Mysterious Hacker Dumps Database of Infamous IronMarch Neo-Nazi Forum (zdnet.com) 186
Freshly Exhumed shares a report from ZDNet: A mysterious hacker has published today a database dump of one of the internet's most infamous neo-nazi meeting places -- the IronMarch forum. The data published today includes a full copy of its content, including sensitive details such as emails, IP addresses, usernames, and private messages. The database dump is currently being analyzed by a multitude of entities, including law enforcement, in the hopes of linking forum members to accounts on other sites and potentially exposing their real-world identities. The drive to unmask forum members comes from the fact that IronMarch, while a little-known site to most internet users, has been the birthplace of two of today's most extreme far-right neo-nazi movements -- the Atomwaffen Division and SIEGE Culture -- with the first being accused of orchestrating at least eight murders around the world. The forum's data was published earlier today via the Internet Archive portal.
"The published information includes a carbon copy of the site, from user details to forum posts, and from private messages to multi-factor authentication settings and forum management logs," reports BleepingComputer. "The forum's database includes details on 3,548 registered profiles. The last user's database ID is 15,218; however, the dump only included details on 3,548 accounts -- most likely due to spam or deleted profiles. The registration date for the last user is November 20, 2017, suggesting the database is a copy of the site near the time it went offline."
"The published information includes a carbon copy of the site, from user details to forum posts, and from private messages to multi-factor authentication settings and forum management logs," reports BleepingComputer. "The forum's database includes details on 3,548 registered profiles. The last user's database ID is 15,218; however, the dump only included details on 3,548 accounts -- most likely due to spam or deleted profiles. The registration date for the last user is November 20, 2017, suggesting the database is a copy of the site near the time it went offline."
And nothing of value was lost. (Score:3)
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
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Shhh, you risk spoiling the leftist narrative that there is a Nazi or white nationalist living under every bed, just waiting for order 66, errr... 88 to be issued.
Have you not punched a Nazi today? I guess that makes you a Nazi as well!
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Kinda like how some people keep telling us there are Communists under every bed.
I've seen people claiming that the Clintons are communists. One even said Boris Johnson and Donald Trump were. It's not a competition but I don't think you will be able to match that level of hysteria, especially when Nazis are actually murdering people.
https://www.businessinsider.co... [businessinsider.com]
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Remind us all again why assaulting people for going to a political event [rcinet.ca] is fighting fascism. Give you a tip, it's not. The antifa of today, are the same antifa of the 1930's, and they're creating the enemies that they claim they're fighting against just like before.
They're not fighting for anything, they're just the useful idiots agitating for communism and doing the same shit. Last year the 'homeland' of antifa published lists, methods, and ways to murder politicians in germany who refused to bow to th
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Insightful)
Over here in North America, there's been more violence from them in the last 5 yeas then actual neo-nazi's in the last 20.
Personally, I think Antifa, as a group, are immature and lack pragmatism. However, I think it should be noted that a bold claim like that ought to be accompanied by a citation. I'm not one to insist on citations for any trivial claim, but that claim is far from trivial. I mean, are you aware of neo-Nazi prison gangs? How about the mass murderers whose personal artifacts and journals reveal a strange marriage of neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideas?
The Antifa kids have engaged in quite a bit of brawling with white supremacists, but I haven't heard any stories about them functioning as an organized crime ring, committing mass murder, or engaging in terrorist acts. Are they a bunch of stupid dickheads? Yeah. Are they a scourge worse than neo-Nazis? I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that.
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
In 2018 all extremist murders in the US were linked to the far right: https://www.businessinsider.co... [businessinsider.com]
As best as I can determine, and according to the ADL, Antifa has never been linked to any murders.
Of course there is lower level violence for which I don't have stats right now and is likely difficult to quantify. Murders are easier because the murderers are prosecuted which involves establishing motive in open court.
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As best as I can determine, and according to the ADL, Antifa has never been linked to any murders.
There have however been multiple attempted murders. Incompetence doesn't mean that they're less extremist or that they're not breaking the law.
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
Connor Betts, proud AntiFa activist, killed 9 people.
Willem Van Spronsen committed a terrorist attack, during which he tried to set an occupied ICE building on fire and was killed in a shootout with police.
That's at least 10 deaths in 2019 alone linked to AntiFa.
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
When was the last time you heard a neo-nazi doing anything like that? 40-70 years ago.
