School Defied Google and US Government, Let Boys Program White House Xmas Trees 355
theodp writes This holiday season, Google and the National Parks partnered to let girls program the White House Christmas tree lights. While the initiative earned kudos in Fast Company's 9 Giant Leaps For Women In Science and Technology In 2014, it also prompted an act of civil disobedience of sorts from St. Augustine of Canterbury School, which decided Google and the U.S. government wouldn't determine which of their kids would be allowed to participate in the coding event. "We decided to open it up to all our students, both boys and girls so that they could be a part of such an historic event, and have it be the kickoff to our Hour of Code week," explained Debra Knox, a technology teacher at St. Augustine.
Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
they really should be reversing most of those programs. Girls are utterly dominating every aspect of education, including almost all STEM fields, to the point of being nearly 2/3rds of college graduates. At this point they're not "helping" girls, they're blatantly doing nothing more than sabotaging boys even further.
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Um... what?!? Having worked in the S, E, and M of the STEM fields, at multiple universities, in multiple countries... you are full of it.
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Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
uh, yeah, i've had extensive elite education in STEM, in the US. it's mostly a sausage fest. statistics will back this up and, no, they're not fabricated by teh feminist conspiracy.
i have to conclude that anyone who's bitterly complaining about women having taken over STEM is just a delusional loser who probably just couldn't hack it.
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
Just because one gender tends to populate a field doesn't mean something is actually broken or needs fixing. A gender agnostic field should be built around what works best to advance that field not attempts to appeal to or advance a gender.
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Informative)
This is true, in general and abstractly.
But in this case, the predominance of one gender in all STEM fields does indeed demonstrate that something is actually broken and needs fixing.
Nature, science, and common sense show that while consensus provides great short-term efficiency, diversity is universally superior to monoculture in the long term. This is as true in the marketplace of ideas and the STEM fields as it is in the jungle or on the farm.
There does indeed exist a systemic cultural bias pushing women out of technical fields. It exists as a thousand little things, none of which is individually morally incorrect, none of which ought be banned, all of which can be rationalized, all of which ought be examined thoughtfully. Correcting this bias requires not zeroing the bias -- highly unlikely and in fact not at all effective -- but a proactive encouragement toward diversity. To see this demonstrated mathematically, see: http://ncase.me/polygons/ [ncase.me]
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, and the fact that most teachers are women demonstrates that indeed something is actually broken and needs fixing.
Also, most nurses are female, such a monoculture cannot be healthy. And most garbagemen are men, and surprisingly nobody tries to change that name into garbagehumans.
The problem is, how do we measure what the actual problem is? What is the non-broken ratio of the sexes? And how do You know that it is 50-50? If it wasn't 50-50, how would we know? If less women apply, how can we know the reasons for it -- is it the sex bias of the employers, or is it a free choice of the individual?
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garbage humans -> waste collectors
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Insightful)
No they're not. Sanitation engineers are civil engineers who design waste collection systems (e.g. water treatment plants).
Saying the guy on the truck is a sanitation engineer is like saying the dumbass at Jiffy Lube is an automotive engineer.
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:3)
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Interesting)
I've seen zero indication it's for any reason beyond a lack of interest on the part of females
That's certainly true by the time that you get to university level, but the important question is why? One of my hats is to be responsible for computer science admissions at an all-women Cambridge college. From what we see from international applicants, it's pretty clear that there are cultural factors putting off women in the UK and US from the subject. We're losing out on some of the top talent because something is putting them off even considering the subject by the time they're 14-16 years old (applications are at 17, but A-level selection is at 15-16 and that's strongly influenced by GCSE choices at 13-14).
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It really depends on which branch of STEM. Biology and chemistry are more balanced, but if you study Computer Science, good luck finding girls in your own department. I think works need to be done to make certain branches of STEM subjects to look cool.
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
uh, yeah, i've had extensive elite education in STEM, in the US. it's mostly a sausage fest. statistics will back this up and, no, they're not fabricated by teh feminist conspiracy.
I agree, but that sure as hell doesn't give them the right to be sexist, and disallow certain people from participating based solely on their gender. The Civil Rights Act, which has been law for 50 years, specifically disallows it. Just because it's in favor of a minority doesn't change it. And they weren't just favoring girls in cases where otherwise the merit was equal (affirmative action), they were specifically disallowing boys.
How would people feel if the sentence had instead read: "This holiday season, Google and the National Parks partnered to let boys program the White House Christmas tree lights," and instead they banned girls from participating? How is one direction of sexism moral, ethical, and legal, if the other isn't?
