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JavaScript Turns 25 (zdnet.com) 50

The programming language JavaScript emerged 25 years ago and has grown to become one of the most important pieces of the web and browser applications we use today. From a report: JavaScript is the go-to language for front-end development and has spawned Microsoft's Typescript, a superset of JavaScript with a stronger optional type system for developers that compiles to JavaScript when run in the browser. Both JavaScript and TypeScript conform to ECMAScript, the standard for JavaScript and node.js, the runtime for running applications outside of the browser thanks to Google's powerful V8 JavaScript engine. JavaScript's impact on the web cannot be understated. Tech giants have thrown their weight behind the language. Besides Google's V8, there are open source projects like React from Facebook and Angular from Google, which help spread web applications across smartphones and desktop. After Netscape and Sun Microsystems -- where Java was hatched in May 1995 by James Gosling -- announced JavaScript in December 1995, Microsoft promoted Visual Basic (VB) as a standard for creating web applications using VB Script for its Internet Explorer browser. Oracle would go on to buy Sun Microsystems in 2008 largely to get its hands on Java and its huge development ecosystem. The press release about its launch from 25 years ago.
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JavaScript Turns 25

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  • Just great. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Krishnoid ( 984597 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @06:33PM (#60795782) Journal

    Going to prove that intelligent design in a language is worth nothing when it comes to adoption and longevity, I guess.

  • by greytree ( 7124971 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @06:50PM (#60795816)

    I just spent a day trying to import functions from a module into my html.
    Like much of Javascript, it's a total mess.
    But hey, however awful it is, it's not PHP.

  • Actually TypeScript transpiles to JavaScript, but anyhoo. To me it feels too haphazard...

  • by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @07:07PM (#60795874)

    Javascript, noun -- a programming language designed and implemented in 10 days [thenewstack.io] with years inflicted upon users due to shit design. It It is a "good" example of how NOT to design a language:

    * Dumb hacks like "use strict"; to turn on error checking when a mis-spelt variable name is accessed. (And there is with no way to turn it off once turned on.) Gee, it like absolutely NOTHING was learnt from BASIC.
    * Initially, no native ability to include .js files. Why did it take until 2015 for modules to be supported???
    * Idiotic ASI (Automatic Semi-colon Insertion). As Douglas Crockford said @34:31 [youtube.com] says Why am I betting my career on this piece of crap? Whitespace should NOT break/change functionality -- something the Python idiots never got the memo on. Whitespace indentation is for the reader NOT the compiler / interpreter.

    Here is a 3D example -- replace with whatever paradigm you use for your domain (Networking, etc.) The indentation conveys that there are TWO levels of functionality here. It makes it easier to spot the pseudo RAII pattern.

        rotate( AXIS_X, 90.0 );
        translate( -1.0, +2.0, 3.0 );
        scale( 4.0 );

    But I digress.

    Why are we celebrating this shit programming language again? Because it won't die? It slowly inches along towards not being brain dead?

    • by CubicleZombie ( 2590497 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @07:13PM (#60795902)

      The only thing that could have possibly made Javascript worse was to move it server side. If someone had told me 20 years ago that I'd be doing server side JS, I'd have changed careers.

      • Still, asynchronous on the server side makes sense for lots of reasons.
      • by nut ( 19435 )
        I hear you. I don't know what scares more. Javascript in the back end, or Javascript developers in the back end.
    • That's why typescript gain so much popularity, because it fix that. Javascript have one HUGE advantage, it can run natively on any browser and phone! With typescript you can avoid stupid design language and code safely.
    • Sorry you are too stupid to handle white space and editor configurations.

      (Never use tabs. There. Problem solved.)

    • > As Douglas Crockford said ...

      And you conveniently left out what he said after. "If you can avoid the bad parts, the good parts are really really good and are worthwhile."

      So, sure, you managed to add a little bit of spin on your argument and your arrogant assessment of the language.

  • Um ... (Score:5, Funny)

    by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @08:24PM (#60796048)

    JavaScript's impact on the web cannot be understated.

    I don't think that means what you think it means.

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Friday December 04, 2020 @09:07PM (#60796130)

    Noscript turned 15 last May.

    Happy birthday Noscript!

  • Can JavaScript's weaknesses be fixed without breaking backward compatibility? I'd like slashdotters' opinions on the top 3 fixable features they want and the top 3 unfixable features they want, where "unfixable" means significantly breaking backward compatibility.

    Three feature's I'd like to see added is optional named parameters, an explicit class-like structure so one doesn't have to use anonymous function notation, and optional type-checked parameters, including a "non-empty" test. By "non-empty" I mean i

    • No need.

      As soon as WebAssembly gains the same browser APIs as JS, JS is dead and gone. It will be just compiling your favorite languag for the WASM/browser platform. In my case, I already do that with Godot Engine. (The trick is to automatically generate the foreign function imports from JS to WASM.)

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        WebAssembly is too often used by criminals to steal your CPU cycles. If it doesn't solve that, it will go the way of Java Applets.

