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GitHub Open Sources Their Internal Testing Tool ( 62

destinyland writes: Last week GitHub released a new open source tool called Scientist, a Ruby-based library they've been using in-house for several years. "It's the most terrifying moment when you flip the switch," GitHub engineer Jesse Toth told one technology reporter, who notes that the tool is targeted at developers transitioning from a legacy system. "Scientist was born when GitHub engineers needed to rewrite the permissions code — one of the most critical systems in the GitHub application." The tool measures execution duration and other metrics for both test and production code during runtime, and Toth reports that they're now also developing new versions in Node.js, C#, and .Net..
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GitHub Open Sources Their Internal Testing Tool

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  • So support for 2 hipster languages, and two M$ languages.

    • >> and two M$ languages

      If you're committed to using M$, you're probably already using profiling. What would this add that's missing from that today?

      • If you're committed to using M$, you're probably already using profiling.

        I don't think they meant psychological profiling.

  • I wonder (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    How much whitespace is there in the codebase? Is it more than the black characters? Only black characters matter.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Not in Python. In python the WHITE spaces matter. Python is clearly a racist language supported by the white establishment to hold down people of color by making the WHITE spaces matter.

  • It's a Ruby library to help you run regression testing... Big deal. Not /. worthy thats for sure.

    Those basic functionalities could be created in any language/tool in a short period of time by any decent automation engineer.
    • by Hulfs ( 588819 ) on Monday February 08, 2016 @04:37PM (#51465317)

      It's a little more than that, but not much more. They're pushing this tool hard for some reason, there was even a mention in Wired about it.

      Basically, it runs two codes paths A) Legacy Code Path B) Code path replacing A. and allows for some way of recording timings on the code paths and recording the return value (or catching errors). It's a nice tool to put in place when you want to try and replace some crufty code and try and make sure you're not going to end up hosing your system with the new code.

      One HUGE gotcha with this tool is that the code paths under test must remain side-effect free. Which means it's useless for testing any code that modifies your databases or modifies anything at all in your system.

  • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Monday February 08, 2016 @05:34PM (#51465697)
    I'm kind of curious why they decided to release this now instead of at some earlier point. It doesn't seem like it's a massive code base that would be perplexing and most of it looks well enough documented that there's no reason to be ashamed of the code (though I did notice a minor grammatical error in one of the files which had "alread" instead of "already" in a String literal, but hardly a big deal.) that tends to keep people from wanting to share.

    I suppose if they are interested in porting it, it's a lot easier if you just open source it and allow someone else who may be interested to take on some of the work. It's well documented enough that a college student could probably do it. It might make a good project for someone interested in learning Ruby (or some other language) and getting involved in the open source community.
    • Jesse said they wanted to make sure that not only the code was stable, but also the libraries were not going to go through lots of updates (like daily updates, which happened when the system was new). The article ran long and that part got cut out :)
  • Does the world really need more ruby scripts? Isn't the backlog of "needs-conversion to real language" high enough already?
    • If the ruby script in question does something that has not been done before and that something adds to the efficiency/accuracy of software development, then I say yes, we need more ruby scripts. This functionality is new and hella useful, IMHO.
  • if only they ran it on the syntax highlighting code
  • This is a great example of a story which will never yield any meaningful discussion. One one side we have people ignoring the tool in question and making rants about 'SJW' culture or jokes about racism and sexism. On the other side we have those trying to actually discuss the tool, but being undermined by people who can't get past the languages being used, and how they are 'hipster'-ish. The number of comments actually pertaining to this tool will be woefully small, especially compared to the off-topic c

