Google Go Capturing Developer Interest 434
angry tapir writes with news that Google Go seems to be cutting a wide swath through the programming community in just a short time since its early, experimental release. While Google insists that Go is still a work in progress (like so many of their offerings), many developers are so intrigued by the feature set that they are already implementing many noncritical applications with it. What experiences, good or bad, have you had with Google Go, and how likely is it to really take over?
Oh yeah, that ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Oh yeah, that ... (Score:5, Insightful)
A programming language that's "powerful" for the code you write is good for those uber-programmers.
A programming language that's "powerful" for the code you no longer have to write is for those crappy programmers like me
Many promising programming languages make it to the first category but never make it to the second.
"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Insightful)
Translation: Someone is drumming up some marketing astroturf for a single-company controlled proprietary language.
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Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Funny)
Java [timbunce.org]. It's quite a big player in IT job market.
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Nah. It's like Perl; In high demand because nobody knows how to use it. <ducks>
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I guess you missed the subtlety of the answer you "whooshed" back to, eh?! Sometimes replies can contain sarcasm; mine did.
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Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Interesting)
Java was aggressively marketed as a flagship product, and language revisions were rather conservative post-release to create an image of stability. That's why it went so well.
Go is the exact opposite of that.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Funny)
you don't think Go will go well? :)
I read the spec, I noticed that Ken Thompson is one of the designers and this:
This approach makes for clean-looking, semicolon-free code. The one surprise is that it's important to put the opening brace of a construct such as an if statement on the same line as the if; if you don't, there are situations that may not compile or may give the wrong result. The language forces the brace style to some extent.
- if this is not done on purpose, I'll eat my hat (which by coincidence is currently made of some eatable stuff I think).
I know why there is this new language now, forget about everything else, Ken just wanted to make a point of the correct style of opening braces and he came up with a language that does not allow you to do any different!
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Ken Thompson also developed Plan 9, and Inferno, and Limbo (what?). Yes, Limbo was a programming language. With concurrency support. While all of these were kinda neat, they never took off.
I looked at Go when it was released, but was underwhelmed. Seemed like another Java wannabe to me. The news article is just plain wrong. How can Go have the same productivity of Python when it is a statically typed language? I mean, try reading some actual Go code, and Python code, and then tell me which one is easier
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Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Insightful)
"At least Java's main benefit was portability."
Write once, test everywhere?
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Insightful)
That's inevitable. It's certainly better than write everywhere, test everywhere.
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We always laughed at Java's "portability" as being something that Sun's marketing dept. cooked up.
For a long time, the only supported platforms were Solaris and Windows. Then came Linux support. Some vendors, like IBM and HP, offered support on AIX and HP-UX, but it always trailed the features of the latest releases from Sun. Even Apple didn't have a good implementation of the JVM for Mac OS X for quite some time.
Perl is portable. Python is portable. Tcl is portable. Ruby is portable. Java is not.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Insightful)
lol, sounds like someone who's never used any of them in production.
Prohint: There's a reason why Java is the most popular platform and language for huge, cross platform enterprise software. And it does involve portability.
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I'm currently working with a relatively large Python app that we deploy to servers running Linux, Solaris, and (unfortunately) HP-UX. The same codebase works flawlessly on all of those systems. Oh, and most of the developers develop it on Windows, where it runs fine, too.
At a previous job, we developed a Perl-based web app that ran on our clients' servers. When I left, we supported Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Windows, HP-UX, AIX, UnixWare and even IRIX and BSD/OS, all with the same codebase.
I've run into signi
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One of the portability issues that I've encountered is that in Linux Java will repeat both KeyPressed and KeyReleased events when a key is held down, but on Windows it repeats only the KeyPressed, which makes it very difficult to work out when a key has physically been released on Linux.
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It can't be that large (hello python, no threads, no JIT, etc)
Are you really claiming there are no large Python apps? A lot of people in high-performance computing (including myself) are running huge massively-parallel (either MPI or some MPI+threads hybrid model) scientific codes that are largely Python, with some computationally expensive modules written in C or C++.
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I agree. Sounds like his python code is responsible for most of the climate issues we have :o)
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Insightful)
As someone that works on a non-java cross-platform enterprise product and has experience working with some of the big java ones I'd like to add -
For fsck's sake please stop using java unless you know what you're doing!
