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LispM Source Released Under 'BSD Like' License 336

mschaef writes "Announced on Bill Clementson's Blog, Brad Parker has stated that he has 'permission from MIT to release all the LISPM source code with a "BSD like" source license.'" Zach Beane has also set up a torrent for easy download.
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LispM Source Released Under 'BSD Like' License

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:45PM (#13706855)
    Is that anything like a death certificate?
    • My wife wondered at my guffaw when that quip caught me by surprise. I then made the sad mistake of trying to explain why a particular joke about software licensing was so funny...I was soon given a sympathetic smile and shown the hand as she quickly walked away saying it was more than she needed to know...sigh. I think my cat's a nerd and would've enjoyed it, but I don't speak cat.

      = 9J =

  • Lisp? (Score:5, Funny)

    by cdn2k1 ( 908657 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:45PM (#13706856)
    Does that mean we have to pronounce it as

    Bee - Ethh - Dee?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge..."
  • by Minwee ( 522556 ) <dcr@neverwhen.org> on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:47PM (#13706877) Homepage
    Okay, you know the drill. A new story has been released and you're all aching to comment on it without reading the article, so let's get going.

    All "What is LISPM?" comments over on the right.

    "This proves BSD is dying" comments on the left.

    Wordplay that desperately wants to be clever, like "I guess that makes it a 'Bee Eth Dee Licenth'" comments go there by the door.

    If you have read the article, know the history of Brad Parker, LISPM and their involvement in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and have something intelligent to say, then we don't want your kind around here. Slashdot has standards to maintain, you know.

    • Dude! Are you still using Lisp Machines? This development just proves they're dying!

      I was originally going to title this "Symbolics is Dying", but it turns out Symbolics [symbolics.com] is still around, selling things like Macsyma, just not making Lisp Machines any more.

  • Argh! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Brent Spiner ( 919505 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:50PM (#13706894) Homepage
    I don't know, does anyone still program in LISP (I'm sure some people do (personally I could never get used to its syntax (although I never really tried that hard (I did use it with Autocad (one of the really old DOS versions) for a while))))?
    • Re:Argh! (Score:4, Informative)

      by Just Some Guy ( 3352 ) <kirk+slashdot@strauser.com> on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:59PM (#13706978) Homepage Journal
      I don't know, does anyone still program in LISP

      Naughty Dog [franz.com] used a variant to write "Jak and Daxter", an extremely popular game for Playstation 2. Many more people use spiritual descendents like Python.

      • Python is a spiritual descendant of LISP? Python is more like the spiritual antithesis of LISP. Guido hates LISP.
        • When one says Lisp, they can mean a range of languages, including (most likely) one or both of: Common Lisp, which was designed by committee and has everything including the kitchen sink built in, and Scheme, which is much cleaner and smaller.

          Python is more like Scheme and its philosophy than Common Lisp.

          • Actually, a better analogy would be: Python is perl which doesn't suck.

            Perl being what you get when you take C, awk and bourne shell and drop it in a blender.
          • Re:Argh! (Score:2, Interesting)

            by lgw ( 121541 )
            Yep, LISP -> Scheme -> Python. A pretty straightforward descent. Scheme removed the annoying complexity-of-use from LISP by discarding its historical baggage (if only that could happen to C++!). Python discarded the requirement that the language be trivial to parse because code looked like data in favor of syntax that favored humans, and added back a type mechanism. I found it interesting that Python was originally much less Scheme-like, with currying not really working and so on, but grew to be m
      • Re:Argh! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Bastian ( 66383 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:43PM (#13707356)
        Methinks a lot of folks would argue that Python isn't a spiritual descendant so much as a wannabe. My understanding (I haven't programmed in Python much) is that it lacks a lot of the features that make lisp So. Damn. Cool., such as macros, and its closures are broken in the eyes of a lot of lispers. To me, the real kicker is that there is still a strong division between data and code in Python.
        • Re:Argh! (Score:3, Informative)

          by Just Some Guy ( 3352 )
          My understanding (I haven't programmed in Python much) is that it lacks a lot of the features that make lisp So. Damn. Cool.

