Cor Blimey! A Java Spectrum emulator!
Sometimes as an ex-demo coder, one sees
something these days that knocks one off one's feet.
So 4-bit scrolling Overscan and 16Khz Soundtracker on the
8Mhz Atari ST was cool, but it's hard to be impressed in
the same way these days, given the 300Mhz monsters that run
C++ faster than hand-crafted 68000.... until... Who in their right mind would code a
Spectrum Emulator
in Java that actually
runs old games???
Not only that, but source code
is provided which compiles with
jikes. Interestingly the resulting
class files are slower than those on the website -- some optimization
cases must be being missed (hint David ;-)). Apparently, this is the beginning
of a trend with
an ATARI ST emulator also being written. Anyone know how to get
Kaffe to run an applet? (under Netscape it runs at 10% of a
real Spectrum's speed)
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Cor Blimey! A Java Spectrum emulator!
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