IBM Backs PHP for Web Development 111
Christopher Reimer writes "C|Net is reporting that IBM will be getting behind the open-source language PHP for its WebSphere server software and tools. From the article: 'Big Blue's public commitment to PHP is significant because the company has the technical and marketing resources to accelerate usage of the open-source product.'" Evidently PHP is indeed becoming more popular.
Market share (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Market share (Score:2)
Re:Market share (Score:4, Informative)
the closest analog in OSS would be Tomcat
The closest open source analog would be JBoss. Tomcat isn't really an application server, either, at least not the way the term is used conventionally in the industry. (It is kind of fuzzy, though.) Tomcat is a servlet container [apache.org]. A servlet container is a necessary (but not sufficient) part of a J2EE application server, but Tomcat by itself is not a J2EE application server. See my other posting for better things to compare WebSphere to.
EricRe:Market share (Score:2)
Wrong market. WebSphere is an application server, not a web server. Yes, it has a web server included with it, but that's not its raison d'etre. You'd be better off comparing it to BEA's WebLogic Server [bea.com] or to the open source JBoss Application Server [jboss.org] or the free Sun Java System Application Server [sun.com].
In terms of market share, the last nubmers I saw had WebSphere first, with WebLogic close behind.
J2ME programming overviews and stuff [ericgiguere.com]
Re:Market share (Score:2)
But aside from the license stuff, it's lean, reasonably featureful for 80% of commonly-used features (if you really need lots of features, stick with jboss), and boy howdy it's fast. It's nice to have not o
Re:Market share (Score:2, Informative)
WS is as straitforward as
Personally I would rather see a Boo solution, it would more elegant
Re:Market share (Score:2)
I guess that really depends on how you define a "good product"...or more to the point, from which perspective you define a good product.
Re:Market share (Score:2)
There are very few products as robust at message delivery and which run on Linux, DOS, OS/2, big iron, OpenVMS, Z/OS, and all flavors of Unix.
Re:Market share (Score:2)
Having worked with websphere, I would say no, its not a coincidence.
Although this was 5 years ago.
Re:Market share (Score:1)
That said, typically when people refer to "WebSphere" like in this case, they mean "WebSphere Application Server" or "WAS".
how about python? (Score:3, Interesting)
is this a 'we do not want to upset java' thing, or is python imature for hard core web programming?
Re:how about python? (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course, for me the answer it's simple (zope), but it's not an easy solution and it's more involved. Zope is an application server: you get an OO data storage, an API to develop applications for it, catalog services (search), portal toolkit - CMF (membership, workflow, etc), and even a full portal system, with plone.
Php has the advantage of bei
Re:how about python? (Score:2, Interesting)
Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Can we say it readily supports simple things in a (subjectively) more obvious way than <alternative>?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2, Insightful)
And its lack of structure is attractive to many as many sites simple do not have a formal object-based structure.
It's simple, and it works. And that's what mainly matters anymore, especially with tightening budgets for web sites.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:5, Funny)
However, the language seems lend itself to a lot coding flaws - explicitly defined variables, variables that can do quadruple duty as scalars, arrays, maps and references with no visual cue as to what they're for, abuse of global variables, no standard library resulting in 5+ functions that do the same thing - that result in unreadable, obtuse and convoluted code.
(Before somebody flames me about such things being a matter of "taste" - there are academic studies out there regarding human comprehension of coding styles [umassd.edu]. These things are quantifiable. That's why it's called Computer Science - not Computer Art)
Yes, bad progammers can make even the best language suck, but PHP really gives you free reign to be more sloppy than most [thephpwtf.com]. Yeah, a lot of php apps look slick (phpNuke, phpAdmin, etc) but under the hood they're a mess.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
You know, a few years ago I bought PHP & MySQL Web Developement, and spent a lot of time to the 3-5 pages they spent explaining the importance of "Magic Quotes." Huh? If Magic Quotes are such a big deal, how come I never heard about them while learning JSP / ASP / Coldfusion / mod_perl / what-have-you ?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:4, Informative)
How about instead of making coders puzzle over Magic Quotes related issues, we instead make them read an informative article on preventing cross site scripting / SQL injection. "Teach a man to fish..." etc.
What is so hard to understand about that?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
One aside to that is that Magic Quotes can be a pain in the ass to deal with. Poorly coded applications will have strings of text like J
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
The bugtraq archives of the last few years make it plenty clear that magic quotes will do nothing to protect you from CSS attacks. CSS attacks against PHP web apps are painfully common. Magic quote may protect you from SQL injection attacks (or may not if you use stripslashes and a bug sneaks in).
