Java Fallout: OO.o 2.0 and the FOSS Community 738
Joe Barr writes "Bruce Byfield has an interesting look at the 'fallout' between OpenOffice.org and the free/open source software communities because of their reliance on Java in the latest release. As he says, "It seems a decision based largely on practical considerations -- and with a disregard for the consequences for both the rest of the free and open source software (FOSS) communities and the future of OpenOffice.org itself." This is an issue that is not going away."
Open Office and Java integration makes me nervous (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Open Office and Java integration makes me nervo (Score:3, Insightful)
On a more serious note: Do you honestly believe that a homegrown macro language would have been any more secure than choosing a language which they know they can get help from the project sponsor on? I would guess that Python was the second choice, and would have been trendier, but they would be more likely to get integration help from Sun than from the Python crew (for financial/marketing reasons, not because of
Re:Open Office and Java integration makes me nervo (Score:3, Insightful)
The problem is that there is little to choose from if you want rapidly developed, secure code. C++ code gets complex ver
Re:Open Office and Java integration makes me nervo (Score:5, Informative)
They're trojans really, not viruses, as they do not spread themselves, usually they act as a vector for installing malware. The most common one takes advantage of a bytecode verifier bug in the MS JVM, which Sun allowed MS to patch in release 3012 (distributed as a critical update to Windows since about 2 years ago), despite being ordered by a court not to continue to release updates to their JVM.
There was a vulnerability with 1.4.2_04 (or maybe _05?) and earlier JVMs recently, but I have yet to see an exploit in the wild. People are probably becoming alarmed because their virus detection is picking up a "virus", since the exploit code was downloaded from a porn or warez site they visited, but if they are running an up to date JVM, then the exploit code was not executed, so its mere presence in the cache is not cause for concern in itself.
Easy Solution (Score:4, Funny)
More progress being held back (Score:3, Insightful)
Get some priorities. Sheesh. Only in this community do these minor issues get blown up into huge flamewars over nothing. "It's not FREE enough!" Who the hell cares, it works and it's free to use!
Free-er solution... (Score:5, Insightful)
Great acronym (Score:4, Funny)
the 'good enough' argument (Score:5, Insightful)
Although it's true that functionality is important, at what cost? Using java not only adds dependencies, but dependencies that some parties are uncomfortable with. Corporate adoption may be slowed, as OO.o isn't a completely "free, fully functional" product anymore. Some of the core features (wizards) require java. Even though a wizard isn't "core" functionality, they're something that people in a workplace would likely need to use.
Either way, this is a good article... it explains the issues in a very clear way.
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:4, Insightful)
At all costs. What else is there? Why would anybody develop software, if not to perform a function? The second that other things get in the way of "functionality", is the same second that that software starts to suck. What do you propose is more important than functionality?
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:3, Interesting)
Microsoft said the same thing, relegating security and stability, but that's now come back to bite them in the ass.
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:5, Funny)
If you call being the largest software company in the known universe, and one of the greatest financial successes of our generation being bitten in the ass, then I hope that I'm bitten in the ass, too. Oh God, please, something or someone bite me in the ass!
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:3, Insightful)
Consistency, compatibility, support, long-term availability, appropriate licensing, security, dollar amount (not currently an issue with Java), adaptability, maturity, overall quality . . .
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:3, Insightful)
Pretend that I have developed the world's most functional word processing program. However, you may only use it under a licence that grants me censorship rights to anything you write. Would you want to buy a copy?
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:5, Insightful)
Don't be silly; Java's free as in beer, and plenty of places are already using it (or at least asking for it) on the server side. Besides, if they're replacing MS Office, why the hell would they worry that Java is or isn't Free? It's a lot freer than what they have...
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes, but OpenOffice.org isn't aiming for a spot on the server (where Java is entrenched), it's trying to upset MS Office on the desktop, and that's an entirely different situation.
Say what you want, but a large percentage of the folks that are gutsy enough to be rolling out OpenOffice.org are doing so at least in part because they are Free Software advocates. In short, they are pushing OpenOffice.org for ethical reasons, and not for practical reasons. After all, a switch of that magnitude is definitely a risk. Lot's of folks are willing to take a risk on Free Software that they would not be willing to take for "inexpensive" software.
Sun is just being stupid on this front. Java has already fragmented into several mostly compatible forks. IBM has their own JVM, as does Apple, Oracle, Borland, and there are a wide range of Free Software Java-alike systems. Heck, Red Hat and the Debian team are hard at work turning GCJ into a useable (if not completely compatible) system. Already one of the most popular desktop Java applications is IBM's Eclipse, and Eclipse uses the non-pure-Java SWT toolkit instead of Swing.
Sun is losing control of Java, and the best way to reign in the various Java offshoots is to release Sun's JVM under a Free Software license. Freeing Java would completely kill all of the non-Sun Java toolkits, and it would give Sun the Free Software allies it needs to compete against Microsoft's .NET. Heck, right now Mono is doing a better job of enticing Free Software advocates than Sun is.
