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Programming Software

JetBrains to Reimagine IntelliJ as Text Editor, Add Machine Learning ( 41

From a report: JetBrains has added further destinations to the IntelliJ-based roadmap it sketched out last year, promising more localization, machine learning and Git integration amongst a range of other goodies for the Java IDE...

The Prague-based firm's CTO Dimitry Jemerov said users had long asked to be able to use its IDEs for "general purpose text editing". While this is possible to some degree currently, in some situations it created a temporary project file, leading to disk clutter and "other inconveniences". However, recent performance improvements mean "the possibility of using our IDEs as lightweight text editors has become more plausible, so we're now building a dedicated mode for editing non-project files. In this mode, the IDE will work more like a simple text editor." This will be faster, he promised, but the feature set will be very limited and "you'll be able to easily switch to the full project mode if you need to use features such as refactoring or debugging...

Other upcoming features include more machine learning. Jemerov said this was already being used to improve code completion, but would now be rolled out for other completion features. "We're teaching ML completion to make better use of the context for ranking completion suggestions and to generate completion variants that go beyond a single identifier (full-line completion)". That might take a while, he said, but was a "major area where we are investing our efforts."

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JetBrains to Reimagine IntelliJ as Text Editor, Add Machine Learning

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  • Unless they start adding Blockchain to it I am going to stick with my Borland Pascal IDE.

    • Unless they start adding Blockchain to it I am going to stick with my Borland Pascal IDE.

      Well, for Blockchain, you should switch to Visual Studio Code, with the Blockchain extension: IBM Blockchain Platform []

      Hey, IBM and Microsoft . . . where can you go wrong?

      Just tell you manager that:

      "Nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM and Microsoft technology."

    • Be careful what you wish for. The first thing that came into my head when I thought of "adding blockchain to an IDE" was a Monero miner that runs while a project is open.

  • The Geany text editor kinda does this, but backwards. It is a basic, decent cross platform editor. But it has "compile", "build" and "execute" buttons that can have certain behaviors defined based on file extension/type that you are editing. The difference is of course really that Geany is Free software ...

  • One with actual horses and oil lamps and wooden wheels.

    I used to like Java, but come on. Using it feels like coding in Object Pascal, ten years ago. Yes, is was sweet in the 90s. And I'm not a progress-for-progress's-sake guy. Especially not with the madness that people call "modern" nowadays. But we've learned better ways since then. C-likes are verbose and cumbersome, especially Java. At least C is good for (what we nowadays call) low-level stuff. But it's time to actually use the good stuff every languag

    • by Quantum gravity ( 2576857 ) on Sunday January 26, 2020 @11:03AM (#59657628)
      According to TIOBE the five most popular programming languages are, in descending order: Java, C, Python, C++, C#
      See: []
      • Like my grandma used to say: And if everybody jumped off a bridge, you would too?

        You know the difference between "is good" and "is popular", do you?
        Or "is moving" and "is alive".

        The next time somebody with a knife or some animal comes straight at you, try not appying that pepper spray or gun until it is at twice your arm's length, and then tell me how much it instantly stopped and fell over and totally didn't still kill you despite already having passed its point of death or incapacitation. --.--

        I bet you w

    • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday January 26, 2020 @02:10PM (#59658064) Journal
      I used to complain about Java a lot. I never liked it from the day I learned it (too much typing, etc).

      In retrospect, the languages that are trying to replace it ended up being worse. Javascript? Just a depressing language in every way. Even when they try to add features, they do it incorrectly (hello, classes). Haskell is awkward on purpose (let's invent monads to show that we wish mutability wasn't necessary), and Python is only suitable for small projects. When your project is big enough that you need to start refactoring, it gets really awkward as a language.
    • by jblues ( 1703158 )
      The IntelliJ platform powers a whole suite of IDEs for many languages. The flagship version, for Java ecosystem can be used for, of course, Java, but also Scala and (my preference) Kotlin. Kotlin is a a popular, modern alternative to Java, that compiles to JVM bytecode, JavaScript or native code. Kotlin is made by the same company that makes in IntelliJ.
  • What's really funny about the IDE market is that people want more and more features and then the program has a bazillion features. Then people say they don't like bloat and want a simple text editor without all these Bazillion features.