          However, it does have a lot of the features that many of us liked about Lisp, but in an easier-to-use package (in the opinion of some). Example: trivially ease introspection and metaprogramming. Functions as first-class objects. Native, fast list operations. Elegance.

          Maybe "spiritual descendents" was too strong; "strongly influenced by it" might have been better.

          • Re:Argh! (Score:5, Informative)

            by sickofthisshit ( 881043 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @05:15PM (#13707579) Journal
            However, [Python] does have a lot of the features that many of us liked about Lisp,

            The comparison is a bit complicated.

            From the starting point of, say, C++, Python has a lot of the same kind of appeal that Common Lisp does, and for many of the same reasons. In philosophy, however, the Pythonistas and the Lispniks seem to have much to disagree about.

            For instance, it seems (from the noises I hear over in Lisp forums), that Guido actively works to eliminate Lisp-isms in favor of his own "clearer" syntax. Whereas the Common Lisp folks tend to keep stuff around *forever*, and if someone invents a clearer replacement, they migrate to it, but nobody cares much that the old stuff is left behind. However, Schemers like the "one elegant way instead of three different ways". Whether you consider Scheme to be a Lisp or not is a great way to start a flame war.

            Where this matters most is in Lisp macros. (For the nth time, these have nothing to do with C preprocessor macros, rather, they let you implement language extensions using the full power of the language, and with seamless integration to the original language and other extensions). Lispniks would never give those up. Pythonistas seem to not understand what the big deal about macros is. Schemers don't like macros because it is possible to write buggy macros, and want their own elegant, bulletproof mechanisms to define language extensions. This is yet another great way to start flame wars.
            • python is perl with syntax which doesn't suck.
              • Re:Argh! (Score:3, Insightful)

                by Peaker ( 72084 )
                Python is strongly typed, Perl isn't
                Python is polymorphic, Perl isn't
                Python has a few concise operators that implement hundreds of possible operations via polymorphism, Perl has hundreds of operators to implement hundreds of possible operations
                Python allows named arguments and reflection on those, Perl doesn't
                Python has proper exception handling, Perl doesn't
                Python has real classes and instances, Perl doesn't
                Python has real data structures with no arbitrary restrictions on what they can contain, Perl differ
            • Re:Argh! (Score:4, Informative)

              by pnatural ( 59329 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @06:13PM (#13707954)
              Pythonistas seem to not understand what the big deal about macros is.

              Actually, the python community in general and Guido in particular understand very well what the big deal is. They've looked at macros and said, "yeah, that would be nice, but we don't want to allow the language to be rewritten on a user-by-user basis."

              In other words, "readability counts", and that goes out the door with macros. Maybe not for disciplined programmers, but we all know the world is full of the other kind.
              • Re:Argh! (Score:4, Insightful)

                by sickofthisshit ( 881043 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @06:21PM (#13707996) Journal
                Well, I can't argue with your phrasing.

                Yet, the Common Lisper's perspective is that the power to reshape the language to suit the problem (not to suit the individual user per se) is such a useful and time-saving innovation that no one should deprive the programmers of it. After all, people can write unreadable code in Fortran or C, but we don't take those languages away.

                Crippling everybody because bad programmers would write bad code seems like winning the wrong battle. Which pretty much shows what side of the fence I live on.

                To polarize it, "readability" doesn't count for much if we have to stick at the level of Dick-and-Jane. Faulkner and Joyce might be "unreadable" compared to Basic English, but you can't translate it back.
              • Re:Argh! (Score:5, Insightful)

                by be-fan ( 61476 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @06:41PM (#13708130)
                The whole point of macro is readability! Reading Lisp code with a well-chosen set of macros is like reading code written in a language precisely-designed for the problem you're trying to solve. It keeps the boiler-plate and the implementation details from interfering with the expression of the core algorithms.
            • Norvig (Score:3, Informative)

              by drewness ( 85694 )
              Peter Norvig has a nice comparison of Python and Lisp [norvig.com].
    • Re:Argh! (Score:5, Informative)

      by DeafByBeheading ( 881815 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:02PM (#13707002) Journal
      Does this [yahoo.com] count? Or this [orbitz.com]? Lisp is a very powerful language. Paren matching is rendered trivial with any decent editor. The syntax is actually quite nice and clean once you get used to it. I wouldn't use it for everything, and it does have some core ugliness (hey, so does C++), but it has an undeservedly bad reputation.
      • if they would get rid of the parenthesis hell, a lot more people would be receptive to lisp.

