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Microsoft, Facebook Declare European Kids Clueless About Coding, Too 213

theodp writes: Having declared U.S. kids clueless about coding, Facebook and Microsoft are now turning their attention to Europe's young 'uns. "As stewards of Europe's future generations," begins the Open Letter to the European Union Ministers for Education signed by Facebook and Microsoft, "you will be all too aware that as early as the age of 7, children reach a critical juncture, when they are learning the core life skills of reading, writing and basic maths. However, to flourish in tomorrow's digital economy and society, they should also be learning to code. And many, sadly, are not." Released at the launch of the European Coding Initiative — aka All You Need is Code! (video) — in conjunction with the EU's Code Week, the letter closes, "As experts in our field, we owe it to Europe's youth to help equip them with the skills they will need to succeed — regardless of where life takes them."
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Microsoft, Facebook Declare European Kids Clueless About Coding, Too

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  • Apparently (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rinikusu ( 28164 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:23AM (#48149409)

    The only competent coders in the world are the ones who will work for $8/hour.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      This is an effort to saturate the market so that'll be the case. Nobody believes everyone needs to know how to code and there's no way any but the most tech savvy 7 year olds are even interested at all. If you stuck me in front of a computer to mimic code someone showed me at 7, I'd have thought "okay, great, when is recess?" No way I'd have been able to grasp a lot of the higher level thinking involved. Now it's a career and a passion, but that particular road didn't even start until I hit my early to

      • Still, one could make the case that many more people need to learn how to program (am I an old geezer already if I hate the term "to code" for this particular activity?) than to become professional programmers, just like many more people historically needed to learn how to write than to become professional writers.
        • Still, one could make the case that many more people need to learn how to program (am I an old geezer already if I hate the term "to code" for this particular activity?) than to become professional programmers, just like many more people historically needed to learn how to write than to become professional writers.

          I don't think that analogy holds up. Everyone needs to know how to write to be able to get through life in the modern world. Why does the barista who made my coffee this morning, or the woman down the hall in the marketing department need to know how to write a computer program? They don't. Heck, I'm a Sys Admin and I don't know how to program! Sure, I understand the basic concepts of what coding is and can write a shell script or a batch file (I'm getting into Powershell too). But I don't consider th

          • by danlip ( 737336 )

            Learning to code is learning logic and critical thinking skills, which everyone needs. And it gives an understanding of computers that you can't get from a class where you just memorize terms like client, server, network, etc. And that barista may one day be sitting on a jury judging a technical case.

            • by s.petry ( 762400 )

              Learning to code is learning logic and critical thinking skills, which everyone needs. And it gives an understanding of computers that you can't get from a class where you just memorize terms like client, server, network, etc. And that barista may one day be sitting on a jury judging a technical case.

              No, it's not and no it does not. Sorry if this hurts your ego, but the truth is not always painless.

              If you had said "Learning to code helps to reinforce some aspects of critical thinking and logic" I would have been able to agree.

              If you had said "Demonstrating that English and programming use similar language, such as array, variables, structures, etc.." I may have agreed with that also.

              Simple programming is generally along the lines of very simple logic, which anyone with basic math could understand witho

            • Learning to code is learning logic and critical thinking skills, which everyone needs. And it gives an understanding of computers that you can't get from a class where you just memorize terms like client, server, network, etc. And that barista may one day be sitting on a jury judging a technical case.

              Yeah, but there are other ways to do that than just intro javascript or html classes. What about an introduction to philosophy and logic, you know, the foundation of Western civilization? Or basic science classes, i.e., the scientific method, how to run an experiment, how to test a hypothesis, etc.

              Those types of classes would be far more valuable and interesting than any coding class

              • Yeah, but there are other ways to do that than just intro javascript or html classes.

                Obviously, there's always HtDP, people around which basically made the argument I presented when they set out to design the curriculum.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            I'm sure that in the middle ages the same thinking was used to justify not teaching peasants how to read. The only book that they needed to read was the Bible and you had your priest that could handle that for you. It was only when reading became common that we learned how dumb it was to let other people read for us.

