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Python Programming Stats

Is Python About to Become the Most Popular Programming Language? ( 176

"According to one measure, Python is potentially on the verge of becoming the most popular computer programming language," reports ZDNet, joining C and Java as the only other two languages to attain the #1 spot.

Of course, it depends on who's making the list... Python has been snapping at the heels of Java and C for the past few years on the 20-year-old Tiobe index and recently knocked Java off the second spot to rival C. Tiobe, a software testing company, bases its rankings on searches for programming languages on popular websites and search engines.

The Tiobe index is updated monthly, and it doesn't align with other language popularity rankings. For example, the electrical engineering magazine IEEE Spectrum has ranked Python as the most popular language since at least 2020, followed by Java, C, and JavaScript, while developer analyst RedMonk has JavaScript in top place, followed by Python and Java, and places C at tenth...

"Python has never been so close to the number 1 position of the TIOBE index," writes Paul Jansen, chief of Tiobe software. "It only needs to bridge 0.16% to surpass C. This might happen any time now..."

Python is hugely popular because of machine learning, but it has no place in mobile app development or web applications or development on mobile devices. It's also slow. Python's creator, Guido van Rossum, who works at Microsoft, recently conceded Python consumes too much memory and energy from hardware. He's working to improve Python's performance and reckons double is feasible...

Tiobe's top 10 programming languages in September 2021 were C, Python, Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Assembly language, PHP, and SQL. The top 20 languages also included Classic Visual Basic, Groovy, Ruby, Go, Swift, MATLAB, Fortran, R, Perl, and Delphi. Fortran's re-emergence as a top 20 language is notable. Just in July 2020, Tiobe ranked it as the 50th most popular language. But earlier this year, Fortran shot up to the 20th spot in Tiobe's index.

Paul Jansen, chief of Tiobe software, also called out some other interesting moves in this month's calculation. "Assembly gained 1 position from #9 to #8, Ruby gained 2 positions from #15 to #13, and Go went up even 4 positions from #18 to #14."
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Is Python About to Become the Most Popular Programming Language?

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  • by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @02:37PM (#61808569)

    "Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings"

    Popularity based on search engine results... not based on usage, jobs, amount of code written either in a given year or all years. I'd like to see a meaningful metric, though of course even COBOL would whup Python in such a thing and Java and C likely would be top as always.

    • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @02:45PM (#61808581)
      "The language that the most people need to google stuff about"
    • by algaeman ( 600564 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @02:56PM (#61808603)
      Indeed, this is a meaningless metric. Is english the most spoken language in the world? Yes, probably. Is it the most popular? No, mandarin has nearly a billion native speakers using it every day. Which one gets more google translate hits? Does that make it more popular?
      • Not meaningless, but definitely not meaningful for deriving any kind of merit from it.
        Your English example is a good one.
        As far as native languages go, Mandarin is the most prolific on the planet. But is that really useful if you're deciding what language you want to learn?
        As far as total speakers go, several hundred million more people speak English- though not natively.
        But is Mandarin going to overtake English in total speakers? Maybe.

        It's useful to have the metric, you just need to be careful not t
      • by angel'o'sphere ( 80593 ) <angelo DOT schneider AT oomentor DOT de> on Saturday September 18, 2021 @11:47PM (#61809541) Journal

        No, mandarin has nearly a billion native speakers using it every day.
        That is a common misconception.
        Mandarin is the official language of China.
        For more than 50% of the population it is the second language - because their first language is their home language, and that is not Mandarin.

    • Obviously COBOL has had decades to have code written in it, but that was mostly during a time when there were many fewer programmers than there are now. I'm having trouble finding numbers for software developers worldwide over time, though, so this is just a guess.
    • by Kisai ( 213879 )

      Python is used mainly (or only) with machine learning more as a consequence of the ML tools only being available as Python (eg Pytorch, Tensorflow), that is what's driving it's popularity.

      Python itself however is a rather poor and fragile language with an inflexible syntax and poor performance. This makes it an extremely poor to use for iterative software, where if you have to add or remove sections, you end up reformatting the script over and over, where as in nearly every other language, you can add/remov

      • Python itself however is a rather poor and fragile language with an inflexible syntax and poor performance. ... if you have to add or remove sections, you end up reformatting the script over and over, where as in nearly every other language, you can add/remove sections by commenting things out without needing to reformat thousands of lines.

