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Databases Programming Software IT

An Alternative to SQL? 505

Golygydd Max writes "Dave Voorhis from the University of Derbyshire has developed a program incorporating Tutorial D, a language designed to overcome of the shortcomings of SQL, and developed some years ago by Hugh Darwen and Chris Date. Until now, no-one had done anything with it but Voorhis is hoping for wider adoption; although we think it would be like pushing water uphill though." Update: 10/13 12:43 GMT by T : An anonymous reader writes "It's being picky I know, but the university in question is in fact called The University Of Derby, not Derbyshire."
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An Alternative to SQL?

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  • by Pig Hogger ( 10379 ) <> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:10PM (#10509185) Journal
    Who remembers "Knowledgeman", that database language of 20 years ago which got eclipsed by dBase???
  • by Suppafly ( 179830 ) <(slashdot) (at) (> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:10PM (#10509186)
    What are the shortcomings to sql? it seems to be able to handle anything you'd need it to do.
    • by Mustang Matt ( 133426 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:14PM (#10509227)
      Seems like it can handle just about everything but maybe I'm not thinking outside the box. The biggest limitation is my lack of knowledge about how to do the things I want to do.
      • by BoomerSooner ( 308737 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:50PM (#10509884) Homepage Journal
        The authors said when you do a query where your float field is null you dont get the instances of null. They say this is a problem but I say bullshit. It's the fault of whatever allowed null to be the value of that field instead of 0.00 or whatever. The data with null didn't magically appear there.

        I agree sql could be better but the more complexity you add the more bullshit code I'll have to figure out what programmers were doing when I'm hired to fix their code. The company I currently work for has stored procedures that are over 4,000,000 lines (total) for report generation. Amazing how difficult it is to debug and work with. Especially since it was done in Transact SQL. I'm probably biased toward PL/SQL because I learned it first but it is so much easier to code in than Transact. (I have about 5-6 years of working in TSQL and about 7-8 in PL/SQL)
    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )
      well.. assembly "seems to handle anything you'd need it to do" so why the need for higher level programming languages?

      probably something along those lines, that it would be easier to do some things and easier to avoid problems.
      • by Deorus ( 811828 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:01PM (#10509585)
        Usually when you need to write queries for big databases, speed is a concern, so the lower the level, the better. I've never seen a GUI which could write SQL queries as well as I do.

        Additionally, a high level interface is unable to undestand where a query can or cannot be optimized, but I can. For example: there are cases where queries have to be run on a regular schedule to update special optimization tables. These optimization tables are then used when user generated query (e.g.: from web input) comes, so that the user doesn't have to wait for the database to complete that subquery which could have ben run sooner. Only low level can give you such a control.

        Small databases can well use high level interfaces, but those aren't the ones driving the standards anyway since the work is already easy for them. User-friendly interfaces such as Access, Query Builder, and crap like that already provide the required high level for the non-techies.

        If anything comes to replace SQL, I think it won't stand standard long enough as vendors will start adding more and more odd extensions, so the story will probably repeat. Personally I don't care much about the language databases use as long as I feel in control and the general concepts of relational databases remain the same.
        • by Ayanami Rei ( 621112 ) * <rayanami&gmail,com> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:14PM (#10509660) Journal
          this proposed language is like a superset of sql. It also sort mixes itself with PL/SQL-like constructs as well. I think it's rather novel and it could make your optimization tasks easier if you had access to something like this... less trying to think in terms of the language, more in terms of how you want to acutally manipulate the data.

          This is _not_ a query builder. It's going back, looking at what relational algebra is, seeing what people do with SQL, and then making sure the language has all the idioms required to be "complete" and not arbitrary.
          • by pdjohe ( 575876 ) on Wednesday October 13, 2004 @03:04AM (#10511665)
            Here's a bit of the language enhancements from D-Tutorial. (Note also, that D-Tutorial is the initial building/learning form of future "D" languages.) I'll admit it does simplify things...

            INSERT: A shorthand syntax is available for INSERT. The following:
            INSERT INTO r RELATION {TUPLE {x 1, y 3}};

            May also be specified as:
            INSERT r TUPLE {x 1, y 3};
            r += TUPLE {x 1, y 3};
            The lattermost syntax is intended to be vaguely evocative of the "increment by 'n' and assign" operator found in C, C++, Java, and other languages. DELETE: A shorthand syntax is available for DELETE. The following:
            DELETE r;
            May also be specified as:
            r -= ALL;
            The following:
            DELETE r WHERE x = 2;
            May also be specified as:
            r -= WHERE x = 2;
            r -= [ x = 2 ];
            The use of "-=" is intended to be vaguely evocative of the "decrement by 'n' and assign" operator found in various popular programming languages. UPDATE: A shorthand syntax is available for UPDATE. The following:
            UPDATE r WHERE x = 2 SET ( y := 3, z := 4);
            May also be specified as:
            r @= WHERE x = 2 SET ( y := 3, z := 4 );
            r @= [ x = 2 ] SET ( y := 3, z := 4 );
            Or, because SET is optional:
            r @= [ x = 2 ] ( y := 3, z := 4 );
            Comments: Comments are specified using conventional C++ and Java syntax. Eg:
            // This is a comment line

            /* This is a multi-line
            comment block */
            More info and examples here. []
        • I guess you would be very disapointed to know that probably most of the queries that you write are rewritten by your database to be optimized whether you optimize them by hand or not.

