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Java Programming Technology

Java-Centric Grid Computing: Ibis 1.0 Released 18

rvannieuwpoort writes "Ibis 1.0 has been released. Ibis is a flexible and efficient Java-based programming environment for Grid computing. Ibis improves Java's serialization and RMI performance up to a factor of 10. It also extends Java with a range of communication paradigms, including group communication, divide-and-conquer and collective communication. An additional nice feature of Ibis is that it can communicate through firewalls, without opening ports, using TCP. Ibis is free software (BSD-style license). It runs on any platform that has a Java 1.4 or higher JVM."
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Java-Centric Grid Computing: Ibis 1.0 Released

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  • by 0x461FAB0BD7D2 ( 812236 ) on Friday November 26, 2004 @03:11PM (#10926957) Journal
    Could this ever be included in the Sun's Java SDK or JRE/JVM?

    It uses a BSD-style license, so it should be fine. Schwartz and McNealy claim to be open-source friendly. And given that it improves development for Java, would Sun consider adding it to their Java, in some form? This would definitely put it over .NET, IMO.
  • Sample code? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Saiyine ( 689367 )
    They should include in the web some sort of example of a working distributed program, maybe something so simple as a "Hello world!" with every node writing a single chat in a array...

    Just an idea!

    As a developer I just love working examples.

  • Nah, people likes more simple languages that allow this:
    map{map{tr|10|# |;print}split//,sprintf"%.8b\n",$_} unpack'C*',unpack'u*',"5`#8
    But don't believe me, after all is your code.
    I believe you.
    map{map{tr|10|# |;print}split//,sprintf"%.8b\n",$_} unpack'C*',unpack'u*',"5`#8 > *
  • by Anonymous Coward
    From the first page of the Ibis web site:

    The Ibis project also addresses the lack of expressiveness of Java RMI, which provides only synchronous client-server communication.

    It is trivial to implement any sort of distributed communications protocol you want on top of RMI. We have a system based on RMI that has both point-to-point and broadcast messaging.

    As for client-server, you do need a registry somewhere to bootstrap the system, but it is perfectly possible for every agent to have a registry.

    As f

    • Hi,

      True, and we did actually try this.
      The CCJ library (dowloadable from the Ibis page) does exactly this. It offers asynchronous communication and group communication built on top of standard SUN RMI.

      However, implementing this on top of RMI is very inefficient.
      For instance, communication can be made asyncrhonous by just performing an RMI from a new thread. However, a thread switch is already more expensive than a one-way latency on a high performance network.
      If you want efficient group communication this
  • Looking at this, I see that Ibis is based on the GridLab project and is therefore going to be a set of very low-level operations. This lets you get something medium-sized up and going very quickly, but won't scale well to very big problems; the world in general is far too large, wild and wooly for any low-level approach to approach anything like efficiency (you just have to ship too much metadata around.)

    I'm more of a high-level guy myself; I'd much rather tell a system what it is to do and let it pick wh

    • > Looking at this, I see that Ibis is based on the GridLab project and is therefore going to be a set of very low-level operations.

      Not really. Ibis is not based on GridLab software at all. Two of the Ibis developers are also involved in GridLab (I am one of them), but that's it. The two projects are not really related otherwise. The GridLab software and Ibis can be used next to each other though, that is true.
      Next to low-level communication primitives, Ibis offers several high-level programming models.

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
