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Oracle Is Moving Its Massive Conference Out of San Francisco ( 116

An anonymous reader writes: Oracle has a huge commitment to the Bay Area. The software giant is based in Redwood Shores, a short drive south from San Francisco. It remains one of the largest employers in Northern California. And until recently, the Golden State Warriors were playing in Oracle Arena in Oakland. Just as the naming rights to that arena expired -- and the Warriors moved across the Bay to San Francisco -- Oracle bought the naming rights to the San Francisco Giants' stadium. For more than 20 years, Oracle has held its annual OpenWorld trade show in San Francisco, as well. The 2019 edition of the event, held in the Moscone Convention Center, drew 60,000 people to the already traffic clogged city, driving hotel prices to dizzying heights. But no more. Oracle today confirmed that starting next year it's moving OpenWorld to Caesars Forum, a new 550,000 square foot conference center in Las Vegas due to open next year. CNBC reports that the San Francisco Travel Association told members via email today that the decision reflects feedback from attendee complaints about high hotel rates and "poor street conditions."
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Oracle Is Moving Its Massive Conference Out of San Francisco

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    News at 11!

  • Translation (Score:5, Insightful)

    by outlaw69 ( 209617 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @11:01AM (#59507802)

    "poor street conditions." Translation - people don't want to see or step in other peoples turds in the streets.....

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by geek ( 5680 )

      "poor street conditions." Translation - people don't want to see or step in other peoples turds in the streets.....

      Turds, needles, homeless people smearing dirt and grim on your windshield at every stop light. Blue haired fat chicks in tight leather walking the streets getting mad that people looked at them.

      SF is a timebomb waiting to happen. It's always been a joke, at least since the 70's but at least back then it was relatively safe to go there. Took my family there last year to show them around where I grew up. It was like stepping into an alternate universe.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by BECoole ( 558920 )

        It's a perfect example of what happens when people pervert liberty into license.

      • Not really (Score:2, Insightful)

        by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
        These problems are easily solved and largely overblown by right wing talk shows that don't want the problem solved humanely.

        The correct way is to have universal housing (e.g. "Council Flats"). This was what was supposed to happen in the 70s when we closed down the insane asylums but the funding was slashed after Reagan got elected.

        But there's another way (which sadly is what my city does), whenever the homeless and the crazies show up the cops come in, burn their stuff and drive them to city limits.
        • Re:Not really (Score:4, Interesting)

          by SeaDuck79 ( 851025 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @12:35PM (#59508216)

          THIS is why cities struggle with "The Homelessness Problem". They struggle because the homeless are not all homeless for the same reasons. The main categories are:

          1) People just down on their luck, who need a hand up to become productive citizens. Government and private entities should invest in these people.
          2) Genuinely mentally ill people. For their own protection, many of these should be moved to some more controlled facilities.
          3) People with drug/alcohol problems. Some will respond to treatment, some will not. If they want to be helped, help them. If not, not much we can do.
          4) People who just want to live by their own rules. Give them a home, they won't stay there, or they'll trash it. Nothing to do with those people but move them along.
          5) Out and out criminals from thieves to sexual predators, who drift and victimize anyone and anything around them. Incarcerate them.

          Dealing with the last 3 groups has the ancillary (and not insignificant) benefit of reducing petty and even violent crime, much of which is committed to get money for drugs.

          Only when government recognizes the issue for the multi-faceted one it is will it have a chance of "solving" it.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            I think the parent doesn't read history and is unaware of the government doing EXACTLY that in the not too distant past. They called it the War on Poverty and built untold thousands of high-rise units to house the poor.

            They're all being torn down now because of the hellholes of crime they nurtured.

            My suggestion has always been that all the people who are so concerned about homelessness to do the right thing and open their back yards to them. But the loudest advocates are likely young renters and just bask i

            • by xevioso ( 598654 )

              There are lots of people in San Francisco who do just that. Whenever there's a board of supervisors approval meeting for homeless shelters, there's lots of people who show up who are happy to allow people with these conditions to live in their backyard...and a lot of folks who are opposed. It's very contentious.

          • are mentally ill. The addiction is a symptom if the mental illness. They're treating their mental illness themselves using drugs because they lack proper treatment options.
          • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
            Crime, waste and trash all over a city is not "People just down on their luck".. thats a city SJW policy not to clean the streets and stop crime.
        • Homelessness is not caused by lack of affordable housing. You cannot force insane people to enter into care anymore. Thus you have insane people running around. The others are just drug addicts and other losers who just need to be arrested for vagrancy.

