Drawing Minorities Into Gaming 256
UnseenOperation writes "CNN has up entitled an article Drawing Minorities Into Gaming, which discusses the lack of minority heroes in games as well as the lack of minorities in game development. The article states that black and hispanic youths spend more time playing videogames than whites but members of those groups make up less than 7 percent of the industry workforce." From the article: "Roughly 80 percent of video game programmers are white, according to preliminary results of an International Game Developers Association survey. About four percent of designers are Hispanic, and less than three percent are black...A March study by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that black youths between 8 and 18 years old played video and computer games roughly 90 minutes a day -- almost 30 minutes more than white youths. And Hispanics play about 10 minutes more per day than whites."
Double Standard, anyone? (Score:4, Insightful)
From TFA:
But in GTA: Vice City, Tommy Vercetti is Italian, and that's OK? As the fiancee of an American of Italian descent, I find that offensive!
Waitaminit....in RTCW, the Nazis were German! As an American of German descent, I find that offensive!
Hold on...in IGN's NCAA Football, they have the Notre Dame Fighting Irish??? As an American of Irish descent, I find that offensive!
(I could keep going, but I trust you all see the absurdity at this point...at least I hope you do...)
Re:Double Standard, anyone? (Score:3, Insightful)
Ah, whatever - the Champ in UT2k4 is black, that's good enough for me. Malcolm pwnz.
Re:Double Standard, anyone? (Score:4, Insightful)
Since you mentioned NCAA college athletics [sfgate.com], I just want to say that (as a very pale-skinned Native American) I'm glad that the NCAA has stepped up to eliminate names that demean American Indian culture. However, the argument I hear from some of my friends is "Why are you so upset over some name like the Braves? I mean, we have the Fighting Irish and Vikings - surely that's equivalent." It's not the same - Irish Catholics at the University of Notre Dame chose to represent themselves as "The Fighting Irish" and they can control the image they present (to some extent); some white guy decided to call the team "the Redskins", and the image that the team presents conflicts with the true image of the people, and they don't have the control to stop it. The original intentions, honorable or harmful, doesn't matter.
I see a similar thing in video games and other media (tv, movies, whatever). Characters in video games or movies aren't truly representative of people in real life, and they're often shallowly stereotyped. Unfortunately, I don't think enough of us know about where the creators are coming from to make a decision about whether the game creators are poorly informed/rushed/sloppy, or just racist. And I don't think that TFA is really going to help us figure that out.
Re:Double Standard, anyone? (Score:2)
I think it is possible (and it makes for interesting characters in movies/video games, etc.) when a character can walk through different cultures equally - why does it have to be an either/or situation? can't a person exhibit traits of both?
-1 for misunderstanding what reparations are... (Score:2)
Hypocrisy (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hypocrisy (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, in games like Postal2, the game devs specifically said the city populace will have all kinds of people, including the minorities so that it will resemble the real world status so no one specifically will be offended.
So what does the media say? That the game is racist as it allows you to kill members of the minority groups.
To that the game devs responded that you can kill whoever you want. The game is only "racist" if YOU are racist and kill only specific minorities.
And you know what? If the gam
Re:Hypocrisy (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Hypocrisy (Score:3, Funny)
Maybe it was because he was like the worst party member for cloud? its been so long, but when you could have tika, aeris and vincent (my god even Red XII) why would you choose barret?
he wasn't so offensive either, he just didn't say "I PITY THE FOOL" enough.
Re:Hypocrisy (Score:2)
Martin Lawrence set black equality back so far I wanted to startup the underground railroad.
Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
Why don't we have more white people in basket ball?
how about Blacks in hockey?
Do what you're good at and what you like.
Re:Why? (Score:2)
Or so says Chris Rock. Oh, and "White Man Can't Jump" wasn't just a movie
Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
To ignore races and their differences (ie; colorblind) IS RACIST because it means you are ignoring the minorities.
Anyone else see something backwards there?
Re:Why? (Score:2)
To ignore races and their differences (ie; colorblind) IS RACIST because it means you are ignoring the minorities.
Anyone else see something backwards there?
Wow, you've just summed up what I've been thinking about for a long time but could never quite put to words.
I always thought that racism doesn't end when everyone is forced to stop using words such as "nigger." It ends on the day when everyone CAN use them and
Re:Why? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Would wearing... (Score:2)
Slashdot crowd: "You don't have no girlfriend, eediot!"