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Insightful)
Here's a shocker: Women are not a minority (in the US)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L... [wikipedia.org]
So this is actually repressing a minority (males).
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Regardless of whether or not boys were outright banned, it was made clear boys were not welcome, and this was an activity for girls.
If you advertised for a job and included the line "whites preferred," that wouldn't be racist at all, right? Because I mean, you'd take a minority, but you'd just much prefer whites.
It's still bullshit. Just have a program for children to program the Christmas tree, and don't let gender be any part of it. That said, I still think the entire premise of these "get kids to code" e
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Interesting)
uh, yeah, i've had extensive elite education in STEM, in the US. it's mostly a sausage fest. statistics will back this up and, no, they're not fabricated by teh feminist conspiracy.
i have to conclude that anyone who's bitterly complaining about women having taken over STEM is just a delusional loser who probably just couldn't hack it.
The Veterinary field might be a better example of female dominance. And amazingly enough, that dominance is blamed on men being sexist discriminating pigs.
http://www.justvetdata.com/mee... [justvetdata.com]
http://veterinarybusiness.dvm3... [dvm360.com]
But wait, if 80 percent of veterinarians are women, is it the men (who are claimed to be "running away from female dominated fields" somehow responsible for the lower pay and greater debt of the 80 percent? Jesus Christ, if 8 out of ten people in a room are female, at some point you might try not blaming the 2 guys for every problem. Better stop at 99 percent so you'll have at least one guy left to blame.
Something doesn't quite compute. One might be able to make an alternative speculation that a lot of women simply do not like men.
Discrimination *is* discrimnation (Score:5, Insightful)
Whether you like it or not, discrimination against boys is discrimination
By trying to exclude the boys from the team, Google and the Democrats are telling the world that it is okay to discriminate against the boys
Re:Discrimination *is* discrimnation (Score:5, Informative)
By trying to exclude the boys from the team, Google and the Democrats are telling the world that it is okay to discriminate against the boys
Discrimination is nothing new for the Democrats. When its not about color or sex, its about class. Always defining a divide. Always pitting groups against each other.
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Insightful)
Sexism exists, and is very rampant in society. However, its plainly obvious that the sexism isn't government imposed, its not made by tech geeks, or programs, or education, or business institutions.
You also have to be kidding me if you think it was a few computer geeks, engineers, or nerds of any era who decided, or at in any way formed mainstream society's gender rules. Before any of the social darwinist apologists come back here with some shitty science, throwing out terms they barely understand, not understanding how they don't apply, because its convienant for their political position, lets discus gender roles in larger society.
Gender roles come from two places in modern America: One, Churches and other bastation of traditionalism; Two, MTV, advertising, and materialist pop culture. These determine what people think they should be doing. Niether of them promotes women in technology, and its mostly people adherent to the standards set forth from either that self-re-enforce those standards.
Now this is where I tell you don't look at me. I'm an outcast, a nerd, a hacker, I have no say in the matter, regardless of being gifted with computers, both groups look at me as a freak and an outcast. I didn't make that society. Anything I do to change it will be met with open hostility because I am viewed as a freak, and very low on the totem pole of both. So this is I what I want my fellow techies to do. Simply repeat this, fold your arms, say we simply live in the society you made for us, that we have no say in, and let the mainstream sort their own fucking problems out, and welcome whatever girls want to try tech out with open arms. Also, don't namefag me. If you agree with me, make the idea yours and repeat it in your words, great ideas are meant to be shared.
I see a lot of us taking sides in the traditionalist vs materialist debate, and its a place where we have no place. The mainstream is looking for someone to blame, and I say we simply fold our arms and reply "its not our fault society isn't the way you want it to be".
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Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Insightful)
Gender roles come from two places in modern America: One, Churches and other bastation of traditionalism;
Im no expert on any of this, but I have read a little history on the period and I seemed to recall this being generally false. Lo and behold wikipedia agrees:
The formal education of girls and women began in the middle of the 19th century and was intimately tied to the conception that society had of the appropriate role for women to assume in life....Many early women's colleges began as female seminaries and were responsible for producing an important corps of educators
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W... [wikipedia.org]
In fact, apparently the first women's college in the US was Salem College, a protestant institution established in 1772 by a denomination that was notable for believing in equal gender roles at a time that society did not reflect this.
