Vim 6.4 Released 419
file cabinet writes to tell us that for the first time in more than a year Vim has released a new version. Version 6.4 stable was released yesterday and while there are no new features added they are touting dozens of bug fixes.
Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Funny)
In good sadness, though, I'm looking forward to the spell-checking [vim.org] in Vim 7.
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Funny)
Take editing text. Vim zealots are now saying "oh editing text is so easy, just use the hjkl keys to move around and use ":%s/apple/apricot/gi" to do a search and replace. Yes, because typing in "5kck}" is so much more intuitive than simply moving the cursor, selecting two lines of text with the mouse, then hitting the } key.
VIM zealots are far too forgiving when judging the difficultly of VIM interface issues and far too harsh when judging the difficulty of Notepad issues. Example comments:
User: "How do I fucking edit this goddamn text file!? Why does Linux only come with vi installed?"
Zealot: "Oh that's easy! Just go vim <the file you want to edit>. No no, wait, don't type anything yet. It won't work the sa-- ok hit escape, ok, hit u a few times, ok you're back to where you started. Now vi works a little differently than most text editors: there is command mode and edit mode. Vim starts in command mode where you issue commands (such as hjkl) to move the cursor around, d followed by a movement command to delete lines of text, or i (for example) to insert text. Pretty much almost every letter of the alphabet (upper and lower case) is a command. When you go into a text editing mode by issuing the appropriate command, you type your text like normal then hit escape to back out. You type
User: "How do I edit text files using notepad?"
Zealot: "Oh God, you have to use the graphical luser interface to open a text file. Then use the arrow keys (or optionally mouse) to position the cursor where you want to type. Now you've gotta actually enter in the text using the keyboard! Careful though, it might break, it just blithely assumes that what you're typing is text and not commands!"
So, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that what seems easy and natural to VIM geeks is definitely not what regular people consider easy and natural. Hence, the preference towards notepad.
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Insightful)
And in reply to the troll before you:
vim does have mouse support (:set mouse=a) in both terminal and, obviously, gui modes.
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Insightful)
That's right. Easy to use, and Easy to learn are two different things. Easy to use means that one can accomplish a task with minimal effort. Easy to learn means just that, easy to learn. The two are not necessary mutually exclusive, but I have yet to see a text editor that has both.
Modern UI designers have fallen into the tar pit of designing ONLY for new users, so that tasks can be performed easily by new users, but becomes difficult to use for the power user. In that sense, most modern IDE's are easy to learn, but hard to use.
In my opinion, I'd rather spend a few days learning to use a tool that will increase my long term productivity.
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
I tend to use vi more than other editors but the one thing that really bugs me is having to move my hands to reach the Esc key all the time. Does anybody here know of an alternative? Some combination with Alt or Ctrl maybe?
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Funny)
Re: Vi Modes Considered Harmful (Score:3, Interesting)
Actually, when vi was first released, it was very user-friendly, at least compared to the default editor ed, which is a line editor, and which was generally the only other text editor available on most UNIX systems.
(If you want to compare the two, type "ed <some file>" at the command prompt on most *IX systems (including cygwin under MS-Windows), and try to edit the file.
Vi(m) is so much better.)
Even when editing on a DECWriter (a hard-copy t
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
Everyone who works with unix should learn how to use vi though, for the simple reason that it's on pretty much every unix box out there, and is the editor you're pretty much guarenteed to b
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Interesting)
The folks at Xerox PARC actually experimented with this. They found out that the basic, mouse-based text editor saved very much in training costs, while actually being as fast as or faster than the traditional editors.
If some random person asks me to edit a text file on his unix box, I install some tiny text editor for him (the editor in midnight commander works fine for me). If he won't/can't let me, or the unix version is so uttely weird that I can't figure out how to install it, I say "let's sign a support contract, then we can talk about it".
That said, for you who have already invested a couple of months of your lives learning the arcana of vi (and on this thread, I suspect there might be some
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
My experience was even faster than that. The number of basic commands I needed to learn was very small, and after using vi-like programs for years now, I still have barely scratched the surface. I never did quite get the hang of using hjkl for movement, but that is seldom an issue these days. I'm currently working on using the native cut and paste commands instead of the mouse and menu.