          You would be surprised at how much your database knows about itself, and what it is able to do with that information in optimizing your queries.

          But then I am sure you know all this better than me, since you sound like the DBA here, and I just rely on highler level stuff.
      • by gfody ( 514448 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:05PM (#10509611)
        comparing assembly language to sql?!
        sql doesn't cut it because it's too high level. trying to do anything somewhat complicated in sql leads to headache and turmoil. the big problem is that there is no lower level interface to communicate to your database server with.. all you can do is hand it sql statements and get your results.

        why bother writing a better sql? how about a low level object based api. use whatever language your client is already written in (so long as its oo). fuck learning another busted ass super high level language.. give me objects, methods, exceptions, etc.
        • by msuzio ( 3104 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @09:19PM (#10510123) Homepage
          That's the idea, you know. SQL is a declarative language, not procedural. You tell the database engine what you want, not how to get it. The idea is that then the query analyzer figures out the most efficient how.
        • see, if you were born around 1940 you could have been using IMS/DB, VSAM, ISAM, IDMS, etc back in the 70s.

          Tons of opportunities there for low-level access to your data. Of course, there's a reason that all those database management systems were abandoned for a 'busted ass super high level language'. It's because they sucked to maintain, they didn't evolve well as business requirements changed over time, and if you had the *most* basic of business questions - you'd never get an answer without a month of
    • SQL sucks. If you need to do anything much beyond a simple query you find yourself buried in the details of that particular db's implementation. (think date handling for example). I don't want, or feel I should need, to be a DBA to get some data out of a data store.

      Joins are a big pain in the butt, and the case statements get so convoluted I feel like I'm writing LISP.
      • by Gilk180 ( 513755 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:48PM (#10509493)
        If you think joins suck (I don't personally agree, but that's all just opinion), you should be using some other database model. After "data is stored in a table", joins are THE feature of relational databases.

        Maybe try an object-oriented database (I hear ObjectStore is good), or an associative database (BerkeleyDB), or an XML database (Sleepycat has one).

        Relational databases aren't the only game in town, they are just the most popular and therefore:
        • have had the most development time thrown at the DBMSs
        • have the most developers who are proficient.
        • by Ayanami Rei ( 621112 ) * <rayanami&gmail,com> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:20PM (#10509696) Journal
          I think he's trying to say that joins shouldn't be this hard to describe in the language.
          Compare the symbolic forms:
          Example, theta join []
          And the implementation in SQL:
          SQL join example []

          Specifically in Tutorial D (and hence Rel) you would do this:
          T1 = JOIN(EMP, DEPT)
          And subsequently do shit with T1. That's it.
          • That may be, but I haven found few operations easier to express in relational algebra than in SQL.

            for example:

            I want the name field from a if it's id is in b.

            In relational algebra,
            PROJECT[](THETA_JOIN[](A , B))
            p[](A |X|[] B)
            Sorry, ascii sucks.

            In SQL

            I find the SQL version to be more readable, etc. The same functionality is provided by both and is easily transferable.

            cartesian production becomes SELECT * FROM A,B

            natural joi
            • I think with Rel... (Score:3, Informative)

              by Ayanami Rei ( 621112 ) *
              that they are trying to give you the best of both worlds. Expressions that can be expressed simply in SQL have short forms in the language too. Expressions that were hard to express in SQL but easy in R.A. are still pretty basic forms.
              By not trying to be like SQL, and more like {T,PL}SQL, I think they get the freedom they need.
        • by ikewillis ( 586793 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:34PM (#10509777) Homepage
          I don't think lottameez's problem was so much with the concept of a join but the semantics of SQL and how it implements the relational data model.

          SQL was a language designed to allow relatively unskilled operators to be quickly trained for data entry using the language directly, and thus it was designed to be English-like, flexible, and forgiving.

          SQL is only vaguely reminiscent of the true mathematics behind the relational data model. It continues to be used and expanded, despite its restrictions and shortcomings, because it is far and away more popular than any other database language.