        This is utter nonsense. Python has as rich a syntax as any modern language, with natural extensibility via first-class functions, class objects, modules, etc.

        And commenting out sections of code is trivially easy in any code editor -- usually just mark it and press ctrl-/ or cmd-/.

        • In a language like C or Perl, you can almost imagine programing with

          echo foo++; >> bar.c

          and theoretically being able to make progress. The nonhyperbolic point being that the language works with any editor, including windows notepad.

          Sure, automatic block indent or comment is nice to have in an IDE or a standalone tool like emacs or notepad++ but the language doesn't all but mandate their use.

          Requiring external tools for any reasonable workflow for any reasonably sized project (usually measured in many

          • In a language like C or Perl, you can almost imagine programing with

            echo foo++; >> bar.c

            More nonsense. Surely being writable via "echo" statements is not what makes a language worth using? If so, even your example would fail the test, due to the semicolon. And any more complex C would be worse.

            I spent years writing sql, C, xml and other languages in plain text editors -- Notepad and TextEdit. These languages don't require indenting the way that Python does, but I (like any decent programmer) certainly was sure to indent my code in a way that clarified my meaning.

            It was not hard to start writin

            • by jythie ( 914043 )
              I really do not get why people seem so upset at indenting rules. I switch a lot between csharp and python, and find the whitespace based system pretty much like working with the bracket based blocks. It is a little different, but not by much.
              • If your blocks are too big to fit on one screen, the benefit of indentation rules for readability goes away in many instances. Then you're left with a rule that confers no benefits.

                For "quick" debugging, it's easier to prepend and append aif(0){ ...} than it is to indent and later unindent a big block of code...that might also not fit on one screen.

                I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm not saying it's *very* difficult. I'm saying that this particular mode of writing and testing and debugging code, one that I

      • Python is used mainly (or only) with machine learning more as a consequence of the ML tools only being available as Python (eg Pytorch, Tensorflow), that is what's driving it's popularity.
        That is nonsense. Python is used for everything.

        Python itself however is a rather poor and fragile language with an inflexible syntax and poor performance
        That is 3 times nonsense in one single sentence, lol.

        You obviously never sued Python. So why rant about it?

        This makes it an extremely poor to use for iterative software,

      • by jythie ( 914043 )
        Ahm.. if you are writing 'scripts' then yeah. But python can be written and manipulated just like any other major language. I have found it easier to maintain large iterative projects than CSharp, C++, or Java because the OOP implementation is so dynamic. I will give you that for game engines it is a poor language, but most python libraries that need to be fast or secure are written in C and then provide a python interface, and python IS good for game logic.
    • I agree. Seems like a moment's thought would get you to a Fermi problem, "which language are people using the most?", however you define that, and then the natural place to look would be GitHub language stats []. Then the answer seems to be pretty clearly JavaScript followed by Python. Not sure if that is based on number of lines hosted on GitHub or added to GitHub each year, or whether it is based on private or public projects, but it may not make much difference. Anyway this seems like a better measure of w

      • I'd argue that's not the code running the world though, by and large you won't find banking, insurance, health, industrial, logistics code of the planet there.

        • I'd argue that's not the code running the world though, by and large you won't find banking, insurance, health, industrial, logistics code of the planet there.

          OK, so maybe count job listings instead of GitHub commits. That's probably a better measure of "real work being done" than counting searches and questions.

          If you're arguing that Cobol is most important because it has the most lines of code in service, that may be the case, but it doesn't really seem to align with the idea of "becoming the most popular programming language", which sounds more like "which language has the most new lines of code being put into service this year?" (Or most hours of work being d

  • Why not? Python has a big user base and library support. Most popular among internet users for scripting, for sure.

  • So was BASIC (Score:4, Insightful)

    by TurboStar ( 712836 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @02:51PM (#61808591)

    For nearly two decades, BASIC was the most popular programming language. It was shit in every regard. Slow. Prone to bugs. Hard to debug. Difficult to read. One might argue it was easy to teach but it taught the worst way to do things. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it.