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:5, Insightful)
Java purists can pretend that there are no functional differences between the various Java VMs, but systems administrators know the difference. Say what you will, but there are issues in moving between systems (even if you are using the same JVM), and there are issues in switching between the various JAVA (tm) VMs as well. This wouldn't be the case if Sun simply opened their JVM. Sun's JVM would simply get ported everywhere. Right now Sun doesn't have the resources to do the job by itself. So Sun ports to Solaris, Linux, and Windows on two platforms (Sparc and x86) and leaves it at that. Everything else is an afterthought.
As far as the popularity of Java among Free Software hackers, I think that it says quite a bit about Java's acceptance that Sun's Java Desktop contains almost no Java. Even worse, a disproportionate amount of the cool new Gnome applications are based on Mono. It is somewhat ironic that a great deal of Sun's hopes going forward revolve around Gnome and the Java desktop, and yet Sun is having such a hard time convincing Gnome hackers to use Java (tm). The Gnome hackers working for Red Hat are busy getting GCJ to the point where it can compete with Java (tm) and the Novell hackers, and a large whack of the Gnome community is busy cloning .NET. This is entirely Sun's fault. Sun chose Gnome over KDE for licensing reasons (among other things), and somewhere along the lines forgot that the folks that started Gnome care so much about Free Software that they thought that KDE's old license wasn't free enough. Free Software hackers want to like Sun, and they want to like Java, but the licensing issue is a big deal to them. Unfortunately for Sun, it absolutely needs the Free Software hackers to jump on board. There's a reason that Red Hat is winning the Linux war against SuSE and the rest, and that is that Red Hat has always been about Free Software. SuSE has always had a slicker distribution (as did Caldera before it went completely insane), but Red Hat was 100% Free Software.
As for using Sourceforge as a measure of Free Software hacker activity, well, that's more than a little flawed. There are a lot of Java programs on Sourceforge, but once you subtract out the text editors, the Java development tools, and the projects that don't even compile Mono is probably ahead. It's also important to note than none of the important Mono applications are hosted on Sourceforge. When you start talking about GUI desktop applications that people actually use Mono is *definitely* ahead.
Heck, I develop in Java for a living (web development), and yet I still don't use a single desktop Java application outside of Eclipse and it isn't pure Java.
Re:the 'good enough' argument (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes it is. It costs nothing and it is fully functional. The truth is that use of Java is more likely to speed corporate adoption, as Java is the de-facto language for corporate server-side development. It has a good corporate reputation.
Few companies who install Open Office care about the technicalities of FOSS. They like Open Office in the same way as they like Java - it allows a choice of workstat
What about the not good enough argument? (Score:4, Interesting)
Simple. Every and all costs. I program that is not "functional" is useless.
" Corporate adoption may be slowed, as OO.o isn't a completely "free, fully functional" product anymore."
I guess you are right here. I mean so many companies worry about using Java. I mean it is not like java is "free as in beer". Guess what? A huge number of corporations already use Java for internal development. Those that are not tied to VB or
This is yet another religion war that really means next to nothing. It is right up there with the GNU/Linux fight and BSD vs GPL.
Playing into MS hands (Score:5, Insightful)
I'll tell you all now, I'm a Winodws developer and I write C# code. For us Windows devs, no one uses Java anymore; if you do, it's for support of an existing product. Virtually all new projects are
Re:Playing into MS hands (Score:5, Interesting)
I could be wrong, but I believe that MS's Java support (while it existed) only extended as far as v1.1.3, not v1.3. Of course, that's because they lost the court case to Sun, not because they couldn't or wouldn't support a newer version.
For us Windows devs, no one uses Java anymore
That's because traditionally, with a few notable exceptions, client-side Java apps suck. They're clunky, slow, and they look like arse. That's getting better, but it's almost certainly too little, too late. I do Java development on the server side, and I'm learning C#/.NET in order to do Windows client-side dev work (just scratching an itch). I'm not about to ditch Java, I just believe in using the right tool for the job. Now, it's arguable whether or not C# is the right tool, but experience tells me that Java isn't.
Re:Playing into MS hands (Score:4, Interesting)
This may well be true for you, but it is not true in general. A quick search of Job sites shows that there is a considerable amount of new Java development on Windows, even client-side. There is also a lot of J2EE deployment on Windows servers.
The lack of a straightforward migration path from VB6 to
Re:Playing into MS hands (Score:5, Insightful)
Nonsense. I have been developing Windows software professionally since around 1987! I can tell you with certainty that there are many new projects using Java for deployment on Windows. A simple job search shows this. There may not be a large amount of client side development, but that is because most new projects in all areas of development are web-based.
Sure, there are some Java jobs now, and this is primarily because companies heavily invested in Java during the 1990s.
That can't explain new J2EE developments and does not explain the significant migration of VB6 developers to Java:
But virtually no one is using Java on Windows for client stuff anymore, especially with the VM incompatibilities that exist on this side of the fence.
The only incompatibilities are between MS's VM and others. Most new PCs (around 70%) are shipped with Sun's VM, and the JRE download for the rest is no worse than the
Go to Windows dev-centric sites like The Code Project, see how many Java articles, content, source code, or jobs you can find, you'll see what I mean.