          • I never said it was (Score:2, Interesting)

            by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
            Although there is growing trend of working homeless [] the majority are mentally ill.

            Nor do you have to force them into treatment. Just give them a place to stay. This includes drug addicts. Decriminalize addiction, treat it as a medical condition and have government funded sites for addicts to get and use the hard stuff (heroine, crack, meth, etc) with treatment _options_ immediately available when they come down from their high.

            All of this has been shown to be cheaper than our current system. There's
        • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

          by cygnusvis ( 6168614 )

          We already have enough empty apartments to house everybody

          Lets take the empty apartments and home away from those who own them and give them to homeless. That will do wonders for the economy.

          The correct way is to have universal housing

          lets build lots of low income to free sub standard housing. That will push the home investments of current home owners to all new heights! Jack who has a 1 mil mortgage on his home would love it if the cost of housing went down to 300k.

          • Cabrini Greens worked out great!

            • so here's what happened with "The Projects". In the 70s when the left was in charge there was a massive push to bring poor rural people into cities. This required a massive amount of job training and investment from the government, but long term it would end a lot of the extreme poverty in rural communities and result in vibrant cities full of good paying jobs.

              They got as far as building the houses and bringing the people and then Reagan got elected and pulled all the funding for the jobs programs. Then
              • Which is, surprise, surprise, ongoing.

                Cite a city with "projects" that has NOT been in the control of "the left" continuously since the 1970s started. Some, it goes back decades further.

              • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

                Cabrini Green [] was a sh*thole long before Reagan. Reagan took office in 1981. CG had fallen into disrepair, dysfunction, and high crime by the early 1970s. Good Times [], a TV show about Cabrini Green, and the crime and dysfunction, ran from 1974 to 1979.

                Concentrating poor people in one place is bad policy. A better policy is rent vouchers, which allow people to make their own housing choices, and live close to jobs and better schools.

                • and skipped out on the second. The right wing fights these things tooth and nail. Reagan is the one that finally did the cuts that killed the programs.

                  Vouchers are pointless when they're NO WORK. The reason we were bringing them to cities was to educate and employ them. Had we kept doing the social programs and trade policy to do that instead of sending all the jobs overseas because we'd rather vote for pro-gun anti-abortion GOP clowns or for "centrists" Dems they'd have been fine.

                  You got sold out,
              • Cabrini Greens was a massive failure and a national shame in the mid-70's - when Reagan was still the governor of California.

        • You overstate the willingness of some large portion of the homeless population to be housed.

          A good chunk are the insane we let out of the insane asylum or no longer commit to insane asylums we no longer have. Mental health in the US just about doesn't exist.

          Another good chunk are people that just won't cooperate. You can't have public housing without rules. The rules are usually along the lines of don't do drug, don't wreck shit, don't engage in criminal behavior (prostitution, fencing stolen goods, gan

        • I can tell from accents, clothing, and mannerisms that many "street people" in CA are from other states. Better weather is probably a lot of the reason. After all, if you are homeless, bad weather affects you dearly.

          But right-wing pundits often imply all the homeless are "caused by the socialist policies of California". But this is a national problem, not a local one. Homeless from red states simply end up here. And, many socialist leaning democracies have found better solutions than what the USA has done (

          • San Francisco just has to build housing for the homeless.

            [Mmmmany regulations and NIMBY lawsuits and environmental studies later] It's $700,000 per unit*.

            (Backs away slowly) You're on your own.

            * Actual number

            • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

              San Francisco just has to build housing for the homeless.

              Then more will come from other states, hoping to get one. Every state needs to provide housing for their homeless.

              I do agree SF needs to build more, but that alone will not solve it. National problems need national solutions.

            • San Francisco just has to build housing for the homeless.

              There's actually more empty housing units in SF than there are homeless people. So what's needed is to take them away from the people who aren't using them, and give them to the people that need them.

              Alternately, place a 100% tax on second (etc.) homes, and use the money to build housing for the homeless. I'm not against people having multiple homes, I'm against them having multiple homes while others live on the streets.

              • by xevioso ( 598654 )

                It turns out that people who own these empty units don't want to house mentally ill people or drug addicts in them.

