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Programming Education Technology Blame Tech Diversity On Education Pipeline, Not Hiring Discrimination 227

theodp writes: "The biggest reason for a lack of diversity in tech," says's Hadi Partovi in a featured Re/code story, "isn't discrimination in hiring or retention. It's the education pipeline." ( just disclosed "we have no African Americans or Hispanics on our team of 30.") Supporting his argument, Partovi added: "In 2013, not one female student took the AP computer science exam in Mississippi." (Left unsaid is that only one male student took the exam in Mississippi). Microsoft earlier vilified the CS education pipeline in its U.S. Talent Strategy as it sought "targeted, short-term, high-skilled immigration reforms" from lawmakers. And Facebook COO and "Lean In" author Sheryl Sandberg recently suggested the pipeline is to blame for Facebook's lack of diversity. "Girls are at 18% of computer science college majors," Sandberg told USA Today in August. "We can't go much above 18% in our coders [Facebook has 7,185 total employees] if there's only 18% coming into the workplace."
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  • by ChrisC1234 ( 953285 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:24PM (#48058943) Homepage
    I graduated in 2001 with a CS degree. There was ONE female student in the program when I was there that I can remember (and maybe 5 female faculty members). And there were NO African American students or faculty. The lack of diversity in tech workforces is no surprise to anyone who has a degree in a technology field.
    • by Spy Handler ( 822350 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:39PM (#48059047) Homepage Journal

      Why is there no media outrage at the low male attendance at fashion colleges? There's a pretty big one around here called FIDM, and all I saw walking around campus were females.

      Shouldn't the diversity crusaders be making waves calling for more male enrollment in fashion?

      Or should they STFU and accept the fact that males and females tend to like different things, and short of forcing students into majors they don't like, you're never gonna get perfect diversity?

      • by ADRA ( 37398 )

        The difference being that tech is VERY in demand and introducing anyone with a pulse (including those that aren't fond if it as a career) is a good at filling back-end need. Forgetting the argument that these people are less likely to be what we would call your typical programmers (people have said that for decades, so nothing new there), having targetted enticements for people to enter a given field that is under-served isn't a bad thing.

        • having targetted enticements for people to enter a given field that is under-served isn't a bad thing.

          Surely the soaring wages should be enticement enough. Or did you mean there's a lack of people willing to work unpaid overtime on minimum wage out of desperation?

      • by ranton ( 36917 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:54PM (#48059151)

        Shouldn't the diversity crusaders be making waves calling for more male enrollment in fashion?

        No, because no one feels the lack of diversity in fashion affects the efficiency of our economy.

        and short of forcing students into majors they don't like, you're never gonna get perfect diversity?

        That may be your contention, but there is a great deal of disagreement around this. Many people believe that culture has a significant impact on the careers people pursue. Many people feel someone working as an engineer improves society more than someone working as a retail worker, and that it is worth the effort to help women meet their full potential. I will sure try to do this for my daughter.

        • And if she doesn't feel any need to be an engineer, will you coerce her? If not, do you feel others should coerce people into said positions? For that is indeed what is happening.
        • No, because no one feels the lack of diversity in fashion affects the efficiency of our economy.

          Many people feel someone working as an engineer improves society more than someone working as a retail worker

          The fashion industry consists of more than just the lowly retail worker (of which I argue that the ratio of men to women are fairly close to how much men and women respectively pay attention to their fashion and are willing to spend money on fashion). The fashion industry goes from designers to models to critics. And if you get fancy, there are also interior designers and architects. While you don't think there's any value to such work, I would completely disagree. I would argue that aesthetics does have a

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Shouldn't the diversity crusaders be making waves calling for more male enrollment in fashion?

        I think you are missing a subtle point. Men do enroll in fashion, it's women who don't enroll in auto repair. Men are in widely dispersed fields, women tend to clump in a few. Even within a field, such as law, women tend to clump within a discipline. Oddly enough, they tend to clump in professions that offer good life / work balance. Culturally they are still expected to take care of the kids and grandparents - so no - I don't think they should shut up. However, this means there are too many women pursuing

      • Some people like to hear themselves speak. Other people like to get things done. (Of course, I'm on Slashdot, so I'm probably one of the former rather than the latter.)

        The fault lies in those who give people in the former group a soapbox. It's just being fair and balanced, obviously.

        And I'm not talking specifically about women in STEM or any other particular fire that's about to break out sometime somewhere for somebody. This applies to any large show of indignation. Usually, it's no more than just that: a

      • In the name of equality and giving people the opportunities they deserve, I think that we should also be crusading to improve the balance and representation of Asians, whites, and Northern Europeans in the NBA and NFL.