You *have* to worry about this sort of thing, no matter what language you are using. Eeven if it theoretically should
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
I love PHP and all, in fact, I make a living with it, but it's statements like your's that make me nervous. Good code makes you immune to CSS/SQL injection. One should never rely on the language for that sort of thing. It\\\\\\'s not the the pain in the ass of striping slashes that one should c
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2, Insightful)
The documentation I just linked to is probably one of the biggest reasons for PHP's success. It's comprehensive, provides a good overview, and lets you easily dip in to find what you need. It makes it easy for amateurs to write simple PHP. (Admittedly with a whole load of coding errors, but they can improve
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Erm I didn't link to an "article." I linked to a bibliography - list of the many volumes of research that have been done in the last 20+ years to build empirical evidence for code reading and comprehension. There has been a lot of scientific research
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Your conclusions may or may not be valid, but they are certainly your own conclusions and not theirs.
Growing a Language: A Conversation with Guy Steele [sun.com]
From the interview:
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
It is much worse than that. A good language should be about support for effective software architectures.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
maybe %hash?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
I always make that mistake think of # being the symbol for hash map because 1) # is called "hash" but some and 2) it looks like a table.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
However, you don't have to Google
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
I've been coding in PHP every day for that last 5 years.
PHP is a mature macro langauge. Like something you would have on your calculator.
if(array_key_exists($array, $key))
rather than something akin to
if ($key in $array)
for me, marks it out as something to avoid getting too defensive about
I forgot to mention (Score:2)
Perl has use Strict and my()
What is the PHP equivalent?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
I was just saying that there's nothing in the bibliography that seems to mention the value of variable-type naming conventions. I'm very lazy, and don't want to track down and read all those papers, so I don't know if any of them touched on the issue.
Your complaint with PHP seems to be, as other respondants have said, that you see a lot of crappy code written in it. I'd argue that this is not a function of the language, but of the type of people who w
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
i wish they'd share
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
It's a custom XML-based documentation system from what I know. It's also open to everyone. Ever noticed the 'show source' link at the bottom of every page? It leads to the source of the current page and all included files are also linked. See for yourself. [php.net]
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Ummm wrong analogy. "Finite mathematics, algorithms, graph theory, computability theory" are equivalent to laws of thermodynamics and combustion. But when you need somebody to fix your car, do you call a physicist? Programming lanuages are the implementation of the comp sci theory you refer to, just as a car engine is the implementation of internal combustion theory.
One commo
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
In other words, stupid is as stupid codes.
I suppose next they'll pu
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:4, Insightful)
I think many auto manufacturers will gladly take credit for wreckless driving.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:5, Insightful)
It's concise (none of this System.out.println.pretty.please() funny business), the documentation is stellar, it plays nice with many different technologies, and I don't have to objectify and type-cast anything I don't want to. PHP 5 has all the object love and forced typing I need - and the great part about it is that its there if I need it. PHP also has a extension repository PEAR [php.net], and a slick templating engine, Smarty. [php.net]
Sure, it 'lends itself to coding flaws', but it also lends itself to flexible web development and very quick development cycles.
Just because you put your code monkeys in front of Visual Studio or Eclipse *does not make the code any cleaner.* You can't force people to write clean code (which IMHO is an art). More 'structured' languages might even cause dummies to write even more workaround code. And while OOP is really great, I've seen folks who objectify projects into oblivion.
Don't buy in on broad-generalizations like the parent and check PHP out. PHP is on the up, and IBM (along with many others) are noticing.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Smarty might be "slick", but it has a real weakness in not being XML based, like this templating engine [xaraya.com].
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
web apps with java. I have experience with
everything from ATG Dynamo, Tomcat, Struts,
Spring Framework, etc.
It is long story but I coded and host a few apache/java websites for friends/family from my
house. Recently, I wanted to move these to
commercially hosted sites. While I could find
a number of tomcat hosts the cost seemed to be
roughly twice that of php hosting. Furthermore,
I just didn't feel good turning over java apps
that I knew would be more complex/
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Everyone always uses System.out.println() as the example...
However, System.out.println is rarely used in production code! Most output is going to go to Swing textboxes or pushed to a browser in JSP pages. Huh?
If it's really such a hassle, just add this static function to your HelloWorld class.
And for input, Java 1.5 now has java.util.Scanner /me shrugs
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
php is usable out of the box, integrates nicely out of the box with oh just about anything you can imagine. with java you have to shore it up with bailing wire and bubblegum before its usable.
its quite simple, people find themselves far more productive in php than java. doesnt matter how semantically perfect the language is if it takes you 3 times as long to do something in java as it does in php.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
I call bullshit. PHP is nowhere near as complete a development platform as Java.
its quite simple, people find themselves far more productive in php than java. doesnt matter how semantically perfect the language is if it takes you 3 times as long to do something in java as it does in php.