        you shouldn't need an editor to assist you with the syntax hell of a language. paren hell also makes restructuring code ... hell :)
        • It's also false to say that a good text editor fixes parenthesis matching problems. It's easy to get very confused even with help from a good editor. Look at the ML-type languages for how to do functional programming without redundant parentheses (or semicolons, braces and brackets for that matter too).
        • Re:Argh! (Score:3, Insightful)

          by be-fan ( 61476 )
          Yeah right. Dylan tried that, look where it got them. People just use parentheses as an excuse to not try a language they're too chicken to try anyway.
      • bad reputation?? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by toby ( 759 ) *
        it has an undeservedly bad reputation.

        Only if you confuse 'reputation' with 'loudmouth /. trolling'.

      • Re:Argh! (Score:3, Informative)

        by bani ( 467531 )
        actually, yahoo rewrote their merchant system in C++ and Perl, and of Jan 2003 yahoo is no longer using lisp.

        so no, yahoo doesn't count anymore.

        orbitz uses lisp indirectly. they didn't write the software, they licensed it from ITA. to claim orbitz "uses" lisp is kinda like claiming someone "uses" C because the linux kernel is written in it.
    • ...does anyone still program in LISP...

      According to the O'Reilly book on Applescript, Applescript behaves very LISP-like.

      having never actually programmed in LISP, I can't comment on it beyond that, but LISP has intrigued me and I've considered learning it. or at least dabbling.
    • A surprising number of people, actually. Of the 230 million LOC in Debian, 3% (or 7 million) are written in Lisp. This puts it fourth, right after C, C++, and shell, and ahead of Perl, Python, Java, etc. With then number of people who hang out on comp.lang.lisp, you'd never know it was dead :)
      • Re:Argh! (Score:3, Funny)

        by RevAaron ( 125240 )
        Out of that 3%, how much is emacs?

        I'm surprised no one has brought up emacs as an example of a lisp app...
    • It's funny how your post is actually a really nice illustration of what Lisp syntax is like: lots of parentheses, but actually very legible. And that's even without indentation!
  • Great News! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by RAMMS+EIN ( 578166 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:51PM (#13706904) Homepage Journal
    Let me be the first to say...Great News!!

    This has long been the dream of those yearning for the revival of Lisp machines and their allegedly superior programming environment.
    • Re:Great News! (Score:3, Insightful)

      Except a lot of the really powerful stuff (Genera), was developed commercially at Symbolics, which is still very much a commercially licensed product (although it comes with almost all source code.)

      Think "ultimate programmer workstation" where you can get the source to *any* function in an API by hitting Meta-., and replace it with your own code, if you wish. And point to *any* object on the screen, and hit a mouse button, and the data object inspector lets you see and manipulate it.

      At least from what I un
      • Re:Great News! (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Abcd1234 ( 188840 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:26PM (#13707195) Homepage
        Sounds like Squeak [squeak.org] to me.
  • by bani ( 467531 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:52PM (#13706909)
    ...this is obviously stolen SCO intellectual property.

    I mean if SCO can claim all your ELF are belong to SCO, why stop there?