    I used to read the "New and Noteworthy" section for each Eclipse IDE release and I couldn't keep up. They had so many freaking features, it was absolutely ridiculous. So let's say you're a new hot shot coder and you're fresh out of college and you're trying to pick your de

  • I currently use WebStorm to edit markdown and html files. What gets more text-editory than that?

    It has support for syntax checking and auto-completion but if you are a purist you can just shut that off.

    If you want it can emulate VI.

    So what's the big deal about being a text editor?

  • There are things that I'd rather they focus on instead of this stupid "simple text editor" idea.

    Like how about a "file system" view, unlike the project view, that shows all files from the filesystem instead of just project files?

    With the abundance of simple text editors out there, who is asking JB to strip out all functionality so they can leverage IJ as a text editor anyway?

  • While I use it on daily basis for Scala and Rust development (because of the relatively good IDE experience) I still find it painfully slow, possibly due to the fact that it's a huge bloated Java application with god knows how many classes and typical java-ish way to abstract every little piece of code into a class hierarchy. Each keystroke causes CPU spikes, it uses few GBs of RAM for non-trivial projects so if I need to open several of them at the same time it sucks all of the available memory including s
    • "huge bloated Java application". Isn't that description a bit redundant for Java IDE's? I recently spent quite a bit of time explaining to someone that splitting up their application into many components, each to run a JVM in their own docker image, would not help their memory and CPU requirements.

      • I recently spent quite a bit of time explaining to someone that splitting up their application into many components, each to run a JVM in their own docker image, would not help their memory and CPU requirements.

        You need to use ZFS deduplication for that to work. Bonus for using Monster connectors on the SATA.

        • If you get a Bonus for ZFS deduplication using Monster connectors on the SATA.

          Do I get a lottery jackpot for PostgreSQL vacuuming over ST506?

      • "huge bloated Java application". Isn't that description a bit redundant for Java IDE's?

        Well, kind of. Yes, all Java-based IDEs are heavy applications but IntelliJ is specially so. I've only tried for a short time (in the form of Android Studio) but even compared to other Java IDEs was very slow and resource-intensive. By comparison Netbeans or Eclipse on modern hardware are much faster

    • You seem not to grasp what a modern IDE is doing and how it works. CPU spikes ... LMAO.

      • by dremon ( 735466 )
        CPU spikes on every keystroke, yes. With a few decades of programming experience I think I know a bit or two about IDEs.

        As a side note - compare for example Qt Creator (a native IDE application for C++/Qt) with any of JVM-based ones. Instant startup, very fast reponsse, no issues with memory or CPU use.
        • And what has your "point" to do with a 'CPU spike' every second?

          You don't know what the IDE is doing in that spike ... up to you to figure it.

    • My guess is it's just a way of telling the IDE that "hey, that's just a text file so turn off your completion engine, syntax checker, error highlighting, and whatever else you're trying to do because that's not actually code". I guess maybe handy if you're already in your IDE and want to edit a text file. But otherwise I'd just use a text editor, especially with how bloated and slow the JetBrains IDE's tend to be.

  • As someone already posted, it is an IDE trading many functions for speed, and removing most of these functions and/or heavily optimizing may or may not be enough for satisfactory operation on common computers, but the machine learning bit is not stupid. Integrating something like TabNine might be very interesting. Localization, however, is something myself and I suspect the vast majority of programmers would not welcome/use for a number of reasons and it would just be a resource drain (albeit a small one)
  • I have a rather fast computer, yet JetBrain's IDEs are already far too slow for me. Almost everybody I talked to, who ever used their development environments, confirms this. Their forums are full of lament about this. Their IDEs feel like you are running them on a C64. Often enough, you type faster than the thing can follow. With "machine learning" added to the queue, it can only get worse.
    I don't use JetBrain's products anymore; for that very reason. They even manage to make qtCreator and VisualStudio l
  • This is going to bring a while new class if software bus to live!

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
