MS Urging Developers To Prep For IE 7 406
Mike Savior writes "Eweek has a story stating that Microsoft is telling web site developers to prepare their sites for IE 7. From the article: 'One area that Microsoft has clearly articulated as being one in which developers can start work now to prepare for IE 7 involves the UA (user agent) string. First discussed in the company's Weblog in April, the code change prompted a reminder on Wednesday to developers, telling them that Microsoft continues to run across Web sites that are not expecting Version 7 of the browser, and urging them to test their UA strings. '"
If you use Firefox... (Score:2, Funny)
Shut 'em out (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Shut 'em out (Score:2)
Re:Shut 'em out (Score:2)
+1: Funny. I might actually program a message like that into my website...
user agent (Score:5, Informative)
Sure IE is broken... but you just have to format to fit the lowest common denominator.
Trying to detect the browser type for the majority of web designers is just silly.
Re:user agent (Score:3, Insightful)
But the user agent string is probably the worst way to do it.
Re:user agent (Score:2)
And for javascript, instead of browser sniffing your're supposed to use object sniffing (but in a pair of cases)
Re:user agent (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder when Microsoft will send their thanks to Firefox team.
Re:user agent (Score:2)
On the other hand, had Firefox not been there they would not have had a compatibility problem in the first place... there would be no IE7, and by the time Longhorn would come out with a new browser it would just support only "MSIE markup language" and no W3C standard *at all*...
Re:user agent (Score:2, Interesting)
Yes, many BIG company websites are designed and maintained by posers who act like they know what a website is and does but in reality know absolutely nothing.
This is typical in the web developer world. they want someone who can make pretty graphicsand do not give a shit about good scripting, good html markup, and
Re:user agent (Score:2)
If you do that, you have most of the web.
The rest are then people using outdated tech
(like Netscape 4.x, IE 4/5 etc)
Re:user agent (Score:5, Insightful)
The rest are then people using outdated tech
(like Netscape 4.x, IE 4/5 etc)
Most is often not enough. If you are developing and supporting a website that has tens or hundreds of thousands of users, and even a few percent are still using old browsers, your complaints department will be swamped by annoyed users. Simply telling them that they are out of date is not good enough. I speak from harsh experience.
Checking the user agent string is often an unfortunate necessity.
Re:user agent (Score:2)
Unfortunately, the tags in the lowest common denominator are probably fully described in the Allowed HTML for slashdot. Believe it or not, people may browse the web in a browser that doesn't include IE, KHTML or Firefox, and there may be web pages t
Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:5, Informative)
Same for me. Our website uses standard CSS and it needs a hack (csshover.htc) to make it work on IE. Maybe IE7 no longer requires it, maybe it does. Who knows?
Until then, the conditional stylesheet inclusion for IE has to remain there.
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2)
More often than not, it's plugging all the box model errors and strange rendering quirks of IE. Too bad they still think pure CSS2 is a 'flawed' standard.
Naturally there are times where local intranets don't want to ditch old technology yet and want to use IE-specific code. But generally speaking, this shouldn't affect the rest of us. IE7 will still display pages poorly and the
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:5, Interesting)
What they produced was an absolute mess. CSS boxes were built to IE handling, and rendered incorrectly on Mozilla, which they consistently referred to as "Mozarella". They believed all problems seen on Mozilla were Mozilla bugs, and they added browser detection and workarounds.
Of course it still failed on Opera and Konqueror.
They used an awful piece of Javascript to make dropdown menus.
When they were done, maintenance was handed over to me and I gradually changed all their work to make a standards-conformant site that still rendered the same way. It was a lot of work, starting from the dire state it was in.
But finally, it renders OK and the menus work on most browsers without using javascript.
- CSS menu only works in IE by including csshover.htc (conditional inclusion using <!--[if IE]...). maybe IE7 will support
- IE4 and below don't quite cut it, fallback to javascript code using serverside UA string detect. these are dying anyway, probably I will remove this support when IE7 appears.
- bug 234788 in GECKO means the menu disappears when mouse moves over scrollable text area. this bug has been fixed in GECKO but Mozilla and Firefox keep releasing new versions based on the broken GECKO for over a year.... We want Firefox 1.1 and Mozilla 1.8!!!
What I learnt: use a website design bureau only to make a site design. Don't allow them anywhere near HTML coding. They just use successive approximation towards the "browsers they test with", and try to impress managers with "browser utilisation percentages" instead of standards compliance.
