White Supremacists Built a Website To Doxx Interracial Couples (vice.com) 290
White supremacists have reportedly built a website that names, shames, and effectively promotes violence against interracial couples and families -- "and it's been circulated in some of the darkest corners of the internet, including in neo-Nazi Discord servers and accelerationist Telegram channels," reports VICE News. An anonymous reader shares the report: The website was created in April but was taken offline after their initial hosting provider cut ties with them. They then found a home with one of Russia's largest domain registrars, R01. VICE News contacted R01 on Tuesday to ask whether the site violated their policies. An hour later, the site was taken offline, but as of Wednesday morning it was back up. Tatiana Agafonova, a spokesperson for R01, wrote in an email that the company would "diligently render its services to customers" unless a court rules otherwise or they're contacted by law enforcement. The owner of the website shields their identity and location through Cloudflare, a U.S.-based security company that protects customers from DDoS attacks (attempts to crash a website by overwhelming it with data). VICE News contacted Cloudflare to ask how this particular website squared with their policies. They declined to comment on individual websites but directed us to their blog from February 2019, where they "address complaints about content." Their bottom line was that Cloudflare is a security company, and content moderation isn't really their responsibility.
[O]ther online extremists have gotten very good at evading tech crackdowns by employing an ever-evolving shared language of memes and euphemisms used to signpost for the same racist views. The website in question uses the same strategy, which seems to be carefully crafted in an effort to shield the owner from liability. The owner even explicitly states on the site that they do not encourage violence -- all they're doing is listing names and social media accounts as part of a database of "white women who have an interest in black men." One section is titled "toll paid," and it lists women who have been in interracial relationships, and had something horrible happen to them, like death or injury. [...]
The owner of the website claims that the "toll paid" section is intended to catalog incidents where white women are victims of black violence, and isn't an incitement. But "all the disclaimers in the world" may not be enough to protect them from a lawsuit some day, especially if someone is harassed or harmed as a result, says Subodh Chandra, a former federal prosecutor who has handled high-profile civil rights cases, including a recent case against the Daily Stormer.
[O]ther online extremists have gotten very good at evading tech crackdowns by employing an ever-evolving shared language of memes and euphemisms used to signpost for the same racist views. The website in question uses the same strategy, which seems to be carefully crafted in an effort to shield the owner from liability. The owner even explicitly states on the site that they do not encourage violence -- all they're doing is listing names and social media accounts as part of a database of "white women who have an interest in black men." One section is titled "toll paid," and it lists women who have been in interracial relationships, and had something horrible happen to them, like death or injury. [...]
The owner of the website claims that the "toll paid" section is intended to catalog incidents where white women are victims of black violence, and isn't an incitement. But "all the disclaimers in the world" may not be enough to protect them from a lawsuit some day, especially if someone is harassed or harmed as a result, says Subodh Chandra, a former federal prosecutor who has handled high-profile civil rights cases, including a recent case against the Daily Stormer.
DISGUSTING BUT... (Score:4, Insightful)
....they can't name the website. Or show that it ever existed. More fake news from Vice. Give it up guys, you are all going to get laid off soon.
Re: DISGUSTING BUT... (Score:2)
...you are all going to get laid off soon.
And just "off."
Re: DISGUSTING BUT... (Score:2)
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So you’re saying it’s a Russian bot website...
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RT is registered with .com, so by the same logic, they're clearly a US organisation.
Great place for law enforcement to hang out (Score:4, Insightful)
I think this website is a great place for law enforcement to hang out and collect evidence. A conspiracy charge will be a nice bonus on top of whatever other charges are filed against anyone who actually commits any crime.
Of course if it's just white supremacists talking impotently with each other, then better that than talking to normal people. No need to suppress speech even if the ones speaking are morons.
You don't know (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Great place for law enforcement to hang out (Score:5, Insightful)
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Apparently the only "free speech" defense so far. But I have four questions for you:
(1) How would you feel if your spouse was sufficiently different from you that you qualified as an "interracial couple", at least in some moron's opinion?
(2) Do you think the police can trace every printout from such a website?
(3) Do you think the police should be able to arrest someone before they actually kill your spouse, or should the police have to wait for the actual crime?
