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Sun Microsystems IT

Sun Adds Java and N1 to No Cost List 40

An anonymous reader writes "Sun announced today that they would be making a number of tools available at no cost for both development and deployment in addition to reaffirming their commitment to open source the software. This is to include the Java Enterprise Syste, Sun N1 Management software, and Sun developer tools. From the announcement: "With this announcement, Sun is creating the no cost and open alternative to the Windows environment. The Solaris Enterprise System has all of the benefits of an integrated offering while still enabling customers the flexibility to address their requirements by deploying the specific components they need into alternative operating systems."
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Sun Adds Java and N1 to No Cost List

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  • by tcopeland ( 32225 ) * <tom@[ ]masleecopeland.com ['tho' in gap]> on Wednesday November 30, 2005 @05:11PM (#14151169) Homepage
    ...has been tracking the various Sun Java-related giveaways; you can hear them talk about the Java Studio Creator and Java Studio Enterprise giveaway in JavaPosse # 13 [javaposse.com].

    I highly recommend the JavaPosse [javaposse.com] podcasts; it's a great way to keep up with the latest developments in Java. Haha, get it, developments! Anyhow. They do a nice job of tracking things that most Java developers may not be using but will be someday - i.e., the recent discussions of the Mustang Hotspot speed improvements and such.

    Disclaimer: They just interviewed me about PMD [sf.net] and my book PMD Applied [pmdapplied.com]. But still!
  • ...you didn't close one of your quote marks.

    I hope you don't code in Lisp.

  • so.... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 30, 2005 @05:29PM (#14151417)
    Does that mean I can finally type "emerge sun-jdk" on my Gentoo box and have it download and install in one easy step, without having to go to their stupid site and click on some stupid EULA??

    Free as in beer, or free as in "not being a goddamn pain in the ass"?
  • I been out of the Java scene since I'm no longer taking any classes in Java. Seems like getting back into Java means learning a new alphabet soup. Without buying another doorstop-size book, what does this mean?
    • The main (or at least a large) reason I never actively pursued a career in Java programming is because of need for buzzword-compliance. For example, let's say I want to make a program, any ol' program, what do I use? J2EE, JavaBeans, Eclipse, or "pure" Java? Java proponents say it's all about choice. I don't want choice. In C/C++, I write a program for windows with MFC, I write an application for linux with GTK. Why must there be a huge lack of standardization?

      On a side note, the only job I did have to use

      • by innosent ( 618233 ) <.moc.liamg. .ta. .ytirodmj.> on Wednesday November 30, 2005 @09:02PM (#14152926)
        Aside from the Eclipse example (which really didn't have anything to do with Java, other than that the Eclipse people wanted to make up for some of the weaknesses of Swing [most of which no longer exist]), there really isn't that much choice. J2EE = J2SE + a few items, JavaBeans is basically just a framework for certain tasks, and if you don't need any of the specialized features of the add-ons, there really isn't anything other than "pure" Java. The core language today isn't that different from what it was 10 years ago, and having a large number of add-on packages available isn't something that should be viewed as a bad thing. A Java app will still run on all Java platforms, provided that any additional packages are installed. Choice in things like SOAP implementations, XML parsers, and application servers is a good thing, and it doesn't mean that the language isn't "standardized". If anything, Java is more "standardized" than C/C++. The Java String class is always in java.lang.String, while a String in C++ is in a different place depending on the compiler used. C and C++ certainly do better in some areas than Java, and Java does better in some areas than C/C++, but that doesn't make either one bad, or either one good.

        Also, poor business model != poor choice of language. There are plenty of viable Java development shops. Language is just a tool to get the job done, and your favorite language may not always be the best choice for what you want to do. For some things, LISP is a great language, but I wouldn't want to write a VoIP softphone in it.

        Back on topic though, as a developer, I always love free development tools, but in this case, as a shareholder, I'm not quite sure how they're going to make money on this. Good will can be hard to deposit in your bank account. At least they have 8-core processors and Opteron servers to (hopefully) turn a profit.
  • by acomj ( 20611 ) on Wednesday November 30, 2005 @10:10PM (#14153310) Homepage
    Well according to the web site.
    Sun has got to get better names for things.. Its still so damm confusing. (java studio creator/java studio enterprise/ sunstudio). As a result I can't tell what the press release is giving away...

    http://developers.sun.com/prodtech/devtools/free/ [sun.com]

    Is this what there talking about? I've been playing around with java studio creator, its really really nice actually. Of course I use php not jsp/servlets, but its defenetly making me think about switching.

    • I haven't used them but I think it's:

      Java (Solaris) Enterprise System, some sort of server stuff I have no idea about ;)

      Sun studio, C/C++/Fortan IDE and compilers.

      Bwah, can't figure out where I found it earlier, something like (might be the otehr way round):
      Java Studio Creator, JAVA IDE
      Java Studio Enterprise, JSP

      Crap, this wasn't useful at all =P, anyway, together they all cover c/c++/fotran (with compilers), java and web development.
  • There's no cost like opportunity cost... :-)
  • They are certainly creating no cost alternatives, but I'm not sure if you can in good faith call them "open" alternatives.

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