I know, the old "C is just faster" meme makes people angry. I'm sure java can be programmed well and made to be fast and efficient. So why is it every java app of any size I encounter is a slow, bloated memory hog?
I'll be sticking to C for the foreseeable future methinks.
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Because most Java programmers suck.
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Until I was forced to write in Java, I felt the EXACT same way.
Then I heard about how much of Google is powered by Java, and then finally I was forced to work with it for my day job.
As someone who prefers C, if you can obtain the performance you want in any higher level language the C/C++, then you can probably do it in Java. I've written an imagine processing library for SVGs that uses Apache Batik to convert my generated SVGs t
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Insightful)
...and how many years and versions of Java did it take to get to real portability?
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Meanwhile, the JRuby guys get people coming to them in conferences saying "Hey, thanks for JRuby - I've got my Rails app running on a System/390"
Java is portable - accept it.
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I hate to sound like a Wikipedia faggot, but citations please?
We have an internal RoR app that's used by quite a few people at once. We tried using JRuby a few months ago, but it just couldn't handle the load as effectively as Matz's Ruby implementation, which itself isn't all that good. This was on the same Solaris server, so I don't think it was a problem with Java or the server.
From our experience, JRuby is just too damn slow for anything serious. It takes the slow runtime of Ruby, adds in the bloat of J
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Oh - I so agree.
Java is portable on Windows & Solaris (haven't used Java on Linux, so no idea).
Most other OS's you will get 90% of your stuff working. But chasing down the
remaining 10% OS specific issues will take 90% of your time.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Insightful)
I run into more portability issues with Python than I ever have with Java, and thats just between Windows and Linux, the same could be said for Ruby. I haven't dug deep enough into perl to say the same for it. I avoid TCL ever since I stopped using eggdrop, vile creature that it is.
I've written a little python, a lot of ruby, and a fair amount of java, it beats both those others for cross platform issues in my experience, and I'm ignoring Ruby on DOS as thats a whole new set of issues and isn't really even a fair comparison since the OS is so far different, I don't think there is a DOS JVM, and I have no idea about python and DOS.
I absolutely HATED Java apps before I was forced to start writing Java code myself. What I learned VERY rapidly is that Java apps suck if you're a shitty programmer. If you don't have any clue how to write code and no clue about the common pitfalls of cross platform dev, it can kill you. 9 times out of 10, its because the programmer did stupid shit that he/she shouldn't have that is clearly OS specific when its a cross platform compatibility issue. Likewise all the slow beasts of Java 'apps' that you come across generally suck because the programmers have no idea what they are doing. Stupid crap like doing string concatenation one character at a time using a string variable rather than class designed for string concatenation and proper allocation for it.
Java isn't the problem. Much like VB, shitty Java programmers are the problem. Java and to a much larger extent, VB draw in people who aren't programmers because of the marketing, and then we see tons of crappy Java apps because the language is in fact, TOO easy to use.
Say what you want about Java in the past, it could be true. Today? Muh, there is very little if any truth in your statements at this point in time.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Insightful)
The other question is what portability really means.
Many people think that portability means "your code will run on multiple platforms".
With Java, I feel it is more a case of "your code will run on the Java platform".
The distinction is that, in the latter case, a lot of the facilities that have been implemented for existing platforms have to be re-implemented for the new platform. I feel a lot of effort has gone into creating things for Java that already existed outside it.
By contrast, many other programming languages attempt to fit in and play nice with whatever platform they end up being deployed on. Where Java has your programs run inside a virtual machine which is more or less the same across native platforms, other languages have you create programs that are just like the programs your native platform knows how to run. Where Java has people build functionality on the facilities provided by the virtual machine, other languages have you build functionality on the facilities provided by the native platform.
The approaches are different, and lead to a vastly different feel both during application development and when using an application developed using one approach or the other. Both approaches have their pros and cons.
Java's approach has the advantage that, absent deficiencies in the specification and bugs in the implementation, the Java platform is the same everywhere, regardless of native platform. The disadvantage is that you lose access to the native platform's facilities that are not also in the virtual platform. It also means that your software is almost certain to not really fit in with the native platform.
The other approach leaves you with access to the native platform's facilities, which is a double-edged sword. The disadvantage is that many of those will not be available on all platforms, and code that uses them will therefore be non-portable. The advantage is that you can make your software do anything that would normally be expected of an application on the native platform. Software developed using this approach will thus tend to integrate better with the native platform, and feel less foreign to users.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:4, Insightful)
Yeah. And all those are *extremely* slow interpreted scripting languages. While java on the server (its actual main base) is actually half as fast as C. Which is really nice for code that does all the type checking for you and is machine code independent.
