support two years from now, Java-GNOME or GTK#?

        Smells like trolls 'round these parts.

        Here are sourceforge's statistics on GTK#. [sourceforge.net]

        Here are sourceforge's statistics on Java-Gnome. [sourceforge.net]

        What criteria are you using to proclaim Java-Gnome dead? From the statistics on sourceforge, it seems that there is interest in the project and far more reports of bugs than for GTK#.

        I agree that Sun hasn't been as cooperative as I'd like to see in terms of Java's relationship with the open source community. However, I think you are making some baseless assertions about the current and future relevence of projects supporting Java in the open source arena.

        Also, I think it is laughable that the mono team claims "Java applications do not conform to the Linux GUI look and feel." Which look and feel is that, exactly? KDE? Gnome? FVWM? The majority of Linux apps that I use do not conform to any single look and feel. OpenOffice? Looks like Windows 95. Mozilla/Firefox (by default)? Completely different (though skinable). Sure, Mono, with GTK# looks like a Gnome app, but that really isn't going to help a KDE or FVWM user, is it?

        Much of the anti-Java sentiment around slashdot seems to originate from rabid pro-open source ideology. I wish people would evaluate these technologies on their capabilities and applicability rather than whether the companies supporting them conform to their particular ideology.


      • by GlowStars ( 57169 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:39PM (#9572864)
        ...no distribution ships Sun's JVM...

        WRONG! SuSE does [www.suse.de].
      • by chill ( 34294 )
        Slackware and SuSE both ship the Sun JVM.

        And Sun's 1.4.2 also has:

        Release 1.4.2 includes many bug fixes and these major enhancements:

        * The Microsoft Windows XP look and feel. If you are using the system look and feel on the Windows XP platform, Swing components now match the platform.

        * The GTK+ look and feel. You can now customize your look and feel to a particular theme.

        Which means the look/feel argument for .NET is moot.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:36PM (#9572077)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • and Java applications do not conform to the Linux GUI look and feel.

      From what I can tell, neither does Mono since I use KDE. I doubt there is a believable case that >50% of Linux desktops use Gnome...
  • But (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Fooby ( 10436 )
    Is any besides mono developers user mono yet? The screenshots are pretty but why haven't I seen a single mono framework or C# app come to the linux desktop in any of the major distributions?

    But C# hasn't exactly exploded on the Windows desktop yet either so I suppose it's premature.

  • Try MonoDevelop (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:21PM (#9571898)
    For those looking for an IDE, try out MonoDevelop 0.5. It doesn't have a gui builder, but has code-completion(intellisense), class browser, project management, etc... It's a port of Sharpdevelop.
    • And if you need a GUI builder you can always use glade-2 which ships with most distributions. I've designed practically the entire user interface for my little app, WoodPusher [sf.net], in glade, and have been writing the code using MonoDevelop. Eventually there will be a new form designer for MonoDevelop which will not be based on glade at all, but in the meantime, glade gets the job done.
  • Shifting ABI's (Score:4, Insightful)

    by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:27PM (#9571961) Homepage Journal
    I'm still a little skeptical about using a Microsoft-owned technology on Linux, but perhaps this is just what we need to get ISV's on board. I'm going to guess that the "Mono ABI" is going to be less of a moving target than the "Linux ABI" has been. That would be very ironic.
  • by Stevyn ( 691306 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:28PM (#9571969)
    While people can debate about this, I do think it's something important for linux. It says that no matter what one company can do to try to make their development platform closed and proprietary, the open source community can retort back with their open standards. Yeah, this is just an attempt at cloning yet another microsoft product by the open source community, but when the world uses microsoft and they're distributing this for free, it hardly is as bad as one software giant cloning say...word perfect. I haven't tried mono yet, but when the day arrives when I can run a windows app and linux app without jumping through wine I'll be a happy linux user.

    I really think operating systems have become a comodity anyway. To me, linux, windows, and mac don't mean much but the software that runs on them. Sure, making different versions like mozilla does works now, but you can't expect companies like adobe to ever do the same. I think running things off the same compiled code is where software should be headed. This would make the argument of not being able to switch to linux because of lack of supported applications moot.

