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The P.G. Wodehouse Method of Refactoring 133

covertbadger notes a developer's blog entry on a novel way of judging progress in refactoring code. "Software quality tools can never completely replace the gut instinct of a developer — you might have massive test coverage, but that won't help with subjective measures such as code smells. With Wodehouse-style refactoring, we can now easily keep track of which code we are happy with, and which code we remain deeply suspicious of."
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The P.G. Wodehouse Method of Refactoring

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  • Grok it. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by symbolset ( 646467 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:10AM (#22834864) Journal

    It's only 30k lines of code. This is no problem.

    First, take ownership. This is your project. Identify your resources, name the gates you must get through to succeed. If you have help make sure they understand their changes must hit the corner cases or it's junk, then give them ownership of their piece explicitly. Create a safe environment for testing changes, with forward and backward versioning.

    Define success. So many projects skip this essential step. If you cannot identify the destination you cannot tell when you've won.

    Skip the 50,000 foot view and proceed directly to "what does this do and how can it be done better"? Believe it or not flowcharts and Venn diagrams are not obsolete. Create tree views of function calls. Identify processes that should be libraried. Create policies like "maximum function call depth", "Maximum process share", etc.

    If you're the lead, look at issues like memory allocation and process management. Do your profiler due diligence.

    If you're the lone ranger on this just absorb the whole thing and integrate it. Force feed your brain huge quantities of what-ifs until it gives you the right answer in self defense - and then have somebody else check the result.

    30 days development and 60 days testing. Remember to give a nice presentation at the end and sell it!

    Good luck.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Skip the 50,000 foot view and proceed directly to "what does this do and how can it be done better"?

      While your post has many good and clearly expressed ideas, I'm not quite sure where you're driving at right here. The question "how can this be done better" can be asked at each node in the call graph, and the question is very broad.

      To ask this question near the root, for architectural purposes, I think what you want is exactly the 50 kilofoot view. There's of course utility in asking the same question closer to the leaves, but I think it's a mistake to overlook the big perspective in favour of going low

      • Re:Grok it. (Score:5, Informative)

        by Like2Byte ( 542992 ) <> on Sunday March 23, 2008 @07:34AM (#22835612) Homepage
        I totally agree. Even if you are a developer for a large, corporate, multi-vendor project - knowing how components that feed components you directly interface with will allow you to become a better developer for the project and to point out problematic architectural design issues.

        And if I hear one more project manager say, "Let's not worry about this corner case" (usually said with no idea how this is going to negatively effect the entire process tree) I'm going to punch them in the colon.

        There are two ideas of thought about corner cases (and the GP pointed out one).
        Thought #1) (GP) There's no such things as a corner. It is a requirement - it may be that fewer people/fewer processes use it; but, it is still a section of the total solution that must be designed to overcome some problematic section. Otherwise, why is the code being written?

        Thought #2) Corner cases only effect a small number of your user-base; therefore, code to satisfy 95%-99% of your customers. The underlying principle here is that the manager will wait for another release. This approach is usually taken when the project manager failed to account for something and says (and I quote), "We'll just re-design it after the first release."

        If you find yourself in an environment where #2 (hehe) permeates the thought structure of management you have few options available to you.
        a) Kindly (because wrapping your hands firmly around their neck is just not understood these days) explain to them the flaw in that kind of thinking. It usually involves educating the manager to a level they've never even considered before. Completion of this project will be long and arduous. Good luck to you.

        b) If step 'a' fails - inform management. Project Managers (in large corps) are not, usually, the final decision maker. Elevate this threat (to the project) to the PM's manager - a Director, perhaps.

        c) If you're able, move to a new project within the company where the project manager in case 'a' has no influence. I know that's not feasible in most segments.

        d) Find a new job.

        If the project is sufficiently high profile enough then recourse option 'a', above, is your only solution. Mitigate the damage by engaging the offending PM and try to keep them under thumb by sharing your expertise with them. Good luck with that brick wall. YMMV.
        • by Terje Mathisen ( 128806 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @09:40AM (#22836352)

          There are two ideas of thought about corner cases (and the GP pointed out one).
          Thought #1) (GP) There's no such things as a corner. It is a requirement - it may be that fewer people/fewer processes use it; but, it is still a section of the total solution that must be designed to overcome some problematic section. Otherwise, why is the code being written?

          Thought #2) Corner cases only effect a small number of your user-base; therefore, code to satisfy 95%-99% of your customers. The underlying principle here is that the manager will wait for another release. This approach is usually taken when the project manager failed to account for something and says (and I quote), "We'll just re-design it after the first release."
          I have taken part in a few optimization competitions, and each time #1 has been a crucial part of the solution:

          The usual approach is to optimize the 90-95% case, then bail on the remainder, but this will almost always be beaten by code which manages to turn everything into the "normal" case, with no if/else handling, no testing, no branching.