Yes, PHP is better for pro
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
What he said
Re:the OP is correct. (Score:2)
Re:the OP is correct. (Score:2)
In Java it doesn't come in the box because many libraries aren't needed by everyone. And there are CHOICES. For example you can use any database connection pool implementation of your liking. To deploy a library involves just droping a
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
When fulfilling a set of requirements, a developer starts with analyzing his/her problem domain, breaks down the problem into areas, enters an iterative process of devising an architecture and finally starts the technology selection process. The technologies chosen are the ones which under the circumstance are most likely to solve the outlined problems within current constraints (money/time/skills). For example, using a relational database for structured dat
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
For our other readers...
Code Reusability != "copy-paste"
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Code Reusability != "copy-paste"
You know what i meant, tryin to make a point eh ?
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
But you meant you were copy-pasting URLs to find PHP libraries?
generating PDF's
http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ [lowagie.com]
dynamic graphics
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/2d/spec. html [sun.com]
huh? If you have a cms like http://opencms.org/ [opencms.org], which you should use anyway - you got menus.
DB interfaces
http://hibernate.org/ [hibernate.org]
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:2)
Finally, the shorter a program is, the more comprehensible it is!
You must be a perl coder
I love that part in Learning Perl where the author asserts that *theoretically* every program could be reduced to a single line of code.
Re:Power? Performance? Ease of Use? (Score:1)
Perl and PHP enable you to do simple things simply
eg PERL;
print "Hello World\n";
see the same thing in Java!
Believe me, PHP is really useful, particularly for generating dynamic HTML.
Even better in Perl 6 (Score:2)
There's a lot more to programming that Hello Word! (Score:2)
Try reading the code of a major web site written in perl [slashcode.com] vs. one in java that uses Tag Libraries (JSP+Struts, JSF, Tapestry, etc) and you will see what I'm talking about!
PS - Ever heard of "auto-completion?"
There's much more to programming than Hello Word! (Score:2)
Are analysts worth their salaries? (Score:2, Interesting)
I mean, come on. Several years/i??
Perl has been around since '87
Re:Are analysts worth their salaries? (Score:2)
PHP/FI, the first version of what was to be PHP, was release in 1995 (the same year that Java was first released), so it's been around for a decade now. You may be comforted to know that PHP was originally written in Perl.
Net.Data (Score:2, Informative)
Ask and ye shall receive (Score:3, Informative)
Very well then [php.net].
What had "Websphere" been using? Java exclusively? (Score:3, Interesting)
I've never programmed for "Websphere" before, but I had always thought that it was part of IBM's big [massive?] "Java as Middleware" initiative - a few years back, they were putting some serious muscle into marketing multi-million dollar AS400 boxen to compete in that arena [systems that, for all intents and purposes, were really more mainframe-ish than boxen-ish].
Is the gist of this news item that IBM is abandoning Java for PHP? [And yes, I did skim TFA.]
Re:What had "Websphere" been using? Java exclusive (Score:2)
Is the gist of this news item that IBM is abandoning Java for PHP?
No, it sounds like they just want to support a scripting language for use in the application server and the Groovy [jcp.org] standardization process (of which they're a part) is probably going too slowly for their liking.
EricRe:What had "Websphere" been using? Java exclusive (Score:2, Informative)
Websphere is a full application server stack. One part of that happens to be the "IBM HTTP Listener", which is Apache repackaged. It is also a straightforward way to run Apache with a working SSL implementation on Windows. I used it a few years ago to run a PHP site on W2K. It worked pretty well and problems were actively addressed on IBM's support forums.
It was a good experience overall. If I ever have to run a PHP site on Windows again (as opposed
some speculation (Score:2)
I suppose there is the question of how much money Zend actually makes, but I would think that the steering power and recognition might be well worth it.
Re:some speculation (Score:2)
I suppose there is the question of how much money Zend actually makes, but I would think that the steering power and recognition might be well worth it.
Just what IBM needs -- the power and recognition of Zend.
Websphere == product line brand name (Score:5, Informative)
The term "Websphere" could mean alot of different things. It is IBM's branding for all of their middleware and web related products:
This is their J2EE application server. It plays in the sam space as BEA's WebLogic App Server, JBoss, etc. It's the cornerstone of their Websphere line and comes in many sizes and flavors, running on anything from a single server, to clusters of servers, to minis, to the Mainframe.
This is their primary J2EE development tool. It's built around the Eclipse framework IBM developed and released to open source, so their are also tons and tons of other tools that plugin to WSAD.
