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Next Windows To Get Multicore Redesign 417

eldavojohn writes "A Microsoft executive announced that the next Windows will be fundamentally redesigned to handle the numerous cores of present and future processors. The article notes that the NT technology underneath Vista has been able to take advantage of multiple processors since 1993, and can now handle 32 or 64 cores. And since Microsoft completely rewrote the 20-year-old GDI/GDI+ model for Vista, what more can (or should) they parallelize? It will be interesting to see how Microsoft tackles the race conditions and deadlocks that come with pervasively multithreaded software and in the past complicated attempts (like that of BeOS) to utilize multiple CPUs. Do you think it's it a smart move to further complicate an operating system to take advantage of multiple cores, or should Microsoft stick to its knitting while applications take advantage of (possibly) more resources?"
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Next Windows To Get Multicore Redesign

Comments Filter:
  • Um... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Colin Smith ( 2679 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:23AM (#19336027)
    Didn't they only just fundamentally rewrite Windows Vista?

    • It's just a nice GUI on top of the Windows 2003 server code with a new security model.
      • Re:Um... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Ctrl-Z ( 28806 ) <(tim) (at) (timcoleman.com)> on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:34AM (#19336171) Homepage Journal
        Right then. So you agree that they fundamentally rewrote Vista.
      • Re:Um... (Score:5, Informative)

        by Milican ( 58140 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @11:39AM (#19339353) Journal
        Windows Vista is Windows 2003 with a new GUI... Windows 2003 is Windows XP with a new GUI... Windows XP is Windows 200 with a new GUI... Windows 2000 is Windows NT4 with a new GUI... Windows NT4 is just Windows 95 GUI + Windows NT 3.51...

        Uhh.. come up with a new story and read other technical sites besides Slashdot. Windows Vista has a helluva lot of new features in the OS besides the GUI. Some examples that come to mind.
        • Prioritization of I/O not just CPU usage in tasks.
        • Love it or hate it the UAC.
        • ReadyBoost
        • Memory for certain processes is randomized to prevent direct access by malware.
        There are many more, but thats just off the top of my head. I guess you could argue that a couple of my bullet points fall under security model, but hey at least I went into more detail. Now go off and use Google to find something interesting to post.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by drsmithy ( 35869 )

      Didn't they only just fundamentally rewrite Windows Vista?

      No. And this latest comment from a non-technical commentator (Microsft employee or otherwise) is worth about as much as those saying Vista was "fundamentally rewritten".

      OTOH, given the massive level of technical ignorance about Windows on Slashdot, the responses to this article should make for amusing (if predictable) reading.

    • by TheMeuge ( 645043 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:12AM (#19336759)
      Next announcement will come about 6 months before the release date:

      This feature will not be included in the upcoming release of Windows.
    • Re:Um... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Ngarrang ( 1023425 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:18AM (#19336867) Journal
      Not sure how much of a re-write Vista was, but Micro$oft has to keep up the OS money, so if they can re-write the OS kernel for pervasive multithreading, then they can once again force users to upgrade all of their software...again.
  • by Bazman ( 4849 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:25AM (#19336043) Journal
    They're going to aren't they? Windows Vista '09 Multicore Edition, only valid for up to 16 cores, Windows Vista '09 Multicore Extreme Edition, 16-24 cores...

    And so it goes.

    • by morgan_greywolf ( 835522 ) * on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:39AM (#19336249) Homepage Journal
      Also known as Vista ME and Vista MEE. For up to 64 cores running in a portable computing environment, you need Vista Multicore Ultimate Laptop Edition (Vista MULE). Especially useful for drug smuggling.
      • For up to 64 cores running in a portable computing environment, you need Vista Multicore Ultimate Laptop Edition (Vista MULE)

        I think I ran that on my Atari 800. Or was it the Commodore 64? I distinctly remember, that MULE didn't like to work. It kept running away if I didn't keep an eye on it!

        (Cue theme music [youtube.com]. *wacka* *wacka*, *wacka* *wacka* Dun-da-da-dun...)
      • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @10:02AM (#19337727)
        Oh c'mon, how can you drop the ball on such a perfectly shaped joke? Of course the vMULE is perfect for file smuggling, preferably music and film...
    • by Nymz ( 905908 )
      Affordable processing power, for home users, isn't going to come from faster mhz as much as from multiple cores, so naturally new software will need to take advantage of this new hardware to be competitive.