          When I was beaten by David Stafford in Dr.Dobbs Game of Life challenge, I had lots of specialcase code to handle all the border cases, while David had managed to embed that information into his lookup tables and data structures. (He had also managed to make the working set so much smaller that it would mostly fit in the L1 cache. :-)

          When my Pentomino solver won another challenge, being twice as fast as #2, the crucial idea was to make the solver core as tiny as possible, with very little data movement and the minimum possible number of tests.

    • Re:Grok it. (Score:4, Interesting)

      by blahplusplus ( 757119 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @07:04AM (#22835518)
      "Believe it or not flowcharts and Venn diagrams are not obsolete."

      Believe it or not I use mindmapping software to help plan out the structure of a program and draw relationship lines arbitrarily, I wish someone made these mindmapping programs and made them more accessable to programs and programming. []

      Also great flowchart drawing tools: []
    • What? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Peaker ( 72084 )

      Create policies like "maximum function call depth"
      I would rather have a policy of maximum function size (which may increase function call depth) than this policy.

      Do you want to encourage people to inline their functions manually, and not divide things into small, cute trivial functions?

      Is this a misguided attempt to increase efficiency?
  • Just burning up the comment threads on this one.
  • by Cecil ( 37810 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:16AM (#22834898) Homepage
    Code that was written while drunk, high, or half-asleep I will be deeply suspicious of, and probably needs to be refactored immediately. Anything else probably needs refactoring as well, but less urgently.
    • by fatnutz ( 988615 )
      Unless you were at your Balmer Peak [].
    • >> Code that was written while ... half-asleep has 25 minutes of video which are worth watching just to catch e.g. the beautiful French accent when the researcher Van Cauter remarks that Americans regard going without sleep as a "badge of honour". The idea that you might actually be more effective at linking together all those pieces of information while asleep than awake - if true, it's a paradigm shift from the jolted-caffeine-philosophy.
  • Nice article! I thought it was an interesting way to bring a qualitative feel back into software development. In a word of mathematics and code, we often lose sight of those qualitative things in favour of hard numbers. I think developers too often live in the analytical world like european Chess when they should be combining intuition with analysis like in Go / Weiqi.
  • by plover ( 150551 ) * on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:24AM (#22834912) Homepage Journal
    I hate the e.e. cummings [] method of refactoring, which is to run all your code through a lower-case filter. Never seems to help very much.
    • I prefer the Raymond Chandler method - if you're having a problem with a section of code, have a man come through the door holding a gun in his hand.
      • by martin-boundary ( 547041 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @05:27AM (#22835256)
        How about the Joel Spolsky method of refactoring []?

        10 Never throw old code away.

        20 If code is broken, GOTO 10.

      • by Chemisor ( 97276 )
        > if you're having a problem with a section of code, have a man come through the door holding a gun in his hand.

        Unfortunately, if you are having problem with spaghetti code, like I am, your man would have to crawl on his belly for several miles in twisty passages all alike before reaching the actual problem.
      • by gbjbaanb ( 229885 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @10:32AM (#22836612)
        I say Jeeves, cancel my engagements for the morning, Aunt Agatha has decided that I must refactor my code so the Drones Club annual 'ship without testing' party will have to wait.

        Adversity strikes when one least welcomes it Sir.

        She claims my code 'smells'. I'll have her know my code smells as spiffly as a, as a, well, as a whatnot Jeeves.

        Indeed sir.

        Yes, a whatnot. I check my code against the very latest coding practices, and sometimes I even run it through unit tests!

        Admirable qualities in a coder, if I may say, Sir.

        Yes you may Jeeves. Now. to work! beastly testing.

        Sir, perhaps one could use some automated tool or other method of achieving the requisite level of quality desired.

        You know Jeeves, you've hit it right on the head there. I'll get Bernie Smetherington-Smythe to do it, he's such a ghastly bore but, well, when it comes to code review testing, there's no-one that can cut the mustard quite like him. Zip the source up Jeeves, we're to go pay Bernie a visit.

        Certainly Sir, but what if Aunt Agatha finds out?

        Pish Jeeves, pish! The auditors won't be around for months, no-one'll be any the wiser, and I can go to the ship-without-testing party after all. Life just falls into place sometimes doesn't it Jeeves? After all, What could go wrong?

        Yes Sir.
        • There's someone at the door, Jeeves.

          Very good, sir. Mr. Fink-Nottle, sir.

          What ho, Gussie.

          Oh, Bertie, thank heavens you're here! Someone is appropriating the prose style of the greatest author the English language has ever produced, and doing it in the most dreadful manner! He's even capitalizing the word "sir", and having Jeeves make interrogatory rather than simple declarative statements!

          Sorry, Gussie, he did a simple what?

          Oh Bertie, you ass, Jeeves would never actually question you! He would never say, "Certainly Sir, but what if Aunt Agatha finds out?" because that's a flat out question! Besides, he certainly wouldn't refer to your relative as "Aunt Agatha"! He might say, "Certainly Sir, but I might draw attention to the fact that Mrs. Gregson would take a dim view of such an approach." Bertie, you have to do something!

          All well and good, Gussie old thing, but what am I to do? The hands of the Woosters are tied, as it were.

