Microsoft's CoApp To Help OSS Development, Deployment 293
badpazzword writes "Microsoft employee Garrett Serack announces he has received the green light to work full time on CoApp, an .msi-based package management system aiming to bring a wholly native toolchain for OSS development and deployment. This will hopefully bring more open source software on Windows, which will bring OSS to more users, testers and developers. Serack is following the comments at Ars Technica, so he might also follow them here. The launchpad project is already up."
I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
Ask me about CoApp, I'll tell ya everything ya wanna know.
Garrett Serack
CoApp Project Owner
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
Linus Torvalds
Linux Kernel Founder
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Insightful)
We'll tell you everything WE want you to know. [slushdot.com]
Barack Obama
Dmitry Medvedev
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
Ask me about anything to do with snow, the north pole, midgets, flying reindeer and flying midgets.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
Uh. That's it.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
I'm Alfred the Butler.
Would you like a cup of tea Sirs?
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So, Satan, I sold you my soul, and what the (*^*%^&^%$S did I get in return???
I'll see you in HELL!
You can have my soul when you pry it from my cold dead body!
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
TO: Virignia
We have finished the research on flying midgets. We are moving on to flying goats next, which should let us finally allow pigs to fly.
We thank you for your patience whilst we satisfy your mother's prerequisite requirements on when you can have a pony.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
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When will MS be pulling the rug out from under the community?
How much of a fight will we seen when someone tries to packup an app that competes with an MS product?
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
Well, considering that I spent several months hacking thru red tape to get VP approval, and the enthusiasm that I've been getting, I'm pretty damn confident that we're clear sailing.
And given the first three targets that on my radar are PHP, Apache and Python (and the 40 or so shared library dependencies), and that's what I took to the VP, I'm fairly confident that's not going to be an issue.
And, on top of that, MS doesn't own the project, I do. "Shutting it down" is not an option for them.
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But won't all this lead to competition for Sharepoint/IIS/Office for Windows users? Why would Microsoft want to sanction any alternatives to their proprietary offerings? In other words, what's the angle?
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Curiously, given microsoft's recent wrist slappings by the EU, fostering the development of "Competing" products could help microsoft, rather than harm it;
Take for instance, the recent "Browser choice" screen. If Microsoft had been fostering a package downloader at that point in time, then they would have not needed to do anything to comply with the EU. Their OS would already have IE by default, and "Offer" a nice little package handler for those "Other Browsers".
If the EU were to press, and try to stick M
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I just dont think MS is overly concerned that it will compete with their software ecosystem at this point, and is more convinced that government regulators are the bigger threat.
Yep, exactly. As it pertains to Sharepoint, the more something sucks, the more it seems to get broad adoption early on.
Quite smart of Microsoft to make Sharepoint a "killer app" at that - all-encompassing and utterly impossible to replace in whole.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Funny)
By killer you mean those that admin it wish to kill themselves right?
The thing even lacks the ability to use smtp auth.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Interesting)
If it does, so be it.
I've spent the last couple of years at Microsoft working to make PHP better on Windows, and validating PHP apps including CMS systems like Drupal on Windows. Seems to me they want some competition.
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Seems to me they want some competition.
No they don't. They make most of their money from two things: Windows and Office. Everything else exists to make these two products more competitive. The only reason that Microsoft develops things like Visual Studio, for example, is to encourage third parties to add value to their platform.
IIS does not make money for Microsoft. If Apache is a better web server than IIS on Windows, then that's fine, as long as you're still paying for the Windows license. Especially if you're using the ISAPI module so
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Let them do it. I have no problem with it.
Seriously, getting people to install software only from a safe repository would be the greatest security move that MS could make. There are so many security holes in Windows, but the vast majority of crapware is installed voluntarily by some lackwit who responds to a banner ad or something with lots of pretty images and empty promises.
I don't much care how Microsoft spins it, as long as they educate people, and motivate them to secure their machines.
A lot of fanbo
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Not to break your bubble, but I don't see Microsoft ever really pushing a 'repository' distribution model, or mainstream Windows developers buying into the concept. This approach works for Linux (sorta) because the software is non-commercial, but wouldn't fly in the capitalist anarchy of the Windows ecosystem.