(4) Have you ever personally met a dangerous m
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I think this website is a great place for law enforcement to hang out
Several of the worst racists I ever met were cops.
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Re: Great place for law enforcement to hang out (Score:3)
Of course if it's just white supremacists talking impotently with each other, then better that than talking to normal people.
We should be willing to die to protect their right to share their beliefs with whoever they want - and shoot them in the fucking face if they dare act on said beliefs.
Re: Great place for law enforcement to hang out (Score:5, Interesting)
It's one of the unsolvable problems with a free society. In a free society pre crime isn't a thing. You can only prosecute someone for what they have done, not what they have said. For the garden variety criminal it works as a deterrent most of the time. Most people don't want to go to jail or die in a gun fight with police. But you have to have some level of self preservation. For the real nut jobs out there, the ones willed with religious or ideological zeal who have no self preservation it doesn't work. The only means of deterring or stopping them would destroy your free society. So you have to live with it and remember that terrorism is committing violence and terror for a political purpose. Changing because of them means they were successful. That's why you don't negotiate with terrorists. Put another way, some level of civilian casualties in a world where people are evil is inevitable. Having a perfectly safe society where nobody harms another is an impossible dream.So stop worrying about what cant be and get on with your life. Chances are you wont be a victim of such violence because the number of terrorists in the world, regardless of affiliation or ideology is incredibly small. Most people are decent,
That's hilarious (Score:2)
Oh no! My next-door neighbors with different skin colors and wedding rings are banging each other! And those guys across the street look a bit sketchy too!
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Hilariously moronic. 99.9% [businessinsider.com] of DNA is common across all humans. 96% is common with a chimpanzee.
These white supremacist idiots must be a few percent short of a full genome.
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Genetically speaking, we are all 50% banana.
Re:That's hilarious (Score:4, Funny)
That's nothing, a lot of them are 100% nuts.
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Earlier in life , when i learned that we are all related to every other organism on Earth i was blown away.
I still think it's pretty freaking cool.
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Earlier in life , when i learned that we are all related to every other organism on Earth i was blown away.
I wasn't. It was just stating the obvious.
Once life had evolved beyond little bubbles of lipids, had DNA, and had a mechanism for transcribing codons into proteins, it had a HUGE advantage over any newly emerging proto-life. There was an enormous and obvious first-mover advantage. So there was no way it was going to happen twice.
We all use the same genetic code. The amoeba is our brother.
Re: That's hilarious (Score:2)
Re: That's hilarious (Score:2)
99.9% of DNA is common across all humans.
Sub-Saharan Africans tend to lack the two or so percent of Neanderthal and/or Denisovian that Eurasians are packing so no, not quite.
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On the other hand Neanderthals and Denisovans were both part of Homo, not some completely unrelated species. So if 2% of our pasty cousin's DNA come from them, but that DNA is already 99%+ identical, we're all still 99.9% identical.
Isn't it ironic? (Score:5, Insightful)
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I was actually convinced that I'm superior to most other people.
Then I met white supremacists and now I'm back at the drawing board. I still don't know what it is, but I'm at least sure now it ain't the color of my skin that makes me superior.
Re: Isn't it ironic? (Score:3)
It's embarrassing. Dumbfucks.
Indeed. The existence of country music - 'Islands in the Stream" notwithstanding - is about the only thing that makes me ashamed to be white.
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Re:Isn't it ironic? (Score:5, Insightful)
Their own inadequacy is what attracts many of them to white supremacy in the first place. They have problems and it's comfortable to have someone to blame. If they can convince themselves that the reason they don't have a hot girlfriend is because of race traitors hooking up with black guys they don't have to confront their own bad behaviour and attitudes, or general lack of personal hygiene.
Now everybody knows about this site (Score:3)
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Mrs. Streisand in full effect.
Shames? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm guessing if you replace "shames" with "intimidates" you'd be closer to the mark.
The price of a free internet (Score:5, Insightful)
Either of those extremes are obviously awful. On the other hand, shooting for something in between these two models was always, still is, and always will be, messy, problematic, hard-to-police, and full of moving targets and double-standards. Human communication is messy. The internet (the human part at least) is an extension of human communication. It will be messy from now until we go extinct as a species.