        Also, females make up an unacceptably low proportion of prison inmates. That needs to increase.

        • Also, females make up an unacceptably low proportion of prison inmates. That needs to increase.

          Well, that makes sense if prison inmate is a career. Given the way the prison industrial complex is going, it pretty much is now.

      • "Why is there no media outrage at the low male attendance at fashion colleges? "

        You of course surveyed the commentary on fashion school enrollment before making such a claim, so I need not ask you to prove it.

      • You'll also never see a push to get men into teaching, nursing, or being a hair stylists even though those jobs are absolutely dominated by women. Apparently, it's only "real" discrimination if the victim isn't a man.
        • Apparently, it's only "real" discrimination if the victim isn't a white man.


        • Not true; they are trying to get more men into nursing, so they have someone around to do the heavy lifting. (I'm half tongue-in-cheek about that, but only half)

        • You'll also never see a push to get men into teaching, nursing,

          u wot m8?

          Let me introduce you to a very hand website it's called:

          no, oops, I mean:

          There's plenty of call for both of those.

          or being a hair stylists even though those jobs are absolutely dominated by women. Apparently, it's only "real" discrimination if the victim isn't a man.

          My hair stylist is a man. So was my previous one.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

        I'm not aware of any evidence that males are put off entering the fashion industry when they want to. If you have evidence of that then it is a problem, sure.

    • My sister was the only women in the engineering program she went through in college and has mentioned many times how she was the only woman engineer where she worked. Although that has changed a little in the last 20 years I think there are two other lady engineers in her department out of the little over a dozen engineers.

      She has a funny story about another student cutting her bra off in a welding class when a wardrobe malfunction allowed a piece of hot metal to bypass her apron and shirt to become lodge t

      • I know a woman who went through and received an engineering degree from Ohio State University then promptly opened a bakery after college. She has created some things to automate the business some for consistency but as far as I know, that is the extend of her professional usage of her degree and licenses.

        I asked her why she changed and all she said was the opportunity was there and everything fell into place. She ended up marrying someone who was partners in the business with her several years later, but i

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Since the plural of anectdote is data....

          I've noticed at most one or two females in the 4 sections of Linux Admin I teach in a year. I have noticed that I'm now getting close to an even mix between black, white, and hispanic males. Only 2 or 3 orientals in the 10 years I've been teaching the course. This is at a community college in the same town as a major state university.

        • So why was a female freshman in 1980 more likely to declare as a CS type major than a female freshman in 2010?

          Um evolution or something. You see for some glib reason evolution makes women less likely to want to do computer science. Also evoultion happens really fast and takes less time than it takes to have a new generation so this happened some time in the 80s. I blame punk.

          So because of evoultion, we should celebrate the differences, not force everyone to be the same and keep pretending despite the eviden

          • Why do you choose the peak of female enrollment percentage as the benchmark? Why not ask what was going on in the 1980s that sent more women into computer science?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I graduated in '92, and female CS students were a rarity. That peak around 1984 was an anomaly, which is why those who point to it and wonder what changed are looking at it backwards.

  • is diversity "code" for a $ (grant, charity, etc.) thing? is it political optics to "look good"? why are competent coders a problem?
  • Built-in differences (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Even at 1 day old, girls look longer at objects with faces and boys longer at mechanical objects. Differences like this are measured at all ages.

    As long as the few women that want to get into coding can do so then there's no problem. And it's really easy for any woman to get into it that wants to, for instance at my college CS was controlled entrance for men but any women that applied was let in regardless of qualifications.

    tl;dr the only problem is people whining about other people choosing not to get in

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • There is indeed a problem because these degrees lead to higher paying jobs.

        For the people for whom they lead to a job at all, sure. They can do that, and they often do. But there's a lot of those people out of work, too, and there's thousands of applicants for every job. Why would anyone want to add themselves to numbers like those? The smart plan is to choose an upcoming industry without a lot of people going into the education programs, not to join a sea of unemployed. Even if you're fantastic, you'll have a hard time being noticed.

    • by Richy_T ( 111409 )

      Microsoft Bob was killed too early.

  • by PapayaSF ( 721268 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:33PM (#48059005) Journal

    On the one hand, we are told that the race/gender/etc. of individuals results in very different experiences and desires, and sometimes these are so different that members of one group can't really understand members of another group. (E.g. "It's a black thing.") On the other hand, if individuals in these different groups then turn out to (on average) want different careers than pure statistics would predict (e.g. all professions aren't 51% women), then we are told it's a Terrible Social Problem and Something Must Be Done.