Well you wouldn't find many there - it is a site dedicated to Microsoft development languages!
GCJ? (Score:5, Interesting)
The answer is mixed (Score:5, Informative)
"By contrast, Red Hat and Fedora prefer to build OpenOffice.org with the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ), which is not only a compiler, but also a free JRE. This was Red Hat's strategy with earlier versions of OpenOffice.org, and Red Hat engineers are attempting to continue it. Caolan Macnamara, a programmer at Red Hat, has reported limited success compiling earlier developer builds of version 2.0. However, GCJ is not yet a complete replacement for official releases of Java, and adding patches makes the strategy painstaking and laborious at best."
- vimal
Could it work with Java under Mono (Score:4, Interesting)
GCJ- Linux app packaging (Score:5, Insightful)
I sometimes wish Linux had a application packaging system like MacOSX where you have the option of brining tons of libraries with you hidden under a file system pretending to be an app icon. It just works (most of the time). I'm tired of ldd.
Re:GCJ- Linux app packaging (Score:5, Interesting)
Linux already has basically everything you need to build packages that way. The key thing is that Linux already has a way to specify where to find libraries relative to the binary that is trying to load them. Most people who build software for Linux don't know this and stupidly build hard-coded paths into executables and make you change your /etc/ld.so.conf to include
every directory on the planet, but in
reality this is a total waste of time
since $ORIGIN is available and
makes this issue totally go away.
Basically, $ORIGIN works like this: when you build the binary and link against the libraries it need, you can put something like -z origin -rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' on the ld command line. (Note that the dollar sign is quoted and is intended to go into the executable file unchanged.) This means if the binary in /usr/local/foo/bin/foo
and it wishes to find libfoo.so,
one of the places that the runtime linker
(ld-linux.so) will look when it
tries to load libraries is /usr/local/foo/bin/../lib,
which equates to /usr/local/foo/lib. Presto,
it finds libfoo.so and everyone
is happy, and nobody had to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH or modify /etc/ld.so.conf.
This means you can, if you want, distributed software that all goes into a directory, and that the directory can be put into any location you wish without any configuration changes needed to run it.
As a matter of fact, even if your goal isn't to distributed a package with all its dependencies bundled in, it still should be the default to use $ORIGIN. If you are building binaries to distribute and your install process require the user to use ldconfig or modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you should consider the build broken.
Re:GCJ- Linux app packaging (Score:4, Insightful)
Actually, no...if GJC wants to call itself a java compiler, it should make sure it properly implements the spec.
Speed up releases? (Score:5, Interesting)
Some might argue against Schönheit's characterization of C++ as complex or Java as being not slow. However, technical arguments are in many ways beside the point.
What I got out of it is that the Java environment makes it far easier to add features to the current OO. From the article:
Java allows more rapid development of components for OpenOffice.org, without struggling with the complexity of OpenOffice.org's C++ build environment. People complain about releases not being quick enough and when Java is used to make the build environment less complicated, people bitch about it not being open source. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
FOSS [sic] versions of Java (Score:3, Interesting)
And let's not get started on IDEs...
Eclipse (Score:3, Insightful)
You are joking Right?
Esclipse [eclipse.org]
Re:Eclipse (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Eclipse (Score:4, Interesting)
Besides a nicer UI, I have not found anything that VS and Vim does not, while I have found a lot of things Vim does which VS does not. This is Vim, which is simple and lean. If you go for Emacs, it also has a web browser, e-mail and news reader, Eliza and the kitchen sink.
Once you learn the Vim keybindings, it is *much* more productive to use for programming than Visual Studio. Your hands never have to leave the keyboard and there are loads of mnemonics. Just make sure you get a special reinforced Escape key.
Re:FOSS [sic] versions of Java (Score:3, Informative)
Where is parrot today? Where has it been for the past five years?
I gave you the link on the last post. Its on the net like most OSS projects. Today you can (and people do) write Yacc type code in it and it makes for a good virtual assembler.
Why isn't Larry Wall using it for Perl 6?
Parrot is about as official for Perl 6 as it gets. Alison Randel (the project manager for Perl 6) is the author of the reference for Parrot (Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials). The fir
Fallout?!? (Score:3, Insightful)
Whether or not the complaints are sensible, I've got to think that if this "fallout" involved more than a tiny handful of disgruntled people I would have heard about it before this.
Try AbiWord and Gnumeric (Score:5, Insightful)
What would be nice is a ppt reader to go along with them...maybe Evince could be made to read ppt?
As for Java, I am only interested in the subset being promoted by RedHat - the free gcj/classpath variant. Call it FreeJava or whatever, but to me anything else is unacceptable. Come on folks, we came this far insisting on free software, don't give up now over one lousy VM and language spec.
Re:Try AbiWord and Gnumeric (Score:3, Interesting)
Gnumeric is a piece of junk. It crashed during the first five minutes after I started trying it out.
Agree about AbiWord, disagree about Gnumeric. Gnumeric is stable does everything I need. I've heard about professors using it to teach spreadsheet classes (instead of Excel) because of it's pretty impressive featureset.