            Personally I believe that not everyone needs to know how to code, but they do need to be familiar with how code works, and how they interact with it. How many problems occur because people ar

          • Heck, I'm a Sys Admin and I don't know how to program! Sure, I understand the basic concepts of what coding is and can write a shell script or a batch file (I'm getting into Powershell too). But I don't consider that programming.

            If you leave computers to one side for a moment and you think about the word "programming", it is very close in meaning to "scheduling", and batch scripting revolves around scheduling. If you think about the Unix model, a lot of early programming was just a matter of manipulating multiple command-line tools. Now if you look inside a book on C (either A Book on C or any other book on C), you'll find that procedural programming is very, very similar to the Unix command line in a lot of ways, except that inste

      • Re:Apparently (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Intrepid imaginaut ( 1970940 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @11:13AM (#48150015)

        Yup, why not teach them plumbing, cost me a hundred bucks to have a tap fixed the last day. If everyone was a plumber I'm sure I could have gotten it done for ten.

        This is nothing less than for-profit corporations attempting to interfere with the education system for their own financial gain.

      • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
        I'm not sure about 7, but at 8 I was building computers, configuring SCSI cards, and assigning IRQs so my mouse, keyboard, printer, and modem could all work at the same time. It wasn't long after that, I started reading on how CPUs, memory, and HDs worked. While I had no practical experience in programming, I found ASM very interesting and would at least do thought experiments.

        My mom used to tell me stories about how I would get into the tool drawer, and start taking apart electronics around the house, wh
      • Re:Apparently (Score:4, Interesting)

        by 0xdeadbeef ( 28836 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @01:30PM (#48151827) Homepage Journal

        If you stuck me in front of a computer to mimic code someone showed me at 7, I'd have thought "okay, great, when is recess?"

        Wait, computer time wasn't recess?

        I actually think the ubiquity of computers is the reason CS graduation rates have declined since before the dot com bubble. For the millennials, the magic never wears off because computers were never magical to begin with. And kids don't program for fun as much these days because the distance between what they can write and what they see in AAA video games is astronomical.

        When I started programming I thought I was the shit when I made a 3d cube rotate on a TRS-80. Sure, it was simple, but it wasn't like I was used to seeing 3d computer graphics on a home computer. Graphics like that in The Last Starfighter blew my fucking mind.

      • If you stuck me in front of a computer to mimic code someone showed me at 7, I'd have thought "okay, great, when is recess?"

        Really? I got stuck in front of a computer at about that age (it might have been 8 instead) and learned how to use LOGO to draw pictures and Hypercard to make moderately-interactive "stacks," and I thought it was pretty cool.

        I even took programming in high-school and just absolutely hated it. Sitting in front of crappy macs writing boring basic...

        Well there's your problem: you had bor

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      That is absolute fucking horse shit. The best coders I've ever worked with are American. The Indian coders I've met have create HORRIBLE code.

      And I've met and worked with/for/had working for me/had to debug/fix/maintain the code of a horrendous amount of both.

      It's politically correct to say Indians are the best coders.

      And it makes you feel good because they work for cheap.

      But it's horse shit and everyone knows it.

      • That is absolute fucking horse shit. The best coders I've ever worked with are American.

        Sorry, but that's absolute fucking horse shit. The best coders I've ever worked with are Scottish.

        This is probably because I live in Scotland so it's pretty much inevitably true. The same would hold for you. My problem with trusting you as a code dev is that you appear ignorant of statistical effects. The best coders I've worked with understand stats. Sadly most coders don't.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:24AM (#48149421)

    Translation: We need to flood the job market so we can hire cheaper workers. Is anyone actually buying this?

    • by Lunix Nutcase ( 1092239 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:35AM (#48149553)

      Yes. Politicians.