Who says it needs to be attached to a woman? mua-a-ha-HA-HAA.. ok, carry on.
The Real Crime (Score:2)
Joking aside, the static doesn't mean much. Honestly, I think getting into the video game industry being non-white male is NOT going to hurt you. Video game companies eat m
Stop (Score:5, Interesting)
I wish there was a "politically correct" Slashdot section so I could filter it out.
Re:Stop (Score:2)
May I direct you too (Score:2)
There isn't anything more politically correct or slanted than that. Probably the worst thing to happen to Slashdot since they were bought.
Re:Stop (Score:2, Insightful)
The fact is that almost 81.7% of the country is caucasian [cia.gov]. So obviously there will statistically be far more caucasians in any one area than there are of any other group.
So I guess someone needs to figure out how we're going to start relating population to employment in each industry. And what is going to happen when we run out of min
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Re:Stop (Score:2, Insightful)
1) More minorities play games than whites.
2) Most game programmers are white.
Then they go on to say that these facts mean we must have more minority developers. Why? What does it accomplish? So
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Heh. I think there's a misconception out there that the programmers invent or design the games. It's not the programmers that make the heroes white.
Re:Stop (Score:4, Insightful)
Not by mandate, but theoretically that's the way it should be. Unless you're going to make some lame-brained argument about how some races are "predisposed" to certain professions - i.e. whites make good game developers, blacks make good basketball players. That's the only way you can counter-argue the point. (Next you'll start getting into issues of "natural bouyancy.") I don't think you're going there, are you?
Assuming an employer is an equal opportunity employer (as all large corporations are), then any reasonably large industry (with a large enough sample size) should have a fairly representative workforce.
If it doesn't, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the industry's fault. But if you start from an assumption that all races are equal, and you then realize that non-whites play games more than whites (in other words, there is an obvious interest in games), then the fact that whites seem to get a disproportionate share of game development jobs indicates a problem somewhere. Maybe it's the educational system. Maybe it's the latent class system. Maybe it's differing regional cultures (though plenty of blacks and hispanics live in southern California, where most game developers are). Maybe it's George Bush or Hillary Clinton or whoever else. But the fact of the matter is, if you start from that assumption - that all races are equal - then there must be something - some link in the chain somewhere - holding these ethnic groups back from getting these jobs.
It's a problem that's obviously not unique to the game industry, and it's not necessarily the industry's responsibility to fix it either. But in a perfect world, yes, the racial makeup of large industries would reflect the real world. We do not live in a perfect world, so it doesn't always happen. But that doesn't mean you don't set that as a goal and strive for it, as a society.
Re:Stop (Score:2, Informative)
Here's a lame brained argument for you.
There are two sides to a penny. I can flip it 100 times but that doesn't mean it is going to turn up heads exactly 50% of the time and tails exactly 50% of the time. It's entirely possible that it could turn up 80/20 or 60/40 or 30/70. Was there any bias in the coin? No, that's just the way t
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Um..hello? Have you watched a basketball game in the last 50 years?
And incidentally, just because a person may really enjoy playing games, does not automatically mean that person is also interested in making games enough that he would go to all the trouble to get to that point.
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Um..hello? Have you? [wikipedia.org]
Arguably the best player in basketball is white. I heard that there is even a good Chinese [wikipedia.org] basketball player.
I think it's pretty ignorant to even joke about "black people are predisposed to being better athletes." It's all about opportunities to compete - and since black people aren't given as many opportunties to compete on equal ground with other groups (outside the areas of sports competition) is it any wonder th
Re:Stop (Score:3, Insightful)
He said "Look at the the previous two winners. [I beleive Eddie Tolan, the previous winner, was also black, but I could be wrong] It can't be the physique. It must be in the mind. You have people who've been put down, so they have more incentive, because they don't want to be discriminated against."
Another white
Re:Stop (Score:2)
But if you start from an assumption that all races are equal
And here is the start of the flaw in your logic. First of all there's no such thing as "race". The word itself implies some kind of inherent difference between people. I don't think you meant to imply that, but I think the word iteself has that connotation. You must mean skin color. The question is "Are there any meaningfull difference in the socio-economics of people of different skin color?" The obvious answer is yes. People with "white" s
Re:Stop (Score:2)
But anyone with half a brain should be able to realize that all those years of evolution must have made a difference for people living in different environments and facing different types of problems.