          The fundamental assumption of the relational model is that all data is represented as mathematical relations, or rather, a subset of the Cartesian product of n sets. Unlike SQL, in the mathematical model reasoning about such data is done in two-valued predicate logic (that is, without a null value), meaning there are two possible evaluations for each proposition: either true or false. The data is operated upon by means of a relational calculus and algebra.

          The relational data model permits the designer to create a consistent logical model of the information to be stored. This logical model can be refined through a process of database normalization. A database built on the pure relational model would be entirely normalized. The access plans and other implementation and operation details are handled by the DBMS engine, and should not be reflected in the logical model. This contrasts with common practice for SQL DBMSs in which performance tuning often requires changes to the logical model.

    • by lub ( 188080 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:25PM (#10509306)
      -"you ask a database for "all entries where field X is not equal to 47" it won't return any of those where field X is null because instead of saying "Null doesn't equal 47", the value "null" is deemed not to be comparable with any non-null field."
      -"rather arbitrary habit of allowing nested queries in some places but not others, for instance"
      • by Fred IV ( 587429 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:41PM (#10509437)

        You only need to learn about null comparisons once, and nulls are extremely valuable when you get into eliminating rows from a result sets based on matches from data in other tables.

        Combining a left outer join with a search condition where a primary key is null from the joined table is a quick and dirty way to scrub records where there's a match in the joined table, and would be impossible without the concept of nulls.

        • by TheMiller ( 520200 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @09:32PM (#10510221) Homepage
          It would be perfectly possible in a relationally complete language that includes a relational MINUS operator, without NULLs entering into it at all. And Tutorial D, on which the object of this article is based, does of course include such an operator. Whether NULLs are desirable or not is a matter of ongoing raging debate. I've found them easy to avoid, and queries of all sorts easy to understand without them.
      • by MrLint ( 519792 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:03PM (#10509600) Journal
        Well as for the first part, this is really due to poor design. A null is intended to be used as a special thing. In fact null != null. Its meant to behave like that. This is the reason default values exist. if you want to have a column with empty rows to be 0 and not null then you specify that when you are planning. and when you are counting objects you can have 0. 0 is a value. null isnt a value. There are reasons why nulls are this way. One of which is to look for rows that have no data. If you think dealing with nulls in this sense is hard, imagine trying to programatically deal with what is 'empty' or '0' in an arbitrary column? Is this 0 a numeric? its is a 0x00? is it 0x30?

        Null was meant to take the place of all the hack jobs that were used in older databases to signify non-value, NaN and so on.

        Part of using SQL in the manner that it is, is that you get what you ask for. You dont get what some programmer *thinks* you want. Because at some point you may want something else. I really dont want a computer to guess at what I really want. I want it to tell me what it knows.
        • by abulafia ( 7826 )
          Well as for the first part, this is really due to poor design.


          Null was meant to take the place of all the hack jobs that were used in older databases to signify non-value, NaN and so on.

          Yes, and this is a big part of the point of D. The authors assert that the way that current DB structures are designed leads to bad design- that there shouldn't be nulls. They have a lot of good reasons for this belief, and it is true that SQL leads people to rely on nulls in cases is a sort of synergystic nigh

    • One big thing I think a database could use is a hierarchy key instead of using parentid's as "foreign keys", is just one of the shortcomings. If I wanted to make a threaded thing for my forums [], for example, I'd have to make a big PHP script just to sort it properly. I would have loved to have MySQL do it automatically. SQL has a very limited syntax, as well, and is inconsistent. "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('', '', '');" That's one of the only times you see the parenthasis used in that way. You don't see
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Sort of. Some SQL dialects allow for arrays as a datatype, though often without much in the way of good operators. Relational theory allows an attribute (column) to have any domain (type), including complex types like containers (sets, arrays, maps, etc.) ... in theory, yes, you should be able to do this. SQL, however, is another story.
      • by l810c ( 551591 ) * on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:39PM (#10509421)
        One thing I always wondered was if there was a way to make a table that had a different number of columns for each row. For instance, if you wanted to insert ids from another table, but the number of ids each row would need is a variable ranging from zero to god knows what... Can SQL do that in a way that doesn't involve making a huge table with tons of columns or one big structure holding the ids separated by colons?

        Yuck, you would never Want to do that. That's what relationships and foreign keys are for. You wouldn't populate your id's across columns, you put them in a new table, one row each, with an foreign key linking them back to main table.

        • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

          by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:57PM (#10509549)
          Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • SQL joins. (Score:4, Informative)

            by FooAtWFU ( 699187 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:18PM (#10509682) Homepage
            Yes. Investigate the wonderful world of SQL joins. Generally, you'll find yourself doing something like, oh, I don't know:

            select,,,, product.price from client_table client, product_table product where = product.client_id and = ? and product.discontinued = 0 order by product.price

            Assuming you substitute something for ?, that will effectively join the two tables into one, and give you a list for all products from a certain client (given by ID) which have not been discontinued, and order these results by price.