          Not you, you fathead. We want Jeeves for this sort of thing!

          Ah, of course. Jeeves?

          Yo, Mr. B, what up?

          Jeeves, if you could forego the anachronistic and inappropriate argot for the moment, we have a problem, or rather a sort of quandry which requires your attention.

          Word. I talk my talk, yo.

          Sharpen your wits, Jeeves, for this is unlike any you have faced before, and I fear that even you may not be up to the task.

          De nada, boss. I got yer solution right here.

          Jeeves? Do I hear correctly? We've not yet set the problem before you, and you have an answer for us?

          Damn, bitch, didn't I just say that? Can't I hear my own self talking? Sh*t, I know what the problem is and I got the answer. It's self-referential code, dude. The problem is the solution, and vice versa. Get the code to recognize it's own faults, and set it to modify itself.

          And we would then end up with...?

          Undying prose, sir.

          Yes, Jeeves. How appropriate.

          With sincerest apologies to the Master, P.G. Wodehouse, whose writings gave me so much pleasure over the years, until I tried to write novels myself. Then they made me want to kill myself for my inadequacies as a writer.
  • by nullchar ( 446050 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:31AM (#22834934) a neat idea. Besides the mentioned practice of raising and lowering pieces of code that the developers are happy and dissatisified with, hanging code encourages peer review.

    Perhaps not in-depth code review, but physically hanging code in your office might "scare" developers into adhering to their organization's standards for fear of their coworkers mockery of poor code.

    It might be difficult to hide shitty code when anyone can walk by and look at what *you* think is good.
    (At least it might take just as much effort to hide bad code as it does to make it good.)
    • by symbolset ( 646467 ) * on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:46AM (#22834990) Journal

      But the screen resolution of fanfold paper hanging on the wall cannot be beaten by the best modern monitors.

      Sometimes just printing the stuff out, papering the floor with it and literally crawling over it yields answers that otherwise escape.

      If the line width won't fit on the paper at a reasonable pitch, there's a clue right there.

    • BTW (Score:5, Interesting)

      by symbolset ( 646467 ) * on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:57AM (#22835030) Journal

      I'm agreeing with you. 30k lines is 500 pages. That's roughly 8' high by 50' wide. Definitely doable.

      Not about the scaring though -- just about it being useful. Anxiety isn't something I'd want to deliberately introduce to a working programmer. Most of the ones I've known had enough performance anxiety issues of their own without adding any.

      Hanging the code makes some errors more visible. Not all errors are bugs. Some are structural. Structural fixes sometimes repair "pernicious" bugs.

    • by johannesg ( 664142 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @03:59AM (#22835038)
      I have an even better idea: instead of printing the code on paper, maybe we could represent it by making corresponding holes in little cards. The cards you could hang in front of the window. As the classes get simpler, the holes can get bigger (because less total space is needed) and they get spread around more easily, so more and more light filters through. This way we can emulate the "sun rising on the project", "light at the end of the tunnel" feeling we all love so dearly.

      Need a status update? Just look into the room - if you can see sunlight, the work is done!

  • Big Visible Charts (Score:5, Interesting)

    by EponymousCoder ( 905897 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @04:20AM (#22835094)
    I really like the concept, and it fits in with a bunch of techniques we've been using at work in line with the "Big Visible Charts" ideas. Things like this and Agile stories written on index cards and pinned to the wall do sound hokey. A number of people like Johanna Rothman [] however point out, that these techniques are a lot more inclusive and (as I've found) you get much more animated discussions than the pm/architect/team lead writing a document "for discussion."
    If nothing else it's fun to watch management trying to cope with your walls being covered with sheets of paper, cards and string when they've paid all this money for MS Project and the Rational Suite.
  • by S3D ( 745318 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @04:41AM (#22835144)
    My code is not ugly. It's battle-scarred
    • by mcmonkey ( 96054 )

      My code is not ugly. It's battle-scarred

      Sounds like something out of the Klingon rules of software development.

      What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases' Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake.

  • The art (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ( 142825 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @04:48AM (#22835164) Homepage
    Most of the books and documents that I read in the last 20 years go towards metrics, statistical analysis of code. This ignores the Zen and art of coding and debugging. While much of coding is science, there is a part of it that is feel. If it is only science, then code generators would have already eliminated programmers.

  • When refactoring dirty code, avoid doing minor cleanups on the other code. This way the places where you still need to work on stand out from the rest. In any case, as soon as minor cleanups go beyond layouting, it also means you're doing changes in code without test coverage. Even straightening out if/else clauses easily leads to errors.
    • the problem with that is without doing minor cleanup it is sometimes rather hard to work out what a peice of code is trying to do. I'm talking the kind of function that has a cryptic name, one or two letter parameter/variable names and no comments.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by tinkerton ( 199273 )
        Agreed. And you have to change code anyway when you're moving functions that are defined elsewhere, so the code does change.
        The key idea though is, you have an array of visual cues that tell you instantly this code still needs to be refactored. These cues often can be removed in bulk, even automated with scripts. Indentation for example. Or use of deprecated functions. Certain types of comments. It's attractive to do these bulk cleanups because they give the overal code a healthier outlook. But they remove
  • by jonaskoelker ( 922170 ) <jonaskoelker@yahoo.BLUEcom minus berry> on Sunday March 23, 2008 @05:32AM (#22835262)
    The article highlights a principle which we all know (either explicitly or implicitly): we are highly vision-oriented creatures; visual perception is (relatively) easy for us. A quick convincer: coloured and neatly indented code is easier to read than monochromatic unindented code, right? So perception of colour and position is faster than that of symbols and their relationships.