    This is the first time I've ever thought of .NET as something positive.
  • Go Cross-Platform! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by krmt ( 91422 ) <therefrmhere@yRE ... com minus distro> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:29PM (#9571981) Homepage
    I've been looking for a good way to write a crossplatform GUI for an app I'm working on. Java is not a good choice for a variety of reasons, so Mono is looking pretty tempting right now. Since Mozilla-The-Platform hasn't taken off as well as it could, Mono may wind up being the best option for a totally Free Software approach to cross-platform work. On the other hand, wxWidgits is a great toolset as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if they get C# language bindings for the library.
    • What are the variety of reasons against Java? It's now fast, it's almays been cross platform and has a rich and mature library. Swing is painful but it's a lot more flexible than .NET forms.

      The only reason I can see for .NET over Java is that apps look more native on Windows where most of the money is when it comes to desktop apps. That and Windows shipping with .NET runtime making app downloads a lot smaller than the usual 30mb app+JRE downloads one finds for Java apps.
    • Would you care to share your reasoning as to why a language specifically built to be cross platform and with an incredibly flexible and powerful GUI infrastructure is not a good choice for a GUI app but an immature, unproven platform with serious GUI shortcomings is?
    • by Joe Tie. ( 567096 )
      You might try the wxwidgits bindings for python. I've been using it for the past six months on a somewhat large multiplatform project, and have been nothing but happy with it so far. It's snappy, gives a native look and feel, and has a fairly nice gui builder with boa-constructor.
  • Dashboard (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mr_Silver ( 213637 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:34PM (#9572047)
    After viewing the screenshots [mono-project.com] I was really impressed with Dashboard [nat.org] (especially if it works).

    Given that my main OS is Windows (sorry), is there anything like this for it?

  • Does this mean I can run Pop Goes the Gmail [jaybe.org] on linux now?

    I really was disappointed when I found out this uses .NET, because the most recent .NET framework doesn't install properly on Crossover Office yet.

    Is there any way to get an app like this running on linux? I'd like to be able to archive my gmail account and have a local copy for those rare days when I don't have internet access.

  • I suppose two colours, blue and white, technically counts, but.. it's got nothing on Zombo [zombo.com].
  • by Ars-Fartsica ( 166957 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:39PM (#9572120)
    The mono team has released an incredible amount of code in a relatively short timespan. The mono codebase goes beyond a compiler and runtime - graphical bindings, documentation, and a full IDE are all being rolled out as one more strong alternative in the linux development world. Added to which there are already "for real" apps out there you can use today that are not just toys - for example the Muine music player.

    Too many people will get hung up over the Microsoft angle and notions that mono is out to wipe out all other development toolkits. This is nonsense. What the mono team has done is upended a Microsoft strategy - that Windows is differentiated because of the .Net platform. Now we have a level playing field on top of all of the other inherent advantages of open source.

    Bravo and thanks mono team.

  • by NigelJohnstone ( 242811 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:46PM (#9572187)
    Look, mono have cloned an enviroment & language whose direction is steered by Microsoft.

    This is a problem, Microsoft is not nice.

    Microsoft can take it into a direction where MS holds patents & IP protection (if it doesn't already which is very unlikely). Mono will either have to follow and lock its user in, or go in a separate direction and abandon any pretensions at cloning MS .NET.

    What I think they should do is embrace and extend the the .NET framework *NOW*, add features and support for things that the Windows .NET does not have. But also bring the extended version to Windows itself.

    That way the MONO implementation of .NET becomes the real one, not the MS one.

    • by MenTaLguY ( 5483 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:19PM (#9572613) Homepage

      What I think they should do is embrace and extend the the .NET framework *NOW*, add features and support for things that the Windows .NET does not have. But also bring the extended version to Windows itself.

      That's precisely what they've been doing all along. Until recently, they've just been very quiet about it...

      You'll notice lately that Miguel's been talking about "API stacks" -- i.e. Gtk# et al versus Microsoft's SWF et al., both built on the safe substrate of the ECMA standard. They've been working on that stuff all along, but until recently not talking about it separately.

      See also this post [slashdot.org].