      Any OS that doesn't provide support may find itself outdistanced from an OS that does. Of course, if an OS doesn't have a very large game base to begin with, then they won't have much to lose either.
    • by jimicus ( 737525 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:17AM (#19336845)
      I've no idea why you've been modded "Funny". IIRC, NT4 was licensed in exactly this way.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

        I've no idea why you've been modded "Funny". IIRC, NT4 was licensed in exactly this way.

        I don't know, it's pretty goddamned funny to those of us who run Linux...

  • by andrewd18 ( 989408 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:28AM (#19336087)
    I can't wait - an OS designed through-and-through for multiple cores, and it's only six or more years away!
  • Finally! (Score:3, Funny)

    by VE3OGG ( 1034632 ) <VE3OGG@@@rac...ca> on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:29AM (#19336095)
    I have been waiting for something like this! Finally, an operating system and company that "just get it!" This redesign will restructure the world of computing just as WinFS and Monad di... oh, never mind...

    And just to get a few jokes out of the way:

    Finally! Something that will run Vista!

    Does it come bundled with Duke Nukem Forever?
  • Oh great... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jackb_guppy ( 204733 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:30AM (#19336123)
    Now we all will have buy to 8core machines with 16G memory as a minimum model, based on what just happened with Vista.

    How is that helping their customers? Oh yeah, DELL is their customer, not us.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Afrosheen ( 42464 )
      At least Dell wised up and started offering XP on new machines after the public outcry about Vista-ME. Sony still hasn't. I spent all weekend last weekend trying to get a brand new Vaio with Vista Business to behave (for a client). Never could get it working properly. Took it back to the Sony store with an angry look on my face and forced them to eat the 15% restocking fee and give my client a full refund. He ended up with a Macbook Pro and Boot Camp running XP Home. Couldn't be happier.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    You heard it here first.
  • by Galen Wolffit ( 188146 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:31AM (#19336135)
    There are three issues in multi-processor programming.
    (1) OS and language support in the form of threading models
    (2) OS and language support in the form of scheduling algorithms
    (2) Application support in the form of using those threading models to develop program components that can run concurrently.

    Let Microsoft focus on #1 and #2, and application developers focus on #3. The OS should not, IMHO, try to take a program that is not written to take advantage of multiple processors, and run it in a concurrent environment. That's just asking for trouble!

    Advanced threading models that allow application developers better control over how their threads are executed, and scheduling algorithms that distribute threads across the multiple cores and processors, will pave the way for application developers to write applications that can truly benefit from a multi-core environment.

    As an application developer, one of the biggest problems I've encountered in developing multi-threaded applications is the ability to easily control what can run concurrently, and what can't. I have almost no ability to tell the operating system which threads I want to run concurrently, and which I want it to time-share.

    Let Microsoft, and language developers, focus on the first two tasks. Make the tools available to application developers, and let application developers take advantage of those tools.
    • by T-Ranger ( 10520 ) <jeffwNO@SPAMchebucto.ns.ca> on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:03AM (#19336587) Homepage
      I can see you were writing up your list there in parallel. And you have some concurrency issues, I guess, with your system to hand out labels.
    • by SillyNickName4me ( 760022 ) <dotslash@bartsplace.net> on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:04AM (#19336619) Homepage
      As an application developer, one of the biggest problems I've encountered in developing multi-threaded applications is the ability to easily control what can run concurrently, and what can't. I have almost no ability to tell the operating system which threads I want to run concurrently, and which I want it to time-share.

      But you can even in most of the more primitive threading models.

      All it takes is having a resource and a lock...

      If there is anything that really annoys me as an administrator and 'power' user, it is those developers who think they know better what else is happening on my machine then the OS or me as its admin. This is why resource based decisions on concurency are strongly prefered over the developer being able to enable/disable concurency at a whim. Sure, it forces you as a developer to think a lot more about it, but know what, that is a one time process. The consequences of not putting in that thought occur everytime the program is used.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        Concurrent programming today will be the 'Assembly Language' of tomorrow. Everyone knows about it, but rarely if ever use it.