However, for system administrators and developers looking to install commodity software library XYZ, such a tool will be a godsend. I have been complaining for a long time that MS never really understo
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And, on top of that, MS doesn't own the project, I do. "Shutting it down" is not an option for them.
Microsoft CEO: "Buy him out, boys!"
His name cannot be s (16831): "Hey, what the hell's going on?"
"Oh, I didn't get rich by writing a lot of checks. Muhahaahahahaa!"
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I use that all the time!
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How are you handling dependencies?
Will this be the standard windows every app carts around all its own libs, wasted space and outdated/insecure funland?
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
My intent is to completely do away with the practice of everybody shipping every damn shared library. It's one of the things that piss me off the most. I've got a very workable solution that uses WinSxS to cleanly handle this.
It is extremely important that there is a unified method for sharing libraries between apps.
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If you only succeed in getting windows folks to learn this lesson you should be made a saint.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Interesting)
The major problem with this is that, as mentioned, Windows doesn't have a package manager, and Microsoft keeps telling developers that they cannot expect a user to have internet connectivity.
So when you compiled your application with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 with the ATL update installed - which means every user of your software will have to have the Visual C++ 2008 SP1 ATL runtime redistributable package installed as well, you're left with scant few options.
The most reasonable of which are:
A. If you're distributing something boxed, to include the redistributable package on the media (CD/DVD/USB stick/whatever).
B. If you're distributing something via downloads:
B.a. Include it because - again - you're not supposed to assume the user will have connectivity.
B.b. Don't include it, but detect whether the user has it installed and has internet access, and then offer to download it and install it (silently or otherwise).
Of course for option B.b., Microsoft further seems to suggest that you do not link to -their- download pages (after all, the URLs could change, etc.) but instead host the binaries yourself.
The only reason, thus, that Windows developers tend to include or download shared libraries at runtime, is simply because there -isn't- a package manager for Windows.
So don't blame the developers - blame the lack of a package manager. Which I fully welcomed the last time a topic hinting at a package manager popped up on /.
Unfortunately it seems like they would be two rather separate projects?
http://it.slashdot.org/story/10/03/24/189248/Microsoft-To-Distribute-Third-Party-Patches [slashdot.org]
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How do you go about handling different versions of a library?
Will we eventually see the day where Microsoft has a central location for shared libraries in Windows (writable only by "root") and also a decent package management system, you know, like apt/rpm?
This isn't a flame, just pointing out some things that would make Windows fantastic for me. I really really really love the directory structure and package management of linux, and the benefits that it brings. If Microsoft could bring some of that goodn
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
As for the first five points, yes I'm aware of all of that, and I'm working to solve all of them. Some of them are not possible (mixing compilers has a lot of bad mojo) and some are solvable with some really good best practices.
1/ Microsoft are stopping using WinSxS assemblies for managing the C/C++ runtimes as it is complex to manage and get right;
Ah, Visual Studio is backing away from WinSxS. I read their justification. I didn't buy into it. I think it's a solvable issue.
2/ With XP, Microsoft were selling WinSxS as being able to deploy different versions of the binaries, but for Vista/Win7 they are now saying that WinSxS is for archival purposes (see the Engineering 7 blog)
Uh, what? I've been talking to the maintainer of the WinSxS system. He's fully supportive of my plans.
3/ It does not really work as intended in practice -- e.g. comctl32 version 6 is different in Vista/Win7 than in XP, yet the applications that reference the XP version use the Vista/7 version
It works just fine, as long as you use it correctly; if they didn't, it's not my fault. Some of the tools I'm building will make it easier not to screw up.
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It's 2010 and you are still doing *that*.
You know, that'd be funny if it was so damn sad. :)
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I'm pretty damn confident that we're clear sailing.
I'm fairly confident that's not going to be an issue.
And, on top of that, MS doesn't own the project, I do. "Shutting it down" is not an option for them.
Um, then what are you doing wasting your time here on /.? Shouldn't you be locked in a caffeine fueled coding frenzy, programming until your fingers are bleeding? Open source software won't write itself, you know ;-)
His name cannot be s (16831)
Is that a hint? Does that mean it could be one of the other 25 letters? Or maybe one of the 20 remaining consonants?
