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Survey of 26K Developers Finds Java, Python, Kotlin, and Rust Growing Rapidly ( 67

While the popularity of jQuery is decreasing, React.JS "is currently the most widely used client-side framework," reports ZDNet, citing SlashData's 23rd State of the Developer Nation report (compiled from more than 26,000 developers last summer from 163 countries).

ZDNet believe it shows developers "experimenting less and sticking with what they know and what works." JavaScript remains the largest programming language community, SlashData found. According to its research, there are an estimated 19.6 million developers worldwide using JavaScript every day in everything from web development and mobile apps to backend coding, cloud and game design. Java, meanwhile, is growing rapidly. In the last two years, the size of the Java community has more than doubled from 8.3 million to 16.5 million, SlashData found. For perspective, the global developer population grew about half as fast over the same period....

Python also continued to grow strongly, adding about eight million new developers over the last two years, according to SlashData. It accredited the rise of data science and machine learning as "a clear factor in Python's growing popularity". Approximately 63% of machine-learning developers and data scientists report using Python, whereas less than 15% use R, another programming language often associated with data science.

Both the Kotlin and Rust communities doubled in size in the past two years, the article points out. But according to the survey, only 9% of developers were involved in blockchain technologies.

Yet 27% of respondents reported they were learning about (if not currently working on) cryptocurrency-based projects. ZDNet summarizes the findings: Of the three blockchain technologies covered in the report, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) were found to be of least interest to developers: 58% showed "no interest" in NFTs, which SlashData said was "likely due to its perception as a novelty".

The report found that one-quarter (25%) of developers currently work on, or are learning about, blockchain applications other than cryptocurrencies.

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Survey of 26K Developers Finds Java, Python, Kotlin, and Rust Growing Rapidly

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  • Alrighty then (Score:5, Insightful)

    by CaptainLugnuts ( 2594663 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:29PM (#63048985)

    The report found that one-quarter (25%) of developers currently work on, or are learning about, blockchain applications other than cryptocurrencies.

    We can immediately discount their opinions on what's worth looking in to.

    • Re:Alrighty then (Score:4, Informative)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:34PM (#63048991)

      Aka "25% of developers are desperately looking for something to apply the skills at they wasted a lot of time on learning because they noticed that the whole crypto bullshit is crashing and burning".

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Yep. And that any half-baked crypto-currency code will get hacked pretty reliably, so most "developers" have no business playing there.

    • Re:Alrighty then (Score:5, Interesting)

      by lsllll ( 830002 ) on Monday November 14, 2022 @12:08AM (#63049409)
      Yeah. I stopped reading when I saw "Java" and "Growing Rapidly" in the same sentence.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Pretty much. These 25% are clearly stupid, but they will not be the only ones. The blockchain is an exotic tech that has almost no applications and for the few that are there, there are better traditional solutions.

      • No, git is a great example of a blockchain application. It has all the good parts (a distributed cryptographically signed ledger) and none of the bad parts (Bitcoin mining, stupid decentralization with 50% attacks etc).

        Many proposed uses for "blockchains" in logistics or finance are much closer to git than Bitcoin. A digital ledger can facilitate and secure transactions in many different areas but it doesn't need all the junk that Bitcoin brings. Many proposed systems for government backed digital currencie

    • Why can't developers get excited about learning security?

  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:34PM (#63048993) Journal

    "Survey of 26K Developers Finds Java, Python, Kotlin, and Rust Growing Rapidly"

    Yes, and you could do this same survey a few months from now and quite possibly get different answers.

    Headline should be, "Developers Use All Sorts Of Different Languages And Sometimes They Change"

  • JavaScript remains the largest programming language community, SlashData found.

    Because we have no choice.

    Also, jquery has largely been absorbed into standard javascript, so there's not really a need for it anymore.

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      JavaScript remains the largest programming language community, SlashData found.

      Because we have no choice.

      so you're saying that javascript, even with thousands of brilliant minds and communities churning out languages and tools every other month, for decades, javascript is still the best option there is, by far, which is why it is omnipresent. and the sky is blue with enough light. yep. i wholeheartedly agree.

      Also, jquery has largely been absorbed into standard javascript, so there's not really a need for it anymore.

      nope. not at all. wrong on so many levels. jquery was a revultionary take on selectors with an amorph but handy library of general purpose functions that kickstarted "web 2.0" (20 years ago, mind you) and

      • so you're saying that javascript, even with thousands of brilliant minds and communities churning out languages and tools every other month, for decades, javascript is still the best option there is, by far, which is why it is omnipresent.