A portal and colaboration server built on top of WAS. WPS also includes a lot of the technologies that grew out of their Domino platform.
IBM's Message Oriented Middleware foundation. (Formerly MQSeries)
mobile connectivity
... and on and on for about a hundred products. One of the few products not branded "Websphere" is their web server, an Apache distro, called simply "IBM HTTPD" or "IBM HTTP Server".
Re:Websphere == product line brand name (Score:1)
Oh yeah, and if anybody had bothered to Read The Friggin' Article, they'd have seen that this doesn't really have much to do with any of the Websphere products, but hey this is /. , so I guess that'd be asking too much.>
What about Domino (Score:3, Informative)
Otherwise we'd have to resort to installing websphere over domino (connector) and then using php in websphere. To run the whole thing we'd probably need one of the Sun dual-Athlon64 servers...
JCP for scripiting (Score:1)
PHP's success (Score:4, Insightful)
but they are always completely missing the point.
instead of ranting about why postgresql and java are "better" than mysql or php, they should be focusing on why php and mysql are more widely used than postgresql and java.
if they focused on those issues instead of language elitism and semantic perfection, then maybe java and postgresql would be more popular.
Re:PHP's success (Score:2)
Apples to oranges comparison on both the languages and the databases.
Pick the right tool for the job, they both have strengths and weeknesses.
Re:PHP's success (Score:1)
Re:PHP's success (Score:1)
C, C#, C++, Java, Perl & PHP ..
Oracle, MySql, Postgress, Sybase, and not to forget the SleepyCat Berleley DB (incorporated in MySql) ...
what the trolls need to do is go back to Hogwarts remedial school for Trolls, mandated by the "No Trolls left behind Act".
Re:PHP's success (Score:2)
One thing to consider when you choose either is what the upgrade path might be. Mysql maps reasonably well to Microsoft SQL server, while postgresql maps better to Oracle.
As far as Java vs. PHP goes, I think that the
Re:PHP's success (Score:2)
ranting about how you'd have to be a complete fuckwit to use php or mysql
With modern GUIs, installation is foolproof!
ASP vrs PHP (Score:5, Insightful)
Then a couple of years later I built my first app in PHP. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to script from the command line. Since I'm not a perl junkie, it was real useful for small scripting jobs. I'd use a shell language for this, but fankly, I'd rather poke a fork in my eyes.
The next thing I noticed in PHP was I needed an modern editor (the free download doesn't come with an IDE), so I bought one from zend.com for a couple of hundred bucks. It's getting better, but like ASP, it too has no macro key ability (maybe I'm wrong and someone will tell me?), and other nits I'd pick given the chance.
But the big discovery in PHP was that all my ASP data-type problems magically went away. Hours and freaking hours I spent debugging situations where an int was returned from a DLL and ASP string'ed it, or vice versa. There were byref/byval issues I recall as well. We had to build test local harnesses for all our middle tier ASP components because these problems rendered ASP too lame for a debugging platform.
But my original point is really that PHP is useful along a continium of the problem space. Need a quick script? Need a nightly job that cleans up your app? Need web pages? PHP works well for all. ASP, from my experience, hits one for three.
Re:ASP vrs PHP (Score:1)
Then, depending on how you OWN head works use 'vi', 'emacs' or 'xeamcs' or 'nedit';
they are all free and almost never go wrong, finally, if you are an aged traditionallist you can still find teco or Bill Joy's vi, (now called nvi).
Re:ASP vrs PHP (Score:1)
Exepting vi (which I'm pretty sure has neither feature), I haven't used the other editors you mentioned - but thanks for th
Re:ASP vrs PHP (Score:1)
1) Feature List
2) Download
Got any pointers?
Many thanks,
- spinLock
UltraEdit (Score:2)
I've developed "Classic ASP" and PHP apps, mostly the former. If you're running Windows and need a great editor, give UltraEdit a whirl. I've used it for 8 years and have found it to be the coolest text/hex editor on the Windows platform. It's fast and cheap, supports macros, etc.
I've got no ties to the UltraEdit folks except as a highly satisfied user.
Classic ASP has a lot of problems; I'm in the midst of a transition to .Net for most projects for Windows clients. I'm delving back into PHP (5 is promi
IBM Backs Mozilla, now PHP (Score:2)
So when do we get XPCOM bindings for PHP?
Best quote from article (Score:4, Interesting)
"IBM's been so fed up with Java that they've been looking for alternatives for years," the executive said. "They want people to build applications quickly that tap into IBM back-ends...and with Java, it just isn't happening."
Re:Best quote from article (Score:2)
-quick sum 2+2!
-what? that's wrong!
-well, you want it quick or want it right?