The revisionism as regards christianity and its relationships with education and women is astounding to me. You'll get things like this page [rejectiono...swager.net], which allege that the loss of property rights in Rome was due to Christian policy in 306 AD-- despite the fact that Diocletian had just gotten done persecuting the church (as in seizing property and burning churches), and that Constantine would not become (supposedly) Christian for another decade or so. People will talk about the educational backwardism of Christianity, and ignore the role that religious orders played in the creation of universities in europe in the middle ages. Like you, people talk of how Christianity has tried to stifle women's education and utterly ignore its role in the creation of institutions dedicated to their education in a time when society had no desire to do so.
The mainstream is looking for someone to blame,
And so are you.
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
Nerd culture isn't remotely plagued by sexism, it's one of the least sexist cultures out there. That's nothing more than the latest straw man in a long line of straw man invented by bullies to justify shitting all over nerds as the root of all evil. A hundred years ago pinball made people alcoholics and gamblers, thirty years ago D&D made people worship satan and molest children, ten years ago videogames made people violent, and today it's the misogyny-apocalypse on the internet.
Meanwhile actual female nerds [linuxjournal.com] say the opposite, and are promptly called "house ni**ers" and doxed by the latest round of hipsters who've found a new target for their bullying and mendacious handwringing.
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And in one post you demonstrate exactly the problem. Even when we're talking about men getting utterly fucked AND blamed for it at the same time women are the real victims.
Here's a thought experiment: Disprove an accusation of "objectification". You can't, because it's no different than "you're a witch" or "you're a communist".
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The nerds don't have the stomache for an us against the world struggle li
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"Willing to do what it takes" = folding our arms and abdicating responsibility?
Like, I'm literally a socialist with anarchist tendencies - I get that problems are structural and pervasive and that we need to overhaul some shit. I guess our difference is that you figure us nerds as a whole won't fight against culture, even though our differences from the mainstream are a common source of pride. And you know, maybe you're right, but that doesn't mean we can't improve it in small ways.
I figure that the nerds t
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We've tried the patriarchy and it's not really working all that well, quite poorly in fact. Perhaps trying out a matriarchy wouldn't be all that bad. The Mosuo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org] seems quite interesting and likely would be far more socially balanced.
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I love how people referring to "successful" matriarchies always wind up pointing to primitive cultures.
Which cultures develop technologically is only occasionally a result of specific leadership and is typically more a result of resources.
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Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for Mosuoculture in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings. Log in or create an account to start the Mosuoculture article, alternatively use the Article Wizard, or add a request for it. Search for "Mosuoculture" in existing articles. Look for pages within Wikipedia that link to this title.
pseudo-intellectual bullshit. The main problem with patriarchy isn't patriarchy, its capitalism. Patriarchy never existed in a vacuum, but as a mere tool as part of larger systems. But it seems with liberalism, hate filled pseudo-science seems to trumph any real critique of the system. As expected..
Looks like wikipedia deleted your page because it doesn't mean standards. wonder why. Now off to the dustbin of history along with social darwinism, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, and the rest your politically m
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The only example of matriarchy[1] in the world resulted in a backwards, primitive, iron-age society which has never produced anything of value for the rest of mankind (or animal-kind, if you will). I don't think that that was what you wanted to show.
[1] The Mosuo aren't fully matriarchical either, to be honest.
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Also, that men are rightfully terrified of being alone with small children. All it takes is one mom with a chip on her shoulder to say "molester" and there goes life, freedom, family, career...
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If you want to fix the imbalance in STEM, fix this one first. There was a study a few years ago that showed that female primary school teachers who were insecure about maths were the biggest reason that girls were put off mathematical subjects. Girls, on average, develop empathy at a younger age and if they have a maths teacher who is not confident, then they pick up on it. If it's a male teacher, it doesn't have any effect. If it's a female teacher, then they learn that maths is hard for girls. Boys a
Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:2)
Yes, the vast majority of public school teachers earn above-average pay. In NJ, the school district I just moved out of paid starting, first-year (no experience) teachers with a BA over $50K/year with full benefits. The average HOUSEHOLD income in New Jersey is around $60K/year. Teachers cry poverty because in many communities some students parents make more than the teachers do, and that makes them feel unap
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Teachers also have a much higher education level than the average worker. Teachers make below average wages compared to workers with the same level of education.
For one example: this thread. For less outrage and more attempted solutions, I refer you to this post. [slashdot.org]
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:4, Insightful)
this is the primary objective of feminism.