    SCO needs to start up a Lisp licensing program, it can be as wildly successful as their Linux licensing program.
  • But I thought... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pmike_bauer ( 763028 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:53PM (#13706915)
    • Tar file of the tape images, extracted files and extract software, 71Mbytes

    This software was written in the 80s. Back then, all the programmers were supposed to have supernatural abilities and could, like, fit an entire operating system in 640K! What is this??!!! A modern JVM download is only 15MB.
    • by CyricZ ( 887944 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:03PM (#13707010)
      There are the original TPC tape images included, and then those same images in SIMH format. Then there's an archive of the extracted files, and the archive is also extracted.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:05PM (#13707028)
      This distro is JPEGs of the 80-column cards.
    • Re:But I thought... (Score:3, Informative)

      by Zathrus ( 232140 )
      Back then, all the programmers were supposed to have supernatural abilities and could, like, fit an entire operating system in 640K! What is this??!!!


      And that may shed some light why your box dies everytime you run emacs.
    • Re:But I thought... (Score:3, Informative)

      by RAMMS+EIN ( 578166 )
      One of the reasons Lisp "died" is that it didn't achieve the performance of FORTRAN (the other language of the time). Of the two, Lisp was tha language that had all the features (really..."modern" languages still don't have some of the features Lisp has), and FORTRAN was the one with the raw performance. As more research and implementation work was done, Lisp became competitive with "simple" languages in terms of performance, but it retains the image of being a slow, interpreted language to this day, no mat
    • Re:But I thought... (Score:4, Informative)

      by melonman ( 608440 ) on Tuesday October 04, 2005 @02:57AM (#13710495) Journal
      For a start, it's source code. It compiled for a processor designed specifically to run Lisp (36-bits anyone?), so the object code was quite compact.

      Second, it did stuff in the 80s that are still hard to do today. For example, how many development systems allow you to locate a piece of windowing behaviour that you like, anywhere in the OS, and import that behaviour to your own code with a few mouse clicks? Or drop into microcode when necessary? The JVM is smaller because it does a whole lot less.

      Third, the machine I used cost £1M at the time, so I don't think they were worried about the odd extra RAM chip. Lisp uses lots of RAM when it runs, no matter how compact the code.

      They were fantastic machines - in the year Apple released their first laser printer and IBM were talking seriously about a windowing environment, these guys were using a 68000 just to bootstrap the main processor, and there weren't a lot of other 24-bit displays around, let alone full-blown rendering packages to take advantage of them.
  • Nice... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by lpangelrob ( 714473 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:54PM (#13706932)
    ...they found it on 9-track tapes in the basement. Excellent.

    Does that make this the oldest software to be released under an "open-sourceish" license?

    • Re:Nice... (Score:5, Funny)

      by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:00PM (#13706982) Homepage
      ...they found it on 9-track tapes in the basement.

      ....with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".


    • The first BSD release was in 1978. This didn't include much - it was a relatively small patch-set applied to AT&T UNIX - but it was released under the 4-clause BSD license (Free / Open Source license, non-GPL compatible). It was later re-licensed under the 3-clause BSD license (GPL, and most other things, compatible). I don't know exactly how old this code is, but TFA said it's from around 1980, making it a couple of years younger than 1BSD.

      Going even further back, the original UNIX code was relea

    • Does that make this the oldest software to be released under an "open-sourceish" license?

      Hell no. Not even close.

      There was a thriving free software community back in the '70s, with operating systems, compilers for C, Forth, Basic, Pascal, and other languages, editors, graphics systems... all released to the public domain or under BSD-style licences. Heck, there were already Berkeley Software Distribution tapes circulating when most of this code was being written, and those contained software under all kinds
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 03, 2005 @03:56PM (#13706951)
    (This(truly(is(great news))))
  • by mschaef ( 31494 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:12PM (#13707083) Homepage
    This was in the body of the story, but maybe it's more appropriate elsewhere. One of the more interesting links in the blog posts about this source code release was a transcript of a speech by RMS [gnu.org] on how the Lisp Machine influenced his decision to start the free software movement. Interesting reading.
  • Obligatory (Score:3, Funny)

    by Acey ( 146166 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:13PM (#13707091) Homepage
    In Thoviet Rutha, LITHP lithenthes you!

    Sorry, it needed to be done. That and a co-worker suggested I post it.
  • good (Score:3, Interesting)

    by idlake ( 850372 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:25PM (#13707190)
    I think it's good that this is getting released. The LispM software contained a lot of low-level ideas that are being rediscovered now 25 years later. This will be useful for the history of computing, as well as a potential source of prior art in patent claims.