    • In Germany this is called FachkrÃftemangel. It is happening here for decades. However, the income of skilled workers (FachkrÃfte) has gone side ways. Therefore either all IT workers love their boss and hate money or they are idiots. It could NEVER ever be the case that there is no shortage.

      On a side note: Skilled worker is a completely imprecise term.

    • Let's start by saying you've got a good point when it comes to the mercenary nature of the corporations involved.<br><br>Acknowledging that, a lot of people on here seem to be criticizing coding as an activity for kids *because of their own notion of what that means - particularly reams of text, etc*.<br><br>Coding is simply a way of instructing a machine to do something (at its root). If you have the right graphical ways of doing this and the things the machine can do (for instance
      • This new commenting thing is a mess. My preview looks fine with paragraph spacing even after I preview it, but when I post it, it jams everything together.<br><br>What sort of a preview is it that doesn't display what will show up when the submission is done? That's ridiculous.<br><br>Is there a setting I need to fix? Or is this just slashdot's Beta sucking?
  • Fucking liars (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Of course they are saying that. According to these huge multinationals, the only ones who are not clueless are always conveniently the ones from countries who will accept dirt cheap wages. Funny how that works out.

  • early age influences (Score:5, Interesting)

    by BringsApples ( 3418089 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:24AM (#48149429)
    Maybe we should explain how social structure works, and how human desires come into play when mixed with it - rather than teach them how to operate machines.

    ...oh yeah, the adults have to learn that first...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:25AM (#48149435)

    As a former European kid, can I declare Microsoft clueless about coding too?

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      As a former European kid, can I declare Microsoft clueless about coding too?


      * User-interface design
      * Upgrade migration management
      * Customer relations
      * Standards compliance
      * Packaging design []
      * Stage dancing
      * Chair care

      There is more to running a software company than finding inexpensive docile labor.

  • They forgot (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    These 7 yr olds need to learn to EAT THEIR BROCCOLI!

    Oops, forgot... parents around the world have already been doing that forever.

  • by krotscheck ( 132706 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:34AM (#48149545) Homepage

    You can't exactly nurture a consumer based economy to support your profits, then complain that it's not producing enough builders.

    • by Lunix Nutcase ( 1092239 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:36AM (#48149573)

      Yeah, but paying your employees anything beyond poverty wages is SOCIALISM!!!!!

      Or, you know, it's simply smart business as Henry Ford found out. He made his money back and then some by paying his workers wages higher than he had any necessity to do.

  • Why 7 ? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by gsslay ( 807818 )

    When I was 7, computers were something with lights you saw on Star Trek. I didn't start coding until I was in my teens. And this was when coding was hard work. Not like the spoon-fed coding environments you get now.

    Yet I manage.

  • Total bullshit ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CaptainDork ( 3678879 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:36AM (#48149569)

    Dear Europe and America ...

    From the Christian Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff.

    From the Muslim Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff.

    From the Fossil Fuel Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff.

    From the Science Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff.

    From the Welding Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff. ...

    • by Quirkz ( 1206400 )

      Yes, but this is programming:

      foreach $alliance_list[] as $interest {
        echo "From the $interest Alliance for World Dominance: Your young ones need to learn our stuff.";

  • Fundamentals (Score:5, Insightful)