    • For nearly two decades, BASIC was the most popular programming language.

      That is probably down to limited choice of free (as in beer) languages. I did some BASIC when I first started a business with a friend, who was a bit of a computer pioneer. He built a computer from scratch, based on a Z80 processor, with a full 64k of RAM, and two 8" floppy drives. Cost a fortune. I used to write algorithms in BASIC, which I ran on the big box, then my pal translated each line into assembler, including the lines of BASIC as comments. It worked rather well. The better language at the time wa

  • If those statisticians depend on the number of searches to compile their ranking, doesn't that mean that they catch all the searches people do regarding various parts of a given language that programmers do on their job every day? Is it possible that instead of popularity the rankings reflect the list of languages with the most junior programmers who need the most help every day?
  • You need to add two more languages to your "only other" most popular list. There was a time when machine language was the only language, then when assembly came along, machine language was the most popular until it was overtaken by assembly.
    • Assembly isn't a language. It's a type of language, and there are many extremely different languages in that set.

      • by bjwest ( 14070 )
        How is a type of language not a language itself? It's code that can't be read directly by the processor, so it's 'compiled' by the assembler into a language the processor can understand.
        • In the same way that Python and Ruby are a similar class of language.
          Various assembly languages have completely different syntax, and completely different paradigms. An accumulator is sometimes a register, sometimes it is not. Sometimes it doesn't exist at all.

        • by leptons ( 891340 )
          Assembly language for the most part is just a textual representation of machine language. The code you type in assembly is practically a 1:1 representation of the machine code that gets executed. The fact that you aren't typing 1's and 0's doesn't mean you aren't writing machine code, because you actually are. And the assembler isn't really "compiling", as much as it is translating.
  • is that half the searches were something like "Monty Python language joke" and they wound up saying "WTF?"

  • by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @04:08PM (#61808771)

    I use Python to run test suites for specialized optical hardware. And here's the clincher:


    I care about being able to onboard new hardware quickly and get a test suite implemeted quickly, processing the test results quickly, changing the output format of the reports quickly when requested, generating an Excel of said test results when the regular PDF doesn't cut it quickly.

    My boss likes it when I'm asked to do something and it gets implemented quickly. He's more than willing to throw extra iron at it so long as I deliver fast. He's not interested in my software running efficiently on an embedded 386 if it means making custom libraries, compiling, debugging, rincing for days on end. With Python, I grab the library I need, I write a 2-page class or two for the new hardware, then concentrate on problems of optics and statistics instead of wasting time on software.

    At least for this job, gimme language flexibility and a huge wealth of libraries over performances anyday.

    • Hence why MATLAB [] and LabVIEW [] is so popular.


      People who say this tend to write O(n!) solutions to problems.

      • by caseih ( 160668 )

        Quite likely his test scripts tend to O(n). The performance loss in the python part is probably minuscule compared to the runtime of the actual hardware tests that Python is shepherding. This is definitely an area that Python works well.

      • I actually find a lot of C developers, or other "performance" languages tend to have a lot of the bad algorithms with poor big O speeds.

        They often rely on the fact the language is faster, but often get exhausted from writing effecent code, where crap calls get created.

        Oh look an advanced memory caching system, that has a bubble sort.

        • I am having to do some data exploration, using visualization to direct a next step in collection and analysis. A few hours ago, I recognized that I needed a nearest match into an integer-keyed ordered list that I might need to change to nearest-not-greater-than. I ended up using Python because I found a good Stack Overflow example using bisect, that gave me a library reference that solved the crucial work. My Python skills are minimal, but I got results quickly, and discovered scenarios where I need to g
        • by jythie ( 914043 )
          Heh, reminds me of the old saying that 90% of programming is a poorly implemented inefficient buggy version of CommonLISP.

          Something I have found with Python over the years, there is not as much room for near the metal optimization as things like C, but the underlying engine has REALLY efficient implementations of a lot of stuff, esp if you bring in libraries like numpy. If you write things in a way that the interpreter has an efficient path for, rather than trying to hand roll your own implementation, you
      • Yes. Like I said for this job it's fine. The code spends most of its time sleeping while waiting for the test equipment to take samples. The only time it needs to do anything CPU-intensive is when it collates all the results and does some stats on them, and - in one case - some basic optical recognition. And for the latter I use OpenCV, which doesn't do any of the heavy lifting in Python anyway.