Way back when, vi was the only text editor
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, go read this section: http://tinyurl.com/9qukb [tinyurl.com]
In it, he compares two devices: a heavy duty industrial drill called the Hole Hawg, and your basic power drill. Both do the same thing--drill holes--but their intent is different. The Hole Hawg is designed to drill through anything, whereas the regular power drill is designed for household use. The power drill lacks the power of the Hole Hawg, but has safety features that the Hole Hawg can't afford to have because of this. Whereas the Hole Hawg will keep spinning if it hits something hard (and therefore requires a large amount of strength to keep steady), whereas the power drill will slow down if it encounters too much resistance.
Similarly, Vim is the Hole Hawg of text editors, whereas notepad is a regular powerdrill. Both have different intentions, with the former being designed for heavy-duty text editing as a programmer or highly technical user would need, and the latter designed for occasional light editing, the kind most non-technical users do. The intent is different and so the interfaces differ.
It's very, very difficult to create a deep, powerful interface that is easily discoverable. At best, you can make it as learnable as possible. This is what Vim attempts to do. Notepad goes for a shallow, easily discoverable interface at the expense of power.
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Insightful)
> regular powerdrill. Both have different intentions, with the
> former being designed for heavy-duty text editing as a programmer
> or highly technical user would need, and the latter designed for
> occasional light editing, the kind most non-technical users do.
> The intent is different and so the interfaces differ.
Exactly correct. That's why a lot of people preferred WordStar to Word or WordPerfect. and we still remember the hot
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
If Bill Joy had had access to the screen capabilities of a graphics engine, instead of a glass-TTY, there might never have been a Notepad, because vi would have had a mouse and a cursor and still would have had need to put all of vi's "power" into the editor he chose to write.
Vi isn't as "easy to use" as Notepad because Bill Joy lacked the technology. Notepad isn't as "po
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3, Interesting)
The purpose of vim isn't to make a user friendly editor, it's to make a better vi. vi isn't a user friendly editor, it's a horrible relic from another age which however happens to be :
Re:Why are we hiding from the police, daddy? (Score:3)
Vim's not easy to use?
I beg to differ: Cream for Vim [sf.net].
I just want to say thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I just want to say thanks. (Score:2)
They deserve a huge pat on the back.
Re:I just want to say thanks. (Score:5, Informative)
http://iccf-holland.org/index.html [iccf-holland.org]
Re:I just want to say thanks. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I just want to say thanks. (Score:3, Informative)
Bugggg fix only. nice (Score:3, Funny)
That's not surprising. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Bugggg fix only. nice (Score:5, Informative)
It's a tricky decision. Some projects are way over on the side of "keep throwing out new versions with new features and new bugs". Vim is way over on the other extreme: "release 'new feature' releases every few years and keep the stable branch working". For end users it's a mixed blessing.
Fortunately, the 7.x branch is pretty much stable (as in every day usable) at the moment. I've been using the Gentoo ebuilds (package.masked), which means I get a CVS snapshot which has been at least reasonably well checked and had any icky bugs fixed. I'd hate to miss out on the new toys. The 'numberwidth feature alone makes it worth the upgrade, even if 'spell didn't exist.
Re:Bugggg fix only. nice (Score:3, Insightful)
For a piece of basic system software, it's more important that there's a stable branch that's actually stable. Now if only Linus would see things this way.
Might have taken a while.... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Might have taken a while.... (Score:2)
That is because none of their stuff HAS bugs, just undocumented features.
Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:5, Interesting)
I personally do want this feature. It would make VIM the perfect text editor, IMO. Right now, VIM's completion is already pretty good, and a couple people have implemented completion as a plugin, but it usually ends up being a hack. I think Bram can figure out a nice way to do it for Vim 7.