    The methods in the article plays right into this: by viewing the code zoomed out greatly, one can readily see the density of code, and get a visual "fingerprint" of each chunk. By coupling printout position to satisfaction with the printed code, one can readily see which piece of code needs the most work.

    Interesting additions: adding colour to each class and method based on how memory they allocate (or how many objects they construct); or colouring functions relating to their position in the call graph, or their in-degree.
    • Interesting additions: adding colour to each class and method based on how memory they allocate (or how many objects they construct); or colouring functions relating to their position in the call graph, or their in-degree.

      Careful, down that path lies dragons. Adding too much detail not only raises the temptation to waste time by fiddling with the presentation, it also risks turning your 'visible display' from simple line art into a pointillist [] painting, where you can not only no longer see the broad detai

  • ...takes a very long time on the product of two large prime codes.
  • by IainMH ( 176964 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @06:03AM (#22835324)
    Talk about decoupled classes..

    What ho.
  • by johannesg ( 664142 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @06:10AM (#22835346)
    I was under the impression that "large projects" started somewhere around the million lines of code mark, not at a mere 30K lines. But here is what I do, and none of this require any special insights into the source code (note that I do this primarily for C++):

    1. Ruthlessly delete lines. Get rid of ***anything*** that does not contribute to correct operation or understanding. Even including things like version history (that's why you have the damn tool, use it already (1)!), inane comments (but keep the stuff that actually helps with understanding), code that is commented out (if you really need it, it will be in the aforementioned version tool), code that is not called, and code that is not doing anything at all (such as empty constructors or destructors).

    2. Decrease the scope of everything to be as tight as you possibly can. Make everything that you can private, static, or whatever else your language offers to decrease scope. Declare variables in the innermost scope. Make them all const if possible.

    3. Anything that belongs together should be in one file (even if that files becomes 5000 lines long). Anything that *doesn't* belong together should be split into separate files (but don't make a file for just a single function - instead create a file with "leftovers").

    4. Anything that has a non-descriptive name is to be renamed to what it really represents. No more "int x; // x is the number of blarglewhoppers" - just use "int NumBlargleWhoppers" instead.

    5. Keep an eye open for duplicate code. Get rid of the duplicates.

    6. Any special insights gained, write them down as comments in the appropriate place. Anything you do NOT understand, also write them down as comments. Mark those with something you can grep for.

    7. Any homegrown version of something that is available in STL or boost, to be replaced by its "official" alternative.

    8. And that goes double for string operations! No more "char *" anywhere; it is the 21st century, use strings already! I'll make an exception for functions that allow "const char *" to be passed in, but only with the "const". If I find a "char *" without the "const", I *will* come to your office and bash your head against the wall. Repeatedly. Just so you know.

    9. Any error handling through error return codes, probably to be replaced by exceptions, unless it turns the calling code into a wild mass of try/catch blocks.

    10. Pointers, to be replaced by references where possible.

    11. Negative logic and names, to be replaced by positive logic and names. Don't have "if (!NoPrinterAvailable()) {A();} else {B();}" - instead do "if (PrinterAvailable() {A();} else {B();}".

    12. Anything that looks like it was written by drunk lemurs or the French, to be deleted on principle and replaced by something sane.

    So there you have it. In my experience, doing this will remove about half of the lines of code (more if there was a significant number of lemurs on the team), at the gain of considerable clarity and usually performance.

    (1) And honestly, I don't give a flying fuck which one of you messed up on the 29th of february 1823 or why you thought it was a good idea in the first place. I'm concerned with what the code will be doing in the future, not how it came to be in this sorry state. Chances are, whatever you thought at the time is long obsolete anyway. Get rid of the cruft. Get rid of anything that doesn't help - it just clutters the mind.

    • Of course you could just chuck all this object-disoriented stuff and write in good, old fashioned C, like the rest of us.

      If its too big to fit in the address space of a 6502, then you are doing it all wrong. (or maybe it should have been done in SNOBOL in the first place.)

    • by siride ( 974284 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @08:08AM (#22835786)
      > 9. Any error handling through error return codes, probably to be replaced by exceptions, unless it turns the calling code into a wild mass of try/catch blocks.