    • by holloway ( 46404 )
      Hi, dev of 20 years here...

      and optional type-checked parameters, including a "non-empty" test.

      This is typically done by writing in a different programming language that compiles to JavaScript. The most popular choice is TypeScript, as you've mentioned. There is talk of adding types to JavaScript but it's likely to be years away. And is runtime type checking needed in the browser? It seems static compile-time deals with most use-cases.

      optional named parameters,

      Probably won't be added, but there is Dest [mozilla.org]

    • Those are all terrible ideas...

      > named parameters,

      Seeing how badly these work in python, no thank you. JS gets all the power of named params using destructuring and none of the downsides

      > explicit class-like structure

      It already has that, despite OOP being a terrible idea.

      > I like scripting languages with a type system that acts as if every value is stored as a string.

      which is why tcl was such a failure

      > And do we really need "NAN"? That's goofy.

      Its a physical reality of ieee floating point num

      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        > Seeing how badly these work in python, no thank you.

        Example of failure? If Python did them wrong, then copy another language.

        > which is why tcl was such a failure

        No, the bad idea in tcl was using strings for everything, not merely variable values. I used other languages that did it mostly right, and found it cleaner. There were no "hidden" type indicators to second guess.

        > As usual, critics of javascript are always just bad programmers.

        If I'm a "bad programmer", I do just fine with the right lang

  • I like the press release, "JAVASCRIPT AS A COMPLEMENT TO JAVA FOR EASY ONLINE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT"...the name and hype building on complement to Java. It's always "easy" you notice no new programming language is designed (well mainstream as Brainfuck is designed to be what it's name implies) ever to be difficult. A prototype-oriented vs. object-oriented language, and a quarter century later both languages in use, but to quote a Robert Frost poem "Two roads diverged in a wood..." Java is in a very differ

    • It should be designed to be POWERFUL.

      In case you are looking for such a language, look at Haskell.
      Your brain *will* explode though. We pros have learned to enjoy it. :)

      • I concur. I've worked with "weird" and "freakish" languages like LISP, Prolog, Forth in my time (oops, showing my age) and yes Java and JavaScript are...well crude but they get the job done.

        Yes, my brain exploded with Prolog, and then I did a LISP version of a Prolog system. A professor was so impressed (back when I was a college kid in the 1990's) I was working with CLIPS, the expert system shell.

        I remember as a college kid I developed a functional language based on set theory, although more multi-sets. Fo

  • Remember, you get to thrash the hotel room first.

    Just make sure you really die, Mr. Axl Javascript.

  • 25 years latter, wer are still confusing JavaScript with Java, which was Sun's and Netscape's intention on the joint announcement.

  • Seriously, you can hate on *any* programming language - and people do.
    It's so damn boring.

    This type of arrogance is systemic in the industry, but it is slowly being broken.

    I recall working as an app developer in a primarily Java shop - 90% of the Java devs would just shit all over JavaScript - "It's not a real language"
    They would refuse to learn or touch it - then again, they couldn't even be bothered to learn HTML. Lazy dinosaurs!

    But there were a few - generally the better, wiser and more flexible Java dev

    • "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw

      > wiser and more flexible Java devs

      FACEPALM. That's an oxymoron. If they were wise they wouldn't be using a shit language in the first place.

      The fact that Java didn't get unsigned types until version 8 [oracle.com] is proof it was designed by idiots completely out-of-touch with solving actual day to day problems. C/C++ h

      • Touched a nerve there.
        I'm 52 by the way.

        But hey, you just keep ranting into your echo chamber, nobody is listening.
        The fact is, code is being created - and it works.
        The fact is, Java and JavaScript are amongst the most popular coding languages in the world.
        Hey, so is Python - probably another language you would rant and rail against.

        So, what is the deal here?
        Everyone else is wrong and you are right?

        Or, nobody is right - whatever it takes to the get the job done.
        Whatever people *enjoy*, without being ranted

        • > Touched a nerve there.

          Nope. Just tired of dumb people posting dumb shit.

          > I'm 52 by the way.

          And yet with all that experience you still feel the need to use and defend shitty languages??? You are _precisely_ the problem. You tolerate badly designed and badly implemented language, rushing off to yet-another-fad-of-the-month programming language.

          > The fact is, Java and JavaScript are amongst the most popular coding languages in the world.

          Quality != Quantity

          McDonalds, with their BILLIONS served, "mu

      • Oh - and your Bernard Shaw quote is actually aimed directly back at yourself, it made me chuckle.
        "Hey, throw in a quote to prove my argument." - you may want to ensure you choose a quote that proves rather than disproves your argument next time.
        How so? Well, you are the unreasonable man in this argument.
        Most JavaScript coders I know also use other languages. They are reasonable people. They understand there are many ways to find solutions, some better than others. They don't shit all over other solutions, b

  • Netscape renamed LiveScript to JavaScript as a marketing ploy, with the consent of Sun; however, Java and JavaScript are very different. It seems that zdnet still can't quite tell them apart.
  • We could have had Scheme in the browser, but we got this pile of crap.

Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment. -- Robert Benchley