                It's not unreasonable for a elderly granparent couple with a spare "granny flat" in their backyard in the outer Sunset in San Francisco to want to refuse to let a meth addict live there.

                • It turns out that people who own these empty units don't want to house mentally ill people or drug addicts in them.

                  Yeah, nobody wants to help anybody.

                  It's not unreasonable for a elderly granparent couple with a spare "granny flat" in their backyard in the outer Sunset in San Francisco to want to refuse to let a meth addict live there.

                  Then let them rent it to someone who's not a meth addict, and it won't be empty. I've known lots of people who have lived five or six to a two bedroom house in SF because all the empty housing drives up rental prices.

              • Raise the property tax a lot, but give tax relief to occupied properties. This is effectively a vacancy tax but it is much easier to show space being rented out than for the city to prove it is unoccupied.

                • They'd just take the units off the market and total tax revenue would,drop. Congratulations! You have discovered the Law of Unintended Consequence! You see, people actually respond to their environment and change their behavior as the environment changes but rarely do they change in the way you desire.
                  • Taking the units off the market would not help them. They would still have to pay the property/vacancy tax.

                    • Vacancy tax? So in between tenants the owner has to pay a tax? Lol omg. You apparently never lived in a highly rent controlled place because what has actually happened is that the more control there is, the shittier the units get, the less maintenance is done, the higher the rents go as new rentals don't come on the market and old rentals fall off due to conversion to single family, condos, apartments, etc, and generally highly rent controlled places become unlivable for anyone. See SF as an example wher
              • "There's actually more empty housing units in SF than there are homeless people." Citation? 'So what's needed is to take them away from the people who aren't using them, and give them to the people that need them". Take them away? Lololololol, this isn't some dictatorial third world socialist shut hole, yet. People still have rights here. You're hilarious.
          • but to your point the ones that don't end up dead. Most cities have a few months of extreme weather that'll kill you if you're out in it. And if you're mentally ill then sooner or later you'll be out in it.

            Pete Buttigieg got in a bit of a row with the folks in his home city because he was busy campaigning for president instead of setting up homeless shelters for the coming winter. They had a couple days of harsh weather earlier than usual and the community had to scramble to save lives.
          • But this is a national problem

            What is the problem? This is a free country. Some people choose to live in the street. As long as they can do that without breaking laws (such as the sanitary regulations) — what's the problem?

            And those, who defecate in the streets ought to be arrested — and locked up for increasingly large periods of time, just like any other criminals.

            • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

              What is the problem? This is a free country. Some people choose to live in the street.

              I'm not sure that's universally the case. Anyhow, it's generally a health hazard for everybody. Diseases spread faster among un-sheltered people and often end up spreading to the sheltered people around them, perhaps even going national. Shelters isolate the germs of the sick.

              • by mi ( 197448 )

                Some people choose to live in the street.

                I'm not sure that's universally the case.

                Of course, it is! Why else would they be there?

                Diseases spread faster among un-sheltered people

                An interesting theory — do you have data to back it up?

                And even if true, how can a free country force people, who don't want to maintain an abode into living in one? By giving them a "free" one? They would not maintain that one either — you'll have to do it for them (at the expense of everybody else).

                Shelters isolate the

        • by mi ( 197448 )

          The correct way is to have universal housing

          That is not working in LA [], why would it work in San Francisco?

          Council Flats

          "Council Flats" — a.k.a. "housing projects" or simply "projects" — are the least-desirable areas in any town. Something is seriously wrong about able-bodied people, who remain poor in a prosperous and reasonably free country — high concentrations of such people are ugly no matter how much money you spend on them.

          Whether you spend a billion or a trillion on "helping" them,

        • by mattyj ( 18900 )

          Also doesn't help that we have a terrible, terrible mayor in San Francisco. Breed is the worst. She's good at publicity stunts but not actually solving any problems.

          • by xevioso ( 598654 )

            It's not her fault that folks in SF just voted in supervisors and a D.A. that have pledged to operate directly opposed to her priorities.