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2)
That should have read: IE5 and below (IE5.5 is first version that works reasonably)
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:4, Interesting)
A few weeks into the project, I get my hands on a copy of his experimental beta site. I try to load it up in firefox, and nothing. Nada. The flash he spent so much time on that comprised almost all of our site wouldn't load - it was a broken link. Worked fine in IE, so it wasn't that the file was missing. I didn't have time to look at it anymore, so I told him about the error and let him stew on it for a bit (he tried to blame it on the version of the flash plugin I was running). A few days later, I check again. Still the same problem. I talk to him about it, and he says he'll work on it. He spends 8 freaking hours on it, then tells me that "firefox can't support transparancies, so the site won't work in firefox ever".
This doesn't sound right to me, AT ALL. So I check his html code. Well, there it is. In his EMBED tag, he ref's 2 different file names - one exists, the other doesn't. IE picks one, firefox seems to have picked the other. I'm honestly surprised that it even loads. I fix his mistake, save the file, and load it up in firefox. The site looks like ass (and as I later found out, is mostly running stolen copyrighted code and code from tutorials he read, but that's a story for another time), but it works. Time taken: litterally, without exaggeration, less than 5 minutes. Probably less time than it took to come up with that lame-assed excuse about why he couldn't do it. To this day, I'm still too scared to check the site against the w3c standards.
Offtopic, I know, but I just had to rant (he's lodged a complaint over non-payment of wages against us recently, so I'm kinda cheesed off). Sorry, all.
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2)
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2)
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2, Informative)
Our website was built by a "website design bureau". We told them it had to be standard, so it would work on Mozilla as well.
What they produced was an absolute mess. CSS boxes were built to IE handling, and rendered incorrectly on Mozilla...
When they were done, maintenance was handed over to me...
Waitasecond... they ignored you and built something that didn't meet the requirements you had laid out up front... and yet you still paid for it and used it?
This is the reason the web development industry
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, I had the absolute opposite results when I had a website design bureau design our site. They did the design great, the HTML was standards compliant and they actually tested all pages on IE, Mozilla, FireFox, Safari and Konqueror, even in multiple languages and OSes, and were open and admitted where things would have rough edges with the older browsers, and how they worked around to make sure it worked, just not worked beautifully. It was a very pleasant experience.
Then our in-house web-app coding team butchered the HTML to pieces, re-coded parts of it that looked fine in IE6 and crap on everything else. The final HTML code that the web app spat out did not resemble anything like what was originally made. It was terrible.
To make things worse, the web app coders told their manager that the HTML coders were to blame for the problems, and the manager didn't bother to check the facts when he blamed the web design bureau. The designers were (rightfully) pissed off, and basically told us we were not welcome back as customers again.
So... YMMV on either side of the story.
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:2)
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Let them release first, then we'll see (Score:3, Informative)
"Cells may span several rows or columns. (Although CSS2 doesn't define how the number of spanned rows or columns is determined, a user agent may have special knowledge about the source document; a future version of CSS may provide a way to express this knowledge in CSS syntax.)"
Not having a colspan equivalent makes it pretty useless.
UA strings! (Score:5, Funny)
I really hope IE7 has improved its standards compatibility so I don't have to change to much of my code! (Hopefully none of it, if MS have done a good job)
We can only cross our fingers and hope it will pass the acid2 test (at the very least have improved some of its css)!
Re:UA strings! (Score:2)
I really hope IE7 has improved its standards compatibility so I don't have to change to much of my code! (Hopefully none of it, if MS have done a good job)
We can only cross our fingers and hope it will pass the acid2 test (at the very least have improved some of its css)!
heh... someone mode the parent funny!
Stupid......IE Tricks (Score:5, Insightful)
Second, why should this type of warning even be needed? Because Microsoft themselves are guilty of telling developers to ONLY code for thier browser....something no other browser asks developers to do. Microsoft has definitely shown yet again that they want people to ONLY use their stuff and they want a web that ONLY works in thier browser.
Re:Stupid......IE Tricks (Score:2, Interesting)
To your second coment. Probably because fewer people will complain (or at least have reason to complain) if MS provides a warning. Sure there will be people like you and I who feel it's obvious and unnecessary, but there are more people
Re:Stupid......IE Tricks (Score:3, Interesting)
Not true; I use it on my personal website to display a "public service announcement" urging the user to switch to the far more secure Firefox if it detects that they're using IE of any flavour. ;-)
(The message is hidden by default if they're using anything else)
Re:Stupid......IE Tricks (Score:2)
Re:Stupid......IE Tricks (Score:2, Insightful)
You're coming at the problem from the wrong angle.
