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Undocumented Open Source Code On the Rise 94

ruphus13 writes "According to security company Palamida, the use of open source code is growing rapidly within businesses. However, the lack of documentation and understanding of how the code works can increase the vulnerability and security risks the companies face. OStatic quotes Theresa Bui-Friday saying, 'In 2007, Palamida's Services team audited between 300M to 500M lines of code for F500 to venture-backed companies, across multiple industries. Of the code we reviewed, Palamida found that applications written within the last five years contain 50% or more open source code, by a line of code count. Of that 50% of open source code, 70% was undocumented. This is up from 30% in 2006.' How can businesses protect themselves and still draw on open source code effectively?"
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Undocumented Open Source Code On the Rise

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  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:47AM (#23801079)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Otter ( 3800 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @12:05PM (#23801231) Journal
      "Documented" in this story means that the company's developers have documented what the hell is going into their codebases (with respect to licenses, keeping things updated, and so forth). It has nothing to do with either user documentation or source code comments in the original open source project.

      That said, the "70%, up from 30%" numbers are absurd. There is no way that the failure rate to document use of open source code more than doubled in 2007.

      • Re: (Score:2, Offtopic)

        I agree, that metric sounded much too high for open-source. The 70% up from 30% was actually the incidence of undocumented Hispanic workers in the US's past few years. Statistical cross-contamination?
    • by tacocat ( 527354 ) <tallison1 AT twmi DOT rr DOT com> on Sunday June 15, 2008 @01:33PM (#23801985)

      I would be interested to know what languages you have used.

      I have found Perl to be very well documented, even though it appears to be on a decline or leveled off on the number of developers and active projects.

      Meanwhile, I have looked into use Rails and found it a great example of shitty code practices. I've stated this very case to the development community and they pretty much debunked my statements as one belonging to an inexperienced developer unwilling to "go the distance".

      I hope this might be slightly helpful in getting people like the Rails community to either understand that they really do need documentation or get companies to throw aside Rails as POS software that is so lacking in documentation that it's a greater burden to have it than to use the alternatives.

      There is an excellent case where if you have a highly experienced and knowledgeable developer then you maybe don't care. But if you have to replace this developer with one less knowledgeable or want to expand your development team, you suffer a huge start up cost of trying to bring someone up to speed at your expense.

      Specifically, the Rails plug-ins are documented with over simplified tutorials that aren't even available for free and so you have to make an extra effort to find the documentation for the software that you download since they aren't in the same location. Restful Authentication is one example in particular.

      Add to that the documentation in Ruby DBI. There isn't any. The documentation says to see Perl DBI for documentation. Considering this is a reference to a different language with different syntax and some of the Perl methods aren't possible in Ruby and likewise Ruby DBI has methods that aren't available in Perl. WTF? This is documentation.

      • "Meanwhile, I have looked into use Rails and found it a great example of shitty code practices."

        As someone using Ruby and Rails on a regular basis, I have to say that this is my experience too.

        I got involved in a flamewar with developers of a well-known Rails application over my contention that documentation was required. Their position is that you don't need any documentation if you have unit tests; you can simply read the unit tests to work out what the supported API is.

      • by RT Alec ( 608475 )
        Let me add PHP to the list! PHP is wonderfully easy to allow inexperienced programmers (read: non-programmers) to build something that looks and feels like it works, but often without the coder knowing HOW (or why) it works.
      • by doom ( 14564 )

        Do you think you could document your claim that perl use has "declined or leveled off"?
        Perl hype has leveled off, now that O'Rielly is focussing
        on selling books about other things, but perl usage remains
        pretty high, as far as I can tell.

        I do agree with you about the high quality of perl
        documentation. Perl has always attracted people who like
        to write about their code, and one advantage of having
        a reputation as a "write-once" language is that people
        bend over backwards to document (both internally and externa

        • by tacocat ( 527354 )

          I absolutely cannot document any decline. I do think the hype has leveled off. But I was in a meeting at YAPC::NA two years ago where they were discussing the decline in new programmers coming into the community.