      Exceptions should be used to mark, well, exceptional failure. I really really hate this pattern that Java (and perhaps from elsewhere) has foisted upon us where we get frickin exceptions because we reached the end of the file. That is technically an error condition in the reader function, but it is not exceptional and it shouldn't require me to write the "wild mess of try/catch blocks" just to read in data from a file. Exceptions say "we are really in a mess and have to abort this operation, and potentially the program. They do not say "could not find element x in array".

      If that's what you were saying, however, then I apologize.
      • by dubl-u ( 51156 ) *
        I really really hate this pattern that Java (and perhaps from elsewhere) has foisted upon us where we get frickin exceptions because we reached the end of the file. That is technically an error condition in the reader function, but it is not exceptional and it shouldn't require me to write the "wild mess of try/catch blocks" just to read in data from a file. Exceptions say "we are really in a mess and have to abort this operation, and potentially the program. They do not say "could not find element x in arr
        • by siride ( 974284 )
          What's wrong with reading until you get to the end of the file? That's how the idiom seems to be done in every other language I've used. Why is that an exception in Java? If it's the end of the file because there was an IO error, that's one thing. But in the case I'm talking about, it's not.
          • by matfud ( 464184 )
            Cos the size of the file can change while you are reading it.
            • Cos the size of the file can change while you are reading it.

              Sine the size of the file can change too, but (sin^2 + cos^2) won't.
          • by dubl-u ( 51156 ) *

            What's wrong with reading until you get to the end of the file? That's how the idiom seems to be done in every other language I've used. Why is that an exception in Java?

            It's not. The typical Java idiom for reading lines from a file looks like this []. (Actually, in production, you would actually handle the errors in that exception block rather than swallowing them. I would personally put the close() call in a finally block, not the main try block, as you still want to close even if a read fails. But you get the idea.)

            As you can see, you read until it comes back empty, and then you're done. No exceptions will be used except when things are exceptional.

            That's still slightly ug

          • by radish ( 98371 )
            Reading a file in Java is much the same as any other language. You call read() in a loop until it returns null, that indicates EOF. If you call read() again however, well you screwed up and you will get an exception. Makes perfect sense to me.
      • I really really hate this pattern that Java (and perhaps from elsewhere) has foisted upon us where we get frickin exceptions because we reached the end of the file. That is technically an error condition in the reader function, but it is not exceptional and it shouldn't require me to write the "wild mess of try/catch blocks" just to read in data from a file.

        It depends on what you're doing. Quite often, getting EOF while reading a file of some known format is an exceptional situation - it means that file is

        • by siride ( 974284 )
          Something like that would be nice in Java. And it follows the pattern I described above much better. If you expect errors and failures or end of file as part of normal processing, it's not an exception and exceptions should need to be used. I wish over-use of exceptions was the only thing that bothered me about Java...
    • by Enleth ( 947766 ) <> on Sunday March 23, 2008 @08:35AM (#22835950) Homepage
      I'd disagree on pointers and references. If you pass something in by reference, you need to know it goes in there by reference, it's not visible in the calling code. If something's not visible - well, that's a bug just waiting to crawl in there. If you pass something by pointer, the calling code shows it clearly and you know that whatever was passed is likely to be changed by the called function. That's the rationale used by Trolltech [] and it is quite convincing to me.

      Besides, using char * is a must sometimes, when using C libraries that accept, modify and return strings or just some chunks of arbitrary data as char *.
      • I disagree on your dislike of references - when you type the function name, intellisense (or whatever) pops up the relevant prototypes and you can see immediately whether the parameters are type& or const type&. This gives the benefit of uniform function calling, since passing by reference or const reference should be the default unless there is an explicit need for pass-by-value.

        As to char*, there are very few places I can see it being necessary (*)(&data),sizeof(data) does N
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Enleth ( 947766 )
          That means you are dependent on a big, clunky IDE for writing your code. Not everyone uses them even for big projects - for example, KDE's Kate is sophisticated enough to handle those, yet still lightweight. Even worse if you are writing an API for a library: you are forcing everyone using it to memorize where the references were or use a big, clunky IDE. And even if you use an IDE, you sometimes need to read a piece of code and see such things without retyping the paren to force a dumb IDE to display the p
        • You can pass char* to the string constructor and you can get back with string::c_str() -- what else do you need?
          What I need is the extra RAM that the GNU libstdc++ implementation of the string class takes up. I develop for a handheld device, and its 4 MB of RAM is a lot smaller than the 1 GB of RAM that you're probably used to working with.
          • What I need is the extra RAM that the GNU libstdc++ implementation of the string class takes up. I develop for a handheld device, and its 4 MB of RAM is a lot smaller than the 1 GB of RAM that you're probably used to working with.

            Absolutely. I should have qualified my post by excepting cases like yours where RAM is super-tight (embedded/handheld/etc. . . ) and cases where performance is at a huge premium (tight loops/bottlenecks/mission-critical/real-time). That said, in the vast majority of cases the performance gain from using char* are vastly outweighed by the simplicity, clarity and power of std::string. Heck, automatic destruction when the string goes out of scope is, IMHO, worth the cost of admission alone.

