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'Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat' Approach Is Such Bullshit ( 192

At its I/O developer conference, Google had the message "Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat." spread everywhere -- walls, t-shirts you name it. Dan Kim, a programmer at Basecamp, has shared an interesting view on the same. He says while he gets the "coding is awesome and we want to do it all the time!" enthusiasm from the company, but he doubts if that's the approach a programmer should take, adding that the company is wittingly or not promoting an "unhealthy perspective that programming is an all or nothing endeavor -- that to excel at it, you have to go all in." He writes: Whether it's racing cars, loving art, reading, hiking, spending time in nature, playing with their dog, running, gardening, or just hanging out with their family, these top-notch programmers love life outside of code. That's because they know that a truly balanced lifestyle -- one that gives your brain and your soul some space to breath non-programming airâS -- actually makes you a better programmer. Life outside of code helps nurture important qualities: inspiration, creative thinking, patience, flexibility, empathy, and many more. All of these skills make you a better programmer, and you can't fully realize them by just coding.
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'Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat' Approach Is Such Bullshit

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  • Hmmm (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Sundarajan, a victim of Indian coding sweatshops now "projecting" his traumatic experience onto us

    • by Anonymous Coward

      No Grindr breaks?

      Maybe those come during compilation or as part of a fullfilling balanced lunch?

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:17PM (#52156661) Journal

      After 20 years in the business, I spend MUCH more time thinking about the problem and the best solutions than I do actually coding. If you're spending most of your time coding, that's probably mostly code I'll delete in a couple of years whwn I do it in a simpler, more elegant way.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I agree firmly with this comment. Gung-ho coding is creating work for yourself.
        My day is more like this, xRM / CRM world:

        After a weekend of recuperation, errands and other responsibilities, laundry, cooking, going for a few runs, maybe a few beers if I'm lucky.
        1) Settle down by reading the latest from the aviation industry - my tre passion.
        1) Read my notes from the day before so my mind is ready for my immediate challenges. This naturally primes me for the big picture of my project.
        2) Get something solid do

      • by mlts ( 1038732 )

        I use code for "bridge building", mainly spending time on looking at the map, and finding the best two places to span the bridge. Even then, there are times when I may have a number of lines of code, and wind up tossing the entire shebang out because I can do the same thing with an algorithm change, or using another function.

        Coding is one thing, but I've seen dev houses measure quality by doing over 10,000 lines a day, regardless of bugs. That is akin to building a house and measuring the quality of the s

        • > wind up tossing the entire shebang

          The entire shebang line?! That's like ten characters! :)

        • > but I've seen dev houses measure quality by doing over 10,000 lines a day, regardless of bugs.

          I find that lines-of-code IS a good measure for me. If I can delete 10,000 lines of data transform and transport code and replace it with a direct connection in 12 lines of code, that's a very successful day.

          As an example, a project I'll take on soon currently dumps data from a database into csv and transfers it to a server via FTP. Later, another server retrieves the csv via CVS, transforms it into XML, an

        • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 21, 2016 @06:18PM (#52157487)

          Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.
          ~Bill Gates

          Say what you want about the guy but when you're right, you're right.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Thinking does not make you look like a rockstar on github. Committing shit does.

      • You say that but I still find managers completely unrealistic about timescales to do things properly.
        • Can you tell your manager how long something will take? Have you tried doing so in a matter-of-fact, polite but firm way? Can you give an ACCURATE estimate?

          I haven't worked for very many companies, but I haven't had this problem, not after showing that I know my job and giving matter-of-fact statements of how much time is needed.

          • "Can you tell your manager how long something will take?"

            No, I usually can't.

            If I could, that would mean I already did something vaguely similar and if that would be the case, then I would be perusing that other piece of code so there's no a third time she comes asking for that kind of tasks. The first case is a boring one that, fortunately doesn't happen too frequently. The second one is not programing at all.

            What I *can* usually do is taking apart that manager and sit down with her quite longer than the

            • > explain the task so I can understand the business motivation and the real deadlines

              Mod up.

              > that would mean I already did something vaguely similar and if that would be the case, then I would be perusing [reusing?] that other piece of code so there's no a third time. ... The first case is a boring one that, fortunately doesn't happen too frequently.

