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Chrome Programming Security

Researchers Found a Malicious NPM Package Using Chrome's Password-Recovery Tools ( 13

Threatpost reports on "another vast software supply-chain attack" that was "found lurking in the npm open-source code repository...a credentials-stealing code bomb" that used the password-recovery tools in Google's Chrome web browser. Researchers caught the malware filching credentials from Chrome on Windows systems. The password-stealer is multifunctional: It also listens for incoming commands from the attacker's command-and-control (C2) server and can upload files, record from a victim's screen and camera, and execute shell commands...

ReversingLabs researchers, who published their findings in a Wednesday post, said that during an analysis of the code repository, they found an interesting embedded Windows executable file: a credential-stealing threat. Labeled "Win32.Infostealer.Heuristics", it showed up in two packages: nodejs_net_server and temptesttempfile. At least for now, the first, main threat is nodejs_net_server. Some details:

nodejs_net_server: A package with 12 published versions and a total of more than 1,300 downloads since it was first published in February 2019...finally upgrading it last December with a script to download the password-stealer, which the developer hosts on a personal website. It was subsequently tweaked to run TeamViewer.exe instead, "probably because the author didn't want to have such an obvious connection between the malware and their website," researchers theorized...

ReversingLabs contacted the npm security team on July 2 to give them a heads-up about the nodejs_net_server and tempdownloadtempfile packages and circled back once again last week, on Thursday, since the team still hadn't removed the packages from the repository. When Threatpost reached out to npm Inc., which maintains the repository, a GitHub spokesperson sent this statement: "Both packages were removed following our investigation...."

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Researchers Found a Malicious NPM Package Using Chrome's Password-Recovery Tools

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  • Sowing the seeds of fear about repositories it would seem.

    • You're implying some underlying motivation here? Who is sowing seeds of fear? And why? The open source / closed source cold war is over. Even Microsoft has embraced open source these days.

      Sometimes a malware report is just a malware report. And it's good for people to be aware that using unvetted NPM packages (or any source repository, in fact) can be risky, just like with unvetted libraries / apps. The obvious advantage with open source is that you can't as easily hide your intent - just your locatio

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        You're implying some underlying motivation here? Who is sowing seeds of fear? And why? The open source / closed source cold war is over. Even Microsoft has embraced open source these days.

        Sometimes a malware report is just a malware report. And it's good for people to be aware that using unvetted NPM packages (or any source repository, in fact) can be risky, just like with unvetted libraries / apps. The obvious advantage with open source is that you can't as easily hide your intent - just your location.

        Indeed. Using arbitrary code from some repositories in production code is _incompetent_. It is the "slap something together" mind-set on steroids. Makes things very cheap in the short run and potentially very expensive in the long run. Not that this type of utter stupidity is only found in software.

  • Researchers Found a Malicious NPM Package Using Chrome's Password-Recovery Tools

    Who knew that Chrome's Password-Recovery Tools could be used to discover maicious NPM packages? How cool!

  • Including external libraries always comes with a risk, if they are not vetted correctly before hand. NPM is no different
    • Doesn't even matter if they are vetted beforehand, if they are included at runtime as Javascript etc.
      They get updated at a later date with malware and BAM you are screwed. Which looks like what happened here.

  • Since when is finding a malicious NPM package involved enough to require researchers?
  • Therefore automatic dependency resolving is a very problematic thing. Adding a new dependency has to be something that hurts a little, otherwise there is no motivation to stop and think before you add one. This combined with self-service updating up said dependencies only increases the scale of the problem.

    There are also secondary effects. Dependencies allow you to "outsource" complexity which makes people believe that that complexity is somehow "gone". For example this may cause people to use over complex

  • Why does a web browser have password recovery tools in the first place? Sounds like one more reason to get out of the google ecosystem if you ask me.

E = MC ** 2 +- 3db