Murder, 2 years ago: https://www.reuters.com/articl... [reuters.com]
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
The groups using this site include members like James Alex Fields, the guy who murdered a protester by ramming her with his car at Charlottesville. He was one of the ones chanting "Jews will not replace us" and hanging out with the swastika-tattoo boys.
Let's not pretend it's some exaggeration to call those people Nazis. The were quite open about self-identifying as Nazis. Proud of being Nazis.
This kind of denial is so common it's become a meme.
https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI [youtu.be]
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You mean the antifa which were bashing the shit out of his car? Not to mention the antifa individual which threatened him with a gun prior to that event? I mean, that's all in the court records and transcripts. I put blame on both sides with that, just like I put blame on the police there for funneling one group(utr) into antifa so they could leave the area.
Let's not pretend it's some exaggeration to call those people Nazis. The were quite open about self-identifying as Nazis. Proud of being Nazis.
That's fine, we can just call the other group antifa which they were. And remember, there wasn't any violence until the police let the two groups cl
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Yeah but it's okay to punch nazis.
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Are you trying to justify driving into a crowd repeatedly and murder? By saying someone vandalized his car?
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Will he was convicted of murder and attempted murder so I guess it wasn't.
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
Read the FBI's or Statistics Canada's own data on it if you want. Neo-nazi's have been a bogeyman for 40 years ever since the political left decided that it was a great way forward to fearmonger people into things. And before someone goes retarded, yes it was the left who started the "our enemies are nazis" bullshit.
Yeah ok.
"The FBI, on the other hand, has already concluded that white supremacists, including neo-Nazi supporters and members of the Ku Klux Klan, are in fact responsible for the lionâ(TM)s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups. White supremacists 'were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 ⦠more than any other domestic extremist movement'â
https://foreignpolicy.com/2017... [foreignpolicy.com]
And here's director Wray saying it: https://youtu.be/wY7P0ETDfls [youtu.be]
Or is Trump's FBI a left-wing organization now? Deep state?
Considering their definition of "white supremacist" is anyone who isn't extreme left, that makes things a bit more interesting.
When were Antifa fighting Hillary or Biden supporters? I might've missed it.
But you haven't heard them operating as an organized crime ring? You can go read the german media where antifa was shaking down businesses so they wouldn't get torched during the last G7. The various branches have openly supported murder of political opponents, and there's various manifestos and planning guides you can find that were published by the various groups in various countries. And no terrorist acts? Uh dude, friend, guy, pal. There's been plenty, hit your favorite search engine. I mean they were engaging in political terrorism in Hamilton, Ontario last year.
You should cite your shit. Are your referring to shouting at PPC supporters at a party meeting as political terrorism?
As for scourge worse then neo-nazis? You bet. When you have an ideology and a group of people that are actively out there right now, assaulting people, burning down property, engaging in violence to stop the political process. At what point do you not consider them a scourge worse. When was the last time you heard a neo-nazi doing anything like that? 40-70 years ago.
You're describing the neo-nazis. Per FBI, they make up the majority of domestic extremest terrorism. Antifa... might've punched someone during a skirmish or something? Oh no.
It's not like left-wing terrorism can't or doesn't exist, but Antifa ain't it, so you should stop using it as cover for white supremacists and other right-wing nutjobs.
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I can't help but notice you are repeatedly citing statistics that end in either 2015 or 2016 - before AntiFa became a thing.
Of course, remember, the FBI is the same organization that called the Ft Hood attack "workplace violence" and says that James Hodgkinson is neither an assassin nor a terrorist, so YMMV...
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Insightful)
Well good that we can rely on Mashiki to defend actual Nazis.
The antifa of today, are the same antifa of the 1930's
The Nazis of the 1930s were actually killing people and gearing up for mass extermination. And yet you seem to have more animosity for those who opposed them.
Over here in North America, there's been more violence from them in the last 5 yeas then actual neo-nazi's in the last 20.
Well facts are awkward, good job it's easy to simply invent ones you like. You get 10 points for telling me to research your claim for you. 20 points for posting a link to a website that says the opposite of what you claim, 30 points for a link to a website that is irrelevant and 40 for a broken link.
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The Nazis of the 1930s were actually killing people and gearing up for mass extermination. And yet you seem to have more animosity for those who opposed them.
Look, they were just feeling some economic anxiety and wanted to secure some lebensraum for their people. Ain't nothing wrong with that!