          • I remember that YAPC discussion. As I recall it, the point was that the average age of Perl developers was increasing, indicating a decline in younger programmers entering the community. Perl is rarely a programmer's first language, so this isn't entirely surprising. PHP is taking Perl's place as the newcomer's first web programming language (which is OK in my opinion -- PHP is easier to learn)

      • The decline of Perl is a myth. A graph of CPAN uploads vs. time shows a dramatic increase in the last couple of years, and 2008 is already ahead of the entirety of 2007.

        http://blog.timbunce.org/2008/03/08/perl-myths/ [timbunce.org]

    • by MikeFM ( 12491 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @06:02PM (#23804209) Homepage Journal
      Any software product without good documentation is difficult to use. Proprietary programs are potentially a lot worse than open source because you don't have an easy option for figuring out the hard bits for yourself.

      My example would be Activant Eclipse (formally Intuit) - the ERP software the company I work for uses. It's expensive, performs poorly (even on the expensive IBM mini that is required), is buggy, is largely undocumented, is hard/expensive to customize and is completely required to keep our business running. We pay for an expensive support contract and support is still often a joke - complicated issues are usually figured out by our staff because their support staff isn't able to do much. A horrible painful experience.
  • by mangu ( 126918 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:47AM (#23801083)
    I'd rather have the source code which I can read and try to understand than an executable file alone.

    The only reason why we don't see an article "Undocumented Commercial Software On the Rise" is because the public cannot see how badly documented the commercial software is.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by mikael_j ( 106439 )

      I disagree, I tried changing some stuff in the rTorrent source code and noticed that sometimes the only comments/documentation to be found was the GPL notice at the beginning of each file, I never did manage to make the changes I wanted (but I got kind of half-way there at least).


    • by jps25 ( 1286898 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @12:40PM (#23801465)
      I disagree.
      This isn't about closed vs open source, this is about decent programming.
      Comments in code are neccessary and a minimal requirement for any project.
      At least add one line to any function explaining what the function does, what its input is and what it returns.
      This isn't so hard and it won't kill you, but it'll make life easier for you and anyone else who will have to deal with the code later.
      It also makes finding errors easier, as your code may not be doing what your specifications say it should do.
      I don't understand this hatred for comments and the "code-is-its-own-documentation"-philosophy. I really don't.

      #include <iostream>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <iterator>

      #define ch_ty(ty)           std::istream_iterator<ty>::char_type
      #define tr_ty(ty)           std::istream_iterator<ty>::traits_type

      #define cin_iter(ty)        std::istream_iterator<ty, ch_ty(ty), tr_ty(ty)>( std::cin )
      #define void_iter(ty)       std::istream_iterator<ty, ch_ty(ty), tr_ty(ty)>()

      int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
        while ( (cin_iter(size_t)) != void_iter(size_t)
                    ? ( std::cin.unget(),
                        argc += *cin_iter(size_t)
                    ) : (
                      printf( "\nsum: %d\n", --argc ), system("exit")
                    ) );

      Perhaps easy to understand, but one comment-line would save you minutes wasted understanding and reading it.


      #include <stdio.h>

      int v,i,j,k,l,s,a[99];main(){for(scanf("%d",&s);*a-s;v=a[j*=v]-a[i],k=i<
      s,j+=(v=j<s&&(!k&&!!printf(2+"\n\n%c"-(!l<<!j)," #Q"[l^v?(l^j)&1:2])&&++


      Well, obviously obfuscated, but one comment and it's immediately clear what it does.

      • by Coryoth ( 254751 )

        It also makes finding errors easier, as your code may not be doing what your specifications say it should do.

        In this day and age, if the code has some (suitably formatted) comments regarding what it is supposed to do, you can even get some pretty useful tools to automatically check the code against the specification. It's not bullet-proof, but it can catch a lot of subtle bugs that might get overlooked, particularly in subtely incorrect {use of|calls to} code that you didn't necessarily write yourself. See ESC/Java2 [kind.ucd.ie] or Spec# [microsoft.com] to see what I mean.

      • by Bloater ( 12932 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @05:17PM (#23803911) Homepage Journal

        I disagree.
        This isn't about closed vs open source, this is about decent programming.
        Comments in code are neccessary and a minimal requirement for any project.
        But far less important than most people realise. Most code should be self documenting.