I don't know what distribution and version you're running, but I've built Gnumeric from source many times, and used it on several distributions, and it has always been really stable for m
Re:Try AbiWord and Gnumeric (Score:3, Insightful)
I disagree -- it's not surprising at all, because until recently it seems to me that the (UNIX-centric, remember) FOSS community abhorred the very concept of "word processors." Why would you bother making a dumbed-down, WYSIWYG, bloated graphical application that encourages using non-semantic markup and wasting time with pointless fonts and graphics when a text editor, markup language (Troff,
Re:Try AbiWord and Gnumeric (Score:3, Interesting)
I like the concept of LyX, but the implementation has some serious drawbacks, IMO. I couldn't get it to produce good PDF output, and the widgets are bizarre and don't behave the way I expect.
[...] until recently it seems to me that the (UNIX-centric, remember) FOSS community abhorred the very concept of "word processors." Why would you bother making a dumbed-down, WYSIWYG,...
Scribus is a possible counterexample, although it'
Ah, fork it... (Score:5, Insightful)
To me, this sounds like a bunch of politicians and lobby activists trying to make the most noise so that they achieve their respective ideological agendas. As an end-user of OO.o, I really don't care either way as long as the functionality is there. And, afaik, the current Java license allows for redistribution of the Java Runtime Environment so they can't retroactively pull that license and prevent people from doing something they've already granted.
Practical versus idealistic (Score:5, Insightful)
Practical, pragmatic decisions like using Java are not a problem for Open Source. That's what Open Source is: developing software in an open manner because of a belief that software developed this way is technologically better than closed-source software. It does not insist that every tool (or language) used in the development process be Free Software or Open Source. From a practical standpoint, it is sufficient that the tool or language meets the needs of the developers and is available on the required platforms, and does not appear to be a patent or other legal liability.
Free software on the other hand, insists for idealogical reasons that any software or tool which is not completely free is deterimental to the community. It's important to have respect for this opinion, but it is not a catastrophe for the OO.org team to choose the Open Source route.
Re:Practical versus idealistic (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe so but the end result is no longer Open because it depends on closed libraries/REs. And OSS must not believe that software developed as open source is technologically superior if they're willing to give up access and control of the source code so easily.
Free Software, on the other hand, has a very precise goal which is to make all software in the system open and free. And there are very real legal and financial reaso
How dare they! (Score:5, Funny)
Silly open source developers - putting practicality and pragmatism above more important things like dyed-in-the-wool political viewpoints. Next you'll be telling me they're all off using these newbie Linux systems, rather than diligently waiting for HURD to stabilise like they're supposed to. Tch.
What's the issue again, I missed it... (Score:3, Interesting)
So, ok, now that we're agreed that we aren't necessarily talking about a technical issue here. Again, what's the problem. That "Java isn't open source [zdnet.com]"? Well why don't you ask IBM to open up a JVM for you. Or, better yet, write your own! Java is widely used, readily available, and actually pretty darn open as these things go.
So what's the problem. Ideology? Zealotry? Arcane license disputes? Well, it's nothing that'll get in the way of me and my word processor. Just wake me up if it gets larger, more bloated, slower...
Re:What's the issue again, I missed it... (Score:3, Insightful)
Its not the JVM. We have [jboss.com] that already [ibm.com].
Rather, its the libraries that are still needed. Here is a link [gnu.org] to the 14 JVM's using GNU Classpath
Re:What's the issue again, I missed it... (Score:3, Insightful)
They already did [ibm.com].
crybabies (Score:4, Insightful)
Base is a lame Access knockoff that crashes all the time. It won't be stable until OOo 3. And why do we care if we can't use wizards, aren't we always lampooning MS for their endless "wizard to create xyz"?
What now we're mad cause someone used the best language available (to them) to produce some new features? I though FOSS was about choice, but I guess thats only if you pick the language that FOSS condones... You can pick anything as long as its lisp and emacs! Anyway, I'm not a java fanboy, I much prefer python or perl, but java does have its place and there are alot of coders who know it, so now we're saying you can't develop OSS in java.. that's a great stance to take.
Grow up, download the JRE, or don't whatever, I've been running the 2.0 beta since it was released without the JRE and I haven't missed anything, for what I need an office suite for it works great. To be true I did install the JRE to check out Base, but it sucks, and I ditched it after about 10 minutes.
My take on it: (Score:4, Insightful)
And why not? That's the primary strength of the Open Source movement -- don't like where a project is going? Fork or customize in some way. Ultimately the popularity of the standard package versus the customizations will steer the project in the most popular direction.... in theory. (There are some hard-headed asses out there who, as in the case of XFree86) won't bend to popular demand and a completel fork would result. But the bottom line? The public should have its way if it wants it bad enough.
Sun has a stake in the acceptance and popularity of Java. The motivation behind this should be fairly obvious. It's my understanding that in the future, Java itself will be open sourced and will ultimately take away a lot of the argument that many FOSS people have against this situation. (The other part, asside from the license stuff, is the poor performance... I hate Java performance sometimes...sometimes it really seems to drag.)