Most people don't care which browser is visiting their website, what they care about is what functionality the browser supports.
There are standards-based ways of doing that, ranging from information in HTTP headers through to the fact that if( myObject.possiblyNonExistantObject) Does The Right Thing (TM) (which was either a stroke of genius forethought or a lucky accident).
Keep it simple, solve the problem you actually have.
hum... (Score:2, Insightful)
I hope not. IE6 is not totally standard compliant, I would be more pleased if they ask web developers to treat IE 7 just like they would Firefox or Konqueror (at least for HTML, CSS and Javascript...).
uh, yeah.... (Score:5, Funny)
Choice quote from TFA (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh, so true, Firefox is also my main testing and QA platform, though I do try to code to standards then adapt to the quirks of a single application, even Firefox has the odd lack of compliance.
[sarcasm]Looking forward to IE7, Firefox has dominated the browser competition for too long [/sarcasm]!
Re:Choice quote from TFA (Score:2)
Checklist (Score:5, Insightful)
Valid CSS.... Check
Re:Checklist (Score:2)
Valid CSS.... Check
Not that I disagree -- but your site specifically won't work with IE then.
This can be a good thing though -- I specifically have sites that refuse to render to IE (on purpose). Just because
Re:Checklist (Score:2)
And I disagree with that.
Having written a fair share of webapps I've found:
1. Valid HTML may render incorrectly in any browser. While rendering correctly in others, even in IE.
2. Valid HTML may render correctly in IE6, as long as you know the limitations of the browser.
Thus all my output is valid HTML and renders properly in all the latest browser versions, without sending them (or tricking them into reading) different output.
Re:Checklist (Score:4, Insightful)
What about all of us "standards based" designers who have to exploit browser bugs for functionality? As far as I'm aware, pretty much _every_ designer who codes for standards (uses Firefox or something to build) and then tests and patches for other browsers (MSIE), we all use CSS work arounds [incutio.com].
**We don't know these will work!**
Will IE7 be fixed with respect to the CSS issues, but still respond to these CSS hacks, or vice-versa (CSS hacks don't work, but CSS is still buggy)?
It is entirely plausible that "standards based" websites will need some work so they render correctly in IE7! Of course, we can't tell until we start testing, which in reality, is true of all web browsers since they all contain a few bugs!
Back To The Status Quo (Score:5, Interesting)
"I don't use IE at all, but I'll test on it because I have to," said Web designer Donna Donohue...."We code to standards to be compliant with Firefox, and then hack for IE."
So if MS is standards compliant with IE7, there should be nothing to worry about. Of course we all know that that is NOT going to happen. IE7 might be standards based, but expect sweet and fattening IE7 only extentions in HTML pages that will break other browsers rendering.
I suppose this is why MS is calling for developers to pay attention to the new IE UA. IE7 might be rendering in a totally different way to IE5/6 and so will need to be treated differently to other browsers. In other words, MS wouldn't need to bother to mention this if IE7 was standards compliant. I'm smelling a hoard of compatability problems in the near future dragging us all back to the dark ages similar to the following.
However, Champeon added that he builds sites from the ground up to work in any Web browser, by following the set of principles known as "progressive enhancement."
Uhhhgghh!! I've met "progressive enhancement" once before. You've never seen such ugly, malformed, duplicitous code. Non standards compliant web site code that tries to be cross-browser is most of the reason I decided not to get into web development.
Re:Back To The Status Quo (Score:5, Insightful)
Uhhhgghh!! I've met "progressive enhancement" once before. You've never seen such ugly, malformed, duplicitous code. Non standards compliant web site code that tries to be cross-browser is most of the reason I decided not to get into web development.
Perhaps you're thinking of a different 'progressive enhancement' than I'm used to. When I think progressive enhancement, I think of the method I (and those I know) use to construct websites.
Where a lot of developers make their mistakes is that they use things like Javascript and (to a lesser extent) CSS for the main functionality of their site - for example, a navigation bar of non-links with dropdown menus of links. If, however, the javascript doesn't work in your browser, you get no links and cannot browse the site.
The proper way to do things is to build a site that works before even adding CSS. Once you have your content in a presentable manner, then you add CSS. This ensures that your HTML will be usable across all browsers (e.g. w3m). Once that is done, you add CSS to style it. This makes it a lot easier to work around crappy IE bugs, because you're doing it one step at a time and don't have to worry about putting hacks into the HTML or using nonstandard tags.
