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JavaScript Toolkit V1.1.0 Released 65

First time accepted submitter Mensa Babe writes "Oliver Morgan, the original author of the JavaScript Toolkit, or just 'The Toolkit' as it is known in the JavaScript community, has just announced the release of the long awaited version 1.1.0, with better documentation and added function support. Quoting the project documentation: '[JavaScript] Toolkit offers a large number of integrated methods and utilities to help enrich the javascript object library. Javascript was built originally for browsers and as such lacks a large number of data utility methods with are seen in languages such as Python and Ruby. However times have changed and JavaScript is being used more and more in backend platforms. JS Toolkit aims to bridge that gap and provide everyone a modern developer needs to produce fast, secure and tidy code quick and easily.' The Toolkit fully supports ECMAScript 5 and runs on the most important virtual machines that we have today, including Node.JS, V8, Rhino, RingoJS, and many others. It continues to be actively developed."
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JavaScript Toolkit V1.1.0 Released

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  • Is only a temporary fix for the fact that you bought the wrong size.

  • The Toolkit? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mekabyte ( 678689 ) on Friday September 02, 2011 @07:43PM (#37293074) Homepage
    Since when is this known as "The Toolkit"? The lack of github followers and general references across the internet makes this claim suspect. Its History file only goes back a few days, so I wonder how this could possibly be "long-awaited."
    • by outsider007 ( 115534 ) on Friday September 02, 2011 @07:58PM (#37293168)

      You misunderstood. "The JavaScript Community" is the name of a Seattle-based indie band. Those four boys are very excited about this release.

    • In related news, Slashdot editors, or "The Tools" as they are known in the geek news community, will access any random posting that is linked to GitHub ....

      • by morcego ( 260031 )

        Nothing personal, but I had Timothy filtered for years. Decided to remove the filter a few days ago to see if things have changed ... they haven't.

        Back to being filtered.

        • Isn't disliking someone for their stupidity or sloppiness personal by definition? I suppose "nothing personal" was just meant as code for "I don't wish he were dead", "I acknowledge he may have good traits", "I don't wish to be confrontational", or something similar.
          • by morcego ( 260031 )

            Nothing personal means "I don't know him, and can't judge him as a person".

            I don't know him to say "he may have good traits". As far as I know, all his other traits might be good. My only problem is with his lack of taste/sense choosing articles.

        • and provide everyone a modern developer needs to produce fast

          What's that supposed to mean? Indeed, there's no editing at all.

    • Well, I'm glad I didn't waste any time installing it or reading the documentation. If I'd read more than the original e-mail from Slashdot, I could have saved myself the bother of downloading it, too. Now to save myself some disk space, and delete the thing. -Eric
    • So, in the interest of making lemonade from lemons, the best of a bad situation, and avoiding cliches like the plague ... Are there any open source JavaScript toolkits that do what this was supposed to do?
  • Long awaited? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 02, 2011 @07:49PM (#37293104)

    has just announced the release of the long awaited version 1.1.0

    My first thought was... by whom? The prior version, 1.0.0, was released on Aug 27 [github.com], a week ago.

    It continues to be actively developed.

    By which we mean, he got back into it last month [github.com].

    First time accepted submitter Mensa Babe...

    Is an idiot.

    • +1 parent

      Slashdot these days:
      1. your personal PR machine for whatever little open source project you have, with unrestricted hyperbole.
      2. copy and paste first paragraph of an article that might be interesting, and call it a submission - coming up with an interesting summary is for wimps

    • Re:Long awaited? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by weezel ( 6011 ) on Friday September 02, 2011 @08:42PM (#37293404)

      Do you really want to be using a library from someone who thinks 'odd' means divisible by 3? Or that you'd need a library function for this? but hey at least he's got tests...

      https://github.com/ollym/toolkit/commit/ede890a31eb1cad52d8f3bcd30e5c0afa8cc60e3 [github.com]

      • I had to see it to believe it! I had no idea that 6 was an odd number. Well, back to square-one.
      • Oh, no. You read that correctly. 6 is now odd and even in the JavaScript Toolkit. This thing called "math" has been depreciated in favor of faster execution.
      • Holy $hit dude.
      • It's early days. Thanks for pointing this out. Has now been fixed.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          What? I thought it was long awaited. I mean how can 'the Toolkit' be in an early stage?

      • by qmaqdk ( 522323 )

        I like the idea, and I'd like to contribute. Here's a plus function:

        plus: { value: function(y) {
            return this + 2;

        You can test it with
        function Plus(result) {
            result((2).plus(2), 4, '2+2 is 4');

      • Holy shit, that made me snicker in smug superiority like I haven't in a long time. I think that may have been the first algo I learned, right after I learned

        10 home
        20 print "hello world!"
        30 end

        That's right...Apple Basic represent!

  • I admit I haven't heard of this before but a quick glance through the documentation reveals nothing that any CS student couldn't knock out with a couple days work. Compared to the excellent Underscore.js (http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/) this comes out as a damp squib. Am I missing something?
  • Okay, I've done some moderate JavaScript programming in the course of programming many websites and I've used most of the popular libraries out there. But I've never even heard of this JavaScript toolkit. A quick trip to the home page shows that it's trying to be yet another attempt at a JavaScript standard library. And not a very good one, either. A few helper libraries. Pfft!

    If you really want a JS library that does damn near everything under the sun, check out php.js [phpjs.org]. They have the vast majority of core

    • Re:feh, try phpjs (Score:5, Informative)

      by jjohnson ( 62583 ) on Friday September 02, 2011 @08:46PM (#37293426) Homepage

      They have the vast majority of core PHP functions implemented in JavaScript.

      I just threw up in my mouth.

    • They have the vast majority of core PHP functions implemented in JavaScript.