        I'm not saying Python is the end-all, be-all language that applies to all problems. I'm saying for my particular u

    • ...gimme language flexibility and a huge wealth of libraries over performances anyday.

      The availability of libraries that you can rely on is a clincher for practical software development.

      People moan about C++ being a bloated monster compared to C, but I really wish I had STL in C. You can make a vector of Things, and not worry about allocating memory for an array, and writing functions to access the data, because most of the work has already been done, and written and tested by someone much better at software than I am. And of course, if you want the performance, C++ is as good as C. You don

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      I use Python to simulate specialized optical hardware. I definitely care about performance. Fortunately all the heavy stuff is done in FORTRAN, C or assembly libraries, or occasionally in Python auto-translated to C and compiled.

      Also all the other benefits you listed.

      Python is only slow if you're doing it wrong.

    • You run test suites? I guess in this case you might want to use a language that can account for every edge case. One where apparently most people using it need to google everything they want to do might not be the best language for that.

  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @04:29PM (#61808817) Journal
    The same study, same result, we can write a headline, Python is the most confusing language, based on amount googling done

    Anyway, Python has low barrier to entry, more platform independent. Tons and tons of thirdparty packages exist, including bash shell utilities, Qt UI, Tkl UI , graphing and spreadsheet utilities like panda. So lots of people are cobbling together "applications" in Python. Just last week a pure mathematician who worked with paper and pencil all his life, who mever warmed up to Mathlab nor to Mathematica, sent me a Fourier transform "package" he has written in python all by himself asking for help in extracting some iso-surfaces from it.

    Have not looked at it yet, but if it is better than the C++ Sudoku "package" written by the Prime Minister of Singapore, I would be surprised. It would be code written by people very smart and intelligent in some other field, but lacking a good foundation in coding. Usually full of confounding confusing constructs but the somehow produces the correct answer. Would not scale up, would not be maintainable, probably took 10 times longer and leaked 10 times the amount memory actually needed, but it is a "package" that worked!

    You would be amazed by what intelligent persevering people could do on a modern computer system. Full fledged data base in an Excel spreadsheet? Done! Common in fact.

    So not surprised Python leading in google searches.

  • Betteridge says "no".
  • Remember: Perl, C, Visual Basic, and Java have all been wildly popular at one time or another. Hell, even this stupid language called JavaScript got crazy popular.

    What's really funny is that it's pretty obvious what parts of languages work well and what parts don't, but nobody has created a language that actually has all the good parts without the bad parts. It's like there's some underlying force that keeps programming languages sucky.

    • I hear ya man. When I use machine language, I love the one, it's really awesome and just gets stuff done. But don't get me started about the dang zero, that thing just sits there and does absolutely nothing. I don't know why the designers included it in the language.
    • it's pretty obvious what parts of languages work well and what parts don't

      Everyone has a different opinion on this, partly because they have different goals.

    • The top used language isn't about being good but other factors.

      1. General purpose. It can get most jobs done, but every job is sub-optimal.
      2. Availability of other developers. Back in the early 2000 we did VB, 2010 C#, 2020 Python. If you can't find developers who apply to the job the project doesn't get done.
      3. Support and help. For a common language a stack exchange google result often brings me to the right page. For less than common language, you often get into some ideology war where you are not su

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Well, there is : users. All languages tend to start off good and self consistant, but as more people use them and hit more things they want to use it for, languages grow and add features that the original designers did not consider. All languages are under the same pressures, and thus end up looking very similar, otherwise people do not use them.