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I used to be a social justice warrior, but then I took an arrow to muh soggy knee...
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Interesting)
I only have my own personal anecdote, but I was the top boy in my highschool class by far. That didn't even get me into the top 10% of my class, though, since the top 10% were all girls. I think the only other boy in the honor society was a boy from the next year's class but I can't remember. (I know who the next highest boy in the school's ranking was but I don't remember whether or not he hit the cutoff for honor society.)
This was during the 90s in a public high school, so it wasn't like the population was simply unbalanced. This is hardly a new problem. Our education system simply doesn't engage with boys and hasn't for years at this point.
If you want links, though, it isn't hard to find them:
Itâ(TM)s Time to Worry: Boys Are Rapidly Falling Behind Girls in School [takepart.com]
How to Make School Better for Boys [theatlantic.com]: Start by acknowledging that boys are languishing while girls are succeeding.
Education: Boys Falling Behind Girls in Many Areas [newsweek.com] (Paywalled, so I have no idea what it says)
Those were just the top results on Google.
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This is hardly a new problem. Our education system simply doesn't engage with boys and hasn't for years at this point.
The thing is, I don't think the US school system was more engaging in the past. Sure, there were more vocational programs back then, but as mentioned in your links, vocational programs were traditionally offered to lower performing students who weren't headed for college. If anything school was much less engaging: more drills and fewer games, boring textbooks that were full of text instead of pictures, computer aided learning was learning to program, etc.
How about this: it's not that schools are less engagi
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Informative)
No, it's definitely teachers actively screwing boys. [uga.edu] They're literally being graded worse just for being boys.
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This is a fascinating study because it shows that soft skills are rewarded better than hard skills in elementary school. This is almost unavoidable as teachers, themselves products of social science programs, have a strong bias toward process as opposed to results.
Unfortunately, this leads to students that are ill-equipped to face the highly competitive western business culture. Already we can see the damage: an increasing number of people who can't cope with reality without the help of big pharma (SSRI, be
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Insightful)
Women are within 5% of parity in Math, Statistics, and the Physical Sciences three years ago. They're nearly SIXTY PERCENT of all biology graduates and at least that many if not a full 2/3rds or more of fucking EVERYTHING else. [ed.gov]
The only one changing the subject here is you and the other shameless FUD spreaders trying to wave a red herring like CompSci that's only 10% of conferred degrees. You're a bunch of mendacious dissemblers screaming "pay no attention to literally every measure of academic success and every other degree out there, look only at our dishonest cherry picked outliers!".
It is an indisputable fact that women absolutely DOMINATE every aspect of the US education system from start to finish and top to bottom. There is no disparity anywhere in the education system which FAVORS men, only disparities ranging from profound to catastrophic which harm them, and it's disgusting that this is still not enough for people like you. It's not fucking derailing to point this out on a news story specifically about boys being openly thrown to the wolves.
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5)
I agree that it is a problem that males are under-represented in many subject areas, but that doesn't mean that the under-representation of women in CS isn't a problem as well.
No, thats exactly what it means in spite of your claim that it isn't. The onus is on you to show that a problem actually exists, much like the onus was on those that claimed that females are favored to provide citations (which they did.)
This is how it works. Really. I guess the education system screwed you out of knowing that.
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http://www.forbes.com/sites/wo... [forbes.com]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W... [wikipedia.org]
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FTFY: http://www.randalolson.com/201... [randalolson.com]
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Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Funny)
Boys are loosing in education a lot.
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Boys are loosing in education a lot.
So... you're a boy, I presume?
Re:Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score:5, Interesting)
Dont forget the elephant in the corner, which is is OH so fashionable to ignore.
Who is teaching our children?
Really, especially in younger education, go and look at the male/female TEACHER ratio.
Any women claim they are unfairly treated in education? BS. They ARE education now, if they are unfairly treated it is by themselves.
It is boys that are getting hammered, by a even increasing demand of a feminised education system for them to conform to feminine standards.
Want equality? Show me the push for more men in teaching!
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Climate means men won't teach (Score:3, Insightful)
Simple, every male teacher is a punching bag with a huge target on them. You smiled at the girl when she turned in her paper, you are a pedophile man! Girl hugs the male teacher, he goes to jail. Female teacher fucks a student, claims "alcohol was the problem" and walks away. Wholly fuck, you would not be able to pay me enough to teach with the current climate. No, I quit mentoring too for similar reasons! The only way a guy can be safe in a school is to have a woman with him 100% of the time, and he'
Re:Climate means men won't teach (Score:5, Interesting)
The "climate", as you use the term, is a big problem, and it worried me when my kids started school. We chose to send them to a private primary school (neo-humanist), and get involved. I've been a classroom helper with specialised tutoring in IT and making/editing videos, helping out in the cafeteria, etc for 11 years now, and my youngest child has just finished there.