    by clifwlkr ( 614327 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:37AM (#48149583)
    Whatever happened to teaching the kids the fundamentals of math and logic, never mind reading comprehension? Guess what? All of that is far more important to learning to code than the actual code itself. I find it ironic to imply that the kids are lost if they don't start to learn actual code that young. When I started programming, computers weren't even really available to anyone. I had good knowledge of math and logic, and was able to figure it out on my own over 35 years ago, and keep up with 'all of the latest trends' and have quite a successful career.
    What I learned that help me do this, was how to learn. Start teaching that, and you will find they are prepared for whatever comes down the line in the future. Stop making automatons.....
    • Re:Fundamentals (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Lilith's Heart-shape ( 1224784 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @11:27AM (#48150185) Homepage
      If people grew up literate, numerate, and capable of logic then our existing society would have no hope of survival. There'd be riots in the streets, and legions of politicians and corporate executives impaled on rebar as if Vlad Tepes had risen from Hell to claim revenge upon the world.
    • Those fundamentals are important, sure, and the ability to code in itself may not be that important later in life (unless you want to work with code for a living). But coding teaches and trains some important skills: troubleshooting, problem solving, analytical thinking. Those are very useful skills in jobs that require any amount of thought, and I can't think of many other activities that train these as well as coding does. One question: can we teach a meaningful percentage of all kids to code at a leve
    • What I learned that help me do this, was how to learn. Start teaching that, and you will find they are prepared for whatever comes down the line in the future. Stop making automatons.....

      But then they might go learn what they want to learn, and not what big business needs them to learn. Can't have that!

  • I can definitely appreciate the value of some skills that fall under 'coding', some logic, thinking about breaking down problems in a rigorous way, gaining the ability to make a computer do boring stuff programmatically rather than one-by-one by hand.

    However, my understanding(both in personal experience and from what I've read on the subject) is that actually-good, especially actually-really-scary-good, programmers have to be born and then polished, and that just throwing more practice at the unsuited do
  • Why is it that when I hear of children coding, all I can think of is 'The Carver' from the show Silicon Valley? They'll work for adderall and mountain dew! (which I am sure most corporations would love).

    As to the premise of the article, I call BS that you need to start coding by age 7 or you'll be behind. Trying to teach most 7 year olds something as abstract as coding won't get you very far. You are better off trying to teach them logic games instead. And honestly, I didn't actually like coding until m
  • by CQDX ( 2720013 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:48AM (#48149703)

    My company has been trying to hire the 12 year old and younger set because they are cheap but out of all the ones we've interviewed they can't pass the technical phase of the interview process.

    Out of desperation we've been forced to hire CS and EE college grads that learned how to code as undergrads. They're ok. They typically know C, Java, Python, and such but we have still not found a candidate that has 2+ years experience writing device drivers in Scratch.

  • Learn coding, do work for some huge corporation, slave away, and not actually own anything you produce for the company... very glamorous...

  • In the late 70's and early 80's in the US, you could go into a big box store and buy a computer with BASIC for under $200. Heck, the Sinclair boxes were under a $100. Which computer fits that description today?
    • The big box stores have been replaced by the Internet, so.... Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.

      • by mccoma ( 64578 )
        None of those are prime-time ready for parent who don't know anything about computers. Last time I checked, Best Buy, Walmart, and Target are still around.
    • In the late 70's and early 80's in the US, you could go into a big box store and buy a computer with BASIC for under $200. Heck, the Sinclair boxes were under a $100. Which computer fits that description today?

      Raspberry Pi. You can get it, plus necessary cables, mouse, keyboard and SDCard for under $100. All you need to bring to the table is a TV.

      • by mccoma ( 64578 )
        Go to the Raspberry Pi website and try to figure out from the point of view of a nontechnical parent how to buy your kid a complete computer they can program. That project is not ready for the retail crowd.
        • So look on Amazon for a Raspberry Pi kit, with case, (micro)SD card, and a few other various & sundries. Once it's arrived in the mail, put it together, sit down with the kids, and figure out how to shoehorn an OS onto the thing. I can't imagine setting up and effectively using a ZX Spectrum would be easier than a Raspberry Pi or Banana Pi.
          • by mccoma ( 64578 )
            ZX Spectrum and its ilk were buy box in store, come home and hook to TV. The Raspberry Pi is not that simple and even amazon lists a bunch of pictures of parts with each entry. That is a pretty big "too hard" for a nontechnical parent.
            • OK, fine; I'll concede that point. But let's remember the inflation that's occurred since the time around my birth: $200 in 1980 would be just over $600 now. Even if we knock 20% off the effective buying power of that money, $500 in 2014 will buy a computer that's 100% ready to connect to a television and run an overwhelming majority of applications, including Visual Studio Express.
              • by mccoma ( 64578 )
                I don't buy that inflation argument at all since cellphones (and a lot of consumer items) still go for the $99 and $199 price points. Computers were always touted as getting cheaper every year, yet (because of the economics of Intel and Microsoft) we have lost the under $200 segment. $500 is still not an impulse buy.
                • I'm not wasting any more time chasing your moving goal posts. I could point out that you can pretty easily find cheap, working computers on Craigslist, and frequently for well under $100, but then you'd quail that those aren't new. You've clearly made an ideological commitment to this position. Who would I be to unmoor you?
    • In the late 70's and early 80's in the US, you could go into a big box store and buy a computer with BASIC for under $200. Heck, the Sinclair boxes were under a $100. Which computer fits that description today?