People who know how to use VIM well find themselves really productive in it. But, that said, I end up being slightly more productive writing Java code in Eclipse, ONLY because of completion, even though all my other editing features from VIM aren't there (or are buried).
What I usually end up doing is keeping a console handy and switching between Eclipse and VIM when I have to do Java, but that's not that nice. I think Vim can pull this off.
http://www.vim.org/sponsor/vote_results.php [vim.org]
Only if they find a good way of doing it. (Score:2)
At least it's possible that it would not be enabled by default.
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:2)
This would make integrating jvim into eclipse and adding intellisense into it much easier. Of course it would be slower and hunkier, but it would still be cool to
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:5, Insightful)
Sorry, I don't mean to be a bastard here, but this is my biggest pet peeve. I *hate* Intellisense or whatever the hell it's called. I think syntax autocompletion is ruining a new generation of programmers.
Here's my reasoning. Writing code that always works is hard. Writing code that works some of the time is easy. To write code that works all of the time you have to understand the exact behavior of every function you call and handle all possible scenarios properly. It's the difference between writing: And then writing a wrapper around read that checks for EAGAIN, EINTR, performs endianness conversion, handles partial reads, and potentially implements this all asynchronously. Back to my original point though, it takes time to learn all of the sublities of an API. The best way to learn them is by studying the interfaces (reading manuals, man pages, whatever).
If you cannot remember the name of a function, go back to the manual and study it. You're going to not handle the edge cases of it. If it's Java, you'll ignore a potential exception. If it's C, you'll miss a potential error code.
I'm not against all the features in things like Eclipse. Some of the refactoring stuff is useful. It's just intellisense that drives me nuts.
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:3)
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:5, Insightful)
No one remembers all the edge cases, especially people who think they've got it all so memorized that they don't bother to double-check the documented behavior while they're calling functions.
Re:Intellisense #1 feature, pay Bram to add it (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't think it's just for when you forget something - most of the time, I remember how to type gtk_menu_get_attach_widget(), and what arguments it needs; I just can never be bothered to type it over and over again.
Also, write code that can be understood. (Score:3, Insightful)
hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:5, Interesting)
Sometimes I think Bram Moolenaar doesn't get enough credit for what he's done almost single-handedly. vim is an amazing piece of software. I've been using it almost since the day it arrived, and I was a vi user who thought vi was everything. But Bram brought vim and immediately began carefully, but boldly, extending vi, without the constraints of waiting for POSIX standards anointing any changes to vi.
Credit to Bill Joy also (and to AT&T, for "sc") for the pre-cursors and inspirations for vim.
vi in and of itself is a workhorse with its philosophy of "no gui or mouse necessary", and while vim now has its gui rendition (I never use it), the underlying philosophy and principles remain intact. Color syntax alone is worth it. If you haven't tried vim, you should. For raw and pure editing, there's nothing better (don't flame me, emacs people... please). I've often challenged people to editing faceoffs... where I'd dialup at 1200 baud (yes, I've been around for a while), and they could use ANY editor, at any connection speed, and I'd beat them at making a set of edits against a file.)
(Aside: how many vi users out there have spuriously put "www, jjj, bbb, G " in their comments when they used the browser text widgets.)
Not only is it a fantastic editor... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Not only is it a fantastic editor... (Score:2)
Re:Not only is it a fantastic editor... (Score:2)
Re:Not only is it a fantastic editor... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:2)
Editor faceoffs. I've won several of those with vi on my belt. When we get to use the whole toolkit, I'll often whip out some temp files and use awk a bit (for column processing). I've got two questions for someone out there with better vi skills than I.
How would a vi pro do CSV test processing? How would you take the text between the second and third commas and replace it with arbitrary text?
Ignoring CSV for a minute, if you'd like to replace all text from the 20th through 23rd characters of arbitrar
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:2)
with a perl script. written on vim of course!!
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:3, Informative)
You mean something like this ?
Although I would usually do that using sed, not vim.
In text processing, the workload determines the ability of a "ve" user (internal IBM tool) to surpass my vi efficiency. Typically, it's when the ve user mouse selects a column and then does replaces on it. I'd like to mimic this behavior
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:2)
Check my exemple a few posts below, even tho I do use "g" there.