I took a big cut in annual income to be able to work the sort of hours that allowed my participation, but it's brought the benefits. My kids are fit & healthy - the cafeteria doesn't carry junk food, period - it's all freshly made, and although lunches from home are encouraged, they have to meet certain standards - no packs of crisps, no "muesli bars", no packaged sweets, no cup noodles, etc. The kids are allowed bare feet, allowed to climb trees, and swim in the creek at the school. The local public high school teachers that these kids end up with have consistently praised the amount self-reliance and maturity of kids from this school.
I'm also well-known to the teachers, staff & other parents (especially the others that are into participation), and that's a valuable reputation. I've never had problems with parents leaving their children here for sleepovers, and vice versa - I trust my children's friends' parents. The seventh-grade teacher (female) once left me alone in charge of the whole class for an hour while she went home to collect some materials she'd forgotten.
Get involved, people - even it you have to take a pay cut to do it. Change the climate, and start with yourself.
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http://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen... [reddit.com]
Define push, and further define the evidence you are willing to accept. It is out there. I don't argue that women are by and large the teachers. The unfairly treated comment is a straw man.
The question is about comp sci, and whether it is controlled by a gender. Not, as far as I can see, about education in general.
I have shown you, as you could equally discover, a push for more men in teaching. It is ineffective. How are boys demanded to conform to a feminised system?
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Vaginal physics?
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Care to list girls dominated STEM fields?
Women are a majority of Bachelor's degree earners in Psychology (by far), Social Sciences, and Biology. They are close to even in Math and Statistics (45.9%), behind in Physical Sciences, Geo-Sciences, and really behind in Engineering (20.5%) and Computer Science (25.1%).
Overall though, across all Science and Engineering fields, women are 50.4% of Bachelor's degree holders.
source [aaup.org]
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Even so, you'd expect the proportion by any random factor X to be the same as in the general population.
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CS is 10% or less of conferred degrees, thank you for demonstrating exactly the kind of mendacious red herring people rely on to derail from the facts though.
Congrats to the school, and mostly to the kids (Score:5, Insightful)
...for their terrific job and a wonderful tree display.
And kudos also to the admins with the balls to tell the administration and Google to fuck off with their politically-correct bullshit.
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I went to the actual web site (https://www.madewithcode.com/) and it doesn't appear to exclude males at all. It is aimed at encouraging women to participate, if you click on the "code the holidays" link it just lets you start learning without even having to sign up, and certainly without declaring your gender.
The whole controversy seems to be made-up.
Re:Congrats to the school, and mostly to the kids (Score:5, Insightful)
Christmas trees are non-Christian Christmas decorations. They were imported into Christmas from the pagan Yule festival. Christian decorations would be crosses, crucifixes or nativity scenes.
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No. Satan is just Santa, misunderstood.
Re: Congrats to the school, and mostly to the kids (Score:2)
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You know that VAWA covers men, right?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V... [wikipedia.org]
That seriously took me less than 15 seconds to find.
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So (aside from being anonymous, so you don't have to stand by what you say), you must then believe firmly that 'counteractive' discrimination is better than no discrimination?
Please let me know the quantitative metric at which we decide that 'counteractive' discrimination has reached a point of overcorrection at which we can then apply counter-counteractive discrimination? Because discrimination is apparently what we want to keep doing, as long as it's the "right" discrimination?
The second link is absolute crap! (Score:4, Informative)
Link bait.
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Try this one: St. Augustine Students Join Google's Made With Code Initiative and Light Up Holiday Trees With Code [patch.com]: Although Googleâ(TM)s Made with Code is a movement launched in June 2014 to inspire millions of girls to learn to code, and to help them see coding as a means to pursue their dream careers, âoewe decided to open it up to all our students, both boys and girls so that they could be a part of such an historic event, and have it be the kickoff to our Hour of Code week,â commented Deb
BVlow Out of Preportion (Score:2, Insightful)
There is no reason to believe that there are equil numbers of boys and girls interested in programming. This does not say anything about if there are girls that "can do it", but that different people, different sexes have different interests.
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There is no reason to believe that there are equil numbers of boys and girls interested in programming.