              It's interesting, I've almost always done some vaguely similar. Example 1: the organization has data in system X and they want it to be in system Y.

              • "I've almost always done some vaguely similar. Example 1: the organization has data in system X and they want it to be in system Y."

                Me too. And what I observed is that the problem is never transforming data X into Y, but learning waaaay into the project, that data X was not all data that needed to be transformed since part of it came from an external source of truth which won't be available once the system is decoupled. And then, another part of the dataset involved -oh, I forgot to tell you about it, rea

      • they want lots and they want it now. The idea is to throw a ton of ideas at a wall and see what sticks. That means fast and cheap, not good.
      • by Mandrel ( 765308 )

        After 20 years in the business, I spend MUCH more time thinking about the problem and the best solutions than I do actually coding.

        True. But if you program by the hour it's hard to charge for where this real work is done: in the shower and while eating lunch.

      • After 20 years in the business you ought to know the difference between a t-shirt slogan and an actual project plan.

      • by Jahta ( 1141213 )

        After 20 years in the business, I spend MUCH more time thinking about the problem and the best solutions than I do actually coding. If you're spending most of your time coding, that's probably mostly code I'll delete in a couple of years whwn I do it in a simpler, more elegant way.

        This is exactly right. Today you can do more with fewer lines of code than ever before. The real value is in the thought process around *which* lines of code to write.

    • Any chance he would be leading by example?
    • Surely it should be "Eat, Sleep, Warcraft, Repeat!"
  • by Anonymous Coward

    No seriously, why are we reporting on them?

    • by Xest ( 935314 )

      Yes, last time I went diving there was a t-shirt with Eat, Sleep, Dive, Repeat on it. I hope to god this guy doesn't see that t-shirt and take it literally in the belief that there's something fun about living a life under constant decompression sickness, or just outright dying from it.

  • It's not a statement of intent but an observation.

  • There are at least two things there not directly contributing to Google's bottom line.
  • Memes (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 21, 2016 @02:42PM (#52156481)
    Its a play on the Fatboy Slim song Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat. Someone needs to take the stick out of their ass. Maybe someone should buy Dam Kim a shirt with Keep Calm and Carry On plastered on it.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Google's slogan makes it sound like you're a prisoner or slave. They need to take this in the opposite direction. Perhaps changing it to "arbeit macht frei" would give their employees the incentive they need to produce exceptional quality code.

  • by xxxJonBoyxxx ( 565205 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @02:44PM (#52156487)
    I code to get paid
    When I work forty a week
    Otherwise blow me
    • My dear employee
      You are paid a salary
      Work until it's done

      • My dear employee
        You are paid a salary
        Work until it's done

        And I 40 hours per week. It'll be done when it's done, so stop harshing my buzz, man.

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          It works like this, when I am in the zone, I am by far the most productive, super productive and that can not be forced. It doesn't matter what work you do, for me it was CADD, could really zone out on that and produce a lot of good work really fast, felt great. The same for the best coders, if they are not zoning out producing code, then they can never be fast and good, it is just the way of things, the way the brain is wired. So achieving that must be arranged around each employee and their own genetic ma

          • It works like this, when I am in the zone, I am by far the most productive, super productive and that can not be forced.

            I understand, but I do it when *I* want to, not on command. I know how it is- deep into a long session of coding you have it all in your head, the structure, the functions, the calls, the variables, everything. I get it, I've been there. I'd code late into the night and lose track of time. I knew when to quit because the nightly virus scan would kick in around 2am and interrupt my work. That's when I'd call it a day.

            But like I said, I did this when *I* wanted to, not because any employer told me to stay lat

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • "Dunno about you, but I'm paid to deliver value."

        So your payment is a share on profits? If not you are an abused gullible employee.

        An employee provides work. A company provides value.

  • Ideally, I only code 2-4 hours a day and then exercise a bunch. The rest in between lets you strategically think about your software's architecture so it is stable across updates. Thinking takes more than a couple minutes if you're doing significant projects, so you might as well go for long walks.
  • adding that the company is wittingly or not promoting an "unhealthy perspective that programming is an all or nothing endeavor -- that to excel at it, you have to go all in."