        At least add one line to any function explaining what the function does, what its input is and what it returns.
        template<typename InputIterator>
        typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type
        sum(InputIterator begin, const InputIterator& end)


        I don't understand this hatred for comments and the "code-is-its-own-documentation"-philosophy. I really don't.
        If your code is unreadable, then it is bad (see your example). Oh wait... I think I just had a "Whoosh" moment... I did, didn't I? Somebody mod parent up +1 Funny
      • by tibman ( 623933 )
        The article doesn't really state that open source isn't documented(commented) very well. Just documented less. Even if their figures are correct, it's still overkill as far as i'm concerned. It's 3 comments in each 10 lines of code on average.

        As you said "At least add one line to any function explaining what the function does, what its input is and what it returns." If 30% of your source is directly commented, you've probably done more than enough.

        These numbers are probably wrong though.. they say it's
      • Your examples try to make a point, but miss the mark. The point of the article is not about understanding what the code in question does, it's about maintaining the code - there is a big difference between understanding *what* code does vs. *how* the code does it. A one line comment before a block of unreadable code doesn't help to debug the code. A one line comment in front of a block of semi-readable code at least helps a little.

        The real problem is undebuggable and unreviewable code presenting security ri

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Ha! You better believe it.

      Recently, we bought a $middleware-thingy$ needed for a specific client installation..

      Cost: 2000$.

      Documentation and support: zero (apparently the original coder had left [without documenting anything], but the company keeps on selling licenses for something they have no idea of how works).
    • by Splab ( 574204 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @03:00PM (#23802767)
      I keep hearing people pro open source code say "I can check it!" Well can you? Have you done so - in a project spanning more than a few thousand lines of code? Just because the code is there to see doesn't actually mean its doable to waddle through it.

      I'm not for either open source or proprietary code, my employer pays me money to produce code, what he does with it is his business, but what I do have, is experience using both proprietary code and open source code - both models have pros and cons.

      With proprietary code there are someone I can call and they are by contract obliged to fix problems within a certain time frame. One particular instance is a database we are paying license fees for, I will not name them but to this date I have found more than 10 vectors that causes crashes. Those problems have been addressed by the vendor in a timely manner (I have yet to find bugs that would be show stoppers, but some did require annoying workarounds). With OSS we don't have this possibility, yes, we can log a bug in whatever bug tracker they use and hope someone will address our issue, but we have no guarantee - also in my experience logging a bug with OSS developers can be quite a daunting process, people can have some serious egocentric issues, while this of course is also applicable for proprietary software, there are someone higher in the food chain who can be called.
      With OSS we of course got the good fortune of being able to go through the source code and try to fix the code ourselves... right?
      Have you ever even considered just how bloody huge the code base is for something like a database? Tracking down a bug, well yes, the gdb can tell you where the program stopped working, but unless you have some really really good code reading skills and are up to date on everything that happens algorithm wise you have close to zero chance of fixing anything without causing major problems.

      Also as a developer I got enough to do creating my own applications, I simply do not have the time to dig through thousands of lines of code every time something new breaks. Yes open source is nice, small projects are easy to help get along, fixing small bugs, but at some point the project grows so big that anyone using it needs to have someone they can call at 4 am in the morning to help them.

      Oh and just because some software is proprietary it doesn't mean you don't have access to the source code, even at Microsoft you can buy access to the source.

      We got builds with debug flags from the database vendor because we cannot share our database with them, therefore stack traces etc. has to be generated locally and shipped to them. (yes this is a bit annoying, but having sensitive records out in the wild is a tad more problematic).

      I don't pick OSS over proprietary or visa versa, I pick what ever tool fits my needs.
      • by Xtifr ( 1323 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @04:27PM (#23803509) Homepage

        I keep hearing people pro open source code say "I can check it!" Well can you? Have you done so - in a project spanning more than a few thousand lines of code?
        Yes, all the time. Not every line of code, of course, but with my Debian Developer hat on, I have at least browsed through the vast majority of the code for, e.g. tcl/tk, and at least skimmed the code for hundreds of other projects. And even with my day-job hat on, I have done a lot of ad-hoc browsing through random open-source projects that we're either using or thinking of using. Evaluating the code base is, or should be, a big part of deciding whether to use (or continue to use) a given project or library.