The most simple command for this would be:
I also like to use @ instead of
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:5, Interesting)
Joy wrote vi, with help from Mark Horton, both then at UC Berkeley. This back around 1980, on PDP-11s, and eventually Vaxen. If by se, you mean the Bell Labs PWB screen editor, that was quite a clumsy piece of software meant to compete with vi, and with the ports of emacs to UNIX (separate versions by Gosling and Zimmerman, predating the GNU effort). I am shocked that anyone remembers PWB se, it was short-lived and pretty obscure. How obscure? Is there one ref to it on the web? That's obscure!
While you're thanking, you might want to thank the UNIX folks who brought us "ed," Ken Thompson (and Kernighan wrote the docs, as always). The ed command set survives as the basis for vi/vim :command mode - including the regexes. ed was based on editors that came before it of course, especially QED.
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:2)
Yes, I agree, there are more to thank. I was using "ed" when I was introduced to "sc". And I even used qed.
And, did you read, and do you still have your copy of that BSD book, kind of a paperback (with the plastic spine binding), with all of the papers (an odd book, but one of the most useful I'd ever read), including lots of good stuff on nroff, etc? There were more than one, but the one I'm thinking of had a cartoon of a devil (if I remember correctly) poking at "unix" with his trident from behind a r
Re:hats off to Bram, Bill Joy, and ATT (Score:5, Funny)
Way to ruin it buddy.
Bug fixes (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bug fixes (Score:2)
Wow, ain't that hard?
Type "ZZ" to save and quit. Those are indeed capitalised, and Shift is right next to Z.
Re:Bug fixes (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Bug fixes (Score:3, Informative)
I for one... (Score:5, Funny)
(yes I'm a daily vim user)
Keep up the fantastic work guys - vim is one of those apps which is actually a pleasure to use.
That's nothing! (Score:5, Funny)
Did someone mention the Fantastic Four? (Score:5, Funny)
Like priming an enclosed area with flammable fumes. Someone is going to mention Emacs and this place is going to explode.
Wishes for the next VIM and why use Vim (Score:5, Interesting)
As for wishes:
1. Better language completion, if any, language completion.
2. Better editing of binary files.
3. Support for multiple code pages. This may be possible already, but I haven't deciphered the manual enough to figure out how.
4. Support for working with change control systems. I'd like to be able to edit a file in a CCS and have the title bar reflect the release, level, etc that I'm editing, rather than a cryptic temporary file.
5. A better head on my own shoulders to remember all the set commands needed to operate it.
I really can't complain though, because if the above never got implemented, I'd still use it. I've used the editor for years, and still keep learning it.
Re:Wishes for the next VIM and why use Vim (Score:4, Informative)
How do you do a character literal? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:How do you do a character literal? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:How do you do a character literal? (Score:2)
And to keep this on topic, I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned that there is no editor more powerful than vi(m). The proof is that vi can be used to emulate a turing machine.
http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/jfh/personal_other/ amusements/hitz.html/ [brown.edu]
Re:How do you do a character literal? (Score:2)
If what I just did in gvim is any indication, ^V works just peachy in Vim.
I thought Vim was a finished project (Score:2, Insightful)
And if it lacks a feature, just write a plugin for the same. If you ask me this is how softwares must be developed - in a fully modular manner.
Kudos to vim developers
VIM? (Score:2, Funny)
Yipee! (Score:4, Interesting)
The problem is I learned vi so long ago (back in the late 70s when Bill Joy released it), that I simply can't learn anything else. Of course, growing up on TICO and other editors before vi made moving to vi natural.
I have tried many, many times to switch to emacs and always fail. I'm just too old and too stuck in my ways to switch.
Re:Yipee! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yipee! (Score:3, Interesting)
You should be modded funny. I am 39, I have used vi(m) for almost 6 years, and now I am learning emacs. I like them both.
I find the opening of files and switching between buffers easier on emacs.