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Also, the Stalinist "Antifaschistische Aktion" was just as violent as the Nazi SA. The two groups were like a pair of street gangs locked in a brutal turf war, but more disciplined and festooned with paramilitary regalia.
Something particularly interesting was that the original Antifa wasn't formed to fight Nazis, but the Social
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Before 1940, the Nazi goal was expulsion, not eradication.
Before 1940 tens of thousands of people were murdered by the Nazis, including Jews, the disabled and communists.
Let's not pretend that although industrialised slaughter hadn't been initiated that there wasn't a sustained and deliberate campaign of killing.
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The real question we should be asking is, what is the proper response to violent extremism to prevent it from gaining traction with the public? He correctly points out that violent extremism of another type is not a good response. I would add that doing nothing is also n
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You're a massive apologist for the Nazis. At some point that crosses over into actuallybeing a Nazi. By the late 30s the Jews were in a very bad position. I know this. You know this, but you're so desperate to have the antifa that you're giving the actual murderous Nazis a free pass.
This coming from the person that thinks that fbi.gov is malware
Oh man I didn't think of that. Tell you what I'll retroactively award you 50 points for ransom accusations unrelated to reality.
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:2)
The antifa of today, are the same antifa of the 1930's
A) not even close
B)go the fuck away
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And yet once again we see the supposedly enlightened individual who believes violence is the best course of action. It's almost like...you are what you claim to hate. How amusing.
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At some point you have to defend yourself, and defend freedom. We had to do it in the 1930s and ended up leaving it too late because of people like you who wanted to appease Hitler and avoid taking any action.
Sometimes violence is justified. It's some kind of failure if it ever gets to that point, but failures happen.
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Actually, Antifaschistiche Aktion was partly responsible for Nazis coming into power. They were the openly-Communist bogeyman that the Nazis needed to gain political support.
Let's face it: Nazis and Commies are both quite awful. I certainly don't want (or need) violent leftist Communists defending my freedom, nor do I want Nazis running around acting like they count for something (they don't). It's a pity we can't declare open war on all of them.
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Actually, Antifaschistiche Aktion was partly responsible for Nazis coming into power. They were the openly-Communist bogeyman that the Nazis needed to gain political support.
Full stop! I thought that The Nasties and the Commies were both left wing organizations. My more conservative friends tell me that the proof is right in their full name, and that Nastisim was simply the inevitable result of socialism.
So I guess that Usian Neo-Nasties are actually left wing socialists. Quick - get this out to Fox News and Infowars!
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The full original name of the American Nazi party was World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS). And yes, its leader was assassinated, so possibly Antifa murdered someone if you consider an ex-member who tried to introduce communist ideas to the Nazi's as Antifa.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
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Fight fascism by fighting against Antifa. Antifa is, ironically, fascist.
Americans must remain vigilant against Nazism and Communism. Two sides of the same coin!
Re: Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:2)
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Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:4, Interesting)
Nazism has never been very big in the USA.
That's largely because their niche was mostly handled by the KKK, which was very active at the time. The Klan had similar ideologies and methods, but tuned to the social situations of the U.S., was active, not just in the South, but even more so in the North, and was largely populated by the politicians, sheriffs, judges, and businessmen of the cities they controlled.
Though explicitly NAZI organizations were not large, pieces of their ideology were quite popular, both among the population and with some big names among the 1% - such as Henry Ford and Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
A lot of their stuff can be made to SOUND good, at first - which is part of why they were popular with the German population. It was during the war, as they carried these ideas to their logical extremes, that their downsides became apparent.
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Arguably the Nazis were more Henry Ford-ists than he was a Nazi.
But I have to disagree with you on the KKK, they were more specifically the paramilitary group/reinforcement arm of the Democratic party. They were far far more worried about ensuring the Democratic party remained in power than anything else. Also they are mostly known as segregationists/black haters; Something the Nazi party was not know for.
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The KKK would be more aptly compared in role and history to the SA, not the Nazi party itself.
Which is, in a number of ways, even *more* scary . . .
And now we're seeing the same Brownshirt tactics to shut down others' speech by the anafoofoos (or whatever they're calling themselves this weak).
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The Bund had been thoroughly infiltrated by FBI agents and informants, so your 20K number is way too high a count of bona fide Nazis in that group. Anyways, I don't see why you've brought this up in the context of the IronMarch database leak, which is/was an international forum.
at the final cell meeting . . . (Score:2)
"All right, you're all under arrest. I'm with the FBI!"