    Still, personally, I think Smalltalk 80, developed around the same time, was more innovative and interesting than the LispM software. You can get a complete Smalltalk 80 environment in its original form as part of the Squeak project [squea.org].
  • I probably used it at about the same time that tape was created, since I graduated high school in 1980 and had a summer job dabbling with one of them.

    They did some very cool things, yes, but at least the ones I used were dog-slow because of all the overhead associated with the windowing system and the like.

    I hate to say it, but I remember actually preferring the PDP-10. Primitive compared to the Lispm but it was less overwhelmingly complex and actually had an easier time keeping up with my typing.

  • by leighklotz ( 192300 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @04:52PM (#13707417) Homepage
    Now I can fix that annoying bug that Symbolics introduced when they changed Zwei to say "is not a defined key" instead of "undefined", so when I press Meta-Symbol-B it will say "Meta-Beta Undefined (doo-dah, doo-dah)" again.
  • by ecloud ( 3022 ) on Monday October 03, 2005 @05:09PM (#13707535) Homepage Journal
    Somebody needs to design a modern Lisp Machine. It would be a nice "open hardware" project. Maybe could run on an FPGA PCI board or something.

  • Yes! Now I just need someone to find and publish the source to PLANNER and CONIVER.


  • back to the future (Score:2, Informative)

    by rheotaxis ( 528103 )
    According to the Unix Haters Handbook, the Lisp Machines were much better than the early Sun workstations that replaced them (except for cost, which is why people bought the first Suns instead of LispM.) Didn't they used to cost more than $50,000 each? I've been wating 20 years to get my own Lisp Machine, now I can run one on a cheap PC. Emacs is like eating crumbs from the table, its time to cook some real meals!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 03, 2005 @05:52PM (#13707821)
    The Lisp Machine, as well as Burroughs Algol hardware, embodies some computer engineering principles that address fundamental failures in the current computing environment:

    1. Memory bounds checking in hardware.

    2. Hardware typed memory.

    3. Hardware designed for specific language implementation.

    The current problems that plague the software industry are unreliable code, vulnerabilities to malicious software and poor programmer productivity. It's embarrassing that architectures that were abandoned 20 years ago had features that address these issues.

    Memory bound checking is a complete no-brainer. When you declare a data structure you know the size. If you try to go outside that size, then something is wrong. It might be a run time bug, it might be a malicious attack. Who cares? If an exception occurs, you're going to be safer.

    Hardware typing in memory is more of the same. If you add a floating point value to an address you are in trouble, and an exception should be the result. In the Lisp world, type bits support arithmetic between various numerical representations, so there is added value beyond error checking.

    Hardware/software co-design is not quite as obvious, but it can have big payoffs. Both the Lisp machines and the Burroughs machines were incredibly reliable. They also ran very fast, as least on the tasks that fit the architecture. (Although Symbolics had a great graphics setup, they were not the fastest rendering engines.) Some of this was due to memory bounds checking and some because of typed memory, but much was because the software was designed to match the hardware and hardware was targeted as software. There are currently many examples of hardware designers building computers that are no good for software and software systems that have to make up for gaps in the hardware. Can you say Itanium?

    I know I'm really going to get flamed for this, but I think it's true: RISC is to blame for a lot of these problems. RISC attempts to optimize one thing, the instruction execution pipeline. This was fine when speed was the bottleneck, but we are now at a point where the problems are not if we can run fast enough, but can we run reliably enough?

    • The LispM model is an obsolete one. Its bad engineering to make a "fast Lisp computer", when you can make a "fast computer" and run a "fast Lisp" on it. The advantages you mentioned are largely irrelevent in modern RISC designs.

      1) Why bother with bounds-checks in hardware when, in a language like Lisp, you can have the compiler insert the bounds checks? With modern machines with several integer pipelines, some of which are usually idle, its not like the cost of a bounds check is noticible.

      2) There is some v

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