The reason that Java WAS not on every platform is... well, have you seen the size of its standard libraries (J2SE, J2EE)?? All those language’s *built-in* languages are a joke to what Java offers out of the box.
Sorry, but for professional big projects, those languages can’t hold a candle to Java. The only one that can do that, might be .NET. But that one’s by definition not portable. (No, the Linux version of it doesn’t count, for it is way outdated.)
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Insightful)
But in practice many nontrivial programs end up with so many dependencies that they aren't that portable anymore.
For example, say you want to write a program to record video from a video camera and audio from a sound device. And you want to cater for the possibility of more than one selectable camera and sound device.
Even if you write it in java, you're going to have to do different things depending on whether it runs on Windows, OSX or Ubuntu.
Why? Little things like figuring out which is the user's default recording device, and using it might be different on different platforms.
Or in theory it's supposed to work, but currently the current Java release for the current OS release is buggy, so the workaround meantime is "...".
If you want a polished end product you have to take care of stuff like that.
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You're right. It's not so much that Java's design was bad, but that the idea of WORA was naive.
I think the problem was that Sun's software architects really didn't have much experience outside of the Unix mono-culture.
Ideally you'd want to include developers with deep experience with embedded systems and many different OS(s).
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Informative)
"Proprietary"? No, open source [golang.org]
I'll concede Google is a single company, but the Go developers I've encountered are all outside Google, and speak very warmly of Google's Go team.
Translation: there is much astro-turfing on them thar intarwebs. This ain't it.
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Can I get some sense of how you determined that Go was proprietary, then?
I don't think it's reasonable to call any language proprietary whose spec is licensed under CC-A [golang.org] and managed by an open team outside of the company. That's really hard to back up, and I'd need some kind of source for that.
C# it ain't.
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Yeah, total slashvertisement. It reads just like those "Acai Berry EXPOSED" ads that are just so awesome [penny-arcade.com].
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh whatever, this is news.
There hasn't been a successful new systems programming language since the introduction of C++ almost thirty years ago. Programming language technology has advanced a great deal since then. A new systems language is a very big deal, and Google is playing very fair and open with it.
Quit bitching.
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It's because there is no need for a new systems language. Everyone knows that COBOL does everything you need it to and will last forever.
Re:"many developers are so intrigued" (Score:5, Funny)
I don't think COBOL was a systems language. It was for business logic.
No, it wasn't a systems language.
THATS how amazing COBOL is.
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Go forces the use of garbage collection and makes me use its included batteries for concurrency. It's an applications-programming language, not systems-programming.
Name (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Name (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Name (Score:5, Funny)
Except that in order for a non-registered trademark to be valid, it must be well known.
Sorry, but "hey, I created a language - it was used by both me *and* my ex-girlfriend's dog five years ago" doesn't cut it.
Re:Name (Score:4, Insightful)
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That other language was called "Go!" not "Go" and yeah everyone ignored him because nobody had heard of his language anyway.
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Or... (Score:2)
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Whatever happened to the previous language named Go? Did the creator settle with Google, or did Google just ignore him?
The previous version was renamed into in "Go, Next Edition". It's GoNE.
Oh, and please try the fish.
If I google go... (Score:2)
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How could it be so high based on just incoming links alone? It seems rather unpopular, considering how few of us
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Are you searching with Google by any chance?
Bright future to go. (Score:5, Insightful)
It is an interesting concept for a low-level language and could be pretty important. And since the gccgo compiler has been accepted by the gcc steering committee (link [gnu.org]), I am expecting Go to stay and prosper.
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I am expecting Go to stay
Go stay go!
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I think when they're saying "systems" they really mean stuff like network servers, etc. I guess that is systems code so it's fair up to that point. But, unlike C, it's not suitable for *all* systems-level code (low level libraries, kernel stuff, embedded stuff), which seems a shame. So they're overreaching the language's scope somewhat there ...
Bad infomercial (Score:5, Insightful)
who's using it? (Score:5, Funny)
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Haskell's lovely - but you need to be /clever/ to use it. It's not going to unseat procedural languages.