        No, I'm saying that when I look at the languages available in my web browser, the list is short.

        jquery was a providential godsend to handle the clusterfuck that are html and its selectors

        Nope. jQuery was the only way to write for both Internet Explorer and everything else.

        Internet Explorer is dead, therefore jQuery is dead.

        Javascript has "querySelector()" which does what jQuery did.

        • No, I'm saying that when I look at the languages available in my web browser, the list is short.

          You can use a language like TypeScript that compiles to JavaScript.

          Or you can use a language that compiles to WebAssembly, like C++ or Rust.

          Javascript has "querySelector()" which does what jQuery did.

          Indeed. I no longer use JQuery for new projects.

      • People use Javascript because it's the language of the browser.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      JavaScript remains the largest programming language community, SlashData found.

      Because we have no choice.

      Yep, and Sturgeon's Law applies very clearly.

  • Yeah. Right. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:41PM (#63049019)

    JavaScript remains the largest programming language community,

    Eat shit, billions of flies can't be wrong!

    Java, meanwhile, is growing rapidly. In the last two years

    Java is one of the biggest security problems in existence. When I get to do a security test on a Java app, I rejoice. Because my work is already done, and I have a week to goof off. Just throw it against the OWASP dependency checker [] and you're done. You'll find enough critical security problems to keep the devs busy for weeks or months and every manager will think you're some security guru. PLEASE keep developing in this POS!

    Python also continued to grow strongly, adding about eight million new developers over the last two years

    I sure believe that. Most of my POCs are written in Python now. Production code? Nah. Who'd use Python for something like that, do you think I'm crazy? Who'd want to maintain that kind of garbage? You could as well try to use node.js as your producting environment, a billion conflicting libraries, each maintained by a single person, for as long as this person can be bothered to maintain it. Afterwards, good luck finding a security fix.

    • Nobody is forcing you to import any specific library. Part of being a dev is checking the liveness of a project before deciding to use it.
      • Good one, I'll remember this one come next audit.

        Here's 4 libraries that do essentially the same, every single one of them maintained by one person. Please consult your crystal ball to say which one of these will still be maintained and fixed 3-5 years down the line. Because that's at least as long as your project will run, and one thing is certain, you will NOT get the time or resources to redo it just because whatever lib you chose doesn't exist anymore.

        Good luck.

        • by jma05 ( 897351 )

          I have been using Python for 2 decades and I never ran into anything you described.
          Nearly all the libraries I am using for work in Python now have been around for more than a decade and are maintained by a large number of people.
          NumPy, Pandas, Tensorflow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, statsmodels, NLTK, Gensim, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Jupyter etc.
          I mostly just use curated libraries from Anaconda repositories.

          Sure, there are 415K modules for Python, because any random hobbyist or student can upload a module to the rep

          • I'm fairly language-agnostic because I'm on the other end of the development chain. I'm security. I'm the asshole that digs through your code, pulls out the libraries and tells you that it's not ok to use a lib that hasn't been updated since Obama was still in office. And that the next major version has been out. And it's incompatible with your code. But there isn't a secure version of your ancient library available.

            And then we bicker back and forth until the CIO bickers with the CISO over the same shit. An

            • by jma05 ( 897351 )

              Riiight, I am pretty sure my research code never needed a "security" audit :-).
              Sounds like a frustrating job.
              Old is always vulnerable for you? Your devs can't refactor a bit to accommodate a newer library?

              • Old is not always vulnerable to me, old is often vulnerable because security is a moving target and new exploits get discovered and developed every day. So eventually something will surface.

                And it's usually not a problem of being able to refactor, it's a matter of time and money. Take jquery. Last version of the first major release was 1.12.4. Here's [] a quick overivew of its known exploits that you will have no problem finding ready-to-use exploits for in various exploit frameworks, no skill required.