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Um, then what are you doing wasting your time here on /.? Shouldn't you be locked in a caffeine fueled coding frenzy, programming until your fingers are bleeding? Open source software won't write itself, you know ;-)
I know!!!!
"His name cannot be s (16831)"
Is that a hint? Does that mean it could be one of the other 25 letters? Or maybe one of the 20 remaining consonants?
Well, ya see... with a five-digit slashdot-id I originally had "His name cannot be Spoken" as my name... then they did some database truncation about 12 or so years ago, and I lost some letters.
And ya can't change your name on Slashdot, and I didn't wanna give up my 5 digit ID. :D
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Well, ya see... with a five-digit slashdot-id I originally had "His name cannot be Spoken" as my name... then they did some database truncation about 12 or so years ago, and I lost some letters.
MySQL: Because your data probably wasn't that important anyway.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Interesting)
You do know that the work agreement that you signed during orientation stated that Microsoft owns any software that you produce on your own time, as long as Microsoft may compete against said software at some point in the future?
Perhaps that was some of the red tape that needed to be cut. Guess what, you can run things past management, and get legal to sign off on something that amounts to an agreement between the employee and employer that a given project belongs soley to the the employee. I don't know about microsoft specifically, but lots of companies are amenable to this sort of thing.
Sometimes there are legitimate concerns that have to be resolved... often its just a matter of jumping through the required hoops.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
That is precisely the red tape that I had cut.
Microsoft has given me a signed contract that says that whatever I produce for the CoApp project isn't owned by them. They do get a license to everything I make (fair deal), but they don't own it in the end.
That, and I've also chosen the BSD license for it's do-what-the-f*-you-want spirit.
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Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Interesting)
think you had no choice to choose the BSD license instead of the GPL. Had you chosen GPL, it is likely the project would have been immediately rejected by Microsoft.
That's not true actually.
I didn't tell anyone what license I was going to use until a few days ago, by which time they'd already signed the agreement.
In addition to that; as a Microsoft employee for Microsoft, I've contributed code to GPL, LGPL, BSD, PHP and Apache licensed projects.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Funny)
It all feels too much like a dirty beat up van in a shopping mall parking lot with "free candy" painted on the side...
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I thought that was an attempt to get a stripper out of jail when I saw it.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Interesting)
How do I know that MS won't file a software patent related to this work?
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Insightful)
Ask me about CoApp, I'll tell ya everything ya wanna know.
Garrett Serack CoApp Project Owner
I'll bite. Given Microsoft's track record, particularly its embrace-and-extend tactics, its questionable business practices, its status as a convicted monopolist, its use of vendor lock-in, its related use of proprietary file formats, and the Halloween e-mails from top management clearly defining Open Source as an enemy, I have just one question: why should we trust them?
Most (nearly all) of the upper management people who arranged everything I just listed are still working at Microsoft.
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
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But I really have to comment on one of the items from your announcement post, regarding the aims of the project:
Is this some kind of back-handed comment based on the general view at Microsoft about Open-source software, or the general view that MS would like to push out to userland? That people should use MS OSS because you need t
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I'm a Windows admin that's also comfortable in the Linux world, and work with someone that doesn't have Linux experience. I can tell you from experience that I am much more comfortable diving into config files trying to get something to work than he is.
Many people with primarily a Windows background expect config to be done via the UI and not via text files as many OSS projects are. I believe that this is what he was implying.
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At least you can diff a config file. Try that with a gui.
Text based config, with an option gui/wizard really should be the only way this sort of thing gets done.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Funny)
At least you can diff a config file. Try that with a gui.
I do that that all the time, screenshot + OCR only takes me 30 secs to pop the data into excel.
office/windows is a pretty stable work platform, Linux I'm always spending 15 minutes getting a screenshot app working.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Informative)
Is this some kind of back-handed comment based on the general view at Microsoft about Open-source software, or the general view that MS would like to push out to userland? That people should use MS OSS because you need to be a developer to use it on other platforms?
No-no.. exactly the opposite
Have you tried to roll out some OSS apps on Windows?
On Linux it's two clicks, and BAM! Done.
On Windows, it's almost never that easy to setup OSS apps.
The problem I see is that it doesn't take a Developer on Linux to get Apache installed and configured. Why should it on Windows?