Re:who's using it? (Score:4, Interesting)
Haskell is lovely because it lets you write extremely elegant and witty code that is also utterly unreadable. It's like it went so far away from Perl that it came back to the same thing from a different direction - the more clever Haskell code has to be extremely carefully deconstructed, operator by operator, to understand what it does, much like you had to do the same with Perl's @#$ magical expletives.
I absolutely love Haskell, and it's type system is second to none, but it's not a productive language for vast majority of typical software written today. You need to look at languages that are specifically designed to tackle the problems (of working in a team, producing readable code, not breaking code with third-party library updates etc) there.
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Re:who's using it? (Score:5, Interesting)
"C++ is too hard, I'll use java. java is too hard, I'll use C#. C# is too hard, I'll use python. Python is too hard (boner?), I'll use ruby. ruby is too hard, I'll use Go." -- GoFanBoy (formerly RubyFanBoy, formerly PythonFanBoy, formerly ...)
Ruby is considered easier than Python? C# is considered easier than Java?
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Ruby is considered easier than Python? C# is considered easier than Java?
It doesn't really matter when you reason for changing language is more hype based, rather than considering what problem they are really solving.
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"C# is considered easier than Java?"
Well, at least by me. You don't have to deal with checked exceptions or use adapters for (some) event handling.
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And anyone who's programmed in a functional style understands how nice it is to have proper, lexical closures at one's disposal, as opposed to hacking it with inner classes and hoping for the best.
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C# was developed as a reaction to Java. They were trying to make a language with Java's features but without its warts. I'm sure it is easier than Java for many things.
Ruby and Python were both developed as reactions to Perl (again: all the features, sans the warts). Python tried to be easy for beginner programmers (and was successful; it's taught in many intro classes). Ruby tried to be easy to experienced programmers. If you're trying to to real OOP, you will find no easier syntax than Ruby's.
So, at least
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"Go is too hard. I'm going to write my own language."
already invented? (Score:2, Insightful)
Why pick Go when there's D which already has a pretty stable platform to develop on?
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D has proprietary dependencies?
Re:already invented? (Score:4, Informative)
How do you make a concurrent process in D? Perl? Ruby? C? Lisp?
Go actually provides a usable, platform independent method of concurrent programming that doesn't involve mucking about with pthreads, or constants like &MMDIPS_MULTICORE_AGG. You just call "go func()" and a new process is spawned.
it's an interesting case (Score:5, Interesting)
I wrote a small utility for detecting duplicate files [bitbucket.org] in Go back when it first came out. I haven't really kept it up to date so I'm not sure if it compiles with the current version.
It's an interesting language. Apart from its lineage, which is interesting and great if you're into Plan 9, it seems to me to be an old-school procedural shot across the bow of the current crop of compiled functional languages (ML, Haskell). It's hard to place the language in any camp, because it does furnish functional programming and object-oriented features without really committing to the dogma of either one. It gives you a ton of interesting features that seem to work really well in concert, but it's also missing some core functionality. I can live without exceptions but I'm not sure I can live without type genericity in this day and age. And a lot of other programmers have their own little nits with it.
Overall, it seems great. But I seldom need code compiled to the machine, and I'm conversant with and fond of the compiled FP languages so I tend to rely on them for these kinds of utilities. I suspect at Google this will eventually become the de-facto language for implementing protocol buffer servers. If and when that happens, the language will have a guaranteed niche for a long time to come, whether or not it wins over hearts and minds outside the giant.
Alternatives? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Alternatives? (Score:4, Informative)
Built on a mature, polished platform (Java)
Nice language syntax
Functionalish constructs are available
Great parallel framework (actors) along with the functional aspects
No native AOT support
IDE support is still newish
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erlang has parallelism much more in the core of the language.
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Re:Alternatives? (Score:5, Interesting)
I can't give opinions on all of these (and some are still in development at this time anyway), but here's a list of some languages with paralellism designed in:
What innovation? (Score:5, Interesting)
So, what has Go brought to the table?
No, Go doesn't bring anything new to the concurrency table. The two things I've seen about Go concurrency that are regarded as special are M:N/"green" threads and CSP-style channels.
M:N threading is an implementation detail of a language runtime. Whereas the standard library of a language might specify how threads are available to client applications (programs written in the language), it's best left to the implementation (runtime or compiler) to decide how to translate those threads onto the machine. Some implementations might want to focus on scalable, high-performance threading, and so they'd choose M:N. Some others might emphasize simplicity, and map language threads directly to OS threads. What Go has done is standardized this implementation detail into the language specification. (I don't think that's a good idea, but that's a matter of taste.) Other language implementations offer M:N threading, including GHC and (I think) Erlang.