        Developers should be focusing on makeing an application that works well; concurrency makes that much more difficult.

        At some point we'll reach a cut off where the added instability of the code will not justify concurrency inside of an application (and I know I don't want every application built to have to conform to concurrency - because the skills to do that consistently well are not
  • But will... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by FrankSchwab ( 675585 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:32AM (#19336143) Journal
    sticking in a DVD still hang Explorer for the 5-10 seconds it takes to spin up and read the TOC?
    How many years has Windows had this obvious, annoying flaw?
    • by Joce640k ( 829181 )
      There's an option: "Launch folder windows in separate processes".

      See if you can find it...

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Saffaya ( 702234 )
        Uhm .. no.
        See how your windows machine hangs when it does not receive a response from the IDE in a timely manner.
        It's very visible when the drive has trouble reading the inserted disc.
        The OS hangs after the IDE requests, and it is very annoying. You have a 'dead in the water' PC until either the drive succeeds to read the disc, or you succeed in having it ejected (or you switch off the PC).
    • by CaptnMArk ( 9003 )

      But they REALLY BROKE it since approximately the stupid active desktop, since now the taskbar freezes too.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by CastrTroy ( 595695 )
      How about a computer that recognizes that I don't have a floppy drive. Even if you don't have one, it still shows up in windows Explorer, and Linux still has /dev/floppy. Trying to access either one of those makes the computer hang for about 10 seconds. I've even tried disabling the floppy controller in the BIOS and it doesn't work.
  • by mwvdlee ( 775178 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:33AM (#19336161) Homepage
    Seems to me that the best way to do multicore code would be to create a highly modular design, which could result in less complicated code if done right.
    Surely some individual modules may become more complicated, but the system as a whole would probably end up a lot cleaner.
    • by Zoxed ( 676559 )
      > Seems to me that the best way to do multicore code would be to create a highly modular design...

      What: like making the graphics renderer one module, the window manager another, the web browser another, email processor another, CD ripper another, encoder another, toolbar another, clock another etc... ?
  • Finally! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    After years of wait, Minesweeper gets the multi-core treatment! Now I won't have to suffer those lousy frame rates.
  • by LordKaT ( 619540 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:35AM (#19336187) Homepage Journal
    ... that read "parallelize" as "paralyze"
    • ... that read "parallelize" as "paralyze"
      I thought the title of this article was "Next Windows to Get Mediocre Redesign."
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

        I thought the title of this article was "Next Windows to Get Mediocre Redesign."

        Tags: oldnews, vista

  • by therufus ( 677843 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:36AM (#19336211)
    Why bother talking about multi core supporting operating systems when we still haven't embraced 64-bit technology yet. Why bother pushing for a new technology when the current 'new' technology hasn't even been implemented yet. IMHO, Microsoft should have made Vista 64-bit only and kept XP alive for the 32-bit people who don't want to migrate. This would force people to write 64-bit drivers and software in order to be on 'average Joe's' new PC. Instead, they've done what they've been doing for the past 30 years, compromising due to lack of adaptation.

    Now I'm no supporter of Microsoft. I personally hate them. But you have to see where I'm coming from.

    I recently built a new PC for my parents. It was a simple box with a Sempron 3000, 1gb DDR, 80Gb HDD, etc. It was all 64-bit compatible so I though Vista Home Premium 64-bit would be the best way to go. Their scanner isn't supported, their antivirus isn't supported, and the devices and software they use that DO work on Vista, are all running in 32-bit mode because there is no equivalent for 64-bit.

    Please lets implement the great technology we have before concentrating on the future.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by jsoderba ( 105512 )

      None of this is MS's fault. You have the same problem there always is when upgrading your OS. The only companies more pathetically backwards than scanner/printer companies are "security" companies.

      I hear NOD32 has a 64-bit version. NOD32 is also less likely to break your network/OS on a whim than Symantec's shovelware.