Not terribly much difference. If you're living near the equator you need more protection from the sun, hence more melanin. Asians tend to be shorter, maybe because food was more scarce in much of Asia? All of this is irrelevant to the discussion though. It's never been shown there's any mental differences b
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Re:Stop (Score:2)
Of course, this gener
What about Japanese? (Score:5, Insightful)
Besides, if more minorities are playing games than whites, wouldn't it be reasonable to say that the programmers, although white, appear to be making games that appeal more to minority interests than white kids? How would hiring more minority programmers alter this?
Breakdown (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Breakdown (Score:2, Informative)
Here's the numbers from the 2000 U.S. Census:
White: 75.1%
Black or African American: 12.3%
American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.9%
Asian: 3.6%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 0.1%
Two or more races: 2.4%
Some other race: 5.5%
Hispanic or Latino: 12.5%
(NOTE: Percentages do not add up to 100% due to rounding, and because Hispanics may be of any race and are therefore counted under more than one category.)
Re:Breakdown (Score:2)
Re:Breakdown (Score:2)
Anyhow, you can see the breakdown here. http://www.census.gov/prod/2001pubs/cenbr01-1.pdf [census.gov]
80 percent of programmers are white... (Score:2, Insightful)
but what I really want to know is...
Where da asians at?
Re:80 percent of programmers are white... (Score:2)
Math is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Non-game programmer statistics? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Non-game programmer statistics? (Score:2)
Re:Non-game programmer statistics? (Score:2)
you dont give your lead programming position to the valedictorian at devry, you give it to the 120th CS graduate from Michigan.
I don't understand... (Score:2, Insightful)
No offense intended, but, man, let it be...
Let the ones who want to play play... and the ones who don't, don't... Why is that bad?
Re:I don't understand... (Score:2)
Who cares?! (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm tired of hearing every other day about how transvestite inuite natives transplanted to the lower SE of California, born on Tuesdays are brutally neglected from videogaming.
I'm a white male in my late 20s and I grew up during the biggest days of gaming and MTV and didn't indulge in either of those things until I was an adult. Guess what? I was okay. My life wasn't destroyed because I couldn't play Megaman on the NES.
I see (Score:5, Insightful)
That just about sums up the entire article...
Ummmm no... I've seen some of these kids, trust me they can't do much more than sit in front of a TV for 8 hours.
Re:I see (Score:2)
It Doesn't Matter Anymore (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:It Doesn't Matter Anymore (Score:2, Insightful)
Creating games isn't like coding a database or writing back-end bank account managing software; there are many cultural aspects involved that will prevent the "escape" of these jobs outside of US borders. I don't ever see an Indian company (or any other tech-export country) creating a game that is able to strike American gamers' emotional chords as well as a US or Japanese publisher. Japan has retained their quality game development compani
Re: (Score:2)
Well...... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Well...... (Score:5, Interesting)
When I came home after school and kicked it with the kids in my neighborhood, the difference between what I'd learned at Brentwood and what they'd learned at Manuel Arts was staggering. We had a computer lab full of Apple ]['s and me and my little brother were programming games in basic and doing logo before we hit our teens. My friends in the neighborhood were going through metal detectors and getting randomly searched for guns and drugs and avoiding getting their asses kicked for being seen with books when they walked home.
It was and still is completely FUCKED UP. The reason why you don't have more minority developers is not because they're too stupid too do it, it's because they're so far behind in their level of education than it's almost impossible to catch up. How the hell are you going to code a game engine when you're leaving school with an Algebra I math level?
Know what Affirmitive Action really is? It's a patch. It's a patch designed to fix the fucked up unequal education problem. But instead of Affirmitive Action what really needs to happen is the problem needs to be fixed at its source, everyone should be educated at the same level from the very beginning and they're not.
With no affirmitive action this will only get worse as families have kids in poor areas that goto poor schools, learn nothing, stay poor, and then have poor kids.
Re:Well...... (Score:3, Interesting)
My sister and I went through the public school system. We're Nepali (inbetween India and China). We went through the ghetto schools, but still were able to get into private colleges. My mom has worked at McDonalds for over 15 years and my father as a parking booth attendant.