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Because windows lacks proper package management?
Windows has some nice user stuff, but the package management situation is a total joke. Something like aptitude or apt-get or even yum would be huge.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Interesting)
As an admin that maintains both Linux and Windows systems, this sounds really cool. Hopefully the guys writing the Tomcat AJP connectors for IIS will use it (that stuff can be a nightmare).
To me though the initial setup is never the main problem (except with AJP/IIS hehe), it's the ongoing maintenance and patching of 3rd party stuff that suffers the most on Windows.
Sure Windows Update / WSUS make all the MS stuff easy, but 3rd party Windows apps are a nightmare to keep up to date network wide. They all have their own separate update mechanisms that mostly require an admin being logged on to work.
I've love to see Windows Update and WSUS allow 3rd party repos (eg the equivalent of adding stuff to /etc/apt/sources.list) so that practically everything could be patched via Windows Update / WSUS without admin intervention on each machine.
I don't know if your work will end up tackling all that, or one day get incorporated by the existing patch mechanisms, but I can still dream :)
Best of luck anyway.
Why only open source? (Score:3, Insightful)
This sounds like a package management system for Windows, along the same veins of dpkg/apt and rpm/yum. Windows has been lagging in this area for years, and one of the reasons that it is so insecure and slow is because every program either runs in the background at startup, or doesn't get updated on a regular schedule. That wasn't my question, just how I view the situation.
Why limit this to open source? It would be great if the users could update every program easily and painlessly, at least the ones that u
Re:Why only open source? (Score:5, Informative)
Why limit this to open source? It would be great if the users could update every program easily and painlessly, at least the ones that use this new system.
I'm Busted. It isn't really restricted to Open Source... but that's my mission. Commercial apps will be able to play just fine in this ecosystem.
I am assuming that this system will allow easy and painless upgrading like on most Linux systems. Is that true? Will it have automatic dependency handling and command line installation?
Yes. Painless and automatic dependency handling, and yes command line tools. You are singing the chorus to my theme song!
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Powershell support with proper verb-noun command structure and piping support?
I'm disappointed that I even have to add the last bit, but Powershell stuff from Microsoft differs greatly on supporting the implicit standards. There are some modules and snapins that are really good, there are some that are... not so much.
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Linux does not have painless upgrading. It has painless updating to whatever has been put in apt-get/whatever. This is often (always?) not the most recent version of the software. I guess its something but on Windows if you let the programs update themselves whenever you use them they are more up to date, though it is a pain in the ass.
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And you get to have 1000 updaters all running on startup, each dragging along who knows what shared libs that instead of being properly shared are whatever version the app maintainer used.
Some distros do package up the latest and greatest. Normally though they use the latest update to the version of the app they shipped with, which makes sense from a support point of view.
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I have been meaning to try Arch, do you have any input on quality? What audio system most folks use, etc?
Re:Why only open source? (Score:5, Informative)
I second the question about limiting to open source. A good package management system that can could make using SxS painless would be awesome in an enterprise environment.
I agree. it ain't really limited to Open Source
Since this is open source and .msi based I assume you will be leveraging WiX somehow?
Yes indeed. The author of WiX is on the mailing list, and a personal friend. He's very excited about all this too.
I hope this isn't going to be a big collection merge modules with duplicated component guids..
Nope. I don't believe in merge modules. I believe in a system that works.
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Will the underlying mechanisms only be available to Windows Installer-based delivery systems, and not to alternative installation systems such as InnoSetup, NSIS, and the remainder of the usual suspects?
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Interesting)
Ask me about CoApp, I'll tell ya everything ya wanna know.
Garrett Serack CoApp Project Owner
Okay, serious questions:
Assuming that you've looked at APT and similar packaging tools, and given that you're still convinced that there's a 'Windows Way' (your term) to handle deployment that differs from Linux best practices, how do you plan to address:
I guess it's clear by now that I'm suggesting that what Windows needs is not another new way to do things. Package management in Debian, for example, is vastly more advanced and sophisticated than anything on Windows, and yet you feel the need to do things the 'Windows Way'. Don't you think you'd be better off learning from others who have been dealing successfully with package management for over a decade now?