      Just about any of them. For 200 1980 dollars in equivalent money, you could get a Mac mini and start programming whatever flavor of C they're working on or HTML or Javascript. There are free BASIC emulators that can be had as well as probably a dozen more. Pick up an even cheaper Dell and probably do the same thing. Those computers will be lightyears ahead of the crap that was back then as the users will at least be able to save their work without doubling the cost of their set up. If you wanted to go chea

  • And I'll bet the less they earn the better they are...

  • by bickerdyke ( 670000 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @10:58AM (#48149835)

    The same kind of protagonists are performing the same schtick in the US and in Europe.

    STEM is called MINT, skill gap is Fachkräftemangel, and H1B is called "blue card" (yes. someone mixed up work permit and permanent residency when looking for a catchy name)

    Arguments are the same, debate is the same.

    And it becomes slightly absurd when immigration officers at a US border somehow expect every other country but the US to be a 3rd world hole people would be happy to trade in for a McJob in the US of A. They can't even imagine that someone likes their job and their home country and actually WANTS to go home after their visit.

  • Judging by lots of their products and close encounters with their "consultants", I think it is fair to call Micro$oft pretty damn clueless (shoeless)!

    • by kesuki ( 321456 )

      the push for younger coders is to create a user base for microsoft and facebook. microsoft is still thinking everyone can be converted to their crappy software base by letting kids learn how to code for it. when i was coding ircbots i was totally hooked on using windows, because for most of my life gaming i had played on windows computers and nintendo consoles...

      i had some pretty cool projects like an ASCII video player (think ASCII art, replaying static frames manually typed out for playback on mirc) it ac

  • People who didn't learn to code by the time they were 7 have never been able to program as adults. It sure is lucky a supply of people taught to code by ancient alien astronauts was supplied to us so we could bootstrap the procedure, because no one in the history of our species has learned new skills past age 7.

  • Kids really don't need to learn to "code". Only trained monkeys working for few bucks/hour "code". Of course, Facebooks and Microsofts need such people too, but that really isn't what we should be teaching to kids.

    Have them learn mathematics, abstract and analytical thinking, let them do actual science, experiments, let them tinker (and fail!), expose them to the computers and computer science too. That is much more important.

    Whether the little Johnny or Susan can write a program for adding up a few number

  • Learning to "code" is about as difficult as learning to drive, but in a different way.

    Hence it can be learned pretty much at the convenience of the individual in question in a few months, even starting from scratch.

    There is no reason to teach "coding" to 7 year-olds. They are too young to fill any vacancies that may exist and by the time they have got to an employable age, obtained a degree (as few employers will touch an IT person without one) the "coding" skills they learned 15 years ago will be almost

    • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
      Learning to code is more like building rockets. Anyone can play around with pre-build bottle rockets and most people could put together a small rocket kits, but few people can fully appreciate and understand putting together a rocket to launch something into orbit with no instruction guide.