But difference include family, cultural pressures and EXPECTATIONS. My parents were educated. My father was supporting his graduate school at Ohio State throug
Re:Well...... (Score:2)
And the educational system is responsible for this how, exactly? Take it up with the folks who've decided that they're going to be failures and darn well aren't going to be showed up by successes who happen to look like them.
Ah, "acting white". I had a friend in grade school. His father was a doctor and he lived in a house bigger than any I could ever have imagined. He played classical piano (and very, very well, I
Re:Well...... (Score:2)
you've peaked my curiosity. Who is this 'T-Bag' fellow?
I've never played any GTA since the first incarnation (Grand Theft Auto 1, on the PC back in like 1997 or so). What could possibly be so horrific about this character? How could he be any worse than anything Dave Chapel has done?
Hrm.. (Score:3, Informative)
So, basically, black and hispanic kids play games more than white kids do, but we need to recruit more minorities into the industry to fix the problem with the games being too stereotyped? Now, I have nothing against anyone who can do the job (regardless where they come from or what they look like), but obviously the blacks and hispanics they speak of are enjoying themselves playing all these games that the people in the current industry have created. It seems if there was some fundamental problem with racial equality here, they'd have a far smaller market and be playing games less - not more. I could be missing something...
Re:Hrm.. (Score:2)
Natrually we should also remember that because people are black, they only like a certain t
What games are they playing? (Score:2)
The problem is more basic... (Score:2)
Of course, "race" has nothing to do with ability to code, but what are the odds that you'll get a bunch of great programmers out of a culture (for example, black teenage culture where I live, LA) where academic achievement is called "selling out" ?
The more acceptable being intelligent is within
Pointless (Score:2)
Argue about the designers, the artists, the producers, etc. Don't target the guys who just make the sprite/model (white guy, black guy, or a lemonade stand) display and move around.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Score:2)
I'll play devil's advocate and use this as the reason why there aren't any more ethnic minorities - in this game, having a large number of dark skinned characters (e.g. a 50/50 split) would look awkward at the time (e.g. the US wasn't known for equality at the time.) There are two solutions - either multiple skins per class (which would take up more space
In part 2... (Score:2)
Truth (Score:2)
Whether its politically cor
Equality my ass (Score:2)
Might as well burn... (Score:2)
I often see stories like this - "XYZ industry needs to attract people who don't look like the ones in it now..." My own (accounting and finance) has the same 'problem'. After spending a semester doing a research project on the subject of 'minorities' in higher education, I found the following, based on stats from the US Dept. of Education. This was as of the end of the 1990's, but I doubt much has changed.
1. 'Minorities' as classified by the USDOE pe
Re:Might as well burn... (Score:2)
Agreed, but we still need to examine why students in high school aren't learning, but can then go on to CC and get prepared to attend a four-year college.
For example, is it because the students who attend CC (since it's optional, compared to high school) are interested in learning, but their educational growth was stu
GTA: San Andreas (Score:2)
Re:GTA: San Andreas (Score:2)
Soylent GTA is PEOPLE!!!!! (Score:2)
Stay away!
Don't do it!
It's a trap [cnn.com]!!
Too Damn Sensitive! (Score:2)
Bob says: "You see Billy... (Score:3, Interesting)
...it is a law of nature that certian races are different.
In the case of com-pu-ter vid-e-o games, the caucasians -- or whitie as people like we are often called -- are more likely to be aclamated to dark climates. Thus, long hours spent looking at com-pu-ters and playing games indoors is more likely.
The darker races are used to well-lit climates, thus they are less likely to accell at either the creation or playing of these darkened pastimes and prefer brighter pastimes like Football, Baseball, and Jogging. Basketball, by contrast, being an indoor sport, will always be dominated by caucasians. That's just nature at work!
Billy, let that be a lesson to you!"
Billy: "Gee, thanks mister! That explains a whole lot!"
[We now return you to the current dimension.]
Screw that, I want less diversity.... (Score:2)
The first paragraph is BS to begin with! (Score:3, Insightful)
"Roughly 80 percent of video game programmers are white"
Wow I had no idea all the hundreds of Japanese games I play all the time were created by mostly WHITE MALES!? Where the hell did they get that number?Perhaps the statistics explain the difference (Score:2)
My first reaction when reading this is, "Well, if they would spend more time on their studies and less on playing games, perhaps they would be qualified to become game developers."