Maintaining it in a halfway civilized state is going to require constant, never-ending effort. Pop this particular feces-filled-balloon, and another will show up. Rinse and repeat. The price of a functioning internet is constant vigilance.
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I take the wild west one. As long as shooting is meant metaphorically, because I can defend myself with words just fine and there's very little you can shoot my way that actually hits, as long as it's words. Sticks and stones and all that.
The only problem I see is that a lot of people are dumb enough to believe the bullshit told on the internet. And they act accordingly. Which leads to broken communication infrastructure and broken herd immunity. I have no solution for that part yet. At least none that is l
Re: The price of a free internet (Score:2)
We can have a wild-wild-west internet where anything goes, and everyone should pack a six-shooter because you're responsible for your own neck.
Damn straight; William Gibsons demonstrated repeatedly that you might not make it out of VR alive.
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We can have a homogeneously safe, polite internet, policed by a nanny-state, where everyone behaves. We can have a wild-wild-west internet where anything goes, and everyone should pack a six-shooter because you're responsible for your own neck.
Then what's the solution? That we sit on our laurels and allow interracial couples to be harassed and killed? We start allowing websites that would promote and encourage violence against white supremacists? This is a position of someone who don't understand the limits of free speech.
Saying we can only have lawlessness OR authoritarianism is a false choice.
Re: The price of a free internet (Score:2)
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The creativity isn't done for yet. There's still a ton of innovation out there. It's just different. Yes, the large players are more important now.
I'm guessing that you
Re:The price of a free internet (Score:5, Funny)
I'm old enough to remember the wild-west internet. It was smaller. A lot smaller. Waaaayyy smaller. Much, much MUCH smaller. It worked for 100 researchers. It worked for a few million people. It simply won't work for 5 billion doing the things that they want to do on it. You can't go back.
Wake me up when September ends.
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Autumn will continue until moral improves....
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The AOLites (as they were named by the denizens of the internet) were SHOCKED that people on usenet were MEAN. Why won't someone kick the MEAN people off the internet?
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AOL used keywords. CompuServe used "GO" commands.
wayback machine (Score:2)
So name it, use the wayback machine and show us how terrible it was.
Funny, they don't do that?
Accelerationist (Score:2)
I'm going to take a wild guess that an "accelerationist" is not, primarily, either a high-speed transport aficionado, nor a proponent of the singularity. Probably something about accelerating a race war.
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Yes, it means something akin to "wannabe self-fulfilling prophet".
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Utterly and completely disgusting (Score:2)
Seriously, get the fuck out of here with this race-baiting bullshittery.
Slow COVID day, assholes?
Are we sure of this? (Score:3)
I know there's some horribly bad people on the internet but the last 5 or 6 years, I've seen some ridiculous demonstrations of people eithern ot understanding jokes, misconstruing things for politics, putting words in peoples mouths etc?
Gotta admit, this one does seem hard to defend, but be curious to see the full story.
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Well, I think we know at least on /. poster who wants on this website big time.
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Sure. Here is one [state.gov].
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What is the basis of the "Funny" mod?
However, I wasn't even aware there was a special problem there, so maybe I'm just outside the scope of the "joke". Or is this another troll-bait of some sort?
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Shhh only so-called "right wing" hate groups are hate groups.
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Go on. I'm wating.
Re:Accelerationist Telegram channels? (Score:4, Interesting)
Well that's not hard, the USSR alone has beaten all of the right wing groups for this and at least the next few centuries.
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Re: Accelerationist Telegram channels? (Score:3)
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Is that what's meant with "Jesus loves everyone"? He's just not really choosy?
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Private industry has been getting government checks for decades.
Re: Socialists (Score:2)
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I don't have mod points, but I'd mod you up if I could.
What you are saying is to my mind a fair analysis given the state of the world and your post certainly does not deserve the "troll" rating it has been given.
Re:Right. (Score:5, Interesting)
Ok, so you've proven you don't know what the terms "institutionalized racism" and "affirmative action" mean. There is a wide body of literature about race in the US which will describe these terms, what they mean, and how they are measured. You can look them up and read them, so that the next time you comment on an article about race your ignorance will be less comprehensive.