"Not me, I'm Homeland Security."
"ICE here."
"Tennessee Attorney General's hate crime unit."
"North Las Vegas gang unit."
[FBI guy looks around. Then sighs.]
"Are there any *real* Nazis here? If so, please raise your hand."
Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:4)
Thank you. The moment Hitler's thugs shot Rohm and the SA was absorbed into the SS, any fiction that Hitler was any kind of socialist ended forever. The Nazi Party and the SA stormtroopers were Hitler's path to power. He may have personally liked Rohm, but he couldn't have cared less for his politics, and when the time came, he disposed of Rohm and the other SA leaders.
Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Insightful)
I think the phrase you are looking for is: "they weren't real socialists!"
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I think the phrase you are looking for is: "they weren't real socialists!"
If the brown shirt fits...
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I think the phrase you are looking for is: "they weren't real socialists!"
I think the phrase he is looking for is "they were fascists." Anyone with any education in poly-sci knows fascism is a far right-wing ideology; sadly we have a bunch of really intentionally stupid people in the US.
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What traits make fascism a "far-right wing ideology", other than left-wingers calling it so?
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World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS) was the American branch's first name.
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"World Union" anything is hardly a right-wing ideology, nor is socialist.
National is neither left-wing nor right-wing.
Free Enterprise is a pretty right-wing concept, so there is that.
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Many with an education are adherents to the horseshoe theory and most others acknowledge politics isn't one dimensional.
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Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:4, Interesting)
They weren't any kind of socialists, they were fascists. The word fascist exists to describe what the Nazis were because it's different from socialism and from other kinds of far-right ideology too.
You may also recall that the Nazis were at war with the actual socialists. That included Britain. Remember that in 1948, just a few years after VE day, the UK established it's social healthcare system, the NHS. Imagine where that would sit in your modern left/right scale.
Oh, and the idea was first proposed by Conservative MP and Health Minister, Henry Willink, in 1944. It wasn't even the actually socialist Labour Party that first suggested it.
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The original name of the American Nazi party was World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS) which doesn't sound that left wing.
Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Informative)
The problem with socialism in the us is stupid fucking idiots need to have a boogyman, and are too fucking stupid to have an understanding of what socialism actually is.
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Re:Nazism has never been very big in the USA. (Score:5, Insightful)
Socialism as a term doesn't work because it means so many different things to different people. When people talk about socialism they are usually talking past one another because they don't have the same definition in mind.
That's not socialism (Score:2)
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Socialism is simply the workers owning the means of production, things like Co-op's and Credit Unions count as socialist. There's libertarian socialists who don't want government and there's authoritarian socialists who are for government.
Right now there are regions in Spain and Italy where libertarian socialism is working quite well on a small scale.
Yes, let's ask them. Or choose socialism if (Score:2)
> Ask any of the Nordic countries
The past minister of Denmark would like would appreciate it if you did:
https://www.thelocal.dk/201511... [thelocal.dk]
As for roads, etc, please kindly look up the definition of a private good and a public good and get back to us. ...
Okay, now that you've looked up some of the basic vocabulary on the topic, and the Nordic countries have explained to you that they are NOT socialist, suppose you'd like to try some socialism anyway. You can have your socialism today!
The difference between
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That includes capitalism. It works well when it has some brakes to keep it from destroying itself. Because one of it's basic foundations is the free market, and in a free market, the first person/group that rises to the top destroys it.
Just like my investments, a society works best when it takes a little of this, a little of that. Anyone arguing for purity of one model or another simply doesn't understand basic math, or human tendencies.
It is called a pragmatic outl
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I don't have links to the campaign buttons but they are normally not all that difficult to find.
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Co-ops that are owned by their customers is pure socialism.
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None of the Nordic countries are Socialist. They are all Capitalist and will tell you so if you ask. They are Capitalist systems that draw the line between public and private goods a little differently.
Under Socialism, private goods and services do not exist.
They exist, under government control (Score:2)
I'd like to slightly refine what you said here:
> Under Socialism, private goods and services do not exist
There still exist goods which affect only those directly involved, and which can only be used by one person at a time (or small groups). For example, someone can have a truck. If you drive the truck work, I can't also drive the truck to work. Therefore it is a private good. The distinction is government control of private goods.
A truck an be used to make deliveries. It is therefore means of produc
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Worker owned factories aren't private property? There are a lot of types of socialism ranging from Libertarian and Anarchist to Stalinist and Maoist..