I mean, listening to a lot of music does not make one a musician,
But what are they playing? (Score:2)
".A March study by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that black youths between 8 and 18 years old played video and computer games roughly 90 minutes a day -- almost 30 minutes more than white youths."
At least in the college dorms I used to live in, every African American male was playing some form of EA sports game (sans NHL). I'd say that the "characters" in these games tend to be African American more often than not. Just because 98% of games por
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Your numbers are a bit off, IMO, I'd add ~5 points to the Asians and Ashkenazi.
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
BTW, your "IQ boosting pill" is called "Education". It's freely available, but the dosage and quality will vary depending on your location. Looks like you got a bad one.
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
The socioeconomic status of one's parents cannot in any immediate sense "cause" one's IQ to be high or low. Family income obviously cannot directly determine a child's performance on an IQ test. But income and the other components of an index of soc
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
There is a correlation between childhood nutrition and IQ, but it's minor compared to the genetic component, and only kicks in in cases of malnutrition.
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:3, Interesting)
Identify the cultural bias here: Raven's Progresive Matrices example [wilderdom.com]
Okay. Explain why IQ correlates
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
I'd be interested in reading more about such studies -- do you (or anyone else) have a link?
Even if true, though, it seems a bit shaky to take a test consciously designed to show bias and thereby conclude that other tests have similar skew purely from unconscious bias.
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:2)
Re:Game development, not gaming (Score:5, Informative)
I personally hate the idea. It assaults the foundation of my liberalism, that everyone is born equal. But I don't think that ignoring the facts for political correctness makes sense. This is part of Harvard Pres Lawrence H. Summers 'controversial" speech [harvard.edu].
"It does appear that on many, many different human attributes-height, weight, propensity for criminality, overall IQ, mathematical ability, scientific ability-there is relatively clear evidence that whatever the difference in means-which can be debated-there is a difference in the standard deviation, and variability of a male and a female population. And that is true with respect to attributes that are and are not plausibly, culturally determined. If one supposes, as I think is reasonable, that if one is talking about physicists at a top twenty-five research university, one is not talking about people who are two standard deviations above the mean. And perhaps it's not even talking about somebody who is three standard deviations above the mean. But it's talking about people who are three and a half, four standard deviations above the mean in the one in 5,000, one in 10,000 class. Even small differences in the standard deviation will translate into very large differences in the available pool substantially out. I did a very crude calculation, which I'm sure was wrong and certainly was unsubtle, twenty different ways. I looked at the Xie and Shauman paper-looked at the book, rather-looked at the evidence on the sex ratios in the top 5% of twelfth graders. If you look at those-they're all over the map, depends on which test, whether it's math, or science, and so forth-but 50% women, one woman for every two men, would be a high-end estimate from their estimates. From that, you can back out a difference in the implied standard deviations that works out to be about 20%. And from that, you can work out the difference out several standard deviations. If you do that calculation-and I have no reason to think that it couldn't be refined in a hundred ways-you get five to one, at the high end. Now, it's pointed out by one of the papers at this conference that these tests are not a very good measure and are not highly predictive with respect to people's ability to do that. And that's absolutely right. But I don't think that resolves the issue at all. Because if my reading of the data is right-it's something people can argue about-that there are some systematic differences in variability in different populations, then whatever the set of attributes are that are precisely defined to correlate with being an aeronautical engineer at MIT or being a chemist at Berkeley, those are probably different in their standard deviations as well. So my sense is that the unfortunate truth-I would far prefer to believe something else, because it would be easier to address what is surely a serious social problem if something else were true-is that the combination of the high-powered job hypothesis and the differing variances probably explains a fair amount of this problem."
Now, this seems pretty firmly grounded in the questioning openmindedness we expect from our universities. If you disagree, and Summers has pointed out some weak spots for you to start with, I'm sure he's open to disscuss it.
Of course, the resulting PC backlash had Harvard promising $50,000,000 for anti discrimination measures in two weeks. Something is very wrong here.
Re:A perfect argument! (Score:2)
Well hell yes. Look who is the CEO of AMD, Hector Ruiz, I'd say he is an acceptable role model.
Re:Is poverty the problem? (Score:2)
You've got kids stuck inside most of the time, probably bored out of their skull. So they tend to play more video games.
Re:Is poverty the problem? (Score:2)
Re:Native Americans (Score:2)
And it's based on the Duke Nukem Forever Engine!
Re:Seriously man. (Score:2)