        You seem to be suggesting that the only way open-source can be safe or useful is if everyone evaluates every line of code they use. That's silly, of course. Open source can be safe and useful as long as enough people evaluate enough of the code. And given the number of random patches (some good, some bad) that the Debian project alone receives on a daily basis, I can assure you that a lot of people our there are reading a lot of code.

        Of course, I don't personally need to evaluate every line of code in a project as long as I know (and I do) that there are others out there like me who at least do spot inspections. A little pro-active inspection up-front to give yourself at least a basic idea of how the code works can save a lot of grief further on down the line. I count it time well spent.

        With proprietary code there are someone I can call and they are by contract obliged to fix problems within a certain time frame.
        That has nothing to do with the code being "proprietary", and everything to do with having a support contract. Do you imagine that companies using open-source don't have support contracts?

        Have you ever even considered just how bloody huge the code base is for something like a database?
        What does that have to do with anything? I've seen tiny projects that were incomprehensible messes of tangled spaghetti code, and huge projects that were clearly and cleanly laid out, well organized, and a piece of cake to maintain, support, study and evaluate. Frankly, I'll take the latter over the former anyday. It's not about the size of the code base, it's about the structure and organization.

        Also as a developer I got enough to do creating my own applications [...]
        Ah, well if you're the kind of developer who works in complete isolation on your own projects with no interaction with anyone else, I can understand your point of view. But that kind of development is pretty rare these days. Most of us work on teams, and evaluating other people's code is an almost-daily part of the job. The majority of that, at least in my case, involves code reviews (formal or informal) for other people in the company, but our code reviews are by no means limited to in-house code. We take more care with our own code because we know that we're the only eyes on it, but that doesn't mean we're foolish enough to assume that all third-party code is perfect and flawless.
        • by nasch ( 598556 )
          You both have good points, but what I took from the GP is that this rejoinder from the open source community that you can always just fix the bugs you find is an oversimplification. Yes, it might be possible to fix the bug. But first you have to wade into an unfamiliar code base to find the bug, and I don't care how well designed or well documented the code is, that takes time. Time that has already been spent by others who you could maybe pay to do it for you (as parent said, this has nothing to do with
        • by Splab ( 574204 )
          Thanks for trolling me, as always I'll feed you a bit, can't have you starving can we?

          At no point do I talk about safety, thats the OSS mantra, if you doubt its secure you can always read the source. If YOU think thats what I'm addressing you are just reinforcing my point.

          Ah, well if you're the kind of developer who works in complete isolation on your own projects with no interaction with anyone else, I can understand your point of view. But that kind of development is pretty rare these days. Most of us wor

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Bloater ( 12932 )

        I keep hearing people pro open source code say "I can check it!" Well can you? Have you done so - in a project spanning more than a few thousand lines of code?

        I've checked a few lines here and there that interest me, other people check the lines that interest them. An awful lot of stuff gets checked.

        With proprietary code there are someone I can call and they are by contract obliged to fix problems within a certain time frame.

        But that doesn't mean they will and it doesn't mean you get to sue them, and if you do win in court, it doesn't mean that your business is still viable. This is the big proprietary fallacy "There is someone to blame", you can blame all you want, meanwhile you're on the dole because you /can't/ get stuck in, fix it, and carry on your business. With Open Source you ca

      • by jabjoe ( 1042100 )
        This is bait, but hey, it's tasty even with the hook. The reason open source will win out is because you really can fix it. It's not work related, but a good example. I was processing some video and the java app doing it crashed out telling what line the problem was it was a simple -1 index problem. I could just stick a index check in and carry on (the bad index was due to bad data I was running the app to fix!). A good proportion of crashes are something silly like that, or a null pointer being used/freed
    • The definition of each instruction is very well defined by the CPU's instruction set.
    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      The only reason why we don't see an article "Undocumented Commercial Software On the Rise" is because the public cannot see how badly documented the commercial software is.
      No, because to rise it'd have to be documented to begin with...
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:48AM (#23801089) Homepage

    The original article is an ad for a service that looks at code for you. But it's a real problem.