What's wrong with Kaffe ? JikesRVM ? Using Java? (Score:5, Informative)
Given that it's perfectly legal to implement a system like Kaffe, given that it exists, that it can be done if you absolutely must, what is the actual issue with using Java in Open Source projects? Lord knows there are _tons_ of FOSS projects written in Java out there...
If the issue is just the Sun license and the "non-official" status of projects like Kaffe, to that I just have to say, guys, get over yourself. If you don't like the Open Office folks writing functionality that depends on Java, write it in C or whatever your self and contribute it. Seriously.
As far as end users? They don't care what something is written in. They want something that works. To that end, placing yet another installation requirement in the chain isn't great, but at the same time, the vast majority of user installations ( including on Linux ) simply aren't complete without a working JVM anyway, so... what's the big deal again?
What the heck is the matter now? (Score:4, Insightful)
Java is many things. It is a programming language. It is also a runtime environment in the form of a protable virtual machine. It also comes with a huge class library.
For some reason, that monkey Miguel went and decided to write his own version of M$'s Java clone, C#/.NET, for "Linux" (i.e. Unix-like OSes) to undermine everyone else's work.
Now, you can get branded Java from people other than Sun e.g. IBM. IBM is currently a great favourite of the slashdot peanut gallery.
In addition, gcc [gnu.org] comes with a Java-language to native code compiler as well as byte code (to run on the evil, nasty closed-soure Sun (or IBM or whoever's) JVM).
If you don't like Sun, or IBM, or Blackdown or kaffe [kaffe.org]'s JVM, including their JIT [sun.com] compilers which can optimise to exceed the efficiency of statically-compiled code, then you can always revert to gcc's Java language compiler [gnu.org].
However, I'm sure these facts will be conventiently ignored for the sake of a good, heated argument, and many rants.
Java, OpenOffice, and FreeBSD, oh my (Score:5, Interesting)
Read my post [slashdot.org] if you want to have a feel for how difficult it is to install Sun's JDK on FreeBSD. There are so many twists and turns here that when I reinstalled FreeBSD, I decided to install Kaffe [kaffe.org] instead to learn Java with (needed for future classes; language use not under my control).
This may be flamebait, but one of the main reasons why I haven't used OpenOffice on my computer is due to these Java dependencies. OpenOffice not only requires Java, but it specifically requires the Sun JDK. Some users may be asking me, "What's the problem?" The problem with that is that there is no binaries for the JDK for FreeBSD 5.x, and that I must agree to a very restrictive license in order to download the sources. Next, I can't compile the sources into a redistributable package (because Sun says so, meaning that for every FreeBSD machine that I have I must compile Java manually, nor give Java packages to others), and I can't even look at the sources without being tainted for life. Finally, the compilation takes an extremely long time to finish.
Don't get me wrong. I like what I've heard about OpenOffice. But as long as OpenOffice is encumbered with Java code that requires the Sun JDK, I'm not using it. How many of you know the BSD story when the BSD developers got tired of AT&T due to its licensing (for those of you who don't know, BSD was originally based on AT&T Unix) and started rewriting the "encumbered" portions of their operating system? It would be great if some developers would do the same with the Java portions in OpenOffice.
To elaborate further, I feel that Sun's handling of Java is a nuisance. Java may be a nice language, but as long as its only really complete implementation of it remains licensed the way that it is, I won't code any open source projects with the Java language, and Java is never going to be a primary open source development language. Why should the code that I write be tied to a non-free, restrictively licensed runtime environment that only runs on the platforms that Sun says that it should run on? Python, Ruby, and even Microsoft's own C# (in the form of Mono) isn't encumbered by such restrictive licensing. Sun's slogan for Java was "write once, run everywhere." Well, it depends on what Sun consists of "everywhere." Since the operating system that I choose to use is considered "nowhere" by Sun, well, I guess that Sun's JDK is going to be "nowhere" near my machines again, and for all of the projects that require this JDK, well, I'm sorry, but I'm not installing them, either.
Re:Java, OpenOffice, and FreeBSD, oh my (Score:3, Informative)
You can build OO without Java:
My problem with OpenOffice (Score:3, Interesting)
It truly is insane... I'm grateful, Sun's license does not allow them to bundle in their own Java in too...
Welcome to KDE-GNOME Redux (Score:3, Interesting)
If OO.o becomes harder and harder to run on GCJ, you're going to see the same thing. Maybe an OO.o fork, maybe a specific effort to create a different Free competitor. But dependence on a non-Free system component is going to create trouble; if OO.o wants to thrive in the long run, it's going to either need to be GCJ-compatible or have Sun open-source Java.
Java and OOo portability... (Score:3, Insightful)
One of the biggest problems with Java in OOo is the way that it's being used. Probably the largest volunteer developer community outside of Sun is in the porting project which mostly aims to recompile OOo onto other Unix and Unix-like platforms. Part of the portability lure is that the older architecture of OOo made porting easy; OOo itself has its own internal complete abstraction layers for operating system functionality, windowing, widgets, and the kitchen sink. By simply porting those layers, OOo could run anywhere and even the most obscure Unix variant could have access to a MS Office compatible office suite.
