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Python Overtakes Java in New Language Popularity Ranking, As Rust Reaches Top 20 ( 91

"Programming language Python is now firmly the second most popular programming language, for the first time knocking Java out of the top two places in RedMonk's language popularity rankings," reports ZDNet: It's the first time since 2012 that Java is not one of the top two most popular languages in the developer analyst firm's programming language popularity list. The company's previous rankings in March placed machine-learning propelled Python in a tie for second place with Java, behind JavaScript.

RedMonk's influential programming popularity rankings are based on GitHub and Stack Overflow data. The company combines them "for a ranking that attempts to reflect both code (GitHub) and discussion (Stack Overflow) traction", says RedMonk analyst Stephen O'Grady, who notes "all numerical rankings should be taken with a grain of salt....

"Python is the first non-Java or JavaScript language ever to place in the top two of these rankings by itself, and would not have been the obvious choice for that distinction in years past," O'Grady notes, comparing it to Perl in its heyday because it has become a "language of first resort" and the "glue" for thousands of small projects, while enjoying high adoption in growing categories such as data science...

Five-year-old systems-programming language Rust, created by Mozilla, has hit a more positive milestone, for the first time becoming the 20th most popular language in RedMonk's rankings.

Last week IEEE Spectrum also declared Python "dominated" their assessment of language popularity (compiled from 11 different online metrics), followed by Java and C (and then C++ and JavaScript).
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Python Overtakes Java in New Language Popularity Ranking, As Rust Reaches Top 20

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  • Meanwhile.... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @09:36PM (#60356429) Journal

    Meanwhile, in the real world, C/C++ and Java are the king's.

    • Re:Meanwhile.... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @10:36PM (#60356513)

      I guess web developers don't live in the "real world"?

      Specific industries or tasks tend to be dominated by specific languages. The reason JavaScript always dominates these lists is because, objectively speaking, there are probably more web developers than just about anything else. Python has very broad popularity in academia, science, and in many industries as a handy tool to complement other systems. Java tends to represent business software, which again is a huge development market. C++ represent things like videogames, finance, cloud / network infrastructure, heavyweight client applications, or anything else where performance is critical. And so on...

      I'd really love to see these language popularity lists filtered by a specific industry or application type. I guess it's sort of entertaining to see everything lumped together in one list, but it's not nearly as useful as industry-specific rankings would be.

      • I guess web developers don't live in the "real world"?

        As a web developer, I can say from personal experience, we don't. We use Javascript, and not only that, the most popular framework right now (React) is basically a re-implementation of PHP in the Frontend, when all that is really needed is web components.

      • "I guess web developers don't live in the "real world"?"

        Nice IT in-joke right there.

    • Are the king's what? And who is the king, C#?
    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by Kisai ( 213879 )


      You basically have different tools for different purposes

      Assembly - for people who don't live productive programming lives
      C - what legitimate programmers use
      C++ - when you need training wheels
      C# - when you need training wheels and a babysitter

      Java - when you own a Porsche but use it as a daily driver under 30mph.
      Rust - when you own a Honda but drive it like a Porsche

      Python - when you like to burn cpu cycles on things that should be written in C, no parts in the base language, relying on bindings.
      PHP - wh

      • Trying to write system utilities in a high-level language would be incredibly dumb. Replacing Python, PHP, JavaScript, etc. with C is like replacing a steam shovel with a spoon, and is also incredibly dumb. Thinking that your narrow perspective is generalizable to all software development is also incredibly dumb.

        This is why I will never work for a company that reflexively promotes the longest-standing code monkeys to architectural or managerial positions. When weighing the consequences of choosing a languag

      • C when you want your code to be a minefield.

        C++ when you don't want to be constantly reinventing memory management, string concatenation, arrays, lists, etc.

      • by 1s44c ( 552956 )

        > Java has it's own world, but it's largely been excised from desktops because Oracle is a bad company, and has essentially ruined any open source things they touched over time. Better not rely on Java for business-critical software, because at some point Oracle is going to want to charge you money for it.

        That already happened. Oracle poisoned java for commercial use with a license change. OpenJDK is the way to go now.

    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      And because of that, there is no possible reason or benefit to using other languages? No possible benefit to programmers personally to know multiple languages and demonstrate their skills are transferrable?
  • by Travelsonic ( 870859 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @09:37PM (#60356431) Journal
    ... who is damn sick of this proverbial popularity contest with regards to programming languages?
  • With Flash expiring at the end of the year, Java has been pulled out of the web-plugin market too. Most things Flash and Java did are now part of HTML 5.