      • If you really want the out parameters to be distinctly marked at call site (and I agree that it is a good idea, but it may be just my C# experience), just write a simple ref-wrapping class with an explicit constructor, and use it everywhere. Using pointers can lead to subtle problems not just because they can be null, but also because they have plenty of operators defined on them, and it can be all too easy to forget to dereference sometimes, with very interesting results that might manifest themselves a lo
      • If you pass something in by reference, you need to know it goes in there by reference, it's not visible in the calling code. If something's not visible - well, that's a bug just waiting to crawl in there. If you pass something by pointer, the calling code shows it clearly and you know that whatever was passed is likely to be changed by the called function. That's the rationale used by Trolltech and it is quite convincing to me.

        I agree that output should always be passed by pointers, as that makes things e

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      12. Anything that looks like it was written by drunk lemurs or the French, to be deleted on principle and replaced by something sane.

      I'm sorry but I find all this French bashing racist. Unless, of course, you have some information on the coding tendencies of the French that I do not. But having worked with a handful French people and I can say nothing bad about them. I know French "jokes" may be acceptable in the U.S. but this is the Internet and try to behave yourselves. As a rule of thumb: r

      • You know, *I* have worked with French code for over ten years; from a multitude of companies and individuals. I feel fully qualified to state that most of the time, it is REALLY BAD.

        Have *you* worked with any code written by the French? Or are you just randomly bashing people because that is such a fun, safe thing to do on the internet?

        • No I haven't and I said as much in my post. But I see French bashing everywhere and it was a general comment, and not a direct response to yours. That said I've never worked with anything but shit north american code... and I live there. So the question comes up as to whether you have a wide enough sample to make such a claim. And the point is if you had worked for 10 years with african-american code and it was all shit would you make such a comment? Unlikely.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        I know French "jokes" may be acceptable in the U.S. ...

              only for a small conservative subset of the U.S., which as we know have proven themselves to be a joke.

    • by jsebrech ( 525647 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @11:43AM (#22837016)
      So there you have it. In my experience, doing this will remove about half of the lines of code (more if there was a significant number of lemurs on the team), at the gain of considerable clarity and usually performance.

      I work on a 2 million line code base, written by a few dozen people, most of them off-shore, that is poorly commented, poorly documented, and has many modules of code that no one in our team understands well. In other words, a typical large commercial code base.

      At first, I would routinely aggressively clean up sections of code as I made changes in them. But then I started to notice a pattern: there were bugs in the functionality of that code that weren't there before I "cleaned it up". When you refactor highly convoluted code, it is seductive to make assumptions about the working of that code (especially in how the code interacts with the rest of the system), because it is hard work to actually figure it out completely. Those assumptions have a nasty tendency to be wrong.

      Nowadays I approach code changes like this: if I don't understand the code 100 percent, I make my changes as low impact as possible, even if it means uglifying the code. If some part of the code base needs refactoring to allow implementing a new feature, I first figure it out fully, document its existing behavior (often line-by-line, call-by-call, class-by-class), look at every place in the entire code base where it is called (and document those places), and only then do I refactor it.

      The point is this: if code is ugly and slow, but it works, it is better code than clean, fast, beautiful code with bugs. Better in the sense that it makes the user happier, and the user is one of only two metrics that truly matter in software development (the other being cost). Always resist modifying code just for the sake of cleaning it up. If it works, don't touch it.
      • Always resist modifying code just for the sake of cleaning it up. If it works, don't touch it.

              This of course is wisdom of the ages which appears to have been lost somewhere where the term "refactoring" became vogue.

        • by chromatic ( 9471 )

          ... only if your "refactoring" doesn't include a comprehensive, fully-passing, and regularly run test suite.

          • ... only if your "refactoring" doesn't include a comprehensive, fully-passing, and regularly run test suite.

            in a non-trivial world, "works" by definition is regularly running a comprehensive test suite, otherwise known as production, and fully passing.

            but in the spirit of your comment, one will not get to "works" by debugging with production, not when every change in a non-trivial world has to be signed off on by a suite of high level people who are now personally
          • by mwvdlee ( 775178 )
            I'm going to make a bold statement here:

            "There is no such thing as a comprehensive test".

            If you have a program that adds numbers, and you test it with every possible addition between 1 and a billion, you have no guarentee it'll work with billion-and-1. Or zero for that matter.
            The best a test can do is demonstrate a program less or more likely to fail, and only when used within certain limits.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by dubl-u ( 51156 ) *
      I agree with most of your comments, and especially the spirit of keeping everything shipshape and avoiding the endless game of "who can be blamed". Two minor improvements:

      Any error handling through error return codes, probably to be replaced by exceptions, unless it turns the calling code into a wild mass of try/catch blocks.