    A basic problem with open source is that once you get beyond the top 50 or so projects, the quality is usually crap. Look at the source from a few random projects on SourceForge. There aren't that many real "community" projects, where multiple programmers are working on the same code. The long tail isn't very good.

    • Perhaps you shouldn't be looking at SF for the top open source projects? Having your own infrastructure is a good indication that you might be more dedicated to your project, than making a SF account does.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by jgrahn ( 181062 )

      A basic problem with open source is that once you get beyond the top 50 or so projects, the quality is usually crap. Look at the source from a few random projects on SourceForge. There aren't that many real "community" projects, where multiple programmers are working on the same code. The long tail isn't very good.

      You have a point, but s/the top 50/the top 1000 or so/. You have to count various C libraries, and things like the Perl modules at CPAN. Many of them are in wide use, and should be trustworthy.

  • by Devin Jeanpierre ( 1243322 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:49AM (#23801107)
    How do you measure something like how well things are documented with a percentage? Some code simply doesn't need documentation. Other code needs plenty. Is 0% a 1:1 relationship between lines of code and lines of comments? That whole thing seems a bit strange. They could certainly back it up if they wanted to, but that'd be too much effort.
    • Regardless of how meaningless a percentile is, it is apparent that many programs, especially ones included with *buntu-desktop packages, just don't tell you enough.
    • I hear ya. I read the following line and was completely flabbergasted:

      Of that 50% of open source code, 70% was undocumented

      When it told you up front that they were doing line counts, "70% was undocumented" tells me that a little under every three lines has a comment. If you ask me, that sounds like an awful lot of documentation.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        No, it means that in 100 projects that used open source code, 50 of the projects documented that they had code from a certain open source code base.
      • You are right, if you compare commented lines of code
        with total lines of code, the number is possibly plausible.

        How often do you comment stuff like



        • Depends on the context. It isn't that uncommon for me to add a comment like the following to your example:

          i++; // Increment status line counter

          which can really be helpful if the amount of code in brackets is somewhat large. It might not always be obvious what "i" is to a support programmer not familiar with that portion of the codebase.

          I've worked on code that was written 30 years in the past (no, I'm not kidding -- FIELDATA FORTRAN V is still in use here as well as at one of my former places of

    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      If you have ten projects, and two use open source and the others don't, then if your records indicate one project uses open source, your records are 50%. If you don't record the use of open source, you are 0%. Note: this has nothing to do with how well the *code* is documented, it is how well the sources for code are documented.
    • by civilizedINTENSITY ( 45686 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @02:54PM (#23802709)
      But its not per line, but per application. If they used open source and documented "we used code from project whatever", that counts as one case of documented code.
  • Statistics ... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tomhudson ( 43916 ) <`moc.nosduh-arab ... `nosduh.arabrab'> on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:50AM (#23801117) Journal

    Of that 50% of open source code, 70% was undocumented.

    They talked about looking at 300m LOC. I'd hope 70% was "undocumented". 70% of most code is just common-everyday stuff that doesn't NEED to be documented in the sense that comments are completely wasteful. It's the "glue code" that needs to be documented, and the non-intuitive stuff, and stuff that is done for a reason that, on first glance, looks like the writer had a brain fart, but, in this special case, makes sense, or "corner case" situations.

    Do *NOT* "insert comments like "for (i=0; i

    • Re:Statistics ... (Score:4, Interesting)

      by tcopeland ( 32225 ) <tomNO@SPAMthomasleecopeland.com> on Sunday June 15, 2008 @12:11PM (#23801267) Homepage
      > 70% of most code is just common-everyday stuff that doesn't
      > NEED to be documented in the sense that comments are completely wasteful.