    • by rycamor ( 194164 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @10:17PM (#10510481)
      Read "The Askew Wall" and other documents by Hugh Darwen at [] for some really good brief descriptions of some of the many logical inconsistencies with SQL.

      Really, 95% of the problems that Chris Date and Hugh Darwen have with SQL revolve around an incomplete relational treatment of data. For example, by definition, a relation cannot have duplicate tuples (rows), but a table in SQL *can*. Also, columns in a table should not have a left-to-right ordering, which they do have in SQL (they should be thought of only as attributes, not positionally). Also, SQL fails to completely implement closure, where the result of *any* relational expression becomes a relation which can be in itself modified by any other relational expression. Also, SQL fails to provide a truly extensible approach to user-defined datatypes or domains.

      Etc... etc... there are many other small kvetches and some big ones with SQL. Read the Darwen docs, and you will see some interesting things.

      Essentially, the problem comes down to an ad-hoc experimental language (SQL), which was only intended as a temporary solution, which was then taken over and re-designed by a committee (ANSI).
  • Lotus Domino... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:11PM (#10509193)
    Try using Lotus Domino for a week. You'll be begging to go back to SQL.
  • What's the use? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by generalpf ( 127112 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:11PM (#10509199)
    Is there anything that SQL can't do? I've been using various RDBMS for years and it hasn't come up yet.
    • Re:What's the use? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by treat ( 84622 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:19PM (#10509258)
      Is there anything that SQL can't do? I've been using various RDBMS for years and it hasn't come up yet.

      Is the sole issue what it can and can't do? what if there was an easier way to express joins? Most queries I write have more joins than actual query. Even though the database already knows the relationships between the tables.

    • Re:What's the use? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by neurojab ( 15737 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:33PM (#10509365)
      Have you ever seen a 25 way join or a 30 way UNION? I've seen queries that go past a given RDBMS's 32k query size limitation. Even worse, I've seen the code that GENERATES these horrendous queries. It's like seeing your parents having sex; it changes your life forever.

      Please, please, there must be a sane way to query data from a highly normalized database.
      • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Have you ever seen a 25 way join or a 30 way UNION?

        Call me crazy, but if you have a 25-way join, don't you think you have bigger problems than your querying language? Maybe the person that is asking for the join needs to change their business processes.

        • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Informative)

          by fupeg ( 653970 )
          I wouldn't call you crazy, but definitely naive. Welcome to the world of big, legacy systems. Comments like "change your business process" will get you nothing but a pink slip (or worse, a job in QA.) Go read any large company's financial statements sometime. There's a good chance that one of these monster join/unions was used at some point in generating the report that was used for the statement. Chances are also that it was auto-generated by some very expensive ERP software. Now go learn about these thing
        • Re:What's the use? (Score:5, Informative)

          by jacobcaz ( 91509 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @10:03PM (#10510405) Homepage
          • Call me crazy, but if you have a 25-way join, don't you think you have bigger problems than your querying language? Maybe the person that is asking for the join needs to change their business processes.
          Go work in a big ERP system. We use PeopleSoft and one of our tech has been debugging an AP (maybe GL?) query that's not working as expected and it's a 20 union beast. That's delivered too, not some home-rolled query. I'm sure there are worse queries out there lurking in the hearts of our system too.

          As for just changing our business process, well that's fine in an ideal world, but in practical reality it ain't gonna' happen without an act of Congress. You have to have someone who knows "best-practice" methodolgy come up with a new process, get sign-off across multiple departments and our auditing company so our banks and major vendors are okay with the changes, and then begin process training and roll-out. And that's for a small, private company; if you're public and have to add SOX compliance to the mix...well, good luck.

      • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Interesting)

        by timeOday ( 582209 )

        Please, please, there must be a sane way to query data from a highly normalized database.

        Prolog! [] Logic languages are well suited to relational data, where a table maps to a predicate. The logic programming community spent a couple decades trying to convert everybody from SQL and nobody listened.

        I was about to say SQL is like COBOL, but SQL seems to be even more persistent so perhaps it's not as flawed.

        • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Piquan ( 49943 )

          Prolog! Logic languages are well suited to relational data, where a table maps to a predicate. The logic programming community spent a couple decades trying to convert everybody from SQL and nobody listened.

          Funny you should mention that. I'm now working on a program that takes user queries (from a Perl program), converts them to Prolog, and finds the solutions against a SQL database.

          It seems to work great, so far.

      • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Interesting)

        by mcrbids ( 148650 )
        Even worse, I've seen the code that GENERATES these horrendous queries. It's like seeing your parents having sex; it changes your life forever.

        Amen, I HEAR you, brother!

        I've had to write "dynamically generated" queries - and they are a TOTAL MESS, with lots of crappy if statements and string appends...