            • What are her priorities and how are they in conflict? I left the city around the time she was elected. SF gets *exactly* what the citizens want. Clearly, what they want is a crime ridden filthy shit hole of a place unsuitable to raise a child or for normal people to live decent happy lives. That is what those idiots consistently vote for. They got it. Shit, needles, and piss all over the crime ridden streets. Success!
        • Re:Not really (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Rambo ( 2730 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @05:10PM (#59509488)

          "These problems are easily solved and largely overblown by right wing talk shows that don't want the problem solved humanely."

          You're kidding, right? California is run by and for Democrats and the left wing, it has a super-majority in every level of government and it's not possible for these scary right-wing types to get any legislation passed. It has been this way for decades and out of every state in the union California is the absolute worst for the homeless issue and the extremes that are quickly becoming the norm, with the plague being a shining example of a disease that shouldn't be present in a modern first-world nation, yet manages to crop up in Cali. Flame on everybody...

          • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

            California is the absolute worst for the homeless issue

            This is because bums from all the states in the country are moving to California, and to lesser degree to Washington and Oregon. This is an issue in California because of its permissive policies towards drug use, but CA is not the cause of this.

          • google "Third Way" or "New Democrats". There's an entire wing of the party that is right wing on economics and left on a few social issues. It started under Clinton in the 90s.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by whoever57 ( 658626 )

        Turds, needles, homeless people smearing dirt and grim on your windshield at every stop light

        I go into San Francisco reasonably frequently and I have yet to see a turd or a needle on the street. Even around the Moscone Center, I don't see turds or needles.

        Have you ever been there?

        The problem is vastly overblown by those who are envious of the economic success of San Francisco.

        • Wrong (Score:5, Insightful)

          by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @12:26PM (#59508188)

          Have you ever been there?

          I have been there and I stopped going to Apple's WWDC conferences for the last few years they had it in DC, because I did see feces and needles - right around Moscone. One block away from Moscone I saw a guy literally place his ass against a wall and take a shit, so he could rub it all over.

          The problem is vastly overblown by those who are envious of the economic success of San Francisco.

          And yet the "overblown" problem was apparently enough that guest complaints led Oracle to move a giant conference out of SF...

          Maybe other people are just more observant than you. Or have a nose.

        • Really?? Economic success?? For the rich I suppose. Talk about offensive.
          Economics is about the balance and distribution of resources. Housing is one of those. Your economy may be good with jobs but sucks when it comes to housing and living costs. You do not claim economic success when housing costs are among the highest in the country. For me it means nothing if I can't afford to live there to take advantage of your "good economy". Do not forget, when you have the government pay for something else, that mo

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Out of the mouths of babes. Once upon a time in the 1960's through '90s Silicon Valley was the envy of the world based on the innovation and forward thinking that drove it. Hewlett and Packard, Jobs and Wozniak, Intel, Sun, Xerox Parc. Too many to name. The technical stuff that went on there was simply amazing.

          Over the last 20 years it's transformed into a cesspool of megalomaniacal hucksters printing money through the private and public marketplaces via nothing but salesmanship and greed. A group that

        • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

          I go into San Francisco reasonably frequently and I have yet to see a turd or a needle on the street.

          I live in SF downtown. There are places that I avoid because of the ongoing zombie invasion. Try walking Market street from around 5-th street towards VanNess.

          To be fair, there are areas not yet invaded so thoroughly that are almost nice, mostly concentrated to the west of 101.

        • I lived there until recently. I'm glad you got lucky as a tourist. The stories are all true. Oh, btw, smash n grabs are at epidemic levels on top of everything else. Don't leave ANYTHING exposed in your car. The scumbags will smash your window for a penny or stick of gum.
      • Turds, needles, homeless people smearing dirt and grim on your windshield at every stop light.

        Last time I was in SF was for the RSA conference. There were definitely a lot of homeless hanging around. We walked three blocks to a bar for one vendor event -- nice place -- but derelicts sleeping outside pressed up to the plate glass windows. Driving up into the Golden Gate avenue area yeah there were guys urinating in the gutter.

        So yeah, bad. I didn't see anything as bad as some are making out but I have no reason to doubt their stories.

        I live near the Tesla factory in Fremont and it is much b

        • I've seen a rapid increase in derelict RVs on Albrae (next to 880). It's obvious this street is shelter for people permanently living in their cars and RVs. At my son's school, the parking is lot is officially a homeless sanctuary where anyone can car camp overnight.