      Sometimes instead of return codes, there are other good options. For example, you can spin a state machine out into an object, which in effect keeps the return codes safely in one place until you want to check them. In some cases, I love the Null Object Pattern []. And sometimes it makes sense to have a request object and a response object,

    • by mbrod ( 19122 )
      Excellent list. I have been programming professionally in C++ for about 10 years. You see a number of these items you have listed that go contrary to what an Academic or a "puritan" would advocate but are essential in a large project. Particularly:

      3. Anything that belongs together should be in one file (even if that files becomes 5000 lines long). Anything that *doesn't* belong together should be split into separate files (but don't make a file for just a single function - instead create a file with "leftov

    • 12. Anything that looks like it was written by drunk lemurs or the French, to be deleted on principle and replaced by something sane.

      Monsieur, je suis outré par votre comparaison de mes glorieux compatriotes avec des nobles lémuriens sous influence!

      Les lémuriens ne boivent pas de vin, c'est evident: la convoyage de bons crus vers Madagascar pour consommation lemurienne n'est pas economiquement viable!

      Sir, I am shocked by your comparison of my glorious compatriots with noble lemurs under the

  • Nope, it's not. And it's a stupid practice, the way some people try to define it.

    "What are you doing?"

    "I'm refactoring code."

    "Oh, you aren't doing anything."
  • quicksort [] = [] quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort less ++ [x] ++ quicksort greater where less = [ y | y = x ]
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by jlarocco ( 851450 )

      Elegant as it may be, that version of quicksort is so slow that (IIRC) even the Haskell documentation suggests against using it in "real" code.

      Personally, I think the C++ way is even easier to read, and it has the benefit of being really fast:

      sort(xs.begin(), xs.end());

  • by kurisuto ( 165784 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @07:35AM (#22835616) Homepage
    From TFA:

    "The problem is that warty old code isn't always just warty - it's battle-scarred. It has years of tweaks and bug-fixes in there to deal with all sorts of edge conditions and obscure environments. Throw that out and replace it with pristine new code, and you'll often find that a load of very old issues suddenly come back to haunt you. So, a total rewrite is out. This means working with the old code, and finding ways to wrestle it into shape."

    There's a big difference between having code which just happens to somehow work, and having code which works because the code is clearly written and documented, where the person in charge of maintaining it actually understands what the code is doing.

    Whether you rewrite from scratch or work with the legacy code, it's your job as the programmer to understand and document all of the tweaks, bug fixes, edge conditions, and obscure environments. If there aren't comments in the existing code to explain these things, then it's your job to understand why the code is doing what it is doing, and add the comments as needed. If the code isn't clear, it's your job to make it clear.

    The author correctly points out that when you do a total rewrite, then the undocumented special cases handled by the old code will make themselves felt. As these problems present themselves, it takes time to fix them. However, you also get the opportunity to understand the undocumented special cases and get them clearly coded and properly documented, which reduces maintenence costs over the long term. Your judgment whether to maintain or to rewrite should take both of these factors into consideration.

    • There's a big difference between having code which just happens to somehow work, and having code which works because the code is clearly written and documented, where the person in charge of maintaining it actually understands what the code is doing.

      But the point is that when the code is the documentation, which is what you have when you have undocumented code, you're throwing out the documentation with the code if you start from scratch. Refactoring includes documenting the code you're rewriting. In fact I
    • by dubl-u ( 51156 ) *
      it's your job as the programmer to understand and document all of the tweaks, bug fixes, edge conditions, and obscure environments.

      And in my view, it's my job as a programmer to document all of those things in readable automated tests. Only a programmer can check that a comment or a document has been followed. Automated tests mean that the computer can do the dirty work. And I'm all for that.
  • by martyb ( 196687 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @08:02AM (#22835764)

    ... A better solution would be to print a class per page. At the start of the project, the application had about 150 classes, and the refactoring effort is focussed on about 80 of those. Initially, gigantic classes would be an incomprehensible smudge of grey, but as the refactoring process starts tidying the code and factoring out into other classes, the weekly printout would start to literally come into focus, hopefully ending up with many pages actually containing readable code (which happens roughly when the class is small enough to fit on no more than 3 pages at normal size).

    Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! "Smell test?" Yah, right. But then I got to thinking, "Why are code formatting standards such a hot topic?" The computer doesn't care if indentation is expressed with 2 spaces, 3 spaces, or a tab. But, I do! Over time, I've learned how to see coding errors just from the slight aberrations in the LOOK of code. Couldn't tell you WHAT it was, at first, it just felt (or smelled) wrong. So call it what you will, but I could now see how "smell test" has some basis behind it. Then, I got to thinking of an age-old question:

    How do you find a needle in a haystack?

    1. Make the haystack smaller, and/or
    2. Make the needle(s) bigger

    The technique in the article accomplishes BOTH of these. I'd suggest running the code through a pretty printer [] to get consistent layout throughout the whole project. The more the semantics of the project can be represented by syntax, the more visible the troublesome code becomes.

    • How do you find a needle in a haystack?

            1. Make the haystack smaller, and/or
            2. Make the needle(s) bigger
      You forgot
            3. Run the haystack through an MRI machine.
      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        You forgot
        3. Run the haystack through an MRI machine.
        In your analogy, what's the equivalent of an MRI machine for finding places where a program could be improved?
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by cyborg_zx ( 893396 )
          Well the obvious problem with the analogy is that you're not finding needles in a haystack - you're looking for hay in a haystack.
    • I'd suggest running the code through a pretty printer to get consistent layout throughout the whole project.