        300 lines of code to properly parse a search page response, to generate a 20-line query that executes against 5 tables.

      • Re:What's the use? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by cdc179 ( 561916 )
        It's called created views. This way you just access the view in your code.

        Most people lack the suficient skills to program good DB applications. And they don't find anybody with the DB skills to help on the backend.

        This is where most of the issues come into play. Get a DBA that knows what they are doing.
  • by Ars-Fartsica ( 166957 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:12PM (#10509205)
    SQL also has decades of optimizations in reliable one will be dropping their Oracle license over this.
    • You are right, initially anyway. Anyone who can afford an Oracle license will not drop it, but my bet is that it will be picked up by hobbyists. If it's any good, then it will probably make it into small scale, relatively free standing commercial projects(so as not to disrupt anything that you already have built), if it's still good, then it may get adopted.
      Keep in mind, the definition of "good" will vary from group to group. Hobbyists may want something that is interesting to play with, that will allo
  • by mistersooreams ( 811324 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:12PM (#10509210) Homepage
    I use SQL a lot and I agree that has failings. The clumsiness inherent in, say, nested joins is quite amazing when you consider how important databases are in modern industry. This is a consequence of the "near-English"ness that SQL strives for, but that property is also what causes people to adopt SQL in the first place. We'll probably look back at SQL in five years and laugh... but weren't people saying that five years ago?
    • by Unordained ( 262962 ) <> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:44PM (#10509460)
      COBOL was(is) also english-like. People liked it. Then they liked it less. But enough had been written in COBOL that the damn thing just won't die, even if you can do the same thing faster in new languages. Learning a language is trouble, converting old programs is trouble, and you don't want to let people forget old languages for fear nobody will be around to maintain those old, unconverted programs...

      SQL will be around for a while still, because it's "good enough" and "already known" and there are lots of "legacy apps using it" and the new stuff is immature. I have trouble convincing people that transactions are important, that joins really should be done in the server, that they shouldn't create attributes named "value1" and "value2" just because they currently only have two, ... convincing them that the language they use is (to be nice) underkill is just not going to happen.

      Sure, I want a new language, I wouldn't mind learning it, heck, I wouldn't mind writing it. But the problem is convincing enough people that what they have isn't good enough.
  • dont think so (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anubis350 ( 772791 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:13PM (#10509218)
    so to overcome the (not really all that many) shortcomings of sql we will all learn how to use something completely new. Yeah, adoption going to be quik and complete........
  • Heh (Score:5, Funny)

    by FiReaNGeL ( 312636 ) <fireang3l&hotmail,com> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:13PM (#10509219) Homepage
    The name doesn't help... "Tutorial D" doesn't sound advanced at all...

    Try proposing to your boss to replace your mySQL database with "Tutorial D" for... no good reasons? Will happen. Soon. Right?
  • I gotta say ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Daniel Dvorkin ( 106857 ) * on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:13PM (#10509223) Homepage Journal
    "SQL is sloppy and unpredictable; Tutorial D is a correct relational database language."

    sounds a lot like

    "C is sloppy and unpredictable; Pascal is a correct programming language."
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday October 13, 2004 @01:50AM (#10511386)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • My point is, basically, this: C was designed by programmers who wanted to create a versatile, powerful language that would get the job done, while Pascal was designed by a theoretician who had a fanatically pure vision of what a programming language should be ... and as you say, people like C, and it shows, which is why the bulk of programming today is done in C or one of its descendants, while Pascal is essentially a footnote in computing history at this point.

        SQL vs. Tutorial D (or any of the other "mor
  • by bigattichouse ( 527527 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:15PM (#10509234) Homepage
    My buggywhip manufacturing plant uses good old fashioned chained flat files. No one in their right mind would EVER use some *toy* database structure, especially that whole relational database poppycock. balderdash!
    • by Timesprout ( 579035 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:24PM (#10509294)
      You and your newfangled buggy whips. Here in the real country we ride horses the way the good lord intended. When we need to store data we just tell old Uncle Jim and he remembers it. Uncle Jim even invented relational data, why he can tell you just about anything the famiily ever done right back to when great great great great great great grand pappy Bill ran away to marry his 14 year old cousin Mary Lou.
  • Ever heard of TSQL? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sean80 ( 567340 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:17PM (#10509245)
    Ever heard of TSQL? Neither would have I, if I hadn't been forced to read about it in college. It would seem that there has been a huge number of variants of SQL over the years that have tried to make it "better." The benefits just never seem to outweigh the cost of learning a new language.
    • by ajs ( 35943 )
      The cost is not in learning. People learn new languages every day. The problem is in compatibility.