      So true! Rather than this code:

      # Finds the most recent orders for the passed in person
      def get_rec(p)
          # blah blah

      I'd much rather see an intention-revealing method name (hat tip Marcel Molina [vernix.org]):

      def find_recent_orders_for(person)
          # blah blah

      I'm still not really sure what documentation is really useful - maybe a few diagrams plus some use case descriptions that go through the code, maybe? I'm not sure. I guess it depends on the project - it is a widely used library? Is it an internal department app to track the coffee fund? etc.

      My experience with open source code has been that the large projects have decent docs... I was just reading through some of the PostgreSQL docs on backups [postgresql.org] this weekend and they're quite good.
      • by Splab ( 574204 )
        Call graphs!

        I recently created a lexer and parser for our database so we could generate maps of how the database objects interacts - we got 300+ procedures calling 70+ tables, having comments tells you what each of them do, but how stuff interacts is a life saver.

        --Table for user login
        create table login(
        login char(64) not null primary key,
        password char(32) not null -- applications serve us md5 sum

        --Procedure to check login
        CREATE PROCEDURE doLogin (username varchar, password
        • > This is where my lexer+parser comes into play -
          > I can generate complete call graphs over our system

          That's very cool! Do you do data flow analysis as well?
          • by Splab ( 574204 )
            No unfortunately its created on company time so it only does what I need it to do right now. :-)
      • I'd much rather see an intention-revealing method name (hat tip Marcel Molina):

        Funny, I'd much rather have a simple function name to type, with comments easily accessible, then have to retype them all the time. Keep comments write once/read many. As opposed to:

        Orders* FindRecentOrdersForCustomerOrReturn -Avoiding Lameness Filter- INVALID_HANDLE_VALUEForAnInvalidCustomerOrNULLForNoOrders ( const Person& Customer )....

    • Even if it was documented, are you going to trust the documentation? If you want to make sure it's doing what you think it's doing, read the damn code, that's what it's there for.
      • verification is easier than discovery. Hash algorithms and digital signatures work off this principle: it's easy to verify an input matches a hash, but it's hard to make an input from a hash. It's easy to verify a given private key encrypts a hash in some way (though in real life you never do this), but it's hard to generate that private key (good -- it needs to stay secret). Code often works the same way, because you are trying to reverse engineer the instruction set to determine its logical function r
      • Even if it was documented, are you going to trust the documentation? If you want to make sure it's doing what you think it's doing, read the damn code, that's what it's there for.

        Too many times there's a divergence between the docs (and even the embedded comments) and the code, because of a "the code is important - the documentation can wait" mindset. People will claim to understand that good documentation, kept in sync, will save money, but their actions betray them - "this is an exception - we can do

  • by khasim ( 1285 ) <brandioch.conner@gmail.com> on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:52AM (#23801139)

    In today's world of 24/7 and persistent network access, developers dispersed across multi-national sites can include open source, freeware, public domain, evalware (demos of commercial software), etc, into the code they are writing without triggering the usual checkpoints in the procurement process.
    I've seen that same issue YEARS ago. And I'm not talking code snippets. I'm talking systems that had "evalware" tools in them.

    This has NOTHING to do with "multi-national sites" or any of that.

    This has EVERYTHING to do with clearly stating the rules and ENFORCING those rules.

    The rules do not enforce themselves. Someone, somewhere has to approve the code that goes in.

    The problem is that management does NOT understand code and will happily farm out the work to anyone who says that they can produce X lines for $Y. Without oversight. The less oversight, the less expensive the project is. Which means bigger bonuses for those same executives.
  • by Todd Knarr ( 15451 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:55AM (#23801167) Homepage

    They talk about how much of the open-source code is undocumented. I notice that they don't bother to mention how much of the in-house code is also undocumented. My experience as a software engineer is that their in-house code's probably at least as poorly documented as the open-source stuff. And if the business finds this state of affairs acceptable for their in-house code, why's it any more of a problem for the open-source parts?