But regarding your twenty years in Oklahoma and Texas, I grew up in that part of the country. There are a few possibilities. If you're a transplant, they may not use the n-word around you because in their minds you're still an outsider, even after twenty years. Or, maybe you're a person of color yourself, so you're an outsider. Or, in those twenty years you never left your house. Or, it's so normalized you no longer hear it. Or, you're lying.
In any case, while you can't avoid people who use the n-word in those parts of the country, they aren't a majority. That doesn't mean racism isn't common. For example, a multi-racial couple that I knew made the mistake of attending an all-white church, and their car was keyed during the service. Most of the congregation would never use the n-word, but they quietly looked away when this sort of thing happened, and they *certainly* didn't see anything, if asked. This is the predominant cultural attitude in large portions of the US, which you are willfully misrepresenting.
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
Not at all (Score:3)
Anti abortion nutjobs have done the same thing with abortion doctors and the courts have allowed it. Let's see how this one plays out in the current climate.
Re: Right. (Score:4, Funny)
Ah, now I know why you're a useless raging asshole.
I'm actually extremely useful but you probably got two out three right* ;)
*To be fair, it would have that effect on anybody.
Re: Right. (Score:2)
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Sure you can. Words are just words, you can use the most PC words possible and still be a racist.
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Gosh. Maybe I should have used a sarcasm tag.
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In a topic like that? Definitely. Poe's law isn't just for religion anymore.
Re:You heard it here first, folks (Score:4, Insightful)
If you don't use the n-word, you can't possibly be a racist.
Sure you can. But the GPP's point is that the common stereotype of rural Southern whites as openly racist is usually wrong.
I grew up in the South and still have plenty of relatives living in trailer parks. When I married my non-white spouse, nobody cared about her race. Everyone was warm and welcoming to her. When my niece married a black guy it was the same. He is just one of the family now.
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Re:You heard it here first, folks (Score:4)
Sure, I understand that you're making a point that southerners have changed.
Actually, I was making the point that the stereotype has never been universally true.
I grew up in the South, in a mountainous area where plantation slavery never existed. So few blacks live there even today.
When I was growing up, race wasn't discussed much because there just weren't many people of other races around.
The worst racism existed in the Black Belt [wikipedia.org].
During the Civil War, my hillbilly ancestors opposed secession and supported the Union. Every Southern state but South Carolina had at least one regiment in the Union Army.
I believe that the South has a greater sense of place and a deeper historical memory than the rest of the country. In the Blue Ridge and Appalachian Mountains there is still bitterness over conscription for a cause we didn't believe in and reprisals for resistance. The segregationists and KKK were seen as "them" not "us".
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Been there, I'm mixed race but look white and my wife is non-white. While people are nice to her that doesn't meant they aren't racist towards her entire race, they just don't seem to even realize it. They will say all sorts of horrible things about X people in general, but when it comes to individual X people they know they are lovely.
It's why saying "I have lots of black friends" doesn't mean you can't be racist.
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Good. Or rather, whatever. People who get offended at anything you do will get offended at anything you do anyway, so you can safely ignore them.
Re: Right. (Score:2)
... so you can safely ignore them.
I wish that were true; history suggests otherwise.
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That's not really a twist at all. Perceived traitors are always considered much worse than the perceived enemy.
Kind of like how if you are the victim of Islamist terrorism, you are more likely to be Muslim than not. I think it's by a factor of 8 or so.
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So you're saying you don't know any openly white supremacists or black people?
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I do know a few black people. I don't know, nor have ever seen, any real, actual white supremacists.
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Re: My money is on this site being run by someone (Score:2)
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I don't know, but I'm fairly sure the answer has something to do with Russia.
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cui bono?
Erm. White Supremacists Built a Website To Doxx Interracial Couples...
Who benefits? White supremacists.
Why are you against taking them at face value?
The fact that you don't know any Nazis doesn't mean the marches all up and down the cities of Idaho are left-wing false flag operations.
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> Who benefits? White supremacists.
How do they "benefit"? Why are we paying such disproportionate attention to such a small, fringe group, which I haven't even seen any representatives of, ever in my life? This is a cats and laser pointers situation. This problem _does not exist_ in any meaningful sense of the word.
