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World's Largest Visualization Analytics Display 24

An anonymous reader writes "An 80-foot wide visualization screen at California ISO graphically displays sensor readings from thousands of smart meters as well as provides predictive analytics. By analyzing the grid and environmental inputs like where the wild fires are burning, Space-Time Insights claims its algorithms head off power outages before they can materialize, turning California ISO operators into forecasters instead of damage controllers. If it keeps the lights on and the air conditioners running, I'm all for it!"
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World's Largest Visualization Analytics Display

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  • 80-foot HD wall monitors, 8 LCDs on every desk... but no high-def picture of the setup.

    California ISO, I am disappoint.

    • Try this [] instead. Probably not hi-def, but at least larger photos. And a photo of the visualization they're talking about.

      • by PJ6 ( 1151747 )
        Looks klunky.

        I bet the did the 80 foot display as a PR stunt to hide the fact that the software's just plain shitty.
  • Unless you don't consider scoping out the Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleaders on the big-screen to be "analysis".

  • Very nice but, what's this good for anyway? Nothing. Like every oher "control room big display", this is just there to make it look good in pictures. It doesn't have any real use. I'm not sure if we should blame this on NASA or hollywood. People seem to think that a control room needs a big display for... stuff. In reality it just "looks good" but doesn't add any real value or increase productivity.

    • Exactly. I can concede that yes, they do run some cool analytics that help them predict things and do their jobs. Does the giant screen help analyze data? No. Visualization is a result of data analysis, not a tool for it. Whats the story here?
      • by Anonymous Coward

        Visualization is a result of data analysis, not a tool for it. Whats the story here?

        As a visualization researcher, you just made me cry. I'll admit that too often visualization is used as result/report and not tool, but that is definitely not the point. The whole idea of visual analytics is to use visualization as the primary tool for analysis. [I'm also a large display researcher, and I'll grant you that in this instance there is little evidence that the screen is helping them perform any analysis, but that is a different issue altogether...]

    • Actually the big board is something that is of use. It provides a nice general overview of the entire system to all of the operators. Individuals with the local displays can pull up further information on the areas that they are concerned with. Also in case of emergency where people need to react quickly to issues the big board already provides the basic information that everyone needs instead of everyone having to go and open the same stupid display. There is a movement towards a single pane of glass in th
  • Geospatial technology? Breakthrough? Worried about more data?

    This article reads like an add for cosmetics! "They can't handle the data, we made it shiny and all their problems went away!"
    REALLY? They drew some heat maps [] and used existing data to identify choke points. OoooOOHHHHHHH! Now I'm some kinda of impressed. And to do what, exactly? Make rolling blackouts easier to manage? Create jobs so some monkey looking at shiny data can ask plants to ramp up? Or press a button to activate some SCADA function?


  • Californias power infrastructure is massively defective, and outages are similar to third world countries. You can not "test" in quality. Money would be better spent building solid reliable infrastructure replacing the existing. Electric power fails more than once a year, and gas lines explode in residential areas. It should be the norm to *never* have electric outages.

    • Here's to this!

      What are your thoughts on the energy storage dreams floating around behind the starry eyes of so many and the thoughts that enough power can actually be produced with non-nuclear non-fossil-fuel methods to not only meet current demands but keep up with the growing demand? I appreciate your directness and insight and would love to know.

  • And that's the largest?

    Maybe linearly, but I'm guessing that some of the CAVE [] systems offer more in terms of area of display when you scale to 6 surfaces. Or what's the largest hyperwall []?

    Can we come up with some meaningful measurements of data display, before someone tries setting a world record for the heaviest or ugliest?

  • "Understanding the ISO
    The ISO operates a robust and reliable wholesale power system that balances the need for higher transmission reliability with the need for lower costs, and acts as a key platform to achieve California’s clean energy goals."

    wow. what does that mean? because i just read it, and i dont "understand the ISO" .

    what the do these people do all day?

    • As I work in this industry, let me explain. An ISO is an independent system operator. Typically they manage the long haul high voltage transmission lines going between local power providers. Their main function is to move power from where it is generated to where it is needed at the lowest cost. They run a market system where they predict the demand and then accept bids from generators. Once bids have been accepted then they have to solve the distribution problem to actually move the power to the final dest

  • When I was a contractor at IBM Research in the speech group a little over a decade ago, I built a voice-operated display wall from used IBM ThinkPads (It looked a bit like the multi-unit display screen from "Jeopardy" with big borders). My supervisor was a bit shocked when he came back from a two week vacation (when I built it), but he got over it thankfully and fortunately I was not in the room to hear the swearing when he saw it for the first time. :-) It was only possible with the help and cooperation of

People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