Java breaks that. Why? Not all of the platforms on which previous versions of OOo could be built have any official Java implementation (e.g. Linux/PPC).
Now, Java is no longer optional. Java is actually becoming a requirement not only for running OOo. Some of the build tools are becoming implemented in Java. What's worse, many of these newer Java-dependent features and build tools actually require a specific version of the VM in order to be functional (e.g. reliances on libraries distributed with Java 1.4+).
This choice leave platforms without Java in the cold, but sadly it also leaves platforms with outdated Java VM versions in the cold. I only hope this doesn't further cause headache for some of the intrepid 64 bit porters out there since I don't know of any VM that can be safely embedded in 64 bit apps yet.
Porting developers have raised this issue as far back as 2002 [openoffice.org] and earlier. There's no excuse for the Sun-dominated engineering of OpenOffice.org to have been ignorant of them. Instead of lowering the bar for the build process, the dependencies have just been injected into core functionality! It's sad when the pleas of some of the most prominent non-Sun volunteers to the project get blissfully ignored by the powers that be.
I don't have a problem with using Java for open source software since, after all, NeoOffice/J is dependent on Java. As NeoOffice/J is focused solely on Mac OS X, however, portability isn't one of the NeoOffice/J goals. For OOo, however, portability used to be one of its strengths and is still one of the strongest development communities within the project that doesn't originate from Sun. It's sad to see decisions made that alienate one of the only vibrant non-Sun communities.
While OOo has built a great community of marketing, translation, support, and evangelization volunteers, there is no substantial core developer community outside of Sun. Alienating the precious little that exists doesn't help the situation either. Unless there is serious effort to build up a non-Sun developer community, the project can only be doomed for failure when Sun cuts their development team (or goes out of business).
Java for Win/Linux/Mac (Score:3, Interesting)
Why use
Why do people dislike Java so much? Is it because it takes to much RAM when using Eclipse to program or NetBeans??? Is it because it's not easy enough for people to program?? What the hell??
Java it's free, IDEs for development are free, it runs on Macs, Linux, BSD, Unix, Windows, etc, etc, etc... My point is... WTF??? It's like we say in spanish "peladito y a la boca" can't be any easier to develop for multpiple platforms having all the tools.
I say people are just ging nuts over peanuts.
Your multiplatform programing are belong to us... get it??
Have a good one.
Much easier than it seems (Score:5, Interesting)
OO.o 2.0 is already working [spindazzle.org] on free JVMs. FC4 is shipping this, along with Eclipse, Tomcat, and a ton of other stuff. We've got jonas running as well, just not quite ready to ship.
One reason - speed & resources (Score:3, Insightful)
I tried OOo 2.0 beta on Windows and was unpleasently surprised. There were *no significant changes* in its ugly-ish user interface (other than it finally supports XP skins and Impress has slide sorter as dockable thingy; actually the ONLY thing i liked in OOo2 is more options in PDF conversion - too bad SWF support is stalling) and it's very bloated. Since it requires Java, especially in the database component/client, it's practically unusable - it devours memory and CPU for event the simplest operations.
Now, this is very bad PR. Consider a company with somewhat older computers and OS+Office (e.g. Win98, Office 97 or 2000) wishing to switch to Linux - that scenario is getting less likely by the day (If said company, for whatever reason (faster? smaller?) chooses FreeBSD, it will have even more problems w/java):
the other fallout (Score:3, Funny)
java is slow [armadilloaerospace.com] - John Carmack, Command Keen programmer.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
If your corporation builds infrastructure with it, you're stuck with it a LONG time.
Consider all those foolish companies who built infrastructure on VB6 now that Microsoft is cutting off support for that platform [slashdot.org]
Had they picked an open source platform it would be much less disruptive for their business.
Free as in Java may be OK for hobby use, but has no places in my company.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
PythonGTK is nice, but still nowhere near VB6 (look at the complexity of the runtimes). There is a few 'fringe' programs but to be honest you have to get much closer to the bone to do anything on Linux. Even Mono is still lacking true click and drag programming.
I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but there is some areas where Linux still is 'lacking' vs Microsoft/Apple/Sun/whoever, and of course it'll get fixed, but suggesting that people who built CRM suite in '97 would be better off now if they had chose a non-existent Linux/OSS solution is a bit silly.
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Informative)
Python with wxwindows is excellent. There are lots of gui builders for wxwindows and some IDEs to make it easy for ya. I for one think click and drag programming especially the kind built into VB6 is an abomination. It makes for messy code that is hard to maintain and soon degenerates into a mess of spghetti. I also need not mentions the awful error handling of VB do I. It's better to use something like wxwindows or swing that are true MVC frameworks. Even if it takes you longer to code it up front you will save time later in the debugging and maintenance portions of your lifecycle.
If you really want clicky programming there is also rekall for database work and dabo if you want something that mimics foxpro.
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Insightful)
I wish more IT managers understood that... most places I've worked think that whatever gets us 90% done the soonest must be the best. If something costs us 5 minutes now, or 5 hours later, they always choose to wait until later.