Only after one has a working site should one add Javascript - the rare exception can be said to be 'web applications', where the functionality of the site requires client-side scripting. Regardless, adding Javascript last means that your site will work without Javascript or without the Javascript implementation you're used to. This is important.
For an excellent example of these principles used, specifically the use of Javascript as an extension of the page, and not as a component of the page, take a look at the Happy Spork image gallery [happyspork.com]. Play with it with Javascript on, and with Javascript off, and notice that the functionality is exactly the same - just accomplished differently - in either case.
That is what I think of when I think progressive design. Maybe I'm thinking of something different than you are.
Re:Back To The Status Quo (Score:5, Insightful)
Here's the real world of site development.
1. You already have several thousand pages of content output from a database that includes HTML directly in the dataset.
1a. There is no additional developer resource to modify the database and/or the database itself serves other clients who want it the way it is.
1b. Understand your site is going to be "invalid" from the get go.
2. Mark up your new *framework* code using web standards.
2a. Discover that the interplay between the "good" mark-up and the "bad mark-up" is causing problems in multiple browsers.
2b. Don't bother fixing just yet - the design process will also gave an impact on structure whether you like it or not - unless you are one person doing everything in which case you don't have these kind of problems - equally bragging on
3. Once the framework is marked up meet with the Interaction designer, the Brand manager and any other stakeholders.
3a. Discover they've already got a brand design in mind. It's contrarian to the way you coded your framework. Understand they're also professionals and have a point. Realise you can't force them to do it your way because arguments about semantic mark-up and clean code matter little versus the vast amount of cash they've sunk in the brand identity over the life of the company.
3b. Go back and stare at your framework and sample output.
3c. Try some things.
3d. Rinse and repeat.
3e. Arrive at framework that pretty much supports the interaction and branding requirements.
4. Convert the graphical design to CSS and apply to sample content - testing as you go - the fact you don't control all the mark-up makes you swear a lot. You drink coffee. You do the best you can and document the hacks and exceptions in the vain hope that those come after you may finish the job properly.
5. (mandatory) Modify existing Javascript to maintain the exsiting functionality of the site users have been using for three years plus.
5a. You may need to go look at that framework again some.
6. Test, test again, test some more.
6a. Release.
7. Spend futile debrief meeting begging for the additional budget to migrate the database content to proper separated semantic mark-up and content.
7a. Accept management will look at you blankly. Then refuse the request. Then start making plans for additional features instead.
7b. Make occasional acerbic posts on
This coward works for a large media organisation you all frequently claim is one of the best in the world.
Re:Back To The Status Quo (Score:2, Informative)
Uhhhgghh!! I've met "progressive enhancement" once before. You've never seen such ugly, malformed, duplicitous code. Non standards compliant web site code that tries to be cross-browser is most of the reason I decided not to get into web development.
I don't know what you think progressive enhancement is, but it's got nothing to do with being non-standard.
Take this example:
It works pretty much everywhere. Now this:
Re:Back To The Status Quo (Score:2)
Wrong "progressive enhancement", the ones he's talking about is layering your website and building each layer on top of the previous fully fonctional one. This means that each layer yields a fully usable website by itself and merely improves on the previous ones, aka if
We got of preparing to do (Score:2, Interesting)
It's a wonder we can get any work done. Looks like we'll just spend all of our time getting ready for 27 new versions of Microsoft products.
HP To Lay Off 15,000 Workers [whattofix.com]
Re:We got of preparing to do (Score:2)
Get Ready!? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Get Ready!? (Score:2)
A better idea... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:A better idea... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:A better idea... (Score:2, Insightful)
Putting a disclaimer such as the one you are proposing, is offensive and amateurish. It's not the users who should adjust -- it's the designers.
The difference in User Agents (Score:4, Funny)
Mozilla_4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)
Firefox_1.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0)
Re:The difference in User Agents (Score:2, Funny)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4 (compatible; MSIE 7.0)
Good luck to anybody still trying to use the UA string.
Re:The difference in User Agents (Score:3, Informative)
Internet Explorer 7.0 running on Longhorn will have a user-agent string of:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0)
according to the IE Blog [msdn.com]. Presumbly, Internet Explorer 7.0 running on Windows XP will have a user-agent string of:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)
Re:The difference in User Agents (Score:5, Informative)
This question must be asked: (Score:3, Interesting)
I think that if a major PC buyer - read government, decided not to let systems with non compliant browsers be marketed in the country, M$ would listen to some extent. However, for this approach to succeed, many governments must do the same...not just one. The EU could do this. So could Russia and China. Is it time to lobby these governments on this just like was done on the software patent issue? But again, as an individual, I want more...ie...to be able to completely remove all traces of IE on my PC and let any browser specific component be handled by a browser of my choice. What about that?