      People who are actually good at programming probably already are programming. They find it fun. If they're trying to get more kids into programming, they're probably just getting people who are not entirely interested.
  • Look, I try to explain my though on this and everytime I do, my karma gets blasted. Please try to understand I'm not against anyone here or the principals that you stand for - I'm only stating my opinion. I don't teach my kids to code because I want them to focus on a field that has a future that could lead them to have a lucrative career, be successful, financially secure and someday marry a lovely wife and give me some great grandchildren. Coding is not that path. There are several factors that contri
  • No MBA ever complained about a lack of MBAs in the market. I really wonder why.

    • Well there sure seems to be a large number of them graduating now. And every one of them believes that they are gods gift to management. Add in the ones who have a 4 year management degree and I think we have several generations worth of supply on hand currently.
  • I don't think everyone should have to learn to code. I don't think everyone should learn chemistry either, but schools still do a reasonable job of teaching basic chemistry for kids who choose to pursue it.

    The real issue is where I live when it comes to kids taking the option to learn to code is the awful "ICT" curriculum. The problems, in a nutshell are:
    1. No environment for the kids to actually learn.
    2. The curriculum is mainly nothing to do with ICT, it's really "office skills", in other words how to use

  • But isn't this a bit like someone in the 1960's or 70's saying "our children need to learn electrical engineering"?! After all digital watches, transistor radios, and these newfangled micro-computers will be the basis of our new economy, right! We must teach children to program logic gates now! And that was during the height of the Cold War, when we actually funded STEM programs.

    Yet in reality the kids that truly did have a "future", meaning made lots of money, were the ones who studied finance, law or me
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @12:38PM (#48151167)

    I dare say that we don't lack programmers. But considering the wages of C-Level execs, there must be an incredible shortage of them.

    In a nutshell, we need A DAMN LOT more C-Level managers. Push kids into MBA courses. A few decades of graduates might finally get that salary level back to something more in touch with their actual worth.

    Huh? What do you mean, that's not what you meant? Care to elaborate?

    • by silfen ( 3720385 )

      I dare say that we don't lack programmers. But considering the wages of C-Level execs, there must be an incredible shortage of them.

      So, you are using the fact that C-level executive salaries don't work the way you expect supply and demand to work in the labor market as evidence that we don't lack programmers?

      Your expectations are wrong. Salaries aren't set just by supply and demand, for numerous reasons.

      And, FWIW, compensation at Microsoft and Facebook is far above the median for US workers anyway.

      • Oh? So please enlighten us, which un-capitalistic mechanism sets the price of labour?

        • by silfen ( 3720385 )

          Oh? So please enlighten us, which un-capitalistic mechanism sets the price of labour?

          Markets set the price of labor. You simply don't understand how markets work. Decreasing the supply of something doesn't necessarily increase its price, it may simply cause people to substitute.

  • Silicon Valley companies disproportionately hire Asians, in particular Asian immigrants, while hiring disproportionately fewer whites, blacks, and Hispanics.

    So, they are consistent: they believe that US and European countries aren't producing enough good coders and hire accordingly.

  • Maybe I'm showing my age, but why do I keep hearing a lot of talk about "coding" and hardly anything about computer science? Does the world really need more people that can program a computer, but who are clueless about topics like data structures, algorithmic complexity, grammars, etc?
  • by Livius ( 318358 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2014 @04:43PM (#48153855)

    structural engineering, gastrointestinal surgery, quantum mechanics, income tax law, synthesizing pharmaceuticals, etc...

    Some are calling the phenomenon "being kids".

    So much for reintroducing child labour.

  • British IT education is a joke. An absolute lack of specialist teachers and courses that you'd expect them to be teaching to OAPs at the library being taught to school leavers is the norm. We "learnt" Word, Excel, Powerpoint and, if "lucky", Access. Products that we all (except the teachers) could already use because we were using them for every other subject that we studied. In year 7 (the first year of UK secondary education) we only had IT one in every three weeks and we didn't have it at all in years 8

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