                You hav

                • by jma05 ( 897351 )

                  I believe you. I can see the tension with devs not wanting to update to the latest libraries and wanting to stick to older familiar versions. Enterprise devs tend to be more conservative with tools.
                  We have the opposite issue. We love to use the latest versions for that extra helper function, since we don't work in large teams. The problems here are, are all the metrics being calculated the same way between versions? Its more about reproducibility and correctness than security.
                  My code is almost never not exp

  • Couple of thoughts (Score:3, Interesting)

    by theshowmecanuck ( 703852 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @07:46PM (#63049031) Journal

    Javascript is for the modern producers of spinning flaming skulls and other 'cool looking' front end stuff. Java is for actually getting the job done in terms of running a business, by producing a code base that can be maintained by people who have to go back in 10 or 20 years from now (i.e. not some horrible mess of a language like BS, I mean JS).

    Rust goes from 1 programmer to 10 programmers so it increases amazingly by 1000%. But shit Java goes from 8 million to 16 million programmers; a shit 200% in comparison.

    • by Dadoo ( 899435 )

      A coworker of mine recently made the statement "The only reason Java still exists is because of Android." I'd be interested in everyone's opinion of how true that is. (All but a few of the programmers at my company are required to use C# and SQL Server.)

      • by clifwlkr ( 614327 ) on Monday November 14, 2022 @09:06AM (#63050087)
        This must be from the perspective of a front end developer. For the front end, I would absolutely agree, and even then a lot of Android apps are nothing more than glorified web pages when you really look into them, so even that is limited.

        In reality, if you are a backend engineer, almost any robust system is very likely Java. Think banks, manufacturers, financial organizations, pharma, etc. All of the people doing real business that requires transactional integrity are very likely using Java. It is bomb proof, and actually fairly fast at scale. It requires a lot of resources up front, but then scales very nicely as the loads get higher. The frameworks available on it to do almost anything are readily available and very highly utilized and tested. Unit testing is a breeze in comparison to 'newer' languages. It is really solid in reality.

        So yeah, you might not be one of the cool kids if you are programming in Java. I keep up with the latest and greatest languages, but my paycheck comes primarily from Java and has for like 25 years now (yes, I started with the very first version of Java). If you really are good at Java (including frameworks like Spring, etc), you are very likely to always find a job. There is just too much written in it that you never see as a consumer.
      • Most backend software is written in Java, and is running on Linux and/or Solaris.

        Most Android software in our times is written in Kotlin, albeit it is running on an Android JVM (quite different from the original JVM).

        Java bashers simply have no clue about reality and live in a kind of distortion field.

    • Javascript is for the modern producers of spinning flaming skulls and other 'cool looking' front end stuff

      I think your impression of JavaScript vs. Java is a bit dated. Stuff like Node.js has been putting JavaScript on the server for a long time now. It has JIT compiling to make it run faster. It's got web sockets built in. If anything JavaScript is for modern producers of what used to be called "applets" back when Java was first produced but those are "apps" now and they're a huge business not just a

  • by RemindMeLater ( 7146661 ) on Sunday November 13, 2022 @08:49PM (#63049173)
    except instead of mushrooms you get "real" developers huffing up the stairs to plop down in front of their CRT monitors, adjust their glasses, wipe their spittle into their beards and quickly post as AC about how only mentally retarded children develop in languages like _____ whereas real developers who are S-M-R-T use _____.
    • To be fair, LCD monitors still suck for color and contrast. CRTs can't hold a candle to their resolution or sharpness but I still prefer CRT images over LCD. Now that OLED monitors are becoming a thing, I might go that way so long as they're as good as my OLED TV. And no, I'm not still using CRTs for programming, I don't have enough desk space for that.
      • Let's also not forget that literally NOBODY in the late 1990s thought LCDs would completely take over the market the way they did a decade later. Circa 1997, everyone thought the future was field emission displays (basically, a solid-state addressable election emitter behind a very CRT-like phosphor-coated glass panel).

        It's actually a shame FED and SED withered on the vine. I saw a FED monitor in person once, and it was really impressive. It was basically a CRT with flat glass, flawless convenience, and per

  • These opinions and debates sometime remind me of a Les Paul versus a Strat. Depends on what you're doing and what seems right for it. For me, internal quickie scripting projects I typically use Ruby. Tried Python for a few years, but overall Ruby just made more sense, in terms of less gotchas and more intuitiveness. For larger production-level project I use C# nowadays. I came from the world of Java, so I found C# easy to learn, and over the years it has matured pretty well. Just one example was I've found
  • With the Linux Kernel slowly moving to Rust, more and more people will be taking a look at the Rust language. This may also lead those programmers to program other projects in Rust where they may have not considered Rust before.

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