      Put another way, the bad parts are usually either someone else's good part, or they are the consequence of putting in good parts. You need good parts if you wa
  • by joe_frisch ( 1366229 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @05:02PM (#61808881)
    As many pointed out, number of searches doesn't indicate level of use. Some languages (like Matlab) come with extensive documentation and so will get far fewer google searches per user). Other languages like FORTRAN are simple enough that users need less searchers. (not saying either of these is more common - just that searches != amount of use) But even if there was a "most common" language, that isn't very useful. Different languages are better at different functions. If someone is making career decisions on this, they are better off looking for which language has the most job openings, or highest average pay, or is used by most startup companies - or whatever criteria they want. I can't really think of a case were knowing which language is more common is useful.
  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Saturday September 18, 2021 @05:29PM (#61808927)

    Python is the only PL that is used professionally in _every_ field and industry, from finance and statistics, across web to science, media, AI, devops automation, bioengineering up to 3D and real-time stuff. It's modern, easy to learn and forces n00bs into correct code formatting from the very beginning because "indentation block delimiters". It comes with APIs for every useful library in existence including GUI and games toolkits and even senior engineers who haven't gotten into programming before can pick it up in minutes. It's a scripting language with zero compiler hassle and it's, if at all, second only to PHP and Javascript when it comes to answers on Google and stack overflow. And those two are web centric.

    So, yeah, Python rules for anybody not doing web or software development as their main job. It's the most recommended PL by experts for anyone who "needs to get some programming done" for some project.

    But this isn't news. That python was a contender for "Utility PL #1" has been well established in the last 2 decades. It's been in the top 5 forever and at position 1 quite a few times already.

    Python is a neat PL, no news here. But System languages and other special tools will remain. They are a completely different usage scenario. A smaller one, handled by experts. Hence "Rust less popular than Python" ... which means exactly zilch when you need a modern system PL that can replace C.

    • by lsllll ( 830002 )

      Re: Python for Web Development

      I've been developing web applications in Coldfusion for the past 20-some years. Why? Well, I have one large client who requires most of my time and they're a Coldfusion shop. Coldfusion has been heavily shunned for the past 10 or so years. Perhaps not shunned, but from a job-availability point of view, I suppose I can see why it's not a well-liked language. I have delved into other languages during the past 20 years, including Python, Ruby, and Java, but since I don't real

      • It took me a decade to be even close to the productivity in Java I achieved with ColdFusion in my first year of programming with it. It was a sore and painful transition. ColdFusion is really underappreciated. It was well optimized for web development and even business development much more so than any language I've personally seen.

        Would I work in it again? Hell no, I got burned in the 2003 recession when it was tough as shit finding a ColdFusion job in my area and everyone only wanted Java. That sai
      • by jythie ( 914043 )
        Python for web development is actually pretty damn good.
    • Python is the only PL that is used professionally in _every_ field and industry, from finance and statistics, across web to science, media, AI, devops automation, bioengineering up to 3D and real-time stuff. It's modern, easy to learn and forces n00bs into correct code formatting from the very beginning because "indentation block delimiters". It comes with APIs for every useful library in existence including GUI and games toolkits and even senior engineers who haven't gotten into programming before can pick it up in minutes. It's a scripting language with zero compiler hassle and it's, if at all, second only to PHP and Javascript when it comes to answers on Google and stack overflow. And those two are web centric.

      So, yeah, Python rules for anybody not doing web or software development as their main job. It's the most recommended PL by experts for anyone who "needs to get some programming done" for some project.

      But this isn't news. That python was a contender for "Utility PL #1" has been well established in the last 2 decades. It's been in the top 5 forever and at position 1 quite a few times already.

      Python is a neat PL, no news here. But System languages and other special tools will remain. They are a completely different usage scenario. A smaller one, handled by experts. Hence "Rust less popular than Python" ... which means exactly zilch when you need a modern system PL that can replace C.

      You are absolutely correct that Python is used in every industry. You know what else is used in every other industry?..Microsoft Excel. You can do some nice work with it. Should you power a mission critical business app with it? hell no...I think you & I both agree on that.

      I will even agree Python has it's place. You can probably bang out a working script in 5 min, whereas it takes me 5 min to start with an empty directory and get a REST service with full stack Java and it's first unit test. A

      • by jythie ( 914043 )
        See, in an example like that, I would say the problem was that the application was written by fresh out of school students than 'python'. You touch on the actual problem though.. python is being used by 'gasp' non-programmers,.. thus if you are using it, that means you are not a professional! People who see themselves as 'professionals' and not 'one of those amateurs' have been trying to distance themselves form this language because of its 'taint of uncool'.