Also, when I do a compile on Emacs with 'perl -c' I can automatically go to the errors in the Perl code. In vim, I had to enter manually the regular expressions for matching those.
I do not know with what I am going to end up in the long run. vim is faster for editing config files, emacs makes it easier on long ru
Re:Yipee! (Score:4, Funny)
I bet you're loads of fun at parties!
Need release faster (Score:5, Funny)
1- Emacs has a much higher version number, which proves to be a more mature software, which proves to be better (more mature is better)
2- Even an icon such as RMS whom has been proved to be more intelligent than the average USians, uses Emacs. This shows that smart people always make the right choice, and in reverse, proves that Emacs is better than Vim.
3- Everyone in Cryptonomicon, which is the bibile of all geeks, uses Emacs. We even have a module for encryption. It would take a long time for Vim to catch up to that kind of functionalities.
4- Only in Emacs can you do Ctrl-A to move the beginning of a line. In one shot. How could you do that in
Vim? You have to Esc, then press 0, which is lame. Which just shows how advanced Emacs is in terms of maturity and functionality.
5- As the theorem goes, computer science is a science for minimizing keystrokes. Emacs, in contrast to Vim, can prove this theorem right. Emacs users press less keys than Vim users.
6- Humans have 10 fingers (some may have more, but I don't know how to grow them), and Emacs allows you to use all your fingers at one. Which shows you that Emacs has a better human user interface. In contrast, Vim users can only type one key at a time, which has no concept of fingers. That is like an interface for dogs, which can only press one key at a time with their paws.
7- Emacs allows users to stretch their fingers more, and finger exercise has been proved, again and again, scientifically, to help increase human intelligence. The more you use Emacs, the more you become intelligent. Unlike Vim users, who become dumber and dumber, and end up with paws.
8- Everyone knows that geeks do no exercise. But we Emacs users have our daily dose of finger exercise. As a result, Emacs users have better shape. Take a look at the comparison: RMS (Emacs user) vs ESR (Vi user). RMS definitely looks better, with a nicer beard too. ESR can only have a lousy Asterix moustache. And look at what these two persons said in public, which just proved points 2, 6, and 7.
9- Look at this deductive proof I'm giving right now. Only an Emacs user can attain this level of intellect.
10- As a result of the last 9 points, this proves that Emacs is better. And from an evolutionary point of view, Emacs is like modern humans, and Vim like chimpanzee.
* putting on flame suite *
Re:Need release faster (Score:5, Funny)
vi users are mammals, and they flip out and kill people *all the time.* Some guy dropped a spoon and a vi user edited a whole source tree. That's what I call a Real Ultimate Editor!
Wait, maybe I'm thinking of something else. Something to do with pirates...
Vim can't do exorcisms... (Score:3, Funny)
:help the damned
E149: Sorry, no help for the damned 0,0-1 All
If you're a loyal Vim user... (Score:5, Informative)
Maybe it is not interesting... (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes, there are Word, OO.o Writer, Gedit, Kedit, Pico, Nano, whatever...and there is vi. Freedom of choice does strange things, doesn't it?
change log (Score:3, Informative)
This section is about improvements made between version 6.3 and 6.4.
This is a bug-fix release. There are also a few new features. The major number of new items is in the runtime files and translations.
The big MS-Windows version now uses:
Ruby version 1.8.3
Perl version 5.8.7
Python version 2.4.2
Changed *changed-6.4*
Removed runtime/tools/tcltags, Exuberant ctags does it better.
Added *added-6.4*
Alsaconf syntax file (Nikolai Weibull)
Eruby syntax, indent, compiler and ftplugin file (Doug Kearns)
Esterel syntax file (Maurizio Tranchero)
Mathematica indent file (Steve Layland)
Netrc syntax file (Nikolai Weibull)
PHP compiler file (Doug Kearns)
Pascal indent file (Neil Carter)
Prescribe syntax file (Klaus Muth)
Rubyunit conpiler file (Doug Kearns)
SMTPrc syntax file (Kornel Kielczewski)
Sudoers syntax file (Nikolai Weibull)
TPP syntax file (Gerfried Fuchs)
VHDL ftplugin file (R. Shankar)
Verilog-AMS syntax file (S. Myles Prather)
Bulgarian keymap (Alberto Mardegan)
Canadian keymap (Eric Joanis)
Hungarian menu translations in UTF-8 (Kantra Gergely)
Ukrainian menu translations (Bohdan Vlasyuk)
Irish message translations (Kevin Patrick Scannell)
Configure also checks for tclsh8.4.