But that logic always makes me think of how worth it it is to spend 5 minutes putting on a parachute before you jump out of a plane. Sure, foregoing the parachute will save some time up front, but it's going to make the landing much harder.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
They're probably figuring that they won't be working for that company 5 hours from now. VB is a fantastic tool for creating problems for other people.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Informative)
I use both PyGTK and PyQt (professionally), deploying on Windows and GNU/Linux clients. There is no runtime issue. py2exe [python.net] creates a standalone executable for Windows. Conceptually it's very similar to VBRUN600.DLL, except that your own extension modules can also go into the executable, so there's no need to leave rubbish lying around the system.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
First of all, VB6 has been discontinued by Microsoft. Imagine what would happen if Sun decided as of April 1 to no longer support Java development and to not release it as open source to the world?
Second, you make an excellent example of why using Java is even worse then originally proposed. To use Java as a development building block only enforces the problem of having a non-free license dependency. If it does start getting wide acceptance, there is always the problem of Sun taking the initiative of cl
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Funny)
How about REAL Basic from Real Software in Austin, Texas?
That's a real competitor (sees pun - decides to duck and run as tomatoes fly).
Have a nice day.
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Insightful)
To be frank I am not a big fan of VB - but there are many cases where having a real short implementation time is what takes the biscuit. I recently came up with a fairly simple program for a one off migration, and chose to do it in VB, simply because it meant that I could deliver something that would do the job in under a week. While it may have taken 4 hours to run rather than 2, and would be harder to maintain afterwards - it allowed us to get the job done and move onto more exciting things - "real programming", if you will
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Insightful)
How so? It's not like the VB6 DLLs that your infrastructure is dependent upon are going to go away. Sure, there are not going to be any more security patches, but equally there are probably not going to very more exploits either, if any. (Based on the premise that few crackers are looking for bugs in discontinued code - when was the last exploit specifically targetting Windows '9x for instance?) Besides, unless I'd had a third party write the application and had no access to the VB6 source, then I could still update the code to a newer version of VB, or even .Net, even though it might be a lot of work.
It's just as possible to get into exactly the same state with an open language as it is a closed one. If the developers all move on to other projects and the language whithers on the vine, unless you have the ability to update the language code on your own then you are in the same position as with the VB6 example. Development languages evolve, and sometimes that means that older code breaks; I've seen this with closed (VB), open (Perl) and "in-between" (Java) based code - open or closed makes no difference.
Yes, having access to the source is a better option, and it does leave more doors unlocked than the closed source alternative, but I don't think it's anywhere near as critical as you believe.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Interesting)
Built corporate infrastructure with Java for about ten years now. I've coded probably a million lines of Java in that time frame.
Except because of the most minor of Java changes on Sun's part I've never had to re-write anything.
My Java programs from ten years ago still run just fine.
Sun has many times declared many classes and methods as being obsolete, but they have never turned anything I use off so that I could no longer use it.
So go ahead, complain all you want, but there are people like me out there that are moving forward a lot faster because they use Java, and there are a lot of people moving slower because they cannot get past ideology.
It's fine by me, my children will eat well because of your ineptitude.
With all the ppl bitching... (Score:5, Insightful)
Java is one of those things that you CONSTANTLY see ppl in the free software camp bitching about. Why don't they bloody well put their heads together, through their weight behind one of the many [kaffe.org] free software projects out there that are working on the problem and clean-room reimplement the damn thing if it's such an issue?
Even if they couldn't make a free JVM and call it Java, they could still include it all the distributions configured to drive things like OOo. I can't imagine that an OpenOffice 2.0 Kaffe Edition (or whatever the JVM clone turns out to be called) would be such a big task if everyone stepped up to the plate where the JVM was concerned.
Re:With all the ppl bitching... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
Had they picked an open source platform it would be much less disruptive for their business.
The point you have raised - the ability of a company to drop support for a development language - has nothing to do with whether or not that language or platform is open source. Most organisations that use a development language aren't interested in being dumped with megabytes of source code if a language provider either stops development or goes out of business - open source doesn't help.
Java is so successful and popular for commercial development because it is multi-vendor. If you don't want to use Sun's VM and JDK you can use IBM's, or HP's, or BEA's, or TowerJ's, or even GJC. Not all are available on all OSes, but you have a choice, and you are not going to be left abandoned, like VB6 users.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
If OOo changed, I, and I'm sure, thousands of other developers, would have to re-write a ton of programs. Such a change would make me seriously re-think OOo, since it would make me wonder when they'd do that again.
I know we all make jokes about how those of us on Slashdot don't have lives or girlfriends, or have poor social skills, but it seems to me those who are pitching a hissy fit over this need to get their heads out of the ground, look around, and try living in the real world for a change. Instead of complaining about their bosses and cramped cubes, maybe they should try to run the business and find out just how hard it is to make sure they have an income if they insist on staying purists.
I don't see how anyone who has had to make decisions based on what customers want and will pay for could seriously expect a product like OOo to dump Java. People like that are the real 100% geeks, like Harold on Red Green, who have no life, no girlfriend, and no concept of what it's like to interact with the rest of the world.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
I was thinking more along your point about ordinary customers. That's where, to me, it's not even a market share question. It's about whether anyone will buy or nobody at all. Yes, OOo can go for 100% open source, but I'm sure using Java for many functions saves months of programming time over C or C++, and lets them put out a better product.