    • by SScorpio ( 595836 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:08AM (#19336693)
      You might have missed the article from a few days ago but Microsoft already announced that the next version of Windows will be 64-bit only. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/17/145222 8 [slashdot.org]

      The big issue with pushing out 64-bit only with Vista is Intel not releasing 64-bit processors until more recently. AMD released the Athlon 64 long before Intel came out with their 64-bit Core2 Duos. The older Pentium-D and Core Duo multi core processors are still only 32-bit. This prevents people with the original Intel Mac books from running 64-bit Windows on it. It was also the reason that boot camp was needed to get Windows running easily on Macbooks. The Macbook doesn't have a standard BIOS, it has EFI. The 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Server 2003 where the only versions of Windows would support EFI pre-Vista. But the Macbook's processors where only 32-bit.

      You also ran into the chicken and the egg issue with your parent's computer. Manufactures don't want to release updated 64-bit drivers for old obsolete hardware to get people to but new hardware; however, people don't want to have to buy all new hardware when they can simply install a 32-bit OS and everything will continue to work. By having 32 and 64-bit versions of Vista Microsoft allows people with older hardware to keep using what they always have while forcing manufactures to create 64-bit drivers if they want to receive WHQL approval. So in 5 years the majority of hardware available will have 64-bit drivers available.

      As for only 32-bit versions of applications. Microsoft just killed off the ability to run 16-bit applications in Vista. Also how is it their fault that other software companies aren't releasing 64-bit versions or their software? With Vista being the first consumer level 64-bit Windows OS there is more incentive to release both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. It will take time but it will happen.

      Finally you might want to go rag on Apple a little more and not just Microsoft. They are in control of their hardware platform; however, they decided it was OK to stick with 32-bit processors with the initial move to Intel. There was already a huge shift due to the move from PowerPC to x86. Why not also move the OS and applications to 64-bit as well?
      • by jmauro ( 32523 )
        The 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Server 2003 where the only versions of Windows would support EFI pre-Vista. But the Macbook's processors where only 32-bit.

        The 64-bit version of Windows XP and Server 2003 support EFI on the Itanium releases only. The x64 versions still support BIOS only. Vista still does not support EFI on the x64 releases either.
    • Why bother talking about multi core supporting operating systems when we still haven't embraced 64-bit technology yet.

      Because an OS is software that runs on top of hardware. People that use computers want the most powerful computer they can afford. If an OS manufacturer wants to be chosen by consumers, then it will have to support new hardware technology. If you don't want to be on the bleeding edge of technology then don't be, life is possible without the latest-greatest-fastest.

    • Surely you're knowledgable enough to see that the drivers and third-party software aren't Microsoft's responsibility? It's another reason Microsoft sucks. When my linux kernel is updated, all the drivers that are out there get updated too. When Microsoft makes big changes they have to go to a milion third parties and beg and wheedle them to update their technology.

    • by jedidiah ( 1196 )
      Nope. Multiple cpu's is older technology than 64-bit. It's so old infact, even on the PC platform, that there's really no excuse for there being proper support for it in the operating system.

      This is just the same as the 10 year gap between the 386 and proper 32-bit support.
  • by supersnail ( 106701 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:37AM (#19336215)
    NT has always been a multiprocessor OS.

    The big problem with NT is its "Message Passing" architecture, whereby
    various components of the OS talk to each other by putting messages on queues
    (In the *nux model you just call the function you need.)

    The weakness of the architecture is that the component handling any one
    message queue is automatically single threaded and tied to a single processor.
    Which is OK for 2 or four processor systems but in 16 or 34 processor
    systems 12 or 30 of your processors are wasted.

    However I expect the idea of any resources being available to the application
    is an anathema to Redmond so they will fix this problem to ensure that VISTA
    keeps its design goal to consume 90% of available resources.

    • However I expect the idea of any resources being available to the application is an anathema to Redmond so they will fix this problem to ensure that VISTA keeps its design goal to consume 90% of available resources.

      That's why I swore I'd never use Vista. It's damned interesting how when I upgrade/throw a new Linux distro onto my 4-year old (and still reasonably-powerful) laptop, there's frequently a performance gain, not a drop-off. I don't want to use an operating system that won't run smoothly on a system with less than 1GB of RAM, that's insane. If Microsoft rejiggers Windows to take advantage of these cores, I'm sure one or two iterations down the line, Windows will need 4GB of RAM and 4 3Ghz cores just to tick o

    • I expect the idea of any resources being available to the application is an anathema to Redmond so they will fix this problem to ensure that VISTA keeps its design goal to consume 90% of available resources.

      resources are meant to be used, not hoarded. if RAM is available for a cache, RAM should be used for a cache.