    You can't have it both ways, folks.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Except that this is not true. Biology has not radically changed in the last few decades, yet the number of women wanting to enter engineering, math, or computing programs at school as dropped by a very large amount.

        I'm not sure what you are saying is "not true," because what you say supports my point: nobody thinks discrimination against women in tech has increased in recent decades, so this is more likely to be the result of a bunch of individual decisions.

        Now I could be persuaded that there might not be a problem, as you seem to imply, if you could show that all of these women are getting jobs that pay as much as the CS oriented jobs do.

        Why must they get jobs that pay as much as the CS oriented jobs do? Maybe they'd rather have different jobs that pay less. Maybe they'd rather have kids and stay home. As long as they are making free choices, let them do what they want, and don't obsess over "inequ

    • You can't have it both ways, folks.

      That's not what this is. Part of something being a "black thing" is how black people are treated. Substitute freely for "black".

      • Yeah, that's part of it, but the part I am talking about is the part that says "You cannot understand my experience because it's so different."
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      When people say "it's a black thing" what they really mean is "it's a cultural thing". Culture that stops people doing the things they want to do is a problem.

  • by bluesomewhere ( 3502231 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:33PM (#48059013) Homepage
    I'm pretty sure research bears out that both education and hiring processes are deeply flawed when it comes to hiring underrepresented people. One issue may be more "root cause" than the other, but they're both important. I'm actually kind of surprised went on record saying this...
    • How does that make any sense when all the tech giants have numbers of "minorities" greater than the industry mean. How can you both discriminate against under-represented people, and end up hiring far far far more of the under-represented people who apply for your job opening than the over-represented people.
      • How does that make any sense when all the tech giants have numbers of "minorities" greater than the industry mean. How can you both discriminate against under-represented people

        No, they don't. Indians and Chinese are not considered "under-represented", only blacks and hispanics. Yes, they actually consider all these ethnic groups differently. For instance, if you're a black student wanting to go to college for CS, there's likely some scholarships for you. If you're Indian, forget it, there's no such sch

    • I'm pretty sure research bears out that both education and hiring processes are deeply flawed

      So here's a question then: Would it be a better use of time, money, and effort fixing education, or fixing hiring?

    • programmers over age 40.

      Now the companies have no easy excuse about the 'education pipeline' or any such nonsense, when there are plenty of applicants with both experience, knowledge, and a strong intent and interest.

      And yet.....

      Somehow this discrimination, which is overt and very deep, doesn't ever matter.
  • by grasshoppa ( 657393 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:40PM (#48059055) Homepage

    How about we hire and promote based on merit and competency?

    • by PRMan ( 959735 )
      We have all races where I work, and nobody cares. If people are competent then we like them and if they're not then we don't. Even so, we only have a single female coder here. We had another apply (a friend of mine) but the budget got stolen away by management so she and a few guys they were considering got stood up by the company, which was very unprofessional.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Shados ( 741919 )

        Yeah, poor software developer and computer scientist in the US...Out of college if they're decent they're ONLY in the top 6%* of income in the country (all experience put together). And after a few years they're "only" in the top 3%* without having to sell their soul to a major bank (and they can go much higher if they decide to sell their soul anyway, but they can keep that as an option instead of it being mandatory).

        Poor poor things.

        *references not posted because the precise numbers vary depending on wher

        • ...Out of college if they're decent they're ONLY in the top 6%* of income in the country...

          Even though your statistic is not supposed to be real, it's conceptually incorrect and should be lower when you normalise it with initial investment.

          Then you should also give it some context by considering initial investment in terms of time and effort - i don't think many would disagree that if you put in the effort then you are at least deserved of an equivalently better income and not just lucky or greedy.

          Now take your normalised statistic with context and apply it to "that software developer in the US"

    • That's the damn point. Since merit and competency show no gender bias but hiring and promotion does show gender bias, that means hiring and promotion is in part not done on the basis of merit and competency. Why do these people hate capitalism?

  • This again... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bradley13 ( 1118935 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @05:42PM (#48059069) Homepage

    Do we have to hear about this every second week, year in and year out? On average, girls are - for whatever reason - less interested in math, physics, chemistry. Meanwhile, boys, on average, are less interested in things that revolve around social interaction. Likely, these preferences are based in biology. Make sure the playing field is as level as reasonably possible, and then leave off. Let individuals decide what they want to be.