    Obviously, only complete loonies would support such a preposterous idea as a serious time investment. []

  • by QuietLagoon ( 813062 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:03PM (#52156599)
    ... I used to tell the Software Engineers to go home if I saw them working too much after regular business hours. I always had the view that a refreshed mind works a lot better than one that has no chance to rest or participate in diversions.

    That "Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat." mantra is odious, miasmatic bullshit. Plain and simple.

  • by PvtVoid ( 1252388 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:05PM (#52156601)

    I'm trying to figure out how could possibly serve as a more ironically unwitting example of precisely the thing he's criticizing.

    The point to having a balanced, happy life isn't to be a better programmer. It's to have a balanced, happy life.

    • The point to having a balanced, happy life isn't to be a better programmer. It's to have a balanced, happy life.

      Exactly this.

      Yours has to be the most underrated post ever.

  • by NuShrike ( 561140 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:05PM (#52156605)

    Just more BS cop-out from those who can't. It's too bad Google is now full of this NIH thinking.

  • Going all in like this actually works. There needs to be breaks between projects or milestones for this shit to be sustainable though. The reason the industry constantly grabs new talent and lets them work like crazy is because that is actually a functional way to get code done. Every engineer doing that ends up with more working memory devoted to the things his code touches, and he is exposed to it every day. Saying "oh, doing all these other things makes you a better coder" is an extraordinary claim,

    • Your post is complete gibberish.
    • I've had my own intensive "eat sleep code repeat" cycles back in high school, which is more than a decade ago. That's probably when I went from being a shitty programmer (by adult standards) to an OK programmer. These days I mostly fool around random things when I'm not working, instead of being a beta tester for some bleeding edge software development stack (that's what I secretly think of developers who use RoR and node...)

      The "eat sleep code repeat" cycle is probably quite effective initiallly, I just th

      • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
        Coding != Programming

        Coding is to Programming as talking is to debating or hammering is to building a house.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Everyone knows that coding is addictive and if there is something not working you are not going to sleep well until you figure out what it is. And you can eat and code at the same time. Relaxation time comes after the orgasm of a running perfect product.

  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:13PM (#52156639) Homepage Journal
    Jesus fucking Christ. It is a joke. Like those "[insert sport here] is life" shirts. No one really thinks Baseball is Life.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by axewolf ( 4512747 )

      Ok now try to explain that to some one who bought into it unknowingly and structured their life assuming that it was true.

      This is the intent behind such advertisement campaigns. To force as many people as possible into a weak position for the benefit of the advertiser.

      Google is basically an appendage of the US government for almost every practical intent and purpose.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        We used to call those people children. And if the inability to not obsess over a single item such that it was the only thing you did short of eating and sleeping did not subside into adulthood, we classified you as having a mental disability. We didn't tell everyone else to stop joking.

      • Darwin is a fair man.
    • by Whibla ( 210729 )

      I once tried telling someone that football was just a game...

      It may not be life, but it is what matters to them in their life.

      (Though I agree with you 100% that "Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat" was clearly intended as humorous, not something that should have been taken as a mantra to live by.)

  • Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat

    As long as Emily Blunt is my pair-programming partner ...

  • by Required Snark ( 1702878 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:29PM (#52156721)
    This is a major motivation for going after young coders and avoiding people with experience. People with experience know about the burnout bullshit, but people earlier in their careers assume that is the way to get things done. Managers know who they can easily manipulate for the death march on an ill-conceived schedule. Someone who has been there before is going to raise meaningful objections and might alert the younger people that it's a pack of lies. Upper management can't make vast amounts of money unless the workforce remains ignorant about the real cost/reward equation.
    • this is one of the main reasons why older guys are avoided, for hiring, in the bay area.

      when the job gets to the point where you have to be ignorant to be 'successful', then I guess maybe its better not to play anymore.

      ignorant, meaning that you don't realize you're being taken advantage of and once your youthful energy is gone, you will be out here, with me, on the bench.

      I'll keep your seat warm for you, while you are in mid-burnout, young man.


  • by Anonymous Coward

    Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat probably explains why there are so many silly bugs and braindead design decisions.