        I say this as a 'professional' who joined a t
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Eh, even for web and software development it has been doing pretty well. All of our servers are written in python+javascript, and our main product is a suite of desktop applications and they are written in (compiled) python. Having one language across so many domains makes it really easy to share stuff between them in a way that is a huge pain in the ass when you have multiple languages... something as simple as "I want to share this header file with a bunch of constants between our client application and
  • What it means is that it is the most used language by people who need online help to get anything done. In other words, if you see code in Python, expect it to be inefficient and insecure.

  • I spent a year doing Python for a voice mail system under Linux some 20 years ago. I loved it except for one big thing. You prolly don't want to hold your breath, you've heard it before. Using whitespace instead of curly braces or whatever is a Do Not Do. Period.

    What I liked about Python:

    1) I had 30 years software experience (C, C++, bash, perl, awk, etc) at the time. I was a consultant and picked up Python in less than a week and was productive. 100% due to the help system.
    2) It was easy to
    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Huh. I didn't find the transition to whitespace to be all that difficult. Since I had moved from LISP to C/C++, I did not find it any more confusing or unnatural than moving from parenthesis to curly braces, and when I use csharp today I always find the gear shift back to braces kinds jarring. As for the complier, eh, a token is a token.
  • by jmcbain ( 1233044 ) on Saturday September 18, 2021 @09:35PM (#61809359)
    I've been programming for 30+ years. I've spent at least two years programming using each of the following languages: Basic (Apple Basic), Pascal, C, C++, Java, Perl, R, Matlab, Scala, and Python. I know, and you know, that a programming language is just a tool, but the tool has to fit the job.

    Python is the best tool for almost any software engineering problem that doesn't involve close-to-hardware-metal requirements. Python has libraries available for every almost any task in any engineering profession, and downloading and updating those libraries are plainless command-line one-liners. I call Python one of the "great accelerators" because you spend less time typing and more time making progress on a problem than any other language I've used.

    Perl is filthy, incomprehensible garbage. Instead of wasting 3+ years of my life on that @end $of %road bless(language), I should have spent it learning more Python. Perl programmers take pride in making incomprehensible, obtuse code. Python programmers take pride in getting work done.

    Python is extremely understandable. I can look at Python code on Medium, Github, or StackOverflow, and I'll know almost exactly what the programmer was intending.

    Python is the programming language of choice for deep learning because all the major libraries are written with a Python API. Libraries include PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, and others. Getting into deep learning in 2016 was how I got into Python.

    Python is free as in free beer. Python + Numpy beat Matlab as the programming language of choice for scientific computing. Matlab is expensive like crazy.

    Python + Pandas beats R as the programming language of choice for data analytics.

    Python beats Java for complex, multi-person projects. Python is simply easier to maintain. If the project is not performance-critical, Python beats C++, too. My personal rule is that 5 lines of Python takes 25 lines in C++. Hey, if your manager evaluates you with LOC as a metric, then use C++.

    If you are an optimist and feel that good software can solve any problem, then Python is for you.

    If you are a pessimist and are slinging out unmaintainable code while waiting until you can retire, then use another language.

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Heh. So after many years of python I decided to actually go learn some R and Matlab, and actually prefer them now. One weakness of python is that twisting the language is so easy that library writers can basically create new dialects that behave half like R/Matlab and half Python, which I always found rather messy. Learning R/Matlab I kinda got a look at 'oh, so THAT is what they were trying to duplicate.. yeah, make a lot more sense in this language'.

      Though it should be noted that GNU Octave, a matla
    • by leptons ( 891340 )
      I have quite a bit more experience in more languages than you do, and I will never, ever like the fact that Python uses significant whitespace. It's the worst and most fundamental thing about the language.
  • Python files are called scripts. A scripting language is NOT a real programming language.
  • I guess we get more lazy/awful developers each year, which is why we need more powerfull and memory hungry machines each cycle just have the same performance as before.
  • Betteridge [].
    This will spare us lots of silly questions.

"Live or die, I'll make a million." -- Reebus Kneebus, before his jump to the center of the earth, Firesign Theater