      Let's say that tomorrow MySQL adopts Tutorial D. Ok, so you are going to write code that talks to MySQL and you think about Tutorial D.... well, MySQL still talks SQL, and it turns out that so does everything else. Someday you may want to switch databases because suddenly DB2 is all the rage. If you use Tutorial D, you can't switch.

      Any move away from SQL would have to be a broad industry move or would have t
  • by joel2600 ( 540251 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:19PM (#10509254) Journal
    For those of you that haven't been assimliated into the borg, microsoft's new version of SQL server accomodates for a new query language called XQuery which takes a lot of the best parts of XPath and XSLT and combines them and obviously the underlying framework is XML. This will cover a lot of the shortcomings over Transact SQL for those that are willing to adopt it, and honestly, it's really not that bad.
  • Any language is going to have quirks and inconsistencies between dialects.
    SQL has worked so far but if Tutorial D really is better then bring it on.

    I've gotten over SQL the "short commings" though
  • by ryanmfw ( 774163 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:26PM (#10509317)
    If you read the article, this isn't about replacing SQL, but more about testing new ideas and languages that could replace SQL. This is better than just saying, "We have a better language. Switch now or be assimilated.", and I'm glad someone's finally taking this approach. Unfortunately, the article only mentions one specific problem with SQL, but I'm sure there are others that these people might eventually solve.
    • I agree, it seems more experiment based than anything. Its a good idea as well. We all know SQL has shortcomings (hey nothing is perfect) and the OO database concept seems to have died a death. There are a lot of ORM tools and persistence frameworks coming into mainstream adoption now to avoid SQL in general day to day development. Several of these also have their own 'query language', so why not have another look at the root language.
    • If you read the article

      Even if I couln't see your UID, that phrase above would give you away as being "new around here".

  • by Performaman ( 735106 ) <.moc.liamg. .ta. .senojreteP.> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:33PM (#10509362)
    that SQL is SOL.
  • Tutorial D... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by malakai ( 136531 ) * on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:35PM (#10509382) Journal
    It might be logically 'perfect' in terminal of relational math, but as a language, it's obtuse. The only book I could find on Bi Temporal database design ended up with all the tutorials written in this Utopian/Acadamian SQL language... holy crap was that annoying.

    The reaons for wanting a change from SQL I agree with, but Tutorial D you'll never catch me using.

    We need something to combine the power and speed of SQL query syntax with the nested filtering ability of XPath, yet doesn't require the entire DOM to be in memory to work.

  • Predicate Imputation (Score:3, Informative)

    by Baldrson ( 78598 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:37PM (#10509406) Homepage Journal
    I've been watching the way relational calculus has been studiously ignored by both academia and industry for over 20 years now. Date and Darwen make some noise about recognizing that SQL's foundation is the application of predicate calculus to set theory but don't really do much of anything that would be recognizable to Pierce, Russell or Whitehead. Moreover, their "manifestos" about things like the object-relational paradigm don't do much to get to the heart of the issue from first principles.

    Almost all the Object Oriented stuff people layer on predicates are, at best, an ad hoc, and poor, means of optimizing execution speed.

    Let me explain.

    One of the principles of polymorphism is that the same method has the same abstract meaning regardless of the kind of object. A predicate considered as a method subsumes such polymorphism by simply trying the various possible implementations of the method and committing to only those that succeed. If more than one succeeds then so be it -- that's the whole idea of relations as opposed to functions.

    So, one reason you want all this OO stuff is the inheritance hierarchies keep you from going through all possible interpretations of a given method when the vast majority of them will fail for a given object.

    Another, related, problem is that inheritance provides defaults without requiring a lot of thinking on the part of the computer. What I mean by "thinking" here is the sort of thing that is done by statistical imputation of missing data via algorithms like expectation maximization (EM) [] or multi-relational data mining [] via inductive logic programming [].

    So, the other reason you want all this OO stuff is so you can avoid mining a background database to provide reasonable defaults for various aspects of the data.

    Some might be concerned that over-riding isn't absolute in such a system -- that you don't absolutely block, say, more generic methods when you have more specific ones present, and they're right. You don't block those methods -- you lower their priority by lowering the probability of those implementations via the statistical methods of imputation and/or induction. In a microthreading environment they most likely won't get any resources allocated to them before other higher priority implementations have succeeded. In a single threaded/depth-first environment they will be down the list of desired alternatives -- but they won't be discarded until something equivalent to a prolog cut operation kills them off.

    However, and this is the important point, the work that has been expended toward OO facilities has vastly outstripped the effort that which has been put toward more parsimonious ways of optimizing predicate systems.

    One of the better predicate calculus systems out there -- more promising due to its use of tabling to avoid infinite regress on head-recursive definitions and its optimization of queries using some fairly general theorems of predicate calculus -- is XSB []. It has an interface to odbc and a direct interface to Oracle, but it would be better if it had something like a recoverable virtual memory substrate to support its roll-back semantics [].