    I've also found that when the business does get a consultant in who demands documentation, they usually demand something that's completely useless for the actual developers. Eg., they demand UML models for all the software. Well, that's nice and all, but most of what's in the UML you can see by glancing at the class definitions. The things a developer needs, like what the methods are supposed to do and what gotcha caused a particular way of doing it to be picked and what assumptions the code's making about it's inputs and outputs, have no place in a UML model.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Actually, they never said anything about whether the open source code was well documented or not. They said the projects using opensource didn't document that a particular opensource code base was part of the project.
      • Then I suspect the consultants here are making a big deal out of very little. Where I work we use a lot of open-source in our programs, and there's nothing in any of the official documentation about what we're using. All there is is a notation that these programs use outside libraries, and of course the makefiles and such list every such library used. And over in a completely separate team's workspace is the complete set of external libraries we use, along with their dependencies and build instructions. I'm

  • by Anonymous Coward
    How much of that "documented" code in the article was documented correctly? Good code is easy to understand by good programmers. Documenting things is just another dependency to fall out of sync. Would you rather fire up a few neurons to grok some code yer working on or spend hours pulling your hair out only to eventually figure out your documentation was wrong?

    Documentation should be used sparingly and as tightly woven into the development process as possible. The programmer should document their code when
  • by the_humeister ( 922869 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @11:59AM (#23801187)
    hit closer to home perhaps [xcott.com]? A quick glance at some of those code snippets and they can be easily missed. Now place them in large applications with thousands upon thousands of lines of code and who knows how long it'll take to find them.
    • The funny thing about that contest is they state you have a very low probability of winning if your program is over 200 lines of C.

      So - 1 underhanded line out of 200 LOC takes skill to do. Imagine what you could do with 1 million LOC.
  • by Aphoxema ( 1088507 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @12:00PM (#23801197) Journal
    I tried to get into documenting software for Ubuntu. I wanted to help but I didn't really have any programming skills, I think the most complicated stuff I've ever done is scripts for mIRC and some HTML.

    After really sitting down with some programs, I realized I just had no idea where to start. There was certainly more to be said than who made the program and what license it was under like many programs have in their 'help' and 'about' menu, but it really does get to be an enormous task and it's a certain amount of responsibility because the few people that will read the documentation first will take everything it says to heart.

    I might try again, but I'm going to be sure I really have time to do it and the patience to read through source code. mangu is right, even though I don't know how to program but it's not hard to figure some things out and sometimes there's vital comments 'between the lines'.

    I have noticed more programs (included in Ubuntu) have the information I need when I care to look at it now, I generally check documentation for command line arguments and stuff in case --help won't tell me everything or anything at all. At least someone's getting the job done.
    • by flnca ( 1022891 )
      BTW, also check out the "man" and "info" pages. You can do that by writing "man program" or "info program" from the command line or by using man page browsers like XMan or DevHelp (if properly configured). Some OSes like OpenBSD always include the man pages, while Ubuntu apparently doesn't in some cases and put them in separate packages. Sometimes documentation is hidden somewhere in the file system as HTML pages, even. Many open-source packages are documented well; if not in the source code, then at least
  • Undocumented code eh? Better send it back to Mexico.
  • Frequently I want to have a look at somebodies source and normally I find a comment section at the beginning of a file and I'm happy about this. So when reading beyond the first /* I find the GPL blurb which is great. Then upon reading a bit further I come across the */ so I'm thinking ok I'm fine to read his code since it is GPLed. Any description of the code the programmer could have put into the initial comment is not there probably because the code is new.

    When going further into the code I would expect
  • me: "I installed this module, and it borked the kernel."
    buddy: "Did you RTFM?"
    me: "I can't. there isn't one."
  • by sticks_us ( 150624 ) on Sunday June 15, 2008 @01:31PM (#23801963) Homepage
    The money shot:

    Again, open source is not any more risky than any other kind of code. What is risky is not documenting your use of 3rd party code...here are some quick examples: OpenSSL, phpBB, xt:commerce

    So what they're basically saying is that if you use OSS tools in your company, someone should probably be keeping track of them and patching them as needed.

    Should this not hold for *all* software you've deployed? Few programs are immune to eventual obsolescence (including ongoing bugs and security problems), so if you think you're safe just because you're running a bought-and-paid-for solution that you've subsequently ignored, you're probably in trouble.