      I believe they're offering packages without any of the Microsoft-specific bits now (to make e.g. Debian happy). And yes, this stuff works on Windows.

      I don't think Microsoft quite realizes what's hit them yet. Embrace and extend again, but this time it's Microsoft on the receiving end.

  • by Space_Soldier ( 628825 ) <not4_u@hotmail.com> on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:54PM (#9572262)
    While mono is better overall, Portable.NET has better WindowsForms support. It sucks to have 2 open source projects that at their core want the same thing. If the open source community wants to compete with the fast releases of the Microsoft .NET , they need to be more unified.
  • by Dwonis ( 52652 ) * on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:55PM (#9572274)
    See the Mono Licensing and Patents FAQ [mono-project.com]:
    Mono implements the ECMA/ISO covered parts, as well as being a project that aims to implement the higher level blocks like ASP.NET, ADO.NET and Windows.Forms.
    The Mono project has gone beyond both of those components and has developed and integrated third party class libraries, the most important being: Debugging APIs, integration with the Gnome platform (Accessibility, Pango rendering, Gdk/Gtk, Glade, GnomeUI), Mozilla, OpenGL, extensive database support (Microsoft only supports a couple of providers out of the box, while Mono has support for 11 different providers), our POSIX integration libraries and finally the embedded API (used to add scripting to applications and host the CLI, or for example as an embedded runtime in Apache).

    The nifty thing about this is that Mono has the potential to be bigger and better than the .NET Framework, and we don't actually *need* .NET to make good use of Mono.

    The way I see it, Mono could end up gaining more market share than Microsoft's implementation, and as long as we don't tie ourselves to the Windows-specific APIs, there's not a whole lot Microsoft could do about it!

  • PPC Support (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Omega1045 ( 584264 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @12:56PM (#9572292)
    I have been digging through the documentation, but haven't found anything on whether 1.0 supports power pc. We run AIX on ppc chips. I tried to get Mono to run on this platform a few months back without any real success. Does anyone close to the project know if this is working now?
  • Runtime Distribution (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Nurgled ( 63197 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:18PM (#9572610)

    This Mono 1.0 release seems to be developer-oriented. Will they (or someone else) be creating smaller runtime packages which only include the stuff necessary to run applications?

    It would be nice if there were an easy install package for Win32, too. This might seem pointless on the surface, but Microsoft.NET won't install on all Windows systems due to deliberate barriers, plus Microsoft's distribution does not come with GTk# and so forth.

    I'm installing the full release on my main system, but it'd be nice to have a smaller runtime package that I can put on my other boxen to run any apps I create. Perhaps in a few hundred years Debian will have a runtime package which can be depended on by mono apps without having to pull in the whole development environment. (mono-runtime vs. mono-devel, both depending on mono-common)

    (I see a page about the Mono runtime but it's talking about the runtime portion of the project rather than a specific runtime distribution.)

  • Mono vs JVM (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Sunspire ( 784352 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:30PM (#9572777)
    One huge benefit to Mono on the desktop is that it acts as, and for all intents and purposes is, just a normal language/platform for Linux. Exactly like C/Python etc. You install the RPM, or compile the source, or get the whole thing pulled down as a depdenency from yum/apt for some third party program you really wanted to run in the first place. It's there in the background as any other package on your system. When you run a Mono GTK# program from your GNOME menu or the shell, you can't really say just from looking at it that it's a Mono program and not standard C.

    Java on the hand, goes out of its way to jump in your face at every opportunity. Java is completely unlike everything else on your system. Java spews its shit all around your system even when you install it from a package (what the hell entitles Java to a toplevel directory in /usr, it's just one of 12 languages and development kits I've got installed on my system). You're not going to get Java with your distribution. You can't pull down Java as a dependency for some other app. You don't get Java apps in RPM/whatever format in the first place. You've got to know what the heck a classpath is, etc.

    Then you've got your Ant build systems, Jar packages, and tons of other stuff completely alien to Linux. The few Mono apps I've compiled have been the standard "./configure, make, make install". Long story short: Mono will will the desktop because end users don't have to know what Mono is in the first place.
  • by fijimf ( 676893 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @01:48PM (#9572956)
    All the Microsoft developers are secretly rewriting MS Office in C#.NET.