On channels: they're cool. I love them. But there's a lot of prior art here, and many languages have great CSP-style channel libraries written for them that offer the same great flavor of relatively safe message passing and alternation between sets of channels:
In summary, I just don't get what the buzz with Go is about, besides that it's Google's very own language.
What you're missing is ... (Score:3, Interesting)
But there's a lot of prior art here, and many languages have great CSP-style channel libraries written for them that offer the same great flavor of relatively safe message passing and alternation between sets of channels:
What Go has done is standardized this implementation detail into the language specification
The two things I've seen about Go concurrency that are regarded as special are M:N/"green" threads and CSP-style channels.
I'll agree with your points, but many vehicles have wheels and motors and there is still a clear preference (or at least avoidance) of certain brands and models. Go brings things together well, and is a 'better' option because it does integrate so much prior art (as you have said) into a great package.
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You're making a very old argument. One that was made by C purists when C++ was introduced: that simply adding syntax for something doesn't make your language special. C++ users disagreed and many defected from the C camp. Were they right? Possibly.
Of course, the smalltalk users were also right: these were not new features. C++ was just applying previously developed tools to the C language.
None of that mattered in the long term.
Is Go the new C++? I have no idea, but I don't think you're taking an objective,
Go considered harmful (Score:4, Funny)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Considered_harmful [wikipedia.org]
Another stagnant programming language (Score:2)
The programming community has been stuck at 3GL for way too long.
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Because we've reached the point where programming per se is not the limiting factor in programmer.
Oh, some languages are nicer to program in than others. I'll take Python over Java, for example, if the criterion is just how fun and easy it is to write programs. But I'll often choose Java in many instances because it has libraries and frameworks that make my job easier.
And there's the rub. It's dealing with frameworks and APIs and libraries that kills you. The Java ecosystem is like a huge, booby-trapped
This article asks the tough questions (Score:3, Funny)
"Mr. Burns, your campaign has the momentum of a runaway freight train. What makes you so popular?"
Whitespace (Score:3, Interesting)
Too bad they added significant whitespace. I'd support a semicolon-less syntax, but not at the cost of significant whitespace.
Perhaps an alternate function call syntax or using {}instead of () in expressions would work.
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Quick being an obnoxious, pedantic jackass (though, kudos for once again demonstrating the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory).
It's clear the OP meant "significant indentation", and it disappeared back in the days of Fortran until Python popped up on the scene and everyone suddenly decided it was a good idea again.
Eh? (Score:5, Insightful)
angry tapir writes with news that Google Go seems to be cutting a wide swath through the programming community
He may write that, but that's not what the article says:
While Go is still a work in progress, some developers are so encouraged by its features and design that they have started using it to build noncritical application
What experiences, good or bad, have you had with Google Go, and how likely is it to really take over?
Um, take over what? Is this a serious question? The answer here is "never" -- for the same reason that no single language will ever "take over" the software development landscape. There is no one tool fit for every job.
Go! (Score:3, Funny)
Nirvana Quest (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Go fuck yourself (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Go fuck yourself (Score:5, Funny)
vs Java? (Score:2)
Reading the documentation on Go, really makes me wonder why I would want to use this instead of a language such as Java? One of the arguments is that it is 'loosely typed', which IMHO is not necessarily an advantage in large projects, since in a large project I want to be sure that the compiler catches the obvious mistakes, and not wait until runtime. I already used a loosely typed OO language called Smalltalk and if the documentation wasn't good, then you had to work hard to find out what object the method
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And this is most funny because C *does* actually have multi-dimensional arrays (at least statically sized ones).
C99 has non-statically-allocated (albeit still non-resizeable) arrays, including multi-dimensional ones.
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Go looks nice, but it still does not have real multi-dimensional arrays. This is the key issue that keeps me using Fortran.
Because it's spurious optimization.
Modern HLLs (and even most of the languages that live in the spaces between machine language/C and HLLs) spend so much time doing bounds protection, reference counting, garbage collection, constructing, destructing, etc, that if you find yourself in need of the extra cycle indicated by a double-indirect lookup, then you need to use a lower level tool for that code section, not a 2D array. In many languages this is commonly found in image processing and large math libraries