    • by truthsearch ( 249536 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:26AM (#19337019) Homepage Journal
      "Message passing as the fundamental operation of the OS is just
      an excercise [sic] in computer science masturbation. It may feel good, but
      you don't actually get anything DONE. Nobody has ever shown that it
      made sense in the real world. It's basically just much simpler and
      saner to have a function call interface, and for operations that are
      non-local it gets transparently _promoted_ to a message. There's no
      reason why it should be considered to be a message when it starts out."

      - Linus Torvalds, 1999
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Foolhardy ( 664051 )
      You don't know what you're talking about. The kernel and its functions are re-entrant: a syscall causes the user mode thread to continue execution in kernel mode immediately. The thread usually does all of its own work without the need for secondary threads. However, there are cases where auxiliary threads are needed, via work items serviced by thread pools:

      In kernel mode, there are thread pools for general [microsoft.com] and DPC [microsoft.com] work items, each with multiple threads, expanded based on the number of CPUs and by load.
  • The two words I was least hoping to hear about the next version of Windows. I don't want to wait 5 - 8 more years for a new OS again. I had been hoping Vista would be like ME - quickly replaced and forgotten.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      I had been hoping Vista would be like ME - quickly replaced and forgotten.

      You forget that at the time there was already a microsoft alternative they could work off of. The old x98 technology is completely dead and the NT technology is on life support with Vista. If Microsoft wishes to introduce a new technology this time, it will be a ground-up design. I just hope SOME operating system (be it microsoft or otherwise) which is stable and supports multiple processors emerges as the dominant operating system for development in the near future. For now, it's Ubuntu for me!

  • by Bullfish ( 858648 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @08:41AM (#19336277)
    This is all very nice they are doing this, but the need is now. Not just for windows, but all the apps have to become multi-core aware. Right now having a dual or quad core for most apps is like having a care with an extra engine or two in the trunk not connected to any drivelines. CPUs have hit a wall in terms of speed because of heat, so the manufacturers are giving us mulit-core. Very nice, but consumer-level apps that use them would be nice. Some professional apps are multi-core aware, but at the consumer level...

    And preferably this year, not 2009

    • Very true.

      However, having a core dedicated to the app, with the OS and background processes running on a different core, is quite nice as well.
    • by ipjohnson ( 580042 )
      Dual core alone makes a difference for the average user .... yes web browsing is single threaded but you aren't. If they are doing anything CPU intensive (media encoding/ITunes ... what have you :) it can render a single core system unresponsive where with a dual core system you don't even really notice.

      Personally I have a quad core setup (2 opteron 265's) and it's routinely up over 50% (not doing media encoding).
  • One possibility (Score:2, Informative)

    by stonecypher ( 118140 )
    It seems that they've already begun to develop services akin to the message passing systems [microsoft.com] in Erlang and Mozart-Oz. Given that those message passing systems are how those languages avoid the vast bulk of problems described, it seems likely that their attempts to prevent these problems are in fact well underway.
  • Microsoft's programmers were so tired from the complete redesign between Windows 95 and Windows 2000, and the complete redesign between 2000 and XP, and the complete redesign between XP and Vista. They've written three operating systems almost from scratch in the past twelve years!

  • Does this mean my dual core 200 mHz Pentium 1 system won't run their latest and greatest?

  • But this reminds me of the database file system [nwsource.com], not mention the 11th hour reduction in the virtual server specs.

  • A question for someone who understands this stuff - what's the difference between the way Vista and OSX handle multicore processors? Would Apples OSX need to be redesigned to use multicore processors more effectively? Apple already sell 8 core machines - are these not using the multicore as effectively as they could?
    • The problem for Windows is in software, not hardware. OS X, and some other Unix variants, automatically find all the cores and use them because they're written to do it. This is a fundamental design of the operating system. Windows only uses one core, and would need to be reprogrammed from the bottom up to make use of multiple cores.

      This isn't to say Windows applications can't be written to run on multiple cores, just that the OS itself can't run on multiple cores.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by jimicus ( 737525 )
        Say what?

        "Multicore" is essentially SMP (multiprocessor) but all on one physical chip rather than several. Windows has supported that ever since the days of NT 4, but its architecture is more suited to 2 or 4 cores rather than 16 or 24.