    As soon as the Mono guys finish the hard part of the Linux port, MS will abandon Windows, fork Linux and start selling MS Linux bundled w/ Mono (and of course, Firefox with the new IE theme), and MS Office for Linux.

    It's just crazy enough to work.
  • by Eric Damron ( 553630 ) on Wednesday June 30, 2004 @02:02PM (#9573110)
    I like the idea of writing code once and being able to run it on multiple platforms. MONO takes us a half a step closer to that. I do have concerns, however. Primarily the screwy patent laws bother me.

    The SCO fiasco, which was funded both directly and indirectly by Microsoft, tells me that litigation is probably going to be Microsoft's weapon of choice in the not too distant future. I have expressed these concerns in previous MONO discussions and always get a lot of replies telling me that Microsoft "won't" do this because of this reason or that reason. What I have never got was a reply telling me why Microsoft CAN'T to this.

    So, given the fact that SCO has shown that litigation can and is being used as an anti-competitive tactic and given the fact that Balmer not so long ago said, when referring to open source that Microsoft would "vigorously enforce its IP rights", why should I feel good about the MONO project?

    Would some lawyer type please tell me why Microsoft CAN'T prevail in a lawsuit over patent violations when the time is right for them to strike? I'm not trolling. I really want to be able to use MONO and feel good about it. But until I know that I'm not putting Linux at risk I simply can't support MONO.

    Help me out here Please!

    • First of all, Microsoft has been directly helping the Mono project, in terms of technical assistance. While this doesn't solve the patent issue, it does show a certain culpability on the part of Microsoft, and it would be a big fly in the ointment if MS decided to file a lawsuit.

      Also, Mono is much closer to a "clean-room" development model, based almost exclusively on the API libraries and reverse engineering of data formats to become more compatable with MS function calls. Although Mono started with the core components being compiled with the free dotNet compiler from MS, it has been self-compiling for some time now.

      The anti-trust issues won't help out MS either if they file a lawsuit against Novell. Novell has some relatively deep pockets, and it would be in their interest to get into a legal fight with Microsoft, particuarly one that MS initiated. From a sheer anti-trust viewpoint it would not be a good thing for MS to engage in something like this directly, and it could only be a direct threat from MS that would amount to be worth anything, unlike the SCO fiasco. No hiding behind serrogates for this fight. Furthermore, MS would risk a counter suit from several parties (Miguel to start with) if they tried to get the software pulled, potentially costing MS quite a bit of money.

      Almost all of mono is derived from the ECMA documents, which also state rather clearly (with formal waivers signed by Microsoft) that anybody is free to create their own implementation of those standards.

      Where the Mono Project could run into problems is if somebody (in a really stupid moment) decided to include some "shared source" source code from MS into Mono. This would be the same issue that Linux is facing from SCO, and when that goes to court it will have a final court ruling on that issue. If SCO wins by some act of God, it will become a huge issue for almost all open source/free software projects, not just Mono. I don't know if the courts have the political will to shut down a multi-billion dollar industry that easily over a technical ruling. Besides, the remedies to fix an issue like that are very easily done, and can even be done in a very pristine "clean room" atmosphere to replace any code that caused problems like that.

      I would have no problem testifying in court that Mono and dotNet are two totally different pieces of software, from benchmarks and I/O behavior to variable names and even Mono-only software classes.

      What is going to be interesting is that Mono, now that they are at version 1.0, is going to be in a position to actually drive mindshare with this system. I predict that you will seem MS backporting some of the mono class features (including method names... even a mono.* class naming system) into standard dotNet. The question would then become who is driving the development for whom?

      Yes, I dont trust Microsoft, and won't rely upon their goodwill. True as well, if you had developed a completely independent virtual OS (like dotNet or Java), there might not be as much to argue here, but then again, you might even be in more danger of violating a patent, simply because you weren't aware of it.

      I think a much bigger threat for a submarine patent that would threaten Mono would come from Sun, or even some silly 3rd party that filed a patent 5-10 years ago covering virtual operating systems. The concern then is not with Microsoft, but with the USPTO instead.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