Another point: Life is a process. Sun is talking about opening Java. The purists here are like people in PETA -- especially the ones that threw a fit and said the city of Fishkill should change its name because it had violent conotations, then later found out kill means stream, and that's where the "Kill" came from. These people are so full of anger and frustration, they have to take it out on others, so they hold everyone to a really stupid and high standard, so they can always criticize others for not meeting THEIR standards.
Open source is a process. Have any of these purists thought about what a BIG step it is that Sun is even considering open sourcing Java? It's a big step. It's not perfect, but it is a big move in the right direction. It won't get there overnight, so it is important to understand that it is more important to be a supportive part of the change than someone pissing and moaning because it's not exactly what they want -- instead of trying to help the process along.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
Or it might not get there at all. Declining to integrate Java in opensource projects because it is not free enough seems to me like a good way to motivate Sun to make it more free. To blithely accept depenceny on it in opensource projects on the other hand sends the message that there is no problem with the current situation.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
Do you think they really care about that?
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Informative)
Many of us dont want to be tied to something non-free, and thus controlled by another party.
"does the job" has a wider meaning to us.
It also limits what OO will run on now. If there isnt a java port that is blessed by Sun, then you 'cant run it here'.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
I am a simple COMPUTER USER.
I care not about politics, especially when it comes to bits and bytes. If the software I need costs money, I will just buy it. If it happens to be Free/free, even better! But I don't care about any "movements" and "religions" or "politics".
As a computer user, these are the last things I care.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Interesting)
For personal users, this is likely a non-issue. For those involved in the creation and maintenance of distributions, or those looking to advise a switch to an alternative corporate office suite, this debate is quite important. It's not a matter of paying up for software that
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
I am a simple COMPUTER USER.
The whole point of GPL is to empower users.
As a user, you should care if you will be able to freely modify, distrubute and use your software.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Informative)
By contrast, Red Hat and Fedora prefer to build OpenOffice.org with the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ), which is not only a compiler, but also a free JRE. This was Red Hat's strategy with earlier versions of OpenOffice.org, and Red Hat engineers are attempting to continue it. Caolan Macnamara, a programmer at Red Hat, has reported limited success compiling earlier developer builds of version 2.0. However, GCJ is not yet a complete replacement for official releases of Java, and adding patches makes the strategy painstaking and laborious at best.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
This whole page of postings shows how nearsighted and ignorant new generation of slashdotters are: the only non-Free part in Java is the fact that Sun wants to preserve the standard in the language and thus wants to control it. I, personally, would prefer a completely OSS Java but it is good thing as is.
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:who cares? (Score:4, Interesting)
And if they did this I am sure IBM would be more than happy to step in and let their VM be used in its place.
You have a choice of compliant JVMs. This is a good thing.
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Interesting)
I think this license also states that you can't distribute a competing Java implementation. Most Linux distributions won't allow themselves to be crippled by that license, so they don't distribute the Sun JVM.
Many people have cried out that everyone should be more practical instead of idealistic on this issue, but the problems people have with O
Re:who cares? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:who cares? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Talk about exaggeration... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Talk about exaggeration... (Score:3, Informative)
And most desktop computers, windows at least, have sun JRE, because 90% of gaming sites require it.
Re:Talk about exaggeration... (Score:3, Insightful)
THAT is a major problem with requiring java.
Re:Aww... first grammer nazi hit me... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Java isn't free and Sun isn't a friend to OSS (Score:3, Insightful)
Pardon my hazy understanding of the subtle issues surrounding Java and .NET, but isn't the major problem not so much about the JVM or the CLR, but all the libraries that applications written in either C# (Windows forms) or Java (com.sun.whatever) tend to use?
Well, that , and that either "standard" is subject to change without notice due either to paranoid-possesiveness "No we won't define an ISO" (Sun) or to gorilla-sized "We are the standard despite the stinkin' standards bodies" (MS).
Re:Java isn't free and Sun isn't a friend to OSS (Score:3, Interesting)
No freakin' way.
For what it's worth, Sun will be the largest contributor of OSS code in the world this Summer, if they aren't already.
Re:Off topic, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
The problem with J2ME is that phone companies have been adding their "extras" onto the platform or worse, not making them fulling compliant. Samsung's major HTTP screwup on the A500 is a great example of that.
As for Java being slow... give me a damn break. It's running on a PHONE!
So of the rest of that article, particularly the "no memset" and " the inability to read resources into anything but a char array" so a complete lack of understanding.
Blaming a language on
Parent is right! This is just F/OSS zealotry (Score:5, Interesting)
The developers made a design decision for THEIR project. But oh no, thats no good because it's not what the F/OSS community wanted. Lets get this straight - its their project but they shouldnt use the language of their choice because others dont like it?
They're the developers, they decide what they do with it. Who are you to tell them what they should develop their own product in? So it doesnt conform to YOUR philosophy, so what? Sorry but this certainly smacks of zealotry. If you dont like it then fork it and create your own version of OOo.