  • by lub ( 188080 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:39PM (#10509419)
    Is right here [].

    From the introduction: "Rel is intended to serve multiple purposes:
    -It is a tool for learning, teaching, and exploring relational database concepts in general;
    -It is a tool for discovering the power and expressiveness of a true relational language;
    -It is a tool for learning Tutorial D;
    -It is a relational database server;
    -It may serve as a prototype or "working blueprint" for future implementations of Tutorial D or any "D" language (more on this later);
    -It may serve as a platform for experimenting with and/or examining database engine internals. "
  • by The Pim ( 140414 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:49PM (#10509504)
    Geesh, links to a press release and trade rag article, and not even the name of the project itself? Go read some real information about Rel [], look at the examples, download the source, have fun.
  • by jesterzog ( 189797 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @07:53PM (#10509529) Journal

    For those interested, the paper describing this language (linked to from the article) is available here []. There's a link to the grammar of the language at the end of that paper.

    I use SQL quite a lot. It's certainly great for a lot of things, but it does have some limitations here and there. For instance, trying to deal with things like hierarchical structures, or joining on having identical/similar children, is a nightmare in SQL. Even if the query doesn't need to be efficient to run, it can still be extremely complicated to write and test. SQL simply wasn't designed or intended to deal with those sorts of structures.

    Unfortunately, short of using external code outside the database, it's so often a choice between using SQL or nothing else for writing a query in a particular database rather than an option between SQL and another language. In some ways it's like being forced to write every program in C or every program in Java or every program in Lisp, where realistically one or another might be better suited to a particular task.

    I suppose one of the reasons for only supporting SQL is that a predictible query language makes it easier to arrange data structures so they can be queried most efficiently. Still, it'd be nice to see an alternative front-end language or two supported in one or more of the major databases. Not every query needs to be ultra-efficient, and there have been many times where I would've liked to trade an efficient query execution for a language where what I wanted was more writeable.

  • by Magickcat ( 768797 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:18PM (#10509681)
    The article criticises SQL but the author has little familiarity with SQL for example:

    "but the syntax is often inconsistent and unless you use one of the many vendor-specific supersets of SQL it can be tricky to express complex series of operations in a concise manner."

    But in fact, SQL is so popular because complex expressions need little changing from specific vendor offerings. If people choose to program using the subsets, then well and good, but the ANSI standard is generally thought to be sufficient. This is like arguing for the abolishment of HTML and XHTML because Microsoft make a flawed browser - hopefully the database language is better than the reasoning here.

    It then goes on to say "The idea is that there should be no arbitrary restrictions on the syntax of the query language, but at a lower level the database shouldn't run up against idiotic limitations. The limitation in existing implementations that generates the most comment from the various parties in the debate is the problem with "null" values in relational databases. Put simply, a database field has a type (50 characters, for instance, or a floating point number to two decimal places, or an 8-bit integer), but when you don't fill the field in (i.e. it's "null") it loses all its meaning. Even the ANSI standards state that if a field is null it's said not to exist - so if you ask a database for "all entries where field X is not equal to 47" it won't return any of those where field X is null because instead of saying "Null doesn't equal 47", the value "null" is deemed not to be comparable with any non-null field."

    Well, for starters, null is not numeric zero, null is the absence of any data whatsoever, and every SQL doc in the world tells you to not mistake it for zero. Any arithmetic expression containing a null always evaluates to null. For example, null added to 7 is null. All operators (except concatenation) return null when given a null operand. That's exactly why it's the ANSI standard.

    If you want to find "all entries where field X is not equal to 47" then pass your attribute a value like "0".

    SQL is neither clunky nor obsolete. Tutorial D may actually be a better database modelling method, but the article's criticisms aren't sufficient to exault Tutorial D whatsoever. The "Project D" syntax and model may possibly be better, but these criticisms aren't a convincing reason to scrap SQL.
  • RPG (Score:3, Funny)

    by stanwirth ( 621074 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:24PM (#10509725)
    RPG already overcomes the shortcomings of SQL
  • by Saint Stephen ( 19450 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:26PM (#10509731) Homepage Journal
    One of my favorite idiosyncracies with null is Null = Null is Null (unless you turn that off in the DB), but Group by groups together equal values except it also groups nulls!
  • by TheVidiot ( 549995 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:34PM (#10509770) Homepage

    Jack Black and some bald dude have gotten into databases?
  • My work on this (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @08:53PM (#10509898) Journal
    I have been working on an SQL alternative myself for a while. My approach is more functional (not procedural) in nature. If the language is designed based on this, then new operations can be added without having to add to the syntax of the language. This would help vendor compatibility because if vendor B does not offfer an operation that vendor A does, then a DBA can simply add a clone of the "function" without tweaking the language parser.