    • by _xeno_ ( 155264 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @10:56PM (#60356539) Homepage Journal

      Java on the browser has been dead for well before that. Hell, even Sun tried to pivot from Java applets to Java "Web Start" applications - full applications that you launched from the browser but weren't applets.

      No, what's killing Java is simple: it's owned by Oracle.

      The easy-to-find Oracle Java download warns right on the download page that it's only free for "personal use or development use." The page does link to the OpenJDK, but apparently the OpenJDK is just different enough for Java applications to not run on it. (From what I recall, a lot of this is because a surprising number of Java applications and StackOverflow answers involve using formerly-Sun-now-Oracle JDK internal implementation classes that the official Java spec is very clear are off limits for proper Java applications.)

      Companies don't want to deal with the licensing hassle of dealing with Oracle, and so people are just not using Java. (OK, so that may not be true - the company I work for definitely doesn't want to deal with the licensing hassles of dealing with Oracle and was very clear that anyone who requires the Oracle JRE for whatever reason has to go through a management approval process. But I don't know that other companies are the same way. It just wouldn't surprise me.)

      Then there are things like Jakarta EE being forced to change the class namespace [] due to Oracle. This should just be a name change and can mostly be solved with find/replace but it's just another example of Oracle-caused headaches that are making people rethink sticking with Java for future development.

      I used to do nearly all my development in Java. I don't think I've touched it in the last five years, and that's basically entirely due to Oracle.

    • Most java is running backend corporate stuff. Back in the 90s, you see, Sun pitched it as a replacement for COBOL during the y2k thing. A lot of CIOs bought it and now are stuck with 20+ years worth of java.
  • the list (Score:5, Informative)

    by doug141 ( 863552 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @10:12PM (#60356481)

    1 JavaScript
    2 Python
    3 Java
    4 PHP
    5 C++
    5 C#
    7 Ruby
    7 CSS
    9 TypeScript
    10 C
    11 Swift
    11 Objective-C
    13 R
    14 Scala
    15 Go
    15 Shell
    17 PowerShell
    18 Perl
    19 Kotlin
    20 Rust

    • That's not a list; that's a multimap!
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      What about old ones like Pascal, ASM, Fortran, COBOL, etc.? :P

    • Powershell looks really high on that list, I wonder where people are using that.
      • I've seen it used for mostly by corporate IT departments to automate doing things on the Windows PCs they manage - stuff like deploying applications, changing Windows settings, etc. If they were managing Linux boxes they'd be using shell scripts to do the same kind of stuff. I don't really consider it a programming language, but I suppose it's technically Turing complete. And besides, if you're including CSS then I suppose Powershell makes the cut too.

    • by Mozai ( 3547 )
      I didn't know Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) was Turing-complete. Did that happen in version 3?
  • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @10:13PM (#60356483)
    As in: Billy is an assistant ice-cream scooper, and a freelance senior python developer.
    • The determined python programmer can write python code in any language. I'm also reasonably certain that Alan Turing himself was lamenting the poor quality of young programmers these days.
      • by nagora ( 177841 )

        The determined python programmer can write python code in any language.

        The determined Forth programmer can write a forth compiler in Python and then have a decent language to work with.

  • Must be a racist language to privilege white space so...
    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      Must be a racist language to privilege white space so...

      I use night-mode, so it's black space for me.

  • Swift developers don't need their hands held all of the time.

    Those Python users must be lost trying to do their homework assignments:
    "Can anyone tell me why doesn't this work? I need an answer by tomorrow."

  • I call shenanigans, not because my favorite platform was demoted, but because Ruby is #7. Who is still using that? I thought that fad passed long ago.

    So a languages popularity in searches and public git repos are interesting, but not too comprehensive. SQL is a very key language and not on that list. Why? Well....half because most people who use it aren't qualified to work with a DB. However, also it's a very old language I learned almost 25 years ago. I don't need to query stack overflow because
    • For many modern systems, the SQL required is generated on the fly and not in the git repository as *.sql files.

      Hint: read up about "object relational mappers".

      • For many modern systems, the SQL required is generated on the fly and not in the git repository as *.sql files.

        Hint: read up about "object relational mappers".

        I know all about Hibernate/JPA.

        I've been using it since version 1.0. I've contributed to the project before. 90% of the time it's just fine. However, first of all, you have to design the tables, which means you have to know the platform.