          • These are actually the more-functional homeless who would probably have a home in a more-sane housing market that allowed growth. Being able to maintain a functioning vehicle requires a certain amount of mental wherewithal. The folks living in those vehicles are probably working in the service industries that let the community continue to function. Fix the effective ban on new housing (i.e. the height limits, parking requirements, zoning, and lawsuits that make only the most expensive luxury housing viable)

    • I come from Hondurs a very poor country even my dog know not poop in the street
    • what they mean is traffic. Lots and lots of traffic. To the point where it's just hard to get to where you want to be. There really isn't all that much crapping in the streets. Even San Francisco moves those people along.
    • " people don't want to see or step in other peoples turds in the streets....."

      So what you're saying is that Oracle was *forced* out.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      People who worked hard to study, learn and who now have good jobs dont want to walk around in 4th world CA conditions with waste, trash and crime.
      More to a better city and enjoy better conditions.
      Clean streets, less crime and less tax.
  • Just gotta have their strippers.
  • SF already sucks enough every day. Oracle made it completely unbearable. The average citizen got nothing from Oracle but traffic, high prices, huge crowds and asshole sales jerks everywhere. Now, if only Dreamforce would go the fuck away, too.
  • Logic is Sound (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ScottCS ( 6451552 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @11:08AM (#59507834)
    As someone who regularly attends JavaOne/CodeOne, often paying my own way, I've resorted to staying in dive hotels with bathrooms down the hall. And walking to the Moscone is dicey at best....definitely a homeless epidemic, let's hope San Fran figures it out.
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @11:22AM (#59507906)
    But I kind of agree with the move. Hotels in the area are a pain, and the street condition problem are more than just the homeless. The city is having trouble maintaining the area, and part of that is the number of people lining the streets. But more of an issue is getting anywhere. SF is becoming less of a tourist draw and more of a home for tech workers. Las Vegas is much more attractive for after conference activities. My favorite Oracle conference was held in Orlando. Not only did I learn an enormous amount of information helpful to my job at the conference, we were able to have quite a bit of fun after hours.
  • California high taxes can be tolerated when you have infrastructure, attractions, etc. But when you ignore these items, and make California look more like Texas combined with the worst of New York City, well, companies will leave.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • It's not even close to maximum density. Plenty of major, successful cities in the world have more density, even other cities in the US (NYC being the other major city, but there are also numerous successful smaller municipalities with more density)! The problem is that the majority of San Francisco was frozen in amber in the early 20th century, and the rest was frozen in the late 80's. No more new housing, housing gets expensive as demand grows. It's not that fucking hard to understand.

        Build shittons of hou

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @11:52AM (#59508034)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • One good thing about Las Vegas for the conferences is that there are plenty of hotels and rooms can be often had cheaply on weekdays. Their prices go up only on weekends when large crowds of people from LA and other parts of country hit the place in force. The Las Vegas airport is not the biggest or a hub, but the airlines do tend to provide more direct flights there bypassing the hubs.

    • Cities like Las Vegas are built for these types of events.

      Arguably, all huge conventions ought to be in LV, or if they are not quite so huge, they can be in Reno instead. The only kind of convention it makes sense to have in SF would be for fog enthusiasts.

  • Surely the SF Board of Supervisors can fix this quite easily by passing a law requiring Oracle to hold their conference in SF.
  • by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Wednesday December 11, 2019 @03:28PM (#59508926) Journal

    Not just SF, but the Bay Area in general. I'm wondering if it compares to Detroit in 1960. That would have seemed like a real winner back then, but 10 years later you could see where it was headed. The topping out of the SalesForce tower might be the literal peak. You could say that when businesses leave, rents will decrease and market forces will make it attractive again. Trouble is, SF can fall a long way and still be over-priced relative to other cities. Also, once the trend sets in and gets momentum it's hard to attract tenants to a city and a region in decline. We've already had the establishment of baby Si Valleys in various places throughout the country. The BA is still a locus where a lot of VC money lives, but it's not a monopoly. The homelessness problem by itself might not push the BA over the edge, but once dynamic of "rats leaving the sinking ship" sets in, some other catalyst like "the big one" might accelerate a down trend.

    Personally, I love the area for its intrinsic values of pleasant climate and attractive geography. It's just way over-priced. It could be a real steal to buy something there--but it'll have to get totally monkey-hammered first.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      All CA has to do is clean the streets, stop the waste, crime and trash... like any 1st world nation can.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
