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In the Age of Free AAA Game Engines, Where Does Our Open Source Engine Stand? 184

New submitter erlend_sh writes The game development industry just got hit by a tidalwave of free: Unity 5, Unreal Engine 4 and Source 2 all give away their flagship product for free now. They're all different brands of 'free,' but who cares? The average game developer certainly won't. Which left us wondering: Are hobbyist-run open source game engines like jMonkeyEngine still relevant? From the linked article: This just in: Physically Based Rendering isn’t dark magic, cross platform publishing is not the thing of fairy tales, and a solid asset pipeline is not exclusive to a million dollar budget. They’re not easy; faaar from it. But as long as we can show that these things can be accomplished by a part-time hobbyist just for the heck of it, the end user gets a fair price (i.e. free!), and our fellow hardcore misfits will continue trying to solve the most difficult problems the industry has to offer. ... If this exciting new thing called “free” keeps going in the right direction, everyone still in the race gets a leg up.
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In the Age of Free AAA Game Engines, Where Does Our Open Source Engine Stand?

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  • by alen ( 225700 ) on Sunday March 08, 2015 @04:11PM (#49211225)

    the Pro products have support departments and support for assets and other additions to their products. when a game has a 2-3 year dev time your product stands out by making it easy for devs to cut their time to market and save money

    no one cares if it's open source or hobbyist made, they care about having their devs who cost $200,000 or more per year EACH spend less time making games

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      Well that's easy, they want 18 competing engines and standards. Queueueueueueue up xkcd joke here.

  • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Sunday March 08, 2015 @04:28PM (#49211299) Homepage

    I'm guessing most of these game developers are looking to get a contract with a big studio and in that case showing your understanding of a major commercial engine is almost as important as the game itself. Using an open source engine nobody's heard off is like making an application in Ruby to get a job as a C++ developer, sure it proves some talent but 9 out of 10 recruiters will go with the C++ guy.

  • Ignoring the poorly-masked slashvertisement:

    How many of those AAA engines were written in Java?

    • by ledow ( 319597 )

      P.S. Love indie games, never heard of any of those in the "showcase" for this engine.

      That's, of course, after I waited for MEGABYTES of unresized images to load on each page of that section, that didn't even do so to allow in-page zooming...

    • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

      Depends on what your definition of AAA is, I guess. Minecraft is written in Java, and from what I can tell is one of the best selling games right now.

      • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

        Minecraft isn't a AAA game though, it's indie. And one of the few indie success stories, much like DOOM and ID Software were indie. The difference between the two is that ID Software continued to innovate and evolve. Mojang simply cashed out.

        • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

          Again, depends on your definition of AAA. If you think that only huge companies spending lots of money can generate AAA titles, then no. If your definition is it's simply a successful game, then yes.

      • by Nemyst ( 1383049 )
        It's selling in spite of its shoddy engine written in Java, yes. Now, Java itself was sort of a boon, since it's fairly easy to reverse engineer JVM bytecode back into Java, which spawned a gigantic modding community, but the engine itself is pretty bloody bad.
  • Depends (Score:4, Interesting)

    by drolli ( 522659 ) on Sunday March 08, 2015 @06:27PM (#49211703) Journal

    I use matlab. I like matlab. It's not the matter if its expensive (which it is) or not.

    The point is: There have been applicaitions (more than one) in my past, where octave (a free matlab clone) served me much better, plainly for the reason that i could actually recompile it or adapt it in a way that it ran exactly like i wanted it to run. usually these "unusual" circumstance involved running it on limited HW, automatically, with limited memory, many instances, or independent of a nework connection to the license activation.

    • Keep an eye on Julia [], it's a very promising project.
      • by drolli ( 522659 )

        And this is an excellent sample of how FOSS people alienate other people.

        a) Person a says "i like commercial SW a"

        b) Person a says "but i figured out that ultra-mature (>20y) FOSS b (which is nearly compatible to a) is even better for some things"

        c) Person b says "use project c" (which is immature and incompatible)

        • I had someone recommend Julia to me over MATLAB and they did it for performance reasons. When I looked about a year ago the stiff ODE solver in Julia gave the wrong answer for the kinds of problems I do. I stopped looking at that point.

          Julia will mature in time but right now having something run faster but wrong is not useful.

          Octave on the other hand is pretty nice I just like MATLAB more due to the whole IDE that is part of it but I agree with the drolli that in some circumstances octave is a better choice

        • If you look carefully, I didn't say "use it", I said "keep an eye on it" and "it's promising". I realize it's far from being production-ready.
          I am not involved in the Julia development, and I wouldn't describe myself as "FOSS people".
  • Throw in the grant system that Epic is putting into place, and those who want to contribute to making Blender a better game dev tool have another potential source of income.
    The FBX import/export system is improving all the time, but now you can show that work to Epic and if they see it as contributing to the community they'll fund you.

    Something like this could really boost the productivity of the modeling and animation tools in the open source community.

  • For you to "still" be relevant, you would have to have been relevant before all this.
  • All of them take 5%-10% of your base revenue if you're games a success. I'm not saying it's not worth it; and it's nice that if you're breaking into the industry you can work with professional grade tools. But I can certainly see people wanting a truly free solution.
  • My own take (Score:5, Informative)

    by gman003 ( 1693318 ) on Sunday March 08, 2015 @07:50PM (#49212031)

    I have been developing a game based on the Cube 2 engine, specifically the Red Eclipse fork. The benefits, as I saw it, was that the engine was Zlib-licensed, and most of the game code was re-usable (both Red Eclipse and my game are first-person arena shooters). The downsides were the lack of experience - the code is unfamiliar and sparsely-documented (and in some places downright bad), not many people are familiar with the level editor, and the model import system is not the most artist-friendly.