  • Utter bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)

    by somenickname ( 1270442 ) on Saturday May 21, 2016 @03:42PM (#52156785)

    Code is a byproduct of ideas. The actual act of writing the code is the least difficult and least time consuming part of creating software. I can't even remember the last time I sat down to write code and didn't already have all the code in my head. Once the problem is solved in your head, it's just pushing buttons in an editor to bring it to fruition.

    I think that's part of the problem with the software industry. People think they need to show up to work and bang out code all day. That's basically the recipe to writing buggy code. Let the code brew in your head for a while and then sit down one day and bang it out and you'll probably find that it's super solid, very coherent code.

    If you are writing code and can't see the next 100 lines of code you're about to write, you're doing it wrong.

    • You're talking about connecting the dots and plumbing. That's IT.

      Good coding is also a hard science. You only know where your goal is (and maybe not). Finding the dots to connect is then 90% sweating it out empirically.

      The real world is full of different hardware, interfaces, paradigms. At certain points you can't gloss over it with generalized code, but have to engineer something more focused.

      Sometimes, it's also time-intensive testing and hacking to glean out undocumented bits.

      Of course this is all agains

      • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
        Correct, good coding is mostly an effort of time, but good programming is mostly an effort of thought. I may not write a single line of code for 1-2 weeks when I start a new project. Crappy code that works, trumps beautiful code that doesn't. The most productive programmers only put in a few hours of coding every day. Most of their day is spent thinking or relaxing. The goal of building something isn't to have built "something", it's to have built a specific thing that works well.
  • You see this when you go in for a job interview and they want to know, on top of your full time job, if you contribute to open source, or go to meetups, or otherwise pour your whole life into programming. Don't get me wrong, I love programming. And when I'm not doing 50 hours a week (the new 40) I like to do some for fun. But this culture of exploitation has to stop. It's what leads to 80 hour work weeks, not taking vacation, and burn out. It's exploitation pure and simple. And it doesn't work. People who a
  • ...Google had the message "Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat."

    Yeah, well fuck you, Google.

    Some of us have this thing called a "life", and we want to do whacky shit like spending time with our families, hanging out with friends, going on vacations, pursuing a hobby or know, nutty stuff like that.

    Take your "Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat" shit and stuff it up your ass.

  • do {
    } while (codeIsFun());

  • My wife had written "Eat. Sleep. Run. Repeat." On our whiteboard while we were training for our last marathon. Obviously it was not to be taken literally and was only for motivation.
    • The whole "eat, sleep, X, repeat" thing is fine for a limited time and if it's by you and for you and your benefit. Being pushed by a company for their benefit even as a "joke" feels kinda creepy.

  • Ok, everyone knows "Eat, Sleep, Code" is a joke. What I find shocking is that somebody thinks it's real. There's probably nobody who does eat sleep code outside of a few bursts lasting at most a few months to a year when working at a startup. I mean, you have to go buy the red bull at some point, right? Anyway, I think it's a good tag line though.

  • But only for one or two years or so. And only when you're young. And only voluntarily. How do you think concert pianists get to where they are? They 'eat, sleep, play the piano, repeat'. It's how *everyone* gets to a good level of proficiency at *anything*.

  • This is how we are supposed to get a large number of people interested in coding?

    Hell, I was one of those obsessives in the workplace, and I've universally caught crap about it in here. I don't think one person ever agreed with me about my work habits.

    So now, we are supposed to attract young people, especially young ladies into coding with the attitude that it is the only thing you do in life beside eating and sleeping?

    That's maybe 1 in a thousand people that have that outlook, and by and large, they

  • Yeah for someone who's all about getting out their seems to be some confusion that this is a play on a common meme "Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat". Which was never meant to be taken literally either, it's a song. Not an instructional manual.
  • And that is precisely why I am good at it. I would never write long-winded BS that was mostly copy-pasted, loaded with huge if-else chains that can't be unit tested.
    At my current job I delete more code than I produce. I refactor the BS written by junior coders in the past ten years and it is not uncommon to replace 100 lines of code with 2 or 3. Deleting BS code is so satisfying 3
    "Work smarter, not harder!"

    • by SoTuA ( 683507 )
      All of this. I'm now officially an old fart, but still I derive immense pleasure in cleaning up crap code. Which my younger colleagues provide generously. ENUMS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY DAMMIT!

Surprise due today. Also the rent.