        Your comment is only valid for Windows '9x.
    • Re:OSX (Score:4, Interesting)

      by EMB Numbers ( 934125 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:17AM (#19336855)
      Mac OS X traces its roots to the Mach micro kernel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mach_kernel [wikipedia.org] and BSD flavors of Unix. (Yes, I know that OS X has diverged substantially from Mach now).

      Like most operating systems, Mac OS X has bottlenecks by design that tend to limit concurrent thread execution within the kernel. There is an excellent article at http://arstechnica.com/reviews/os/macosx-10-4.ars/ 4 [arstechnica.com]

      Only one thread can use a bottlenecked resource at a time. When multiple threads (application threads or kernel threads) need simultaneous access to a resource, all but one thread must wait. Threads that could theoretically run concurrently on multiple cores end up running sequentially because all but one thread are waiting to access the resource. Apple has made the locking (concurrency protection) within the kernel finer and finer grained with each release of Mac OS X. In Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger, the bottlenecks are very fine grained, and in practice the system is very efficient allowing concurrent execution on multiple cores.

      That being said, Mac OS X is far from perfect or optimal. There is lots of room for improvement, and Apple seems to be following the path of continual evolution rather than revolution at this point. Remember that for the last six years or so, every Mac OS X update/release has run faster than previous versions.
  • I notice that windows always seems to hang (with very little response) just after I log in whilst all the startup programs start up (SeaMonkey quick launch, Miranda IM, AVG Anti-virus etc). Once the apps load, it becomes responsive again pretty quickly. Oh and I have a nice beefy machine so I don't think its my specs (unless its a case of too many programs all trying to access the hard drive at once :)
  • ...or should Microsoft stick to its knitting while applications take advantage of (possibly) more resources?"
    Microsoft wishes to inform the writer that there are NO applications of any importance that are NOT from Microsoft. Anything worth wearing is already knitted by MSFT or will be in the future when they decide you are ready for it.
  • An OS should make resources available, not use them up!

    But modern OSs are really bundles of a lot of software, some of which could really use some parallelizing. I don't think this requires a fundamental redesign, but what do I know?

    • Agreed, If I have a 32 core, I'd be happy to have my OS in just one, even if it were _really_ utilized. There's a lot of stuff in Windows that isn't OS though, your right. Actually in general I'm still to be sold on this making everything multi-threaded/multi-core. Bug lists etc seem to point to the fact that big (and little) co's can't do single threaded right yet anyway.
  • Two cores both hitting the same HD for a ton of data is going to be slower than doing the two processes sequentially. The HD speed vs CPU speed chasm is just getting wider. RAID helps, but with additional cost, complexity and its own unique drive replacement hassle.

    What about a massive RAM drive? This would go flash one better in the speed department (my 8GB Ritek USB key is several times slower than a _HD_ based on my informal timings.) Battery back it up if need be.

    I'm hoping Windows 201x will a
  • Would have been a much better piece of news!
    What a pity!

  • by elronxenu ( 117773 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:13AM (#19336781) Homepage
    I think they should make it work on one (1) cpu first.

  • I predict (Score:2, Funny)

    by darth_linux ( 778182 )
    the next windows to be codenamed "Linux"
  • by GaryPatterson ( 852699 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @09:54AM (#19337571)
    In an age when Intel and IBM are making statements about future 80-core processors or massive parallelism, and when multicore processors (or at least dual-CPU systems) are becoming commonplace, how can a statement from Microsoft to the effect that they're going to take advantage of multiple cores be anything other than a "me too!" piece of fluff?

    Nothing specific is said, just the vague "we're going to be doing good stuff to make use of the things we have when we're done" sort of message.

    What's next? "Memory is important, so we're going to make really good use of it?" or "Hard drives are getting bigger all the time, so we're going to do something with that extra space. Not sure yet, but it'll be really good and probably involve the overuse of the word 'rich' by senior execs."

    I'm looking forward to *delivery* and ignoring vague promises.
  • NOOO! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Yetihehe ( 971185 ) on Thursday May 31, 2007 @10:37AM (#19338259)
    So now windows will clog ALL of my processors? It's already bad when it clogs just one.

/earth: file system full.