Re:This question must be asked: (Score:2)
yet again, the
until people stop buying MS IE, ms will have incentives to screw others - its biz 101
NO major company is ethical - companies are darwinian beasts that evolve to make money; if making software that excludes others works, they will do that. complaining about it is like complaining that humans have only 2 legs. Its just the way it is.
Re:This question must be asked: (Score:2)
However, it would be both acceptable and a damn good idea for governmental institutions to put their money where their mouth is and stop buying products that break standards in a blatant attempt to lock in consumers. This would hopefully do enough damage to certain monopoly interests that it
Re:This question must be asked: (Score:2)
Re:This question must be asked: (Score:2)
As we've seen in the software patents travesty, the current rulers of Europe will tend to take the lead from individuals such as Mr William "Bill" Gates Esquire. I really don't think it would be a good idea to let said
Do absolutely nothing different (Score:3, Insightful)
Change absolutely nothing. Your strategy is as simple as that. Continue to develop for W3C standards, and make the usual pragmatic concessions to allow for IE 5 and 6. Make no special attempt to accommodate IE7 whatsoever.
This strategy is a clear winner for one simple reason. The only reason MS gets a lot of developers to code for IE is because it's big. When you
Re:Do absolutely nothing different (Score:3, Interesting)
Thanks for the reply, but I think my reasoning was a little more thought out than you give credit for...
This is exactly what I think regardi IE7 (Score:2, Informative)
Don't Misinterpret - Could imact Mozilla too! (Score:2)
Why? (Score:4, Interesting)
Nearly *all* the web developers I know that are worth their weight curse regularly at the bag of bile that is IE. Firefox is just a better browser , plain and simple. Just what does IE offer (that is not a proprietary IE only extension) that is going to change things for the better?
feedback post on the original article's forum (Score:5, Insightful)
Most /. readers already know not to use user-agent string evaluation to conditionally server content (it's lame to do so).
However I tried to persuade the readers of the original forum where the article was posted with a post. I adopted a rational argument and hopefully it will influence the non-slashdot audience with what I hope is an eloquent statement against this inane (but perfectly understandable from the vendor's perspective) advice.
original article [eweek.com]
And here's my post there:
Coding for standards is too expensive! (Score:5, Insightful)
That's the BS I usually hear from people who develop only for one browser - typically the "corporate standard" browser.
Interestingly enough, I have the opposite experience. We reuse our proven code to make sure that our sites work properly with all modern browsers. Pretty standard stuff for all serious software development professionals.
We use a lot of fancy features, support a fancy text editor, calendar widgets, hierarchy controls... basically, everything that people want out of a modern browser interface. And do you know what? Our resulting software works and looks great with IE, FireFox, Opera, Konqueror, and more.
We have tens of thousands of "very active" users per day, and we never get a complaint about our software not working with a less popular browser.
We have a very small software development staff. As the manager of this organization, I can say with confidence that supporting all browsers versus just one costs us zero dollars.
It's all about good design and management practices. If you do some planning for the future by making good, solid, reusable code the first time, you actually end up saving a ton of money. Save time, money, and sanity.
Sadly, most software development organizations just can't handle doing their job right. They don't bother to build good reusable code, resulting in a tedious, unreliable, never-ending tweaking effort whenever the next service pack is released.
No wonder why so many companies have outsourced their development to the 3rd world. Lousy software development practices, such as coding for just the one corporate standard browser, is prohibitively expensive.
All browsers != standards (Score:3, Informative)
"Coding for all browsers is expensive and increases our development and support costs".
That's the BS I usually hear from people who develop only for one browser - typically the "corporate standard" browser.
No, it's true. Try developing a website using CSS 2. It'll work in Firefox, Opera, Konqueror and Safari just fine. Now check it in Internet Explorer. Whoops!
If you want your website to work in all browsers, then you have to either forget about CSS 2 (meaning slower development) or hack arou
Re:Coding for standards is too expensive! (Score:3, Informative)
We have a very small software development staff. As the manager of this organization, I can say with confidence that supporting all browsers versus just one costs us zero dollars.