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Communism was an Internationalist movement. It was inherently anti-nationalist and anti-nation. The Nazis were hyper-nationalist, and that conflict took precedence over their shared economic ideology. Well, that, and the German Communists were Stalinists, so you can also look at the situation as being between two similar cults of personal
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It'a always struck me as odd... Nazisism bad, communism good...
Wearing a shirt with a stylized image of Hitler or Mussolini: Bad, wearing a shirt with a stylized image of Che Guevara: Good... despite the massive death tolls involved... or is it that killing ones own people make it ok?
At least according to those on the left, if the state of the Democrat party today is any indication, is far more than 10%.
Don't worry though, the socialist/communist death camps will be so much better than the ones the make believe swaths of nazi's would run if they took control.
It always struck me as odd that capitalist democratic republic United States never really took too much heat for committing genocide. (native Americans)
Or for dropping nuclear bombs on heavily populated civilian cities. (Japan)
Then of course there was also slavery long after it went out of fashion.
Injecting its own citizens with plutonium. (I feel like some people might want a citation on this one http://www.atomicheritage.org/... [atomicheritage.org]).
The there is injecting it's own citizens with syphilis https://time.com/4867 [time.com]
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What's on your t-shirt?
It's ok to be white.
Don't forget we still have slavery (Score:2)
Once locked up you are forced to either work for free or for pennies an hour, or go into solitary confinement. As I write this 3 men are in solitary for refusing to work for free. This is slavery.
And it's not just running the prison kitchen. We have inmates picking fruit and working in meat processing plants. If you eat at McDonald's chance
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So Stalin labeling agricultural landowners "kulaks" and goading people into butchering them was a "failure of that system"? Stalin knew what he was doing. He was a monster. He was willing to kill anyone and anything.
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You are aware that modern Neo-Nazis' are different from the German-American bund of 1941, right? Or are you being obtuse on purpose for the sake of trolling?
Modern Neo-Nazis are different from the German-American bund of 1941, but not for lack of trying.
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White people do mostly run things, and things are mostly going into the toilet.
Well, if they mostly run things. And things are mostly going into the toilet, what do you say about all those other countries are far-far-far worse. And those aren't white people running it, I guess most people will take whitey doing shit-to-okay levels, then endemic poverty and failed states.
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White MEN do mostly run things, and things are mostly going into the toilet. - a bit more accurate
I think it's a bit besides the point, actually. We've seen plenty of evidence that many of the women who get into politics are just as capable of fucking things up as the men. We notice the women in government who stand up and fight for freedom because they are unusual, and not just for being female.
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That's wrong but then you always are. Ever thought of educating yourself for once?
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No, the GP is correct, the Balkans did have some of their own SS divisions. Hell, even the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was made a gruppen fuhrer so he could murder Jews. After the war, West wanted to try him for war crimes but he escaped to Egypt which thought he had the right ideas about the Jews.
During WWII, Croatia was fascist state and allied to Germany and Italy. The Muslims in the Balkans also participated on the side of Germany. The animosity of others in the Balkans against the Croats for their WWII wa
No problem (Score:4, Insightful)
If those forum members have the courage of their convictions and aren't just a bunch of sniveling posers then they shouldn't mind everyone knowing that they're Nazis.
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Young stupid kids who get associated with this should be branded for life and have their lives ruined for engaging in speech on a private forum, with no hope for redemption ever. My god I can hardly contain my thirst to virtue signal how righteousness I am though vicious condemnation and personal attacks, and my checkmarked Twitter account is locked and loaded.
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Young stupid kids who get associated with this should be branded for life and have their lives ruined for engaging in speech on a private forum, with no hope for redemption ever.
Actually, I don't recall saying that.
My point is that you can't call for exterminating whole races and groups of people and still get to hide in the shadows.
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I might agree with you if I myself haven't been called a nazi on more than one occasion, simply for standing up for the principle of the first amendment.
That there is the entire point; Nazi are the lowest hanging fruit to justify persecuting people for the wrong opinions. I'm not going to fall for the "just the tip baby I promise" that leftists give when they want to justify censorship and attacking those they deem guilty of wrongthink and offensive speech, because experience has shown that they can never b
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If those forum members have the courage of their convictions and aren't just a bunch of sniveling posers then they shouldn't mind everyone knowing that they're Nazis.
