Teachers Get 1 Week To Test Tech Giants' Hour of Code 81
theodp writes "In a move straight out of Healthcare.gov's playbook, teachers won't get to preview the final lessons they're being asked to roll out to 10 million U.S. students until a week before the Dec. 9th launch of the Hour of Code nation-wide learn-to-code initiative, according to a video explaining the project, which is backed by the nation's tech giants, including Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Amazon. The Hour of Code tutorial page showcased to the press sports Lorem Ipsum pseudo-Latin text instead of real content, promised tutorial software is still being developed by Microsoft and Google, and celebrity tutorials by Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are still a work-in-progress. With their vast resources and deep pockets, the companies involved can still probably pull something off, but why risk disaster for such a high-stakes effort with a last-minute rush? One possible explanation is that CS Education Week, a heretofore little-recognized event, is coming up soon. Then again, tech immigration reform is back on the front burner, an initiative that's also near-and-dear to many of same players behind Hour of Code, including Microsoft Chief Counsel Brad Smith who, during the Hour of Code kickoff press conference, boasted that Microsoft's more-high-tech-visas-for-U.S.-kids-computer-science-education deal found its way into the Senate Immigration Bill, but minutes later joined his fellow FWD.us panelists to dismiss a questioner's suggestion that Hour of Code might somehow be part of a larger self-serving tech industry interest."
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The high school lesson plan doesn't even have to exist in order for some tech giants to score some political points.
So, it's really "CS Education Weak"?
Re:10M students? (Score:5, Interesting)
The BBC already did this back in 1982:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtMWEiCdsfc [youtube.com]
(Warning: Actual typing of computer code on TV...)
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Also "Making the most of the Micro": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7G2nyaHaoo [youtube.com]
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Yeah, but that was managed by a public-owned corporation.
There are a few things that big business does excellently - like build an efficient workhouse in C19 England or C21 China, without letting pesky human dignity get in the way - but education has never been one of them.
It's not political points (Score:2)
Lesson in software development (Score:5, Informative)
Even if the kids won't get a lesson in computer science, they'll get a lesson in what happens when software development is rushed.
Re:Lesson in software development (Score:4, Insightful)
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If you thought your kids were getting a proper education in public school you might want to think again.
Maybe I'm just a bit slow, but I never really learned much in the classroom, per se. I found that the material just went by too fast. If I actually stopped to think about something (e.g. why trigonometric functions can't be calculated from finite algebraic expressions) then I would miss big parts of the lectures. So I saw the classroom as a place to be exposed to a whole variety of ideas - some of which I was already familiar with but others that were new that I would have to think/read about later on my ow
Re:Lesson in software development (Score:5, Insightful)
I invite you to get out into the countryside, and to learn about those local schools.
I'm a transplant to Arkansas. I attended a relatively wealthy school district in Pennsylvania. My wife grew up here. She attended a high school where the graduating class ranged from ten to thirty students over a one hundred year history. That little school excelled. I mean, it seriously excelled. Students routinely placed very high in all college tests, military tests, you name it.
Soon after our kids started school in that same school, governor Bill Clinton made it his business to start consolidating smaller schools with larger schools. Our kids attended k-6 in the old school building, but the high school kids were being bussed to another school, in another county. Today - the old small school system is completely gone - everyone is bussed somewhere.
And - all of the schools involved have attained a roughly equal level of mediocrity.
Excellence in education doesn't depend on large sums of money. Really, it doesn't. The fact is, schools that have a lot of money today, tend to spend that money on sports, rather than education.
http://espn.go.com/dallas/story/_/id/8323104/allen-texas-high-school-ready-unveils-60m-football-facility [go.com]
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I'm a native and back when "Slick Willie" Bill was the gov running for president my line was: "Lets all vote for Bill -- get him out of Arkansas!" But I never thought everyone would take me seriously.
The high school I went to [lrsd3.org] had ~150 in the graduating class each year, so let's say a population of ~500 yearly. We had students win awards (1st prize, not just for "showing up") in different regional and state competitions. Most students did not though -- and I think a lot of that
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Education discussion? Time to talk about how public school sucks. Amirite? Considering the post you're replying to had nothing to do with public school quality?
You will have good schools and bad schools, good teachers and bad teachers. The question here is, whether a good teacher can do anything with this. Teachers can make something of the worst lesson plans, but this doesn't seem to qualify.