    That being said, I wonder about this: ...applications written within the last five years contain 50% or more open source code, by a line of code count

    I get the impression that we're not getting the full story here. If their code audit showed that 50% of software X was copypasta from sourceforge, that would be something (you probably have crappy developers plus possible legal hell if there were copyright infractions).

    On the other hand, if they figured "hey, your hello world program uses library Y, which is 2 million lines that we don't think is documented properly," then the "application" does not *contain* 50% or more open source code, but rather *references* a certain amount of open source code, which is probably a meaningless statistic.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      "hey, your hello world program uses library Y, which is 2 million lines that we don't think is documented properly," then the "application" does not *contain* 50% or more open source code, but rather *references* a certain amount of open source code, which is probably a meaningless statistic.

      Its not that the 2 million lines of code is undocumented. It might be documented very well. Its that the project doesn't record the fact that code is used from Project OpenThingee. Thus, when OpenThingee finds a pro

      • You're right, of course. I think the way they measure this, though, is a little nebulous/sensationalist, and that was my beef above.

        For example: If the OpenThingee source tarball is 75,000 lines of code, and I install it somewhere (in an undocumented way), does that mean I need to write 75,000 lines to get the ratio up to 50%?
        • I believe that all you need to do is write one line documenting the use of the opensource tarball. That one line covers the whole tarball, because its really *project* documentation at issue rather than programmer's source code documentation.
          • I believe that all you need to do is write one line documenting the use of the opensource tarball. That one line covers the whole tarball, because its really *project* documentation at issue rather than programmer's source code documentation.

            Ah, that might clear it up, thanks.

            Evenso, I'm not sure I think the people in the interview were being a bit sensationalist. Then again, it makes for a fun topic!
  • Film at 11.

    Seriously, this isn't news. I don't care what context you're talking about, programmers often skip over documenting their work. That's largely due to the pressures of how much time they have to work on something (either imposed by The Boss or other time commitments).
    • Well the problem is not the code having functional comments but code having paperwork stating where it came from
      (who actually wrote said code)

      Why You Inc should care
      You begin writing programs and then selling them. One of your Core Products is say Manager Mind Reader/Parser (this program can be used to figure out what a manager means from what he is saying and a rather nifty General Manager MindMap. Your developer took the code (and data) from a SF project. You then base 85% of your business on this one pro
  • With the proprietary code I have been privy to. So much of it was poorly documented and commented.

    But seriously, the trend needs to stop as it creates an excuse ban open source from the workplace.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15, 2008 @02:35PM (#23802547)
    Gotta love this place. At the time of this posting, there are 11 comments modded 3 or higher. Of those, only ONE makes any reference to the act of documenting where the code is coming from (which is what the article is about). All the rest are talking about writing documentation for code, or commenting code as its written. Way to miss the ball, guys! This article is addressing you specifically, yet you have no idea what they're even saying because you can't be bothered to try to listen. Nice.
  • That is the reason why you should always buy all software from Microsoft.
    It will come fully documented!
  • The more interesting statistic is the number of products being shipped that use open source code (e.g. GPL) where they are violating the license, have not released any of the code they are required to and have not acknowledged their use of open source code (sometimes they will comply after a lot of pressure, sometimes they never comply)
    • by T3Tech ( 1306739 )
      I agree. TFA hints at legal issues although it does so WRT security of the code which is the primary focus.

      Common sense should dictate that any 3rd party code, where used, is notated as such in order to facilitate security related patching if/when needed and to possibly indicate further review as to how it relates with the rest of the code. But then again common sense isn't so common and introducing 3rd party code into another codebase has the potential to open up an entirely different can of worms as to
  • Comments that are wrong or outdated are worse than comments that are missing. Both are crap compared to well written unit tests. I didn't notice anywhere in the article a mention of weather or not this analysis took unit testing into consideration. Perhaps Palamida's VP of Product Marketing should quit telling people to build software like it's 1999 and perhaps rebuild some of the tools they're trying to sell to the public so they check for test coverage. I'll bet open source developers could go out over
  • Documentation!?
    We don't need no steenkin documentation!
  • The source can tell you WHAT the program is doing, but it doesn't tell you WHY. Especially when the programmer did something tricky.

"Sometimes insanity is the only alternative" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
