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The Gimp

GIMP Developers Outline Plan For 2019 ( 170

The GIMP developers on Wednesday published a blog post in which they look back at the year 2018 (release of GIMP 2.10) and outline the things that they intend to get around this year. From the post: We expect to be shipping 2.10.x updates throughout 2019, starting with the version 2.10.10 currently expected in January/February. This version will feature faster layer groups rendering, smart colorization with the Bucket Fill tool, and various usability improvements. We are also planning the first unstable release of GIMP that will have version 2.99.2, eventually leading up to version 3.0. The prerequisite for releasing that version will be the completion of the space invasion. ZeMarmot project (which can be supported on Patreon or Tipeee) is also planning to focus a bit more on better canvas interactions, as well as animation support improvements, starting from merging existing work. On the GEGL and babl front, we expect to continue working towards better CMYK support and performance.
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GIMP Developers Outline Plan For 2019

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  • A plan? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @12:07PM (#57892528)

    The fact that GIMP developers can actually formulate a plan is the real news here.

  • by Suren Enfiajyan ( 4600031 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @12:24PM (#57892614)
    ...but refuse to fix basic usability issues like missing lines/rectangles/rounds from GUI mode.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It's interesting how open source projects get into a situation where a lot of people agree that they need some basic usability fixes, but no-one wants to actually do them.

      In my (limited) experience it's often because the barrier to entry for contributing improvements is extremely high. Some would say that's to maintain quality, but often it's not because of demanding standards or even lack of resources for code review (hi libusb), but simply the complexity of the code and the time cost of getting started ma

    • That was my immediate response as well, they're announcing obscure features that maybe 0.005% of their users might care about (or even know what they are), but the one massive thing that's missing is making it actually usable. How about making 2019 the year of making GIMP less painful than an unnecessary root canal?
  • by godrik ( 1287354 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @12:25PM (#57892618)

    We have seen in the last few years many advances of Computer Vision and Machine Learning tools to do segmentation, anime drawing colorization, night picture to day picture conversion, changing meteo conditions, and so on.
    Do the GIMP developpers intend to include tools of that sort in the project?

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by DrSpock11 ( 993950 )

      If you RTFA you would see the blog post specifically call out the ability to do smart colorization of inked drawings.

  • by Known Nutter ( 988758 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @12:28PM (#57892638)
    If it doesn't include hookers and blackjack, I'm not interested.
  • Ditch that clunky GTK API! I mean, that idiots that made that should be exiled and forced to work on developing a graphics application with it. I bet it would wind up as much as an abomination at GTK! ;)

    (psst... hey captain whoosh, GTK was made by GIMP devs for GIMP)

    • by DMJC ( 682799 )
      Most of GTK is great, the only big issue GTK has is the support for auto-connecting signal handlers to class methods in C++. AKA it can't do it. This makes GTK useless for object oriented programming. Also who the fuck wants to muck around with strings in C? talk about pulling teeth. Even if you just program C++ in C style and only use the string classes from C++ it's a massive step up in usability. Until GTK is useful in other languages than C and Vala it will never be a great tool. QT/KDE has one of the w
  • It's not free, but it's the perfect in-between image editing software between the "GIMP which is free but has a really weird non-standard way of doing everything" and "Adobe Photoshop which is really expensive or requires monthly fees ".

  • by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @01:55PM (#57893198)

    then we'll be set

  • So they're saying they'll have CMYK usable by the time print is officially dead?

  • Shills (Score:4, Insightful)

    by eneville ( 745111 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @02:06PM (#57893290) Homepage

    Unlike all the other posts here, I find GIMP is a reasonably good piece of photo editing software. If you think that it suffers in some way, how about buying the developers a cup of coffee perhaps, or send a patch over for merger?

    Complaining about the naming of the software does not cut the mustard. The fact the developers don't spend time pandering to SJW is a good thing, get your mind of out of the gutter.

    • Re:Shills (Score:5, Insightful)

      by DrSpock11 ( 993950 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @02:15PM (#57893356)

      I honestly do not understand why GIMP gets so much hate.
      Is it a little awkward to use? Yes, but so is Photoshop if you don't know how to use it. Is it less feature rich than Photoshop? Absolutely.

      But it's also 100% cheaper and sufficient for the majority of casual image editing.

      How disheartening is it to see Slashdot of all places shit all over the FOSS alternative to Photoshop.

      • Is it a little awkward to use?

        From my experience it's even more awkward to use than most basic image editors. The point is that for many use cases an image editor like Paint .Net is good enough, where GIMP is much more complicated. And most (semi)professionals would rather use a cracked version of Photoshop. For most users GIMP is more like an overcomplicated and unintuitive version of Ms Paint where the basic functionality, such as lines/circles/rectangles in toolbar, is missing.

      • Is it a little awkward to use? Yes, but so is Photoshop if you don't know how to use it.

        No that's not the issue here. All software is awkward to use if you don't know how to use it. The key is that Photoshop is not awkward to use if you have used other image editing software. If you learnt Photoshop you can pick up Paint.NET and everything would be and work like you expect it to.

        GIMP isn't awkward to use, it's different from everything else for having a learning curve that shouldn't exist someone who has used advanced image editing software before. And likewise becoming an expert at GIMP will

    • ...If you think that it suffers in some way, how about buying the developers a cup of coffee perhaps, or send a patch over for merger?...

      After losing the ability to save anything other than xcf and seeing their reaction to complaints about it I'm not sure a cup of coffee will do the trick. Be better advised to put effort into Krita.

  • by mccrew ( 62494 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @03:21PM (#57893826)
    I would like to see some simple creature-comfort improvements to improve usability. My first suggestion would be to either not load all the Script-Fu scripts, or to load them in the background, so that I can get to a usable screen faster. Startup is so slow, and much of the time it is because the UI is blocked loading all the scripts (most of which go unused during a session).
    • That's a configuration issue and your complaint about it's default configuration rests with your distro, not the GIMP team. Any complaint about how it is set up on your system today rest solely on your shoulders, since you choose to complain about how it is configured rather than configure it the way you prefer.
      • by mccrew ( 62494 ) on Wednesday January 02, 2019 @05:30PM (#57894686)
        Thanks for the stereotypical Slashdot answer: User is to blame for out-of-box configuration. Or user is to blame for not taking all time necessary to exhaustively personalize program startup.
        • There is no "blame", and I said the distribution is responsible for out of box configuration, not the user. Given that you were unable to read and understand that simple statement it is no wonder that you can't deal with basic configuration documentation and set up your system properly.
          • by mccrew ( 62494 )

            Thanks for another stereotypical Slashdot response: "I can't actually address the point so I'll take a swipe at the person."

            If there's one thing that never changes around here - and I've been here since just about the beginning - is that when folks are seeking feedback about something, they only want a friendly pat on the head. Any feedback that requires any introspection or actual change is met with hostility.

            As an occasional, non-professional user of Gimp, startup could be faster out of the box. This i

      • by spitzak ( 4019 )

        No that is bull. What he is asking for is perfectly reasonable: defer loading stuff until it is first used! This cannot be fixed by changing the configuration (other than I guess making there not be any plugins, which seems to be what you are suggesting).

    • On Linux, the only os worth having, gimp loads 10 times faster.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
