HotSpot arrives 93
ChrisRijk writes "See the HotSpot
main-page for starters. HotSpot is basically a fast JVM,
initially aimed at server-side Java - beta testers say it's 2x or more
faster in real world applications - see this good
article (not by Sun). See also the press release,
and white
Freely downloadable binaries available later this week. Linux port?
Well, Sun are liscencing the code (for a fee), and claim to have
designed it to be easily portable. Sun also announced their
software today - see this article.
Beware Corporate-Controlled Languages (Score:2)
The answer is: Two languages. One supported by Sun which would be secure and platform independant. And the other supported by Microsoft which would be Windows only and insecure.
Unfortunatly, it would be Microsoft's version which would attract most of the programmers, because Microsoft is very good at wielding their OS monopoly. As a result, not only would we be asking companies for Linux versions of their C/C++ programs, but we'd also be asking for Pure Java versions of their J++ programs.
Sun fought for, and won the removal of those extentions which would have split the language. Not that I don't think it should eventually be opened up, but if Java was an open language back then, or even if it opened up right now, those extentions would still be around.
A lot of you don't like Sun, and as a result resent their control over Java. However they know what needs to be done to keep Java alive and they have the lawyers to do it. As long as Sun controls Java, it will still stand for the same things: platform independance, security, and probably some other stuff a more experienced Java programmer could fill in.
As far as waiting on Java, I somewhat agree with you. I still don't trust it enough to bet the farm on it, but it's the performance issues that worry me, and it looks as if those aren't going to be around long.
alpha has *poor* performance (Score:2)
My company has been an alpha tester of HotSpot for quite a while. I've seen several alpha versions. Each one improves upon the previous by a factor of about 2x. However, the latest alpha (actually, a release candidate) was still 2x *slower* than the JIT in Sun's JDK1.2, under WinNT.
Our code is *not* in one giant loop. It is, however, heavily dependant upon floating-point calculations and array accesses. To be honest, there are supposedly a few bugs in their floating point math (are they implementing IEEE FP calculations in software???). We'll see if this is fixed in the latest version.
The garbage collection is *greatly* improved. Unlike JDK 1.1.x and JDK 1.2, you never even notice when the garbage collection occurs (no long pauses).
I keep hoping that they will optimize out array bounds checking (if your code permits), but I have not seen any evidence of this. Removing array bounds checking has been shown to make heavy computational code (like mine) run about 8x quicker (almost 100% of my computations are performed on data in arrays). Conditionals really screw up a CPU's pipeline, as each array bounds check results in a branch. In fact, the Java Grande group, a group experimenting with numerical algorithms and Java, has shown that with a few alterations to the JVM (removing bounds checking among them), Java runs numerical algorithms about 10% slower than C++! And that's without any dynamic optimization!
I has been told that the public release is supposed to fix any problems that slow down my code. However, I have not had any pre-release access to this latest code. We shall see.
All in all, I wouldn't hold my breath. Java is still young, and technologies like HotSpot are still in their 1.0 (pre)release. I hope for the best with HotSpot, but I am afraid it will greatly disappoint most users...
Server-side? (Score:1)
Our long-term goal is to deliver a universal solution beyond just servers, and advance the technology to the client.
From my knowledge of Java (one year of heavy development) I see no reason why they would develop the VM for just server side applications. As far as I know once you have developed the JNI code it can be ported to any VM. So why is Sun placing this restriction on HotSpot, or is it just a name game?
Server-side? They're just trying to save face (Score:1)
That's what I figured. The idea that there was any true restraints on its application was unbelievable.
It is free (as in free beer) (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
i don't have a spare box for 8i at the moment
You Forgot... (Score:1)
Wrapping variables up in other objects to implement a pseudo pass by reference has to be the single most irritating thing about Java ever... Especially when working with strings.
And java's string classes are a) crap, b) confusing and c) slow.
I went right back to Perl... faster than most languages for complex string processing, and fast enough for most other tasks.
perl -e 'print scalar reverse q(\)-:
'then' and 'now' (Score:1)
Incidentally, that 2x faster is compared to very recent JVMs. Some apps went 4x faster. (read the links I gave).
compilation profiling (Score:1)
Sun's professional C/C++ compilers already do this. (I presume there are other C/C++ compilers out there that do the same). It also has some nice run-time checking for memory-leaks...
HotSpot free (?) (Score:1)
Battle of the benchmarks (Score:2)
Fast JVM: 29.1 SPECjvm (1x 500Mhz Alpha EV6 on Tru64 Unix)
HotSpot: 31.1 SPECjvm (2x 450Mhz PII on NT4)
HotSpot: 31.9 Specjvm (1x 450Mhz UltraSparc-II with Solaris 7)
(don't ask me what diff the dual PII's made for the HotSpot one. unfortunately they don't publish result for single-processor) Also, the 450Mhz UltraSparc-II won't be out for a