There aren't equal numbers of boys and girls, period - more boys are born than girls (it's around 52% IIRC).
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True. But the ratio hits 50/50 in the US by about age 35 as more boys die. Thereafter it's an accelerating plunge to 80% female by age 80.
Makes things worse (Score:4, Insightful)
We do need more women in the tech field, but my feeling is that having exclusively female projects like this can actually widen the gap.
What it basically says is that girls and boys can't work together, and it doesn't teach guys to work as coworkers with women. Furthermore, boys who wanted to join in, later in life may feel jealous that women always get what they want, and may avoid hiring women.
A better approach would have been to have 2 trees, 1 for the females, 1 for the males.Nobody would feel left out then.
Re:Makes things worse (Score:5, Insightful)
We do need more women in the tech field
Why? Honest question.
No one seems to be up in arms over women being underrepresented as, say, firefighters or airline pilots. No one's pushing men to become hair stylists or librarians. Yet millions and millions of dollars are being spent on exclusionary girls-only events like this, telling girls that they must learn to code. I don't get it. What's wrong with just encouraging kids, whatever genitalia they have, to follow their interests, whatever those may be? If a girl is into tech, or a boy is into makeup, encourage them to pursue those careers and bust up the stereotypes. I don't find sense in telling girls they need to be in the tech field, any more than telling boys they need to grow up and be cosmetologists.
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We do need more women in the tech field
Why? Honest question.
For the benefit of the men, of course. But really, everyone would benefit from more integration of more kinds. When businesses more accurately reflect the makeup of the nation, they better serve the nation. Corporations are legal fictions which could not exist without the nation, so they should serve it to some degree.
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Things are a bit different in those occupations though. I'm a male, and there are many women who are avoiding computing simply because of the way they are being treated (I didn't want to believe it either). But, in occupations such as nursing, where there are less men, they aren't finding that men aren't being hired simply because of a persons gender. In fact, they are actively being encouraged to join and hired.
But women on the other hand are often being treated badly, the moment they contribute to any com
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What it basically says is that girls and boys can't work together, and it doesn't teach guys to work as coworkers with women.
It also doesn't teach girls to work as coworkers with men.
Bogus and Sexist Programs (Score:4, Insightful)
These "Girls Only" programs are bogus and sexist. If they did it "Boys Only" there would be cries of discrimination and lawsuits. It is illegal to do sexual discrimination yet our government does it over and over "Girls Only." Time to cut the crap.
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Racism is still rampant and encouraged in America. You are required to treat people differently based on the color of their skin. There are certain things you can say to one race and not to another. You can defend yourself in your home or place of business from one race but not from another.
Dear Ms. Knox (Score:5, Insightful)
Thank you for restoring my faith.
You have:
1. Showed that discrimination is not cool.
2. That disobedience is sometimes appropriate.
These are most valuable lessons,
I look forward to the day when there is gender parity among teaching staff at all public schools.
I don't want to see gender pairty (Score:3)
The thing is, you find that as nations get more free and accepting of men and women to do what they please, gender parity isn't something that develops. In fact, some careers stratify even more. This isn't a bad thing, this is because men and women tend to have different interests. When things are fair and equal and you can pursue the career you wish, what they wish on average is different. That doesn't mean there aren't outliers, of course, but that you will find some careers are "gendered" in that one gen
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Amen! {I was being facetious in my post above]
Festivus yes! Bagels no! (Score:2)
The Festivus pole doesn't require blinking lights.
Kudo's to St. Augustine of Canterbury school (Score:2)
Political correctness = tyranny (Score:2)
The point is to use the quest for equality to justify penalizing anyone who rises above "equal," thus ensuring that all favors get handed out by the state or its ideological fanatic supporters.
This resembles... Communism? National Socialism? Totalitarianism? ...something where the agenda of control has replaced trying to achieve anything. We could have had a moon base by now, instead we will all be equal comrades under the People's Reich.
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This resembles... Communism? National Socialism? Totalitarianism?
Democracy according to C. S. Lewis.
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Yes, Hitler and Stalin got their start at Christmas tree events for children.
Civil disobedience (Score:2)
This is the thin end of the wedge (Score:2)
Re: 'Defied' (Score:2)
Congress can't 'pass a law' without Obama signing it - when did Obama sign the bill (making it law) that prevents him from transferring gizmo detainees? I suspect they put a line in a budget CR that says no money can be spent transferring gitmo prisoners.