    The other aspect addressed by the article is race. Here, there may also be biological factors in play, but within the US cultural factors play a huge role - specifically: support for education within the family. Cultural issues are very, very difficult to address - because, cultural change needs to come from within the culture itself. There is very little to be done about it by the tech companies, or even by the educational system.

    • "On average, girls are - for whatever reason - less interested in math, physics, chemistry."

      Fact not in evidence.

      • No evidence required. If you are making the reverse claim, that women are just as interested in math and physics as men, then evidence is required.

        Men and Women are different biologically. Doesn't mean we can't socialize men into wearing skirts, but it DOES mean we cannnot *socialize* men into having the same ability to empathize that women have. This has been accepted as fact since before the first beer was brewed. The extraordinary claim is nurture, not nature and so far all I've seen is giant lea

    • This is the same mentality as people who would rather get liposuction and spend a few weeks in the hospital than regulate their diet and exercise over the course of a lifetime. Attack the symptoms, not the cause. Live looking only a few inches ahead and blame the guy who put that lamppost in front of them when they hit it.

      I don't subscribe to biological (genetic) factors. Yes, with respect to an individual's performance, biology plays a major role. But in a group, the distribution, with all things except an

    • by FrnkMit ( 302934 )

      "On average, girls are - for whatever reason - less interested in math, physics, chemistry. ... Likely, these preferences are based in biology ..."

      The article said none of this. In fact, it freely acknowledged social pressures that discourage women from entering or staying in tech. It's not unreasonable to suppose stories from women in tech discourage the next generation from even attempting to enter computer-related fields. It helps to read the freaking article.

      As others have said, people -- mo

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      150 years ago pink was a boys colour. They dressed in pink, had pink bedding, pink toys etc. Blue was for girls.

      At some point it flipped. I doubt humans evolved that fast, so there must be some other reason.

  • by Lije Baley ( 88936 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @06:03PM (#48059211)

    Sure, a few folks have fun jobs, but the majority of the work in this field is miserable and women are wise enough to avoid it.

  • by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @06:14PM (#48059293)

    In my first year of computer science in CEGEP, we were 60 students. 2 of them were women. They accepted pretty much anybody who applied based purely on your highschool grades. Right off the bat you've got a 97% male program, and there was no bias in that selection either (for what it's worth, the person deciding on applications was female). Women simply did not apply for the program in the first place.

    It's always been obvious to me that the reason that there are so few female developers has little to do with hiring practices and a lot to do with the lack of interest in computer science among women. You just have to look threw a stack of CVs when people apply for jobs at your company for it to be obvious: when there are so few CVs from women in the pile, statistically you're not going to hire as many of them.

  • by dltaylor ( 7510 ) on Friday October 03, 2014 @06:45PM (#48059519)

    I see these silly ads on TV, but I think that anyone smart enough to be a really good engineer/programmer, can also see that it's a dead-end job. The corprate execs are going to hire CHEAP, period, whether in the USA, imports, or offshore.

    Take your math skills and get into finance.

  • ... then nothing comes out the back.

    When I went back to school in 2003, the CS department had a grand total of zero (0) US women in the graduate program. There may have been one woman in the undergrad program. This despite the following: the department head was a woman; almost 1/2 of the instructors were women; about 1/4 of the foreign students were women; and the _founder_ of the department in the 1970s was a woman. There weren't that many US men either - probably 3/4 of the grad program were foreign s

  • At my workplace - financial services firm in East Coast - I can see about 30% of IT workforce being women - coders, testers, managers and so on.
    All are from India except for one from China.
  • "We can't go much above 18% in our coders [Facebook has 7,185 total employees] if there's only 18% coming into the workplace." Umm your total workforce is not the same size as the amount of students coming in to the workplace. Of course your gender ratio could change with those students available and looking for work.
  • If companies want a diverse workforce then the people who are not well represented would command a higher salary, for the same skills, since companies in essence would be bidding for a scarce resource. While the pay gap is large, small or non-exsistant, depending on the study you use; the existence of a gap or parity indicates companies do not value diverse workforces enough to pay for them. However they want to appear to do so and thus need to find a reason why it's not their fault; the educational pipelin
  • About 25% of AP computer science test takers are women, which is about representative of tech companies.

  • Having children is a lifestyle choice. If one isn't OK with the compromises that choice brings, one should make a different choice. From what I hear, having a kid or two is pretty rewarding in it's own right. Despite what people say, it's unlikely a person can really have it all without taking something from someone else.
  • The American educational system is a capitalist educational system , not a meritocratic educational system.

    'Nuff said (or else it should be, if not eveyone qualifies as an Ameritard today!)......

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