    Currently it's at a proof-of-concept state - it's playable, the core gameplay is there, but it's using Red Eclipse assets that are CC-licensed, not suitable for commercial release, and the few maps are blocky and spartan.

    I am seriously considering a switch to Source 2, because I'm much, much more familiar with Hammer and SMDs than with the Cube 2 asset toolchain, and I'm sure some of my Source modding experience will carry over to Source 2. I'm waiting for more details, though, particularly regarding the toolchain. I'd have to redo pretty much everything, but it would likely make for a far better product. Particularly if it ends up being ported to consoles - Red Eclipse lacks gamepad support, and having seen the code, it's not an easy thing to add.

    • Re:My own take (Score:5, Informative)

      by Howitzer86 ( 964585 ) on Sunday March 08, 2015 @08:28PM (#49212221)

      Cube 2 missed an opportunity, I think. I loved that octree-based map engine. Here was an accessible and powerful cube based engine from before Minecraft was a twinkle in Notch's eye. To this day, I don't know of any other engine that lets you collaborate with multiple people in real time as though it were part of the game - and with level editing so easy, it could have fostered the kind of mapping community not seen since the days of Doom, Quake, and Unreal (1/UT/2004).

      Now everything is "model it in 3DSMax, Maya, or Blender." Complicated tools, meandering workflows, just a time consuming process in general. Even Unreal is like that now. Why use the shape editor when you can just import your model? Does the new engine even have that tool anymore? No it doesn't []. Just import or use an existing mesh for your complex details. Want to make your own but don't know how? Time to learn this other tool over here.

      I'm not complaining exactly. I'm pretty good with Max and Blender. I'm just reflecting (as an amateur) on what mapping felt like in the past, and how it compares to today. It was pretty straight forward back then. There was probably a lot of pent up creativity from people who didn't have the time to learn multiple tools. Minecraft quenched their thirst, but the Cube 2 engine could have been the thing to do that. If only it were better documented, and positioned better as an engine for hobbyists.

      The farthest I got with it was map editing and compiling it from the source. So I know what you mean. It's been a while, but I doubt anything has changed. Sorry to hear about the state of your game.

      • The problem is that a map editor is basically a gimped level designer, usually with gimped scripting.

        Once you go there, you realize that instead of using some 3D software, and then importing that to a engine, there is possible to make a in engine tool, that can make maps. The problems you then face are the fact material mapping and your material engine may be shit. Really shit. To the point where imported photoshop image files requires massive hacking to get mapped properly. Don't forget that UV mapping for

      • The problem with cube-based editing is that not everything wants to be based on a cube. It's not worthless, it's a cute trick, but it's not really all that wonderful for modeling things. It's OK for level geometry for the most part, but awful for everything else.

  • FTA:

    "Deep in Unity's culture is the principle of Democracy. "

    I laughed out loud when I read that.

    In the feature requests feedback forum, making the editor available for Linux is vastly more popular than any other feature request for Unity,. beating out the next most popular by about a factor of 4, and Unity Technologies has publicly stated that they have absolutely no plans on ever porting their editor tools to Linux.

    If that's the business decision they are comfortable with, that's one thing, but considering that in the article where they are bragging about how they are promoting democracy by tying it in with how the product was being priced, rather than what people have actually said that they want, I'm pretty sure that I can safely conclude the developers at Unity do not have the foggiest idea what the word "democracy" actually means.

    • by Xest ( 935314 )

      You've made the mistake of assume that number of people whining on a forum is representative of a democratic value.

      I've never used the Feedback forum but I have e-mailed them feedback. Perhaps the feedback forum just isn't representative of anything like a democratic mandate?

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )
        Of course, but then why bother tallying "votes" for an issue at all?
        • by Xest ( 935314 )

          It's still useful feedback for them, it's just not necessarily overriding or representative of total feedback (although the opposite is also possible, that it is representative and the are full of shit- just playing devil's advocate and suggesting their may be a good reason for their claims!).

          • by mark-t ( 151149 )

            Honestly, if it weren't *THAT* much higher than any of the other feature requests, I might even buy that as plausible.... but when it has more votes than the next six most popularly voted for issues combined??? With that kind of gap, it is almost certain that they are getting more direct requests for that feature than they are for any other feature as well.

            I mean it's POSSIBLE that the feature requests forum is entirely orthogonal to any unbiased random sampling of unity users, but there's no particular

  • And prefer it to Unity, which I also use a little. The reasons I like it are:

    • It's platform agnostic.
    • It plays nice with Java and other JVM languages, including Clojure in which my AI is written
    • It's open source, and since if I ever get to a place where I've a releasable game I'll want to release open source that matters.

    What do you need from your community? Is it feedback? Is it actual engagement (like, do you want people to take responsibility for particular bits of functionality?) It is money? Frankly I'd

  • by Karmashock ( 2415832 ) on Monday March 09, 2015 @06:43AM (#49213911)

    Right now you might not see the value of your open source project.

    But any moment the company could change policy or stop developing it. And when that happens you'll be there.

Put your Nose to the Grindstone! -- Amalgamated Plastic Surgeons and Toolmakers, Ltd.