      Umm... running it through a pretty printer wipes out the very details that printing out is supposed to bring out. After pretty printing, you are no longer seeing the 'native' code - but rather you are seeing the patterns hard coded into the pretty printer.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by martyb ( 196687 )

        I'd suggest running the code through a pretty printer to get consistent layout throughout the whole project.

        Umm... running it through a pretty printer wipes out the very details that printing out is supposed to bring out. After pretty printing, you are no longer seeing the 'native' code - but rather you are seeing the patterns hard coded into the pretty printer.

        I respectfully disagree. Consider a piece of code that has 8 levels of nesting. With a judicious use of short variable names, parentheses, an

        • I agree, it's not a black a white an choice. I was only pointing out that the pretty printer can hide flaws, as you point out that it can reveal them.
  • I love the way the article uses the complete rewrite of Netscape as an example of why you shouldn't rewrite from scratch. Cause we all know how big a failure Firefox is </sarcasm>
    • by argent ( 18001 )
      Not to mention that Netscape was already doomed as a browser company well before that rewrite started.
    • Re:Netscape (Score:4, Informative)

      by balster neb ( 645686 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @10:01AM (#22836472)

      I love the way the article uses the complete rewrite of Netscape as an example of why you shouldn't rewrite from scratch. Cause we all know how big a failure Firefox is
      Have to disagree with you.

      While the Mozilla story did have a happy ending, the rewrite resulted in IE getting a near monopoly of the browser market. The "new" Netscape was massively delayed, and was finally released as a rebranded version of the bloated Mozilla suite. It was in the period between about 1999 and 2004 that IE expanded it's market share. In other words, Netscape lost as a result of throwing away the old code base.

      It was only from around 2004 onwards, with Firefox, was Mozilla able to present a viable alternative to IE.
      • by nuzak ( 959558 )
        > In other words, Netscape lost as a result of throwing away the old code base.

        Netscape had already lost. The only takeaway lesson was "it takes a lot of time to rewrite, and possibly even more than starting over from scratch".
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by dubl-u ( 51156 ) *

      I love the way the article uses the complete rewrite of Netscape as an example of why you shouldn't rewrite from scratch. Cause we all know how big a failure Firefox is </sarcasm>

      Firefox is not Netscape.

      The Netscape browser, like the company that made it, indeed ended up a failure. And my pals who were there at the time tell me that the poor code quality was a major factor in the inability to get anywhere. How long did it take between the last decent release of Netscape and the 1.0 release of Firefox? Four years? Six? I guess it depends on what you consider the last decent release. No matter how you count it, though, there were years of thrashing trying to get something based on th

  • Will the result of refactoring code using the PGW method be as funny as his books that the users of the code will laugh till they cry?
  • by joe_n_bloe ( 244407 ) on Sunday March 23, 2008 @04:30PM (#22838868) Homepage
    I'd like to focus on the author's comments about rewriting vs. refactoring. From July 25, 2000 []:

    Last Monday, nobody knew that anything unusual was about to happen. On Tuesday, the Perl 6 project started. On Wednesday, Larry announced it at his "State of the Onion" address at the Perl conference.

    It's one thing to decide to rewrite rather than refactor a product that is losing market share because it is not performing as well as its competitors. (E.g. Netscape.) It's another thing to decide to rewrite (and redesign) rather than refactor a wildly successful and popular product because its continued development has become difficult. Just shy of eight years later, Perl 5 is still creaking along nicely, and Perl 6 (White Elephant Service Pack) is still under design as much as development.

    Is Perl 5 so hard to refactor that a determined effort couldn't have made progress, or been completed twice over, in 8 years? Along the way, a lot of the cruft and inelegance in the language could have been removed, and more elegant features inserted.

    It happens over and over again - developers, even experienced ones, can't see the impracticality of what they're getting into, and can't see that they're doing work that isn't needed.
  • by mAx7 ( 137563 ) on Monday March 24, 2008 @04:09AM (#22843094)
    In the Complexity Map [], a slightly similar approach, a treemap is used to visualize the code's namespace hierarchy in a 2d-landscape. Results from code metric tools are layed out in the treemap, either for individual metrics (e.g. cyclomatic complexity) or for aggregated metrics (anthing that influences team productivity; e.g. errors that are not logged). Due to the Prefuse []-based seamless zooming, combined with drill down functionality, it's really easy to visualize and investigate hotspots in extremely large codebases [].

    The website contains some more background and a nice interactive demo []. If you have the patience to wait for the applet to load, I'll guarantee you you'll like it.

    Disclaimer: I am the author of this tool. The website mentions commercial interest, but to be honest: there's hardly any. I've found that the concept is just too difficult to sell over the web, so I'll probably open source it soon.

"No problem is so formidable that you can't walk away from it." -- C. Schulz
