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Java Programming

Geronimo! Part 1: The J2EE 1.4 Engine That Could 21

An anonymous reader writes "Java-based open source development has come a long way since the early days of developers sharing GUI libraries. Geronimo is a large-scale project attempting to create a certified J2EE 1.4 server based on existing open source components. Take a tour through the Geronimo maze with Sing Li as your guide. Gluecode Software CTO and principal Geronimo contributor Jeremy Boynes shares his perspective on Geronimo and go here to learn how to use the new Eclipse plug-in for Apache Geronimo."
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Geronimo! Part 1: The J2EE 1.4 Engine That Could

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    None of these free JVMs would be anywhere without the fine work of the Classpath contributers. Any sufficiently motivated individual can make a JVM in a year. It may not run quickly - but it will run. Writing the Java libraries on the other hand is a monumentous undertaking requiring dozens of people and many years of work. This is where Classpath comes in.

    Let's hear it for Classpath!
    Hip hip hooray!
    • These aren't JVMs, they are application servers. *Very* different things, really.

      Geronimo, JOnAS, and JBoss all work with Sun's classpath. They may also work with the open source Classpath stuff. But these aren't intended as JVM replacements.
      • Also, consider that for mission-critical applications, most vendors will only certify their application server running on specific JVMs.

        Part of that is the familiarity they have with the inner-workings of the Sun-provided J2SE classes.

        It will probably be a while before we see GNU Classpath leveraged in a commercial application server, but it would be interesting to see if Geronimo or JBoss attempts this before the commercial players do.

  • JOnAS (Score:4, Informative)

    by Joff_NZ ( 309034 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2005 @05:44PM (#12571288) Homepage Journal
    JOnAS [] is our there... free, and LGPL'ed and is already J2EE 1.4 certified

    It's also not too bad at all...
    • It would be interesting to see a neutral evaluation of the three open source app-servers: Geronimo, JOnAS and, of course, JBoss []. Judging just by the number of users JBoss should be ahead, but which one is actually better?
      ... my vote still goes to JBoss but I haven't even tried the others. Should I?
      • I'd definitely check them out... in our project, we did 80% of the development on JOnAS, but eventually moved to JBoss because of it's more mature clustering implementation. If we hadn't needed that, we were going to go with JOnAS all the way into production.
  • JBoss? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by wft_rtfa ( 882194 )
    Doesn't JBoss do everything Geronimo does? I don't know a lot about Geronimo, but way would anyone pick Geronimo over a more established open source J2EE App server like JBoss?
  • i know all these sayings "why another app server?". the interesting thing is, while relying on and using the j2ee standards the different servers take different directions. jboss is strong in it's persistence layer (ejb3 and/ or hibernate, we'll see), the queueing is also not bad. let's see which way apache is going, ie the GBeans thing is not that bad.

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