If they had courage, they wouldn't be Nazis.
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I show how brave I am by always toeing the line and keeping my opinions limited to those that would never need protecting.
In fact I was just telling my gay husband how tolerating unpopular speech without immediate severe consequences sets a terrible standard. We must seek it out wherever it exists and expose those who are guilty so they can face the repercussions.
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I show how brave I am by always toeing the line and keeping my opinions limited to those that would never need protecting.
And I show how brave I am by advocating for the wholesale extermination of other races and then hiding behind a facade of "muh free speech opinionz!" to try and excuse it.
In fact I was just telling my gay husband how tolerating unpopular speech without immediate severe consequences sets a terrible standard.
Really? I was just telling my gay husband how Nazis suck and how they should be shunned and shamed into committing suicide.
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I show how brave I am by always toeing the line and keeping my opinions limited to those that would never need protecting.
I don't even toe the line of slashbot groupthink, you think this is about toeing the line? This is about Nazis, who want to exterminate everyone who isn't part of some mythical white "race", as if a) white were a race, or b) race were a real thing.
We literally fought a world war over whether white should be allowed to try to genocide everyone else, starting with the Jews. And you know what? We decided they shouldn't. Well, most of us did, anyway. Apparently you didn't get the memo.
Nazis are cowards through
Re:No problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Well plenty of people love communism, even though it's death count is staggeringly higher. I guess if you're going to go all in on a shitty ideology, it's better to pick the one that killed less people.
Your false dilemma of two shitty ideologies is simply that—a false dilemma. The question is, why did you pose a false dilemma that attempts to make light of Nazism?
Your whataboutism is ridiculous.
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The inability to dispute something
You responded to a disparagement on Nazis by pointing out that more deaths can be attributed to communist regimes. That's classic whataboutism. You deflect criticism of one by pointing out the flaws in another. Why you want to deflect criticism of nazism is beyond me.
You then presented these two options as if they were the only options when they were not. That's a false dichotomy.
What more is there to dispute? I mean, I could have just attacked your character–accused you of "intellectual cowardice" or
Re:No problem (Score:4, Insightful)
Well plenty of people love communism, even though it's death count is staggeringly higher.
Not a problem- I can hate Nazis and Communism at the same time if I want. It's not like you only get to pick one.
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Back in the real world we don't need to make the choice between being a Nazi or a Communist.
It's like me giving you the choice: Do you identify a child murder or a child rapist? You don't get to tell us you're not a bad person, you right now need to pick one of the two you despicable human being.
Now Do Antifa (Score:2, Insightful)
As long as we're doxing anonymous cowards who advocate violence based on politics...
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Looks like we found one of the neo-nazi sympathizers....
And here in the wild we see the communist agitator. Who always gets upset when someone points out that antifa is far more violent.
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And here in the wild we see the communist agitator. Who always gets upset when someone points out that antifa is far more violent.
Yeah? Name me one person that Antifa has killed. I'll wait.
In the meantime, I can name quite a few that have been killed by neo-Natzis. For example, Heather Heyer.
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Jordan Cofer
Nicholas Cumer
Thomas McNichols
Lois Oglesby
Logan Turner
Beatrice Warren-Curtis
Saeed Saleh
Monica Brickhouse
Derrick Fudge
Why is it any business of LEO? (Score:2)
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It's not. But as we've seen with 4chan and 8chan, some western governments really like trying to bait people into committing violence for a cause. There's a reason why they're called glowies on 'chans.
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some western governments really like trying to bait people into committing violence for a cause.
Tell us another fairy tale, Grandpa!
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The summary alone pointed out that two extremist networks - on associated with multiple murders - have arisen from this site.
Why on earth wouldn't law enforcement be interested in discovering who formed these networks, who participates in them, whether they've discussed illegal activities (including murder and/or terrorism).
Quite apart from direct evidence that could lead to a conviction this information will help law enforcement identify and investigate individuals of interest. Rather helpful if it means t
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This was apparently a private forum. Even though these people are Nazi's, they too have the right to private communications. Isn't the government fishing in private messages of forum users illegal? I mean, sure, this is about Nazis so they must be evil and locked up, but aren't we throwing away a bunch of fundamental rights here?
That's not very many people. Good. (Score:2)
Good to know that neo-Nazis are so rare and unpopular.
first they came for the nazis... (Score:5, Funny)
... and I said nothing. After all, they were nazis.
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