    Tutorial D uses infix notation, which tends hard-wire operations to a syntax parser. Prefix (functional-style) is more flexible, consistent, and easier to parse. For example, new parameters can be added to prefix without changing existing calls. It is just an extra, perhaps optional, parameter. It is hard to do with with infix.

    My relational replacement would also make it syntactically easier to perform relational operations on things such as column name lists. The column list is simply a table in its own right (perhaps with syntactical shortcuts); thus it can have table operations (relational algebra) done on it just like tables. It is "conceptual reuse" you can say.
  • in anger??? (Score:3, Funny)

    by thomasa ( 17495 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @09:24PM (#10510161)
    Most people who use databases in anger are familiar with the concept of a relational database.

    Maybe someone could enlighten me as to why the word
    anger is in the first sentence of the article. Why
    would using databases in anger be relevant? I use
    databases in finanical situations, is that similar
    to anger?
  • by Doc Ruby ( 173196 ) on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @10:19PM (#10510495) Homepage Journal
    By creating a new language, "Tutorial D", developers are excluding the other languages as much as they're including new features in the new language. Why not just add a Java package that includes the new syntax? To get anywhere in software development, even Tutorial D code will have to interoperate with existing systems and programmers with existing skills. Someone will have to code a "Tutorial D" JDBC driver, and ODBC, and all kinds of middleware that eats performance, developer time, and introduces the maintenance pitfalls of complexity. And by adding a package to an existing language, they can skip reimplementing the features of the existing language that they include in this new one, like loops, branches and character output. The effort seems as vain as the endless 19th Century conceits of inventing complete philosophical systems from scratch, to serve the reputations of egomaniacs dominating university debates. Why can't everyone just speak Object, with procedural slang and set-theoretical poetry?
  • Not the first. (Score:3, Informative)

    by leandrod ( 17766 ) <[l] [at] []> on Tuesday October 12, 2004 @10:46PM (#10510625) Homepage Journal

    It is not true that no one ever did anything with Date's and Darwen's ideas on a relational language. Check, for instance, the category I edit [] at the Open Directory [], or even Darwen's own The Third Manifesto [] website with its list of projects.

    Probably the poster is confused about the nature of Tutorial D. As it names indicate, it is but an example of a possible 'D', and one targeted at instruction at that. This accounts for its COBOLishness. It is possible to implement a non-Tutorial D that is completely faithful to the Relational Model and the Third Manifesto, yet has a distinct flavour.

    For example, Alphora Dataphor implements D4, which was a compliant D until having had to incorporate SQL NULLs quite recently, and it has a Pascal flavour to it; Opus and Duro are C-like; there was a guy wanting to implement a C#-like D-flat language; Alfredo Novoa is implementing Tutorial D itself in MS.Net; and so on.

    By the way, it is interesting that until now the more ambitious projects, that seem to be Alphora's and Mr Novoa's, are in MS .Net. Time for the free software community to rise to the challenge!

  • by mcrbids ( 148650 ) on Wednesday October 13, 2004 @12:44AM (#10511170) Journal
    I use PostgreSQL [] for all my DB stuff. Comparing it to MySQL is like comparing a mini-pickup to an 18-wheeler. PostgreSQL ANSI support is good, and it's very stable.

    When I write custom apps (pretty much all I do) I write to the full capabilities of PostgreSQL. It's "man enough" to handle the biggest projects I'll likely ever see, and I'm not worried that the vendor will up and leave, since there isn't one.

    In fact, PostgreSQL has had an interesting history in that the primary supporters of it have changed several times. PostgreSQL has weathered them all with grace, and remains today an excellent database package with a good, active community and quality developers.

    So, I don't worry about JDBC, I don't write to cross platform, I could give a whit about Oracle or DB2 or whatever, but I don't. PostgreSQL is free, plenty good enough, and it won't go away.

    Why bother trying to make my application portable?

    PS: The article's example about null is stupid. Null = "I don't know". In that context, how could you include values of " 47" if you don't know what the value should be for a particular record?

    I'm interested in this new DB language, if it actually offers a real benefit - but the article does a lousy job of getting me excited about it...
  • by Julian Morrison ( 5575 ) on Wednesday October 13, 2004 @03:19AM (#10511703)
    Talking SQL nowadays strikes me as being like talking raw assembler. You can do it, the tools are even rather nice nowadays, but any sane developer would use a higher level wrapper.

    Like for instance, Hibernate []. It does serialize/reconstitute, handles nested objects and data structures, and it's very nearly as easy as programming with regular heap-allocated objects. In any big app if you didn't use some such, you'd end up reimplementing it.

    I see no reason wrappers like Hibernate have to backend onto SQL and only SQL. They could as easily emit and control this "Tutorial D" language.

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