        Secondly, if you care about scalability and performance or have lots of business logic at the persistence tier, you have to go native from time to time. It's a lot like spellcheck...makes life easier, but you still have to proofread and know how to spell.

        For a h

    • I call shenanigans, not because my favorite platform was demoted, but because Ruby is #7. Who is still using that?

      It's really popular on websites with between 0-100,000 users. There are some larger companies using it, but once the project gets big enough you wish you had types to make refactoring easier.

  • It must suck then.

  • by cjonslashdot ( 904508 ) on Saturday August 01, 2020 @11:56PM (#60356613)
    McDonaldsâ(TM) hamburger is the most popular, but not the best. Bud is the most popular beer, but not the best.
    • McDonaldsÃ(TM) hamburger is the most popular, but not the best.

      Burger King and Wendy's are neither the most popular nor the best.

      Less popular != Good.

    • Bud is a beer? There are many words I'd use to catogorise it, but beer is not one of them. Actually most of them would amount to something synonymous with animal waste.

    • A Twinkie is really a good tasting cake, McDonalds makes really tasty hamburgers, and Budweiser is a very smooth-drinking beer. Really.

      These products have been engineered and have the selection effect of mass markets as a lot of people agree that those products taste pretty darned good.

      If you restrict your taste experience to those three products, you are really limiting yourself in terms of the vast universe of food experiences out there. Many of those experiences, however, are an acquired taste, an

      • Yes, some truth here!

        Once a year I have a McDonalds cheeseburger, small fries, and an orange juice. It's really good. But if I had it every day, it would not be so good, and it would make me sick.

        My point was that popularity does not mean that something is the best. Python has its place: it is great for small short-lived projects for a few people. But it is horrible if you want to build something big and complicated that requires many teams and must be maintained over time.

        Just because Python is popular doe

        • Far be it to suggest using Python when a program needs low-level access or high performance or scalability to a large project, and so on.

          These surveys, however, do point to trends. If you are looking for a dynamically typed language where statements can be invoked from a command prompt, this is telling you that Python may have more "mind share" than, say,, Perl or Matlab. That it has more mind share than Matlab may be disappointing to Mathworks, but it is encouraging that a FOSS solution is getting mor

  • by jonwil ( 467024 ) on Sunday August 02, 2020 @02:27AM (#60356839)

    I see all these stories that say "Python is really popular" but what exactly are people writing in Python that is making it so popular?

    • by swilver ( 617741 )

      They're writing tic-tac-toe programs and solving study problems given by their professor. That's why it is popular and why there are so many questions. Same goes for Javascript, it is one of those easy accessible languages that isn't to be taken too serious that is used by a lot of beginners.

      Yeah, I'm sure professional work is being done in them as well, but that's not why they're popular.

    • by nagora ( 177841 )

      It has very good library binding/handling/cover so a huge amount of Python is just a script that calls various libraries and prints the results. That doesn't make it a bad language. That's a coincidence.

  • I wonder what the popularity would be if they measured...
    1. Number of user application starts per day, attribute the start proportionately by LOC used to build the app.
    2. Number of CPU cycles run by code that originated in the language.
    3. Quantity of data processed by the language each day.
    4. Memory allocated on hardware by code written in the language.

    I suspect 1 would heavily favor things like JavaScript due to the web, or possibly it would favor the languages used to write the most popular phon

    • by swilver ( 617741 )

      I don't think 2 will favor C that much. It will probably still be Javascript, as my idling computer is probably running a lot of C code, but when there's some CPU burn going on, it's usually my browser.

      As for 4, that's probably Javascript as well unfortunately.

      • Evaluating 2 is tricky when it comes to JavaScript. If the script is JIT compiled and then chews up your CPU, I think you can attribute all the cycles to the JavaScript (except for the compilation phase). OTOH, if the JavaScript is run by an interpreter written in C, is the script data processed by C with CPU cycles run by C then? I'm not advocating one or the other. It's tricky, and I posted that more to make food for thought on how tricky it is to come up with good metrics. I think 4 might be a littl

  • All well and good saying "X is better than Y." but does this take into account the distribution of those using these languages?

    Back aroun 2000 the only people learning languages were those who wanted to be devs, now kids are forced-fed Python in school IT classes. Biz people looking to extract and burn through data ar eusing Pything and R ( alright not exactly a generic dev language I know ). I cut my teeth on BASIC, C and Pascal way back in the mists of time but I've learned Java and lately learning Go as

  • WH'Oracle Killed Java by being too grabby with it--just like they did with OpenOffice. Why now trust WH'Oracle for or with anything?

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