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How do they "benefit"?
How do a group of BMW owners benefit from hanging out at a BMW forum?
Why are we paying such disproportionate attention to such a small, fringe group, which I haven't even seen any representatives of, ever in my life?
Because such groups have had some rather spectacular effects on the world historically speaking.
This is a cats and laser pointers situation.
No, this is a stupid fucking analogy.
This problem _does not exist_ in any meaningful sense of the word.
Go fuck yourself, dude. [turner.com]
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If you don't know any nazis (or, at least, anyone who will admit to being a nazi in your presence), you should definitely take that as a compliment. You choose your friends well.
But it does mean that your friends are a biassed sample.
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No. If you _know_ nazis your friends are a biased (Score:2)
No. If you _know_ nazis your friends are a biased sample. They're a super-fringe group, they barely even exist.
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Calling Accelerationists by the name "Accelerationists" implicitly agrees when what the extremists say is happening.
Accelerationism [wikipedia.org] is a big-tent philosophy, and left-accelerationists and right-accelerationists have completely different views of what is happening, and completely different goals.
Disclaimer: I am one half of an interracial couple.
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Never heard of the term before. So what, they think capitalism can't be stopped so they want to advance it too fast so that it falls apart? That sounds incredibly stupid, but ok. Unlike a vehicle like a train, capitalism doesn't have any physical constraints or a track to fall off of, and in general seems to be pretty well self-correcting every time something new and seemingly self-destructive comes along, and unlike systems that try to replace it, it is remarkably flexible. It has been a thing since at lea
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Never heard of the term before.
It is an extreme fringe term.
So what, they think capitalism can't be stopped so they want to advance it too fast so that it falls apart?
Left-accelerationists believe in Karl Marx's theory that society goes from feudalism to capitalism to socialism to communist utopia. So by accelerating the development of capitalism they actually bring forward its destruction and speed up the inevitable march of history toward the utopian ideal of communism.
That sounds incredibly stupid, but ok.
Yes, accelerationism is incredibly stupid.
I have a commie cousin who believes it, and he is an idiot in more ways than just this.
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You don't get any extra credit points for having your head up your ass.
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Re:Is this more clickbait? (Score:5, Informative)
I'm glad that an AC tried to fix your comment, but AC didn't go far enough. Let's start with the lie "They label anyone a Nazi that's not a far-left socialist; which is where the Nazis fall politically." The "Socialist" in the name of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was put there in a lame attempt to attract working class people. In fact, Hitler spent most of the period from 1921-1934 first purging and killing socialists, communists, and anti-capitalists from his own party and then doing the same to other parties.
"For their part, businesses welcomed the Nazis' promises to suppress the left. On 20 February 1933, Hitler and Goering met with a large group of industrialists when Hitler declared that democracy and business were incompatible and that the workers needed to be dragged away from socialism. He promised bold action to protect their businesses and property from communism. The industrialists - including leading figures from I.G. Farben, Hoesch, Krupp, Siemens, Allianz and other senior mining and manufacturing groups - then contributed more than two million Reichsmarks to the Nazi election fund, with Goering tellingly suggesting that this would probably be the last election for a hundred years. Business leadership happily jettisoned democracy to rid Germany of socialism and to smash organised labour." https://www.abc.net.au/religio... [abc.net.au]
Only an utter fucking fool would believe the Nazis were actually socialist.
Re: Is this more clickbait? (Score:5, Informative)
So you are demonstrating the previous point, as a modern Nazi apologist. Being dishonest about words and history.
Quite enlightening.
Re: Is this more clickbait? (Score:2)
Fuck all the racist and ignorant woke bigots that have been hyper focused race and gender; many of which work for outlets like VICE.
Truer words never spoken.
Re: Thank goodness for the 2nd Amendment. (Score:2)
If anyone who objects to your personal relationships shows up at your door to harass you, shoot the asshole with two rounds of rock salt.
Huh?? Number two buck.
Re: HOAX (Score:2)
I agree. Why would you need to dox interracial couples? They arenâ(TM)t hiding, you can go to any mall in America and find some. Itâ(TM)s perfectly normal and they arenâ(TM)t trying to hide it. If you really wanted to target them, there is no need for a website.