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Re:Lesson in theodp (Score:2)
They won't even get that. Teachers who participate (it is optional, so no one is being forced to teach something with a week or less to prepare) can win prizes, and students who attend a follow-up course can win stuff for themselves. Sounds like bribery to me.
Besides, I don't think it is important that things are incomplete, since the week designated is December 9-15. Plenty of time, and I don't think this qualifies as rushed.
And, they probably won't do much in the way of actual code. "Designed as a gam
Apt name (Score:2)
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I've been suspicious of the recent tech industry push for more programming. Writing code is great and all that, but there seemed to be something odd going on.
Currently the US is heavily promoting programming via campaigns like the one listed here. The UK is doing the same. A few weeks ago David Cameron even mentioned the subject in his speech, which pretty much proved how the whole thing is a PR wheeze by the giant corps. Here's what Dave had to say:
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For the first time - children in our schools will learn the new language of computer coding.'
That's a lie.
I was taught BASIC in a UK school back in the 1980s (on a Commodore PET...)
What's next? iPads for every child to learn 'coding' on? (it's government+payola so that wouldn't surprise me...)
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Writing Lua code in Codea, or using any of the many Python ports, is a great way to learn coding on the iPad.
Maybe, but it's still "coding on the iPad".
A small laptop+Arduino+LEDs would be 1000000% more useful/educational.
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...or even a Raspberry Pi - which can be "re-imaged" in seconds (put in a different SD card) instead of all the maintenance work that a Windows laptop needs.
With an iPad the kids will be constantly thinking of all the talking cats lurking in the background instead of what you want them to be thinking.
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I do think you're right about government payola. Let's be honest - if the aim was to teach programming then schools could happily use their standard PCs with free language downloads & tutorials. With the money saved not buying iPads or Pis they could train more teachers in actual computer science.
I just can't imagine that Microsoft is going to sit there if this program advocates buying Apple products for all the kids.
Or Apple just sitting there if they use Windows laptops or Android devices instead of iPads. ....or any other combination of Microsoft/Apple/Google/Amazon you care to pick. All of them have massive corporate agendas (and probably only signed up so they can throw spanners in the works if it looks like the program isn't going towards their platform).
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Well, DUH.
Look around you. Everyone and their dog learned that with MINT degree the average business leader will look at you as some sort of menial labor idiot while he himself considers his business degree the be-all, end-all pinnacle of education. Take a wild guess what everyone and their dog wants to study.
This in turn is of course not what business leaders want, since that kinda tells people that their precious BA degrees are a dime a dozen while MINT students get rare. And they don't really enjoy the i
Two culture Re:Apt name (Score:2)
The last time the Torys had a scientist was Mrs T and the rest of the party dont really want to go back to being hand bagged - its also why dodgy schemes like free schools get so much traction there are no politicians who w
This can't be good (Score:2, Interesting)
Hip, up-to-the-moment name? Check
Tutorials by industry legends? Check
Backed by the top companies in the IT business? Check
D-Day style simultaneous rollout to multiple millions of customers? Check
Nothing less than our nation's future may be at stake? Check
Uh oh.
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Hip, up-to-the-moment name? Check
Can we uncheck that one please? [wikipedia.org] Thanks.
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Microsoft? (Score:3)
Tutorial software by Microsoft in a tight timeline. What could possibly go wrong?
webCT (Score:1)
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The next patch.
Better advice... (Score:5, Interesting)
* Learn to habitually apply critical thinking. Why would Microsoft want "every American student to have the opportunity to learn computer science"--a somewhat advanced branch of mathematics? That's right: it doesn't. It wants an oversupply of employees in "computing occupations". (Quotes from the linked technet blog post).
BUT, don't apply critical thinking out loud at work. That's non-career-advancing. Use it in your meta-employment strategy.
* Learn persuasion and negotiation skills: applied (cod-) psychology topics such as body language, emotional intelligence, rhetoric. Join Toastmasters. Develop a wide circle of acquaintances in lots of different industries and occupations--it's the "weak connections" that get you jobs.
* Learn the elements of employment law.
* Learn how to cooperate effectively with your fellow employees. Which means doing the shit work, at least some of the time, especially at the start.
If you want to become one of the -l-i-z-a-r-d--p-e-o-p-l-e- 1%:-
* learn what it takes. Here's a very introductory primer: The Gervais Principle [ribbonfarm.com].
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It wants an oversupply of employees in "computing occupations"
Oh come on. Extend this thinking to its logical conclusion and you'll realise we should have schools actively work against education in all fields to keep up salaries in all fields.