These are all serious questions and I expect to be challenged by your replies. I applaud your courage in taking on this huge task. I also think that you're going to need to learn a lot more humility than you've demonstrated so far if you want to achieve something better than a new brand of anarchy in packaging.
Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:4, Informative)
Assuming that you've looked at APT and similar packaging tools, and given that you're still convinced that there's a 'Windows Way' (your term) to handle deployment that differs from Linux best practices, how do you plan to address:
Yes, I've worked with APT and RPM for a very very long time now. The reason I'm convinced there is a 'Windows way' is because it's a different system that Linux; yes, I've learned a lot about PMS from Linux, and I know how to apply that knowledge to Windows.
Package Repositories - This is one of the main strengths of Debian and related distros. Do you think it's even possible to replicate this level of community control in Windows? I know you've mentioned decentralisation, but have you considered the implications of such an approach? What is the cost of failure to affect consistent, formalised management of package builds?
I have a plan for allowing any publisher to publish packages in the CoApp ecosystem, provided they meet two qualifications:
- They must be able to host their repository meta-data on an SSL protected connection.
- All packages must be digitally signed with a certificate that chains back to to a commonly-accepted CA.
Dependancy Management - This issue is largely done and dusted on Linux, but remains a dog's breakfast on Windows (albeit not as frustrating today as it was in the mid-90s). In the absence of centralised repositories and the Unix toolchain philosophy, how do you propose to cope better with dependancies?
I'm working with the developer of WiX to ensure that we can trivially build chained MSI packages that have the necessary smarts to properly manage this. Kind-of mixing in something like ldconfig with the Windows SxS library management.
File locations - How do you propose to manage the proper placement of libraries etc. when the conventions concerning where to put such files are not nearly as well defined on Windows? I'm suggesting here that you need cultural leverage rather than technical answers. You need to change perceptions, not toolkits.
Yes. The change starts with PHP, Apache, and Python, and the 40+ packages needed to build them (community members from each are already on board) Half of the project is setting some intelligent standards, and then bootstrapping the ecosystem with packages to enable other software to follow.
Security - Do you think it's even possible to replicate one of the main strengths of Linux package repositories: the ability to curtail security risks such as malware and flawed code?
Yes. By requiring code-signing (and I've got a plan for opening that up without cost for smaller projects) we can replicate the benefits of MD5 and PGP signatures found in the Linux world.
Scripting Interfaces - Say what you like about make and other command-line utilities, but as a busy sysadmin, I consider GUI package management a waste of my valuable time. If I'm going to deploy regular security updates, for example, I want to know that I can script every aspect of the operation. Even the tab-completion features in aptitude make it many times more efficient than a point-and-click interface. What is the potential for scripted deployment/management of packages under your system? Why?
I agree 100%. Scripting interfaces are an absolute requirement, and will likely come well before the GUI.
Think of it as a clean adaptation of the same concepts to the model that will be attractive to Windows developers.
I also think that you're going to need to learn a lot more humility than you've demonstrated so far if you want to achieve something better than a new brand of anarchy in packaging.
I apologize if I'm coming off arrogant. Frankly it's taken an extremely long time to convince the powers-that-be at Microsoft that Linux's package management is stellar compared to Windows. It's also not near as hard or large as it sounds, I'm walking on the shoulders of giants here, both in the Linux and Windows worlds.
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Dammit! I pooched some quote tags!
Sorry about that. Should have previewed. *sigh*
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I have a plan for allowing any publisher to publish packages in the CoApp ecosystem, provided they meet two qualifications:
- They must be able to host their repository meta-data on an SSL protected connection.
- All packages must be digitally signed with a certificate that chains back to to a commonly-accepted CA.
Doesn't seem like a very good solution. The whole point of APT is its ability for ANYONE to open repositories, including digitally signed repositories.
If, for whatever reason, you don't like PGP, that's fine. Go with X509. Just don't force a SPECIFIC root CA - allow the package user to choose which is his CA of choice (one or more). This way, for example, a company can set up a local repository to push to its own employees.
Same goes with where you host this. Your answer did not make it clear whether any ser
The question we all really want to ask (Score:2, Funny)
Does this service run on dead babies, or are they still alive and crying as you shovel them into the gaping maw of endless darkness that powers it?