Really? If anyone is occasionally testing to be sure everything works on all browsers, you have a cost. If no one is, I find it unlikely things work perfectly in all major browsers. There do seem to be a number of weird issues out there.
this really shouldn't be necessary (Score:2)
MS made this mess, and now they're freaking out because the whole world isn't going out of its way to cover for MS's mistakes.
MS can suck it! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:MS can suck it! (Score:4, Funny)
Shortly after this outburst, Mr.Coward was fired from his job maintaining Microsoft's corporate website.
the biggest change in IE7... (Score:5, Insightful)
Hell, last time of such a hack [regarding IE6] happened when I rewrote a javascript menu into a quite simple and clean css version: it was pretty in firefox, konqueror, mozilla and opera, but it didn't even look like a menu in IE6 (w/ xpsp2). It took me 2 hours and about a dozen customized lines of code especially for IE, to make it look like it did elsewhere, in real browsers.
I don't care how high levels of enlightened self-interest [
Sometimes MS reminds me of good old OCP from Robocop movies: it's so big and it's so alone that you have no choice but to live with it.
Oh puhleez... (Score:2)
UA Strings, Can't we all get along... (Score:2)
Take handhelds to start. Blazer, on the Treo 600, for the most part claims that it is Windows 95, with handy addition of tacking on the screen
Re:oh pretty please... (Score:4, Insightful)
"There are undoubtedly many Web sites that are so poorly built or tested that IE7 will break them," he said, "So it's not entirely dumb to make a fuss about IE7's impending release."
IE7 will continue IE's ways of non-standardization. Expect IE7 to break your site.
Re:oh pretty please... (Score:2)
Re:oh pretty please... (Score:2)
Re:oh pretty please... (Score:3, Informative)
Nope... (Score:5, Funny)
CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:2, Insightful)
Any ideas what the "flaw" is?
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes: Microsoft doesn't control it.
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:2, Informative)
http://annevankesteren.nl/2005/06/css-21 [annevankesteren.nl]
CSS 2.1 is in nearly-done stage I think. At least IE devs can start working on it already...
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:2)
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:2)
IE's just following the crowd here.
Re:CSS2 a flawed standard? (Score:3, Informative)
At the beginning, the UA was merely a mean of identifying yourself. You were supposed to say who you were for statistical purposes period.
But when Netscape started to create quite a lot of tags it was the only browser to understand, some devs got the [sarcasm]really nice idea[/sarcasm] to parse the UAs and only serve "improved" content to "Mozilla" (netscape) while feeding the dumbed down one to any other browser.
Subsequently, when IE started to get good
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:3, Informative)
No. This particular script is generally only useful when you need to support Internet Explorer 4.0, but that doesn't mean this sort of script is no longer useful.
A more relevant example would be checking for XMLHttpRequest, but that involves two different code branches anyway due to the difference in instantiation between the ActiveX and native objects.
I chose the document.getElementById v
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:2, Informative)
Javascript should be made using object detection and built by default to work (degraded but still usable) and CSS should be built to standards with 'fail-safe' hacks to make it work in all major browsers.
Unfortunatly time pressures and the shear amount of crazy browser bugs (in ALL browsers) can sometimes make this hard.
Re:not a webdev, but... (Score:2)
Maybe it's a completely new UA string (Score:2, Interesting)
From TFA:
Currently IE's user-agent string defines itself as a browser compatible with "Mozilla/4.0". I wouldn't doubt that line means they're changing to some new format (directly specifying it's MSIE rather than saying it's compatible with an old browser, just like Opera). That then could be what broke so many websites into not recognizing it as IE.
But as the article is too vague on this aspect, we can't really be sure.
Re:Maybe it's a completely new UA string (Score:2, Informative)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)
taken from the IE7 developers' blog [msdn.com].
Re:creators urging everyone to prep for big flash (Score:2)
Re:Firefox market share will increase even more! (Score:3, Interesting)
It's not hard, and I don't do *any* UA detection*. The key is picking the right standards subsections, and implementing the missing stuff yourself. IE has been "good enough" since version 5.5, assuming your layout won't get broken due to text in a DIV being "off" by a few pixels, etc. Remember, users come for content, anyhow!
Incidentally, most of my stuff works on IE4.0, but it's pretty
Re:Firefox market share will increase even more! (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem for Firefox is that it's existing Windows users will buy a new computer some day, with IE 7.0 installed. Will this version still be so bad that they are motivated to install Firefox again?
This is the advantage that Microsoft always has, and what allowed them to defeat Netscape. The browser only has to be "good enough" and indifference of the users wi