Tech industry hypocrisy (Score:2)
The sociopaths running many of the nation's tech corporations, whether they be software or hardware engineering, have no desire whatsoever to encourage a larger American workforce for those industries. The reason for that lack of motivation is simple: such a workforce educated here would expect higher salaries to pay off their enormous student loans (for institutions with massive tuitions used to subsidize profit-seeking research and not education) and would thus diminish their profit more than a similarly
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Good point, but the salary issue may be different in the UK. The government wants to ban the under-25s from claiming welfare even though we currently have high youth unemployment. Instead of dole they'll be told to do an apprenticeship (not many about), training (similarly spotty availability) or work.
If there aren't the jobs they'll be forced to work not for minimum wage, but for workfare levels equal to benefits. There are going to be tens of thousands of under 25s with skills & degrees who can't find
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I wonder if an analog to that could ever exist in the United States.
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I have mod points but will not be modding you down, though I hope I can show that your case is misguided and unsound.
You're not wrong in saying that there are sociopaths--or at least very empathy deficient people--in Silicon Valley. Friends of mine work with business magnates in that area, I know for a fact that they're are. I'm not convinced, however, that there are a higher proportion of sociopaths in information technology or software engineering than in, say, law or petroleum engineering. The way you've
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... information technology push into some broad, overarching conspiracy to convert America's young people into thoughtless worker drones makes no sense.
I didn't say or mean to say that this/these programs had that agenda. Rather I think that is specifically not their agenda, though I don't know what it is otherwise... simple marketing?
... fuel a cycle of economic growth.
== Ponzi scheme (that benefits you-know-who)
... what are you doing...?
I don't have kids and not much influence on education otherwise, but I've mentored (twice-)gifted kids. People I call friends tend to be critical thinkers to the last man and I really find it frustrating talking with people who aren't, so I'd have to jump way outside my comfort
I expect a new book title out of this: (Score:2)
"Learn Ruby & Java While Being Shot Out of a Cannon for Complete Over-Caffeinated Morons."
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"Learn by Doing - The Microsoft Approach to POSIX implementation"
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Can it be on the c2 dot com wiki as technical discussion, or is it personal?
1 week is more than enough (Score:4, Insightful)
Assuming the material is actually available, one week is more than enough for preparation. Most teachers do not have time for the kind of preparation you probably think they ought to do. I worked as a teacher for 5 years. Generally speaking, If I had a 1 hour class, I spent 1-3 hours on preparation. This was a fair bit more than most other teachers at the school who had more responsibilities than I did. Usually I tried to have my lessons prepared a week in advance, but more often than not, they were prepared 1-2 days in advance. No matter how much lead time you give the teachers, I guarantee that virtually nobody will look at it until a few days before. There just isn't enough time to do so.
BTW, if you think this is ridiculous, you could probably vote to raise your taxes, have more money sent to the schools and insist that it is spent on hiring more teachers rather than on toys like iPads for every student. There is barely a subject in school that wouldn't benefit from ripping out all the technology in a classroom and replacing it with a blackboard and another teacher.
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Planning to teach a 1 hour lesson shouldn't take more than a few hours. A week is cutting it close, but there is still ample time to prep for the lesson.
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Planning to teach a 1 hour lesson shouldn't take more than a few hours. A week is cutting it close, but there is still ample time to prep for the lesson.
Assuming that all the teaching material (books, tests, electronic materials, etc.) is already there. It's the preparation of that which takes a long time, and which is why teaching at universities takes so much more time outside of actually giving the class; there's just much less opportunity to share materials, especially for anything vaguely close to cutting edge. That's why nearly everything in a normal school is not cutting edge; realistic time pressures simply don't allow it.
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liberal bias (Score:2)
We need to let the educators of Texas and South Carolina vet these lessons to make sure there's no pro-gay, pro-Darwin or pro-Marxist agenda.
I mean, what are we worried about here, that these lessons are going to make tech education in the US for K-12 worse?
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"Self serving"? (Score:2)
I think people tend to forget that the heart of compromise is to find something that BOTH sides benefit from in a transaction. It's not just the 800lb gorilla compelling someone.
The schools/government want to promote computer education.
Yes, the industry wants some nebulous increase in worker-drones some vague time in the future, but are being asked to invest resources from some very short-term balance sheets so yeah, I can see them wanting a tit-for-tat benefit in legislation today.*
*and if the government
Sure (Score:1)
If all the kids can code you can get away with paying them minimum wage.
...tech immigration reform... (Score:2)