Fixed *fixed-6.4*
"dFxd;" deleted the character under the cursor, "d;" didn't remember the exclusiveness of the motion.
When using "set laststatus=2 cmdheight=2" in the
Gcc would warn "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict -aliasing rules". Avoid using typecasts for variable pointers.
Gcc 3.x interprets the -MM argument differently. Change "-I
Patch 6.3.001
Problem: ":browse split" gives the file selection dialog twice. (Gordon Bazeley) Same problem for ":browse diffpatch".
Solution: Reset cmdmod.browse before calling do_ecmd().
Files: src/diff.c, src/ex_docmd.c
Patch 6.3.002
Problem: When using translated help files with non-ASCII latin1 characters in the first line the utf-8 detection is wrong.
Solution: Properly detect utf-8 characters. When a mix of encodings is detected continue with the next language and avoid a "no matches" error because of "got_int" being set. Add the directory name to the error message for a duplicate tag. Files: src/ex_cmds.c
Patch 6.3.003
Problem: Crash when using a console dialog and the first choice does not have a default button. (Darin Ohashi)
Solution: Allocate two more characters for the [] around the character for the default choice.
Files: src/message.c
Patch 6.3.004
Problem: When searching for a long string (140 chars in a 80 column terminal) get three hit-enter prompts. (Robert Webb)
Solution: Avoid the hit-enter prompt when giving the message for wrapping around the end of the buffer. Don't give that message again when the string was not found.
Files: src/message.c, src/search.c
Patch 6.3.005
Problem: Crash when searching for a pattern with a character offset and starting in a closed fold. (Frank Butler)
Solution: Check for the column to be past the end of the line. Al
emacs and vim are too difficult to use (Score:3, Interesting)
Neither of these two editors works like the sort of editor which people are exposed to these days. Why do you have to have an insert mode? This "feature" came from vi but for me it is exactly like bolting primitive editing behaviors on to more or less
In my day job as a senior programmer I introduce new staff to nedit [nedit.org]. I also tell them to make their own choices about the tools they use. Most continue to use nedit because it has a few simple features which enhance usability. For example each function has a menu item, and each menu item tells you which key to use as an alternate way to reach the function. You don't have to worry about which mode it is in. Simple standard actions like opening and closing a file work in exactly the same way as other editors like gedit.
So for me people use vi(m) and emacs out of habit. Unless these tools improve they have no serious future in competition with eclipse, etc. Neither does nedit, for that matter but it will at least provide a better option for people new to *nix.
Re:emacs and vim are too difficult to use (Score:5, Insightful)
Why do you have to have an insert mode? This "feature" came from vi but for me it is exactly like bolting primitive editing behaviors on to more or less
Try this: Go into Microsoft Windows, press the "Alt" button once, and then try to type Hello, world.
Funnily enough, instead of the key presses resulting in text going into the document, it'll navigate the menus. Why? Because it's just gone from Insert mode to a Command mode. It's exactly the same principle as Vi - sometimes you want key presses to result in text on the screen, and sometimes you want it to do something. It's not "primitive editing behaviour", it's exactly the same behaviour as is used in the most advanced word processors available. (And MS Word as well ;o) It's just not a visible, GUI-based Command mode in vi, is all.
So for me people use vi(m) and emacs out of habit.
I don't - I came to Linux a few years ago, needed a text editor, tried a few and settled on vi. Well, vim actually. It's a really good text editor once you learn it.
Vim source code (Score:5, Funny)
Last Of The Well Behaved Editors (Score:5, Interesting)
There seems to be a growing (or at least more and more visible) practise of editors (especially GUI editors) not including EOL at the end of every line. They treat it as a line separator, not a line terminator, resulting in no EOL at the end of the last line.
Because of this, they also display lines incorrectly. I have noticed it with the editors in ZDE, Eclipse, and Scite. It only serves to create confusion when they interpret an EOL as 'start a new line', and actually start to display another line as if it already existed. This is very visible if you create a 'proper' text file you'll have to use a well-behaved text editor like vim for this) and open it in one of the above editors. It will display an extra line below the real last line of the file. You see something like this:
There are actually three lines in the text file and you can confirm this with 'wc -l '.
There is a lot of confusion with people who don't understand the concept of EOL and what these editors are doing. For example, I have people at work who use ZDE and when they open a text file created by me (vim), they go bonkers because they think I've put an extra blank line at the bottom of my scripts. There have been problems in the past with people really putting unnecessary blank lines at the bottom of scripts, and of course this lead to premature headers errors. Naturally, they think I'm doing the same, because they don't realise that their editor is displaying the file incorrectly.
I have one colleague who even wrote into our 'coding guidelines' recommending people not use vim because "it puts in extra characters that you don't ask for".
I have noticed that Redhat's default emacs configuration (FC3 at least) also opens text files in binary mode by default, resulting in a missing EOL on the last line of a newly created text file.
I'd like to know if I have the wrong idea about anything, but the question remains: what is the reason for these editors behaving this way?
Re:Last Of The Well Behaved Editors (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't mind that so much. What winds me up is when they ask us to write export adaptor scripts to screw the data up a
Re:A Year? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:A Year? (Score:2)
Re:A Year? (Score:3, Interesting)
Have been using Vim for more than 10 years now. This whole '"open "source thing' as you call it seems to be working much better for than the closed source alternatives. I have used vim under Windows, Linux, Solaris, Amiga OS, and NetBSD. Yup its working.
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:3)
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
Some people don't like using six of their 8 home-key fingers, plus nose and tongue, to toggle buckybits.
Some people would rather have a 1.5MB editor than a 40+MB monstrosity taking up pr0n space.
(Swami Salami says: "Some people don't have a sense of humor", in response to the future downmodding storm by cranky EMACS users.)
Eighty Megs and Constantly Swapping!
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
Well, yeah, when I do a fresh install of Linux, emacs is unavailable for the first 23 seconds after the unstall is complete
Some people don't like using six of their 8 home-key fingers, plus nose and tongue, to toggle buckybits.
It does baffle me that some people use Esc for meta. I just use Alt.
Some people would rather have a 1.5MB editor than a 40+MB monstrosity taking up pr0n space.
For people who want something small, ther
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
and everyone else uses Vim.
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Uhm, because some of us like modal editors?
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
I don't know, and I'm not a developer of Vim or Emacs, but I have hacked Emacs with vim.
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
"I have hacked Emacs with vim."
Heh, I had a giggle this morning when I checked my history file and found:
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
Blatant troll response.
Yes, we all know that the BEST solution for a text editor requires a full LISP interpreter.
Re:Yes, but is it better than emacs?? (Score:2)
Re:A vim library? (Score:3, Interesting)
we have a core library that manages the whole 'editing' aspect, syntax highlight, plugins, language bindings, configuration
for now we have a KDE kpart (for kdevelop for example), a KDE app, a ncurses (console mode) and a Qt-only GUIs (will be used for windows and Mac OS X).
we have started a GTKmm based one but we are lacking people knowing gtk well to complete it.
windows port (and Mac OS X) is
Re:From a newer Linux user's POV (Score:3)
This might sound like a really elitist thing to say, but if the thought of spending a day or so learning it puts people off vim, then they probably wouldn't get the benefits anyway. I edit code all day every day, so the week or so it took me to learn what I know has been paid back many times over. The rest of the linux world might be going for ease of learning in order to increase the userbase, but vim isn't.
There are plenty of more intuitive editors out there that are