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If your target audience is like me, then you're best off creating an automated conversion tool that can take a standard tarball and create an MSI package (or whatever) to your s
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Why are you using MSI? Really.
It's a horror show of a backend, a crazy badly engineered database. Really, it's worse even than RPM.
You really should figure out what you would need, and design that, and then get the OS people to accept that you've replaced their mindless zombie subsystem with something non-awful.
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Re:I'll follow them here too. :D (Score:5, Interesting)
I do have one question. Why, exactly, do you think that this sort of approach is likely to be easier than doing what Apple did and simply exposing a Posix API that is actually useful?
Because, even if we could get a great POSIX experience on Windows, it leaves out Windows developers.
One of my goals is to get Windows developers in the OSS game.
On top of that, there is a hell of a lot of non-POSIX open source software on Windows that needs fixing too.
Look at it this way: Would you respect someone who told you the best way to get FireFox running on Linux was to use some sort of Windows emulation layer... Like WINE? no, because FireFox *can* compile for Linux. Same thing with nearly all Open Source I encounter. I want to get the OSS quality and experience on Windows to exceed commercial developers... it needs the most love.
Like I tell people:
Working as an open source software developer at Microsoft is like being a preacher in Vegas. I figure I'm in the single most important place in the universe that I can be.
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The problem with this, of course, is that no matter what you do Windows developers aren't going to be able to help the Free Software community because they have chosen to use tools that only work on one platform, Windows.
Heck, the reason that there is a Free Software community in the first place was because they built a set of tools that was specifically designed to be portable to a wide array of operating
How Long Before ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:How Long Before ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Like how they contributed some Linux stuff a while back to make it easier to run Linux in a VM... with Windows as the host machine (I'm not clear on the details, so I'm probably getting the terminology wrong).
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Re:How Long Before ... (Score:5, Insightful)
This article's summary should be something along the lines of: Microsoft embraces OSS. How long before they extend their dirty tactics to OS? I don't trust them.
The jewels of OSS were built because we, developers, needed them. We needed an OS and made Gnu, and Linux. We needed a web server and made Apache. We needed a GUI and made GNOME, KDE and Compiz. We needed a web browser and made Firefox.
Now Microsoft needs package managing software, and they really believe we are going to build it for them. Laughable.
wholly native toolchain (Score:2)
Native to what OS? Let me guess, windows.
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From TFA:
Clearly these are horrible goals and this should by no means be done, sim
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All but the last one are fine. I have some windows boxes I have to deal with and I sure as hell do not want to be stuck using some GUI IDE just to build the latest $foobar.
Re:wholly native toolchain (Score:4, Informative)
All but the last one are fine. I have some windows boxes I have to deal with and I sure as hell do not want to be stuck using some GUI IDE just to build the latest $foobar.
Use of the GUI ain't mandatory... it's just that in order to get Windows devs on board, it'll have to have one.
The core bits will all be able to be command-line driven.
Re:wholly native toolchain (Score:4, Funny)
This is the sort of thing that makes the FSM smile upon you and shall earn you an afterlife spent near the beer volcano and stripper factory.
"bring OSS more users" (Score:3, Interesting)
And more *windows* users, more windows license, more vendor lockin, and fewer alternative OS's.. Ya, real nice of them to 'help' us out. No thanks.
Re:"bring OSS more users" (Score:5, Insightful)
And more *windows* users, more windows license, more vendor lockin, and fewer alternative OS's...
Until Windows users realize that all their favorite apps run great on Linux as well as Windows.
If chrome runs on Windows and Linux and you just use Chrome most of the day then it becomes trivial to switch over to Linux since your app will look relatively familiar. The largest obstacle to Linux adoption besides its contempt for its users is the lack of applications people are familiar with. If someone got used to pidgen then they would be less likely to revolt when they tried using Linux.
Remember that cute little phrase the DOJ found? (Score:2, Insightful)
*cough cough*
*cough cough*
History is not on your side. I hope, for all of us, that your intentions are noble. If they are, I hope those who back you and/or succeed you hold to that ideal. Thankfully, even if they're not these programs will live on in their desired format on other software platforms.
Best of luck.
Mozilla Firefox (Score:2)
It won't.... (Score:2)
which will conversely bring OSS more users, testers and developers
Not really. most people who test/develop OSS software already do it, or will do when they have free time. As for users, there are about 4 types of users for any Windows program.
A) The person who uses whatever something that is forced on them. Such people will blindly use IE, Firefox, Opera, whatever as long as a boss says they must use it or it comes pre-installed.
B) The person who thinks that they get what they pay for. These are the weird people who we see -buying- boxed software, thinking that
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Actually, this will be mighty handy for developers trying to use OSS libraries on Windows. Right now, it's a mess, if you've got more than a few, and they have mutual dependencies - you get all kinds of wonderful problems with precompiled binaries, such as having them compiled with different compilers (MinGW vs VC++), or with different compiler switches that break ABI compatibility, etc.
And compiling from the source is fun because you have to deal with all the trivial things such as include & library pa
ANother ploy just like .nyet (Score:3, Informative)
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You mean CoApp-ting ;)
Let me right the first line of code for you. (Score:4, Funny)
I am feeling generous this evening and decided I would donate the first line of code to this
fine project. I relinquish all copyrights on the following line of code, feel free to do with
it as you wish.
#include "ie6.h"
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If you look close enough what they are doing is quietly pushing people towards windows only platforms. So really, they aren't acting radically different, just being a bit more subversive about it.
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Awesome, more software is great for the platform. I won't use it, only because the tools I already like and use are fine for me. I have friends that would love to have Visual Studio on Linux as it would remove their last need for windows.
Re:Microsoft has been surprising me lately (Score:5, Insightful)
I mean, this is just in 2010. You shouldn't have particular love for any company, but claiming that Microsoft has changed can only be done by ignoring the facts and reality. Don't do that.
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I like Windows so please harass me too!
I'm pretty sure you get all the suffering you need already.
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Indeed, FAIL to RTFA, mods, AC's post should be modded into oblivion.
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Eh, since when have you been able to run two deb install processes at the same time? Oh that's right, never.
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Gee everyone else figured out a long time ago: give away the compiler.
How is this relevant to this discussion? You are (at least) 8 years too late to be pushing this line - Microsoft has been giving away compilers for a while now.
Maybe this will be a boost for gcc when everyone can see first hand how bad the Microsoft C++ compiler is.
And how bad is the Microsoft C++ compiler? Do you have any specific claims?
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Gee everyone else figured out a long time ago: give away the compiler.
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler has been free since 2003. It comes as a part of Platform SDK these days.
Of course, this is just a command-line compiler. You can also get Visual C++ Express for free if you want the IDE. This doesn't have MFC & ATL, but you can combine it with PSDK to get a full-featured native development environment; and, of course, you can use it with any third-party framework, such as Qt or wxWidgets.
Maybe this will be a boost for gcc when everyone can see first hand how bad the Microsoft C++ compiler is.
What exactly is bad about VC++ compiler? Can you be more specific? Are you unhappy abou
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Visual C++ has had correct - i.e., standards compliant - scope for variables declared in a for-loop since VC++2003 by default (you can still have the old behavior explicitly enabled by compiler switch).
Before that, you could control it with a switch, though default was non-standards compliant, and MFC headers wouldn't compile if you turned it on - which shouldn't really concern you if you're compiling portable code, right?
In practice, this means that there was only one release of VC++ which was non-complia
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Cygwin at least gives you a usable CLI environment on windows. Who installs this type of server software and does not install Cygwin?
A server without proper gnutools is painful to administer.
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spare me.
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One of the largest problems to be faced with this endevor is that I a open source developer could really care less if my software even runs or compiles on a Windows machine.
Well, we could perhaps start with finding out how many FOSS developers want their software to compile & run on Windows, so as to see how large of a problem it really is. So, let's see:
- Firefox ...
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Gtk+
- Qt
- Apache
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
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Well, because package management is effective if you have can pull source code, compile, and determine dependencies.
I don't see how this follows. Most Linux distros do package management on binary level, not source level, and, in fact, can happily package closed-source software.
Why does it matter if application A and library B are open source or not, if there is a known dependency from A to B?
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<nazi style="xml">
You can't include attributes in a close tag. Also, you need quotes around the value of the attribute for it to be confirming XML.