      Whoever came up with that idea, he'll have a very, very special place in Hell.

      I hear they make such people write a C++ compiler that compiles to JavaScript. In PHP.

    • If you really want a JS library that does damn near everything under the sun, check out php.js [phpjs.org]. They have the vast majority of core PHP functions implemented in JavaScript.


      Way back when (5+ years ago), I did just the opposite--I saw what a mess PHP had in lieu of certain features (abysmal date and XML handling), and ported a bunch of JS objects to it.

      I still use my ported Date class anytime I have to mess with dates in PHP.

      I think PEAR has one of its own now, but I still prefer mine, since it follows the ECMA standard. Oddly enough, this seems to be the reason PEAR rejected it (even though they gladly took and still use to this day my XML services stuff that nobody

  • A little clarity.... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 02, 2011 @09:17PM (#37293610)

    I created the toolkit, I never spoke with this timothy and never asked for it to be published here? I'm not particularly happy with it being done either given that i've been working on it for several days and there is a load of issues which need fixing before I'd even want it considered let alone used in production.

    So let me clarify.

    - It's not based off any existing language or framework in particular. I'm taking what I find useful from the different ones available. The API is not set in stone yet there are still a number of large changes I still plan to make.

    - I haven't and will never condone this as official in anyway. It's something I want to continue to use throughout MY projects and would find help/contribution helpful so i made it open-source. I have never come across Slashdot before - ever. And why on earth would I want to run a "PR campaign" for it anyway? I have much better things to do with my life.

    - In short response to all your pointless negativity:
    1) It's not long awaited - perhaps by me but I've never thought anyone else really cared.
    2) It's never been known as "The Toolkit" I've never called it that so I don't know where the JS Community got the name from.
    3) It has a handful of PHP functions, most of functions came from Ruby and Underscore.JS.
    4) Every O-S project starts somewhere, U.JS had a humble beginning - so has mine. They are considerably different in their goals and current implementation. I strongly advise you know the difference before choosing or listening to the dismissive people in this thread.

    And a final thanks to those of you who kindly took the time out of your day to come send me hate-mail.

    Peace :) x

    • Keep going, ignore slashdot. We're ignorant sometimes. Welcome to the fun.

    • timothy is the editor who gave this story the green light, but the original submitter is "Mensa Babe", so you should thank her.

      Though, judging from this post of yours, this is likely just an unusual way of trolling you and/or Slashdotters.

    • Every O-S project starts somewhere, U.JS had a humble beginning - so has mine. They are considerably different in their goals and current implementation. I strongly advise you know the difference before choosing or listening to the dismissive people in this thread.

      You think an "odd number" means "divisible by 3", which means you have a less-than-middle-school education in math. That's not a "humble beginning". You're simply not qualified for the task you've undertaken. For fuck's sake, you didn't even

      • Or, they typed "3" instead of "2", and "0" instead of "1". I have to admit this is unlikely.
      • by auLucifer ( 1371577 ) on Saturday September 03, 2011 @02:54AM (#37294880)
        Woah settle down cowboy. It's his project for his own work. If that is the worst bug you can find in his project then he's doing much better then a lot of code I've come across, even in major java frameworks.

        What makes someone 'qualified' to write code for themselves? Does he need to drown in student debt? Spend years studying just to get there? Everyone started somewhere so get off your high horse and let the guy make his own mistakes.
        • ...it's a fundamental misunderstanding of mathematics.
          • Nah, it's a typo, I bet you. 2 and 3 are right next to each other on the keyboard? And if someone for their own framework wants a function for that, why not? Of course it's kinda pointless, but to to make this about mathematics.... wow :D

      • For fuck's sake who, apart from the very nerdy like yourself, would read that overcomplicated explanation of a very simple concept.

  • by narcc ( 412956 ) on Friday September 02, 2011 @09:43PM (#37293730) Journal

    I was sad to discover that some code I'd recently written was perfectly readable and maintainable. I thought to myself "If people can easily understand and maintain this code, they'll think I'm some kind of n00b."

    Thanks to judicious use of libraries like jquery and prototype.js, I'm happy to report that my code is both impossible to understand, difficult to extend, and an absolute nightmare to maintain. That's right, I'm now officially a "rock star" level programmer.

    "The Toolkit" as us rock stars call it, now offers me the perfect opportunity to do away with those nasty simple library functions I've collected over the years. Things like string manipulation, for example, that were handled quickly and efficiently by a few simple easy-to-understand functions are now garbled up in yet another over-sized and bug ridden JS library.

    My pages take longer to load and run slower than ever before! This is enterprise level code I'm pushing out here folks.

    Here's a few hints to help you achieve the same level of greatness:

    1) RAM is cheap, use as much as you can.

    2) Forget about performance, if your code is too slow, upgrade. Computers get faster every year.

    3) Arrays are for idiots who can't code. Import a collections framework for even the simplest of tasks. Need 10 integers to be manipulated by one function and then discarded? You can't go wrong with a thread safe hash table!

    4) Load the library that has the function you want, even if you've already loaded a library with similar functionality. Like jquery's trim() function better than underscore.js? Import them both! Never mind that you only needed to use one function from each library or that any first-year CS student could write them in 10 minutes, you're a rock star. You use what you want.

    5) Don't be afraid to re-invent the wheel. Other people are idiots, so assume that whatever you can hack together is automatically better. This especially applies to date and time functions.

    So fellow rock stars (and future rock stars) ignore all of the negative comments in this discussion about "The Toolkit". Just because these n00b's can't comprehend its awesomeness dos not mean that it's not the perfect hammer for driving screws.

  • Though IMHO http://sugarjs.com/ [sugarjs.com] looks better + have way more github followers.

Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari
