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Open Source

Subsurface 4.3 Released 38

jones_supa writes "The Subsurface development team proudly announces release 4.3 of the open source divelog and dive planning program, available for all major desktop operating systems. This is the software originally founded by Linus Torvalds, and the development seems to be continuing in great pace. Subsurface now supports flexible filtering of the dive list based on criteria like tags, people or gear. Dive characteristics can now also be copied and pasted to other dives. The dive profile now offers an easy to understand tissue saturation graph that shows tissue saturation at any point during the dive. As another new feature in the dive profile, one can turn on an improved visualization of the gas combinations used during a dive. The dive computer and file format support have also gotten large improvements."
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Subsurface 4.3 Released

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  • Though I prefer Diving Log [divinglog.de], which has a client for phone and desktop. I use the phone in surface intervals to chuck in notes about the dive, and put heavier typing and such in on the desktop, when I synchronise the phone across.. Works nicely for me.
  • by OzPeter ( 195038 ) on Wednesday December 24, 2014 @05:32PM (#48669737)

    So some program with a limited audience has a new release, and not only does this make the front page, TFS doesn't even link to the software itself, but to some lame blog talking about the software.

    FWIW Subsurface [subsurface-divelog.org]

    • Slashdot is large enough for everyone. You don't have to be interested in every story.

      • Yea, but this story is so lame I think even degrades the site. What's next? A new recipe program is released and partially funded by Martha Stewart so it's news?

    • The "Lame" blog, mine blog, is one of the main authors of the app ( me ).
      • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

        The "Lame" blog, mine blog, is one of the main authors of the app ( me ).

        And respectfully it is lame. I cannot see any link at all to your software on your blog, and the posted images were deliberately cut in half so they lost a lot of context. In order to find out actual details of the software I had to google the name in order to find the actual website. That is a big fail in my book.

        The lack of links, carved up pics and "generalness" of the blog make it and the /. story look like pure click-bait.

  • by Jeeeb ( 1141117 ) on Wednesday December 24, 2014 @07:02PM (#48670275)

    One interesting piece of history about this project is that they switched from using C/GTK to using C++/QT recently and apparently with very good results. Especially interesting given the way Linus' past comments on C++ have been so widely replayed.

    here's a link to the talk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=... [youtube.com]

  • ... there is a fancy new project planning paradigm that the suits want to flog. "Move over Agile, just Dive right in!" But no! These are people who are really diving into the sea. They mean scuba gear and skin suits and the like. And they are doing it so often apparently that they need a software to keep track of it all. Wow!

It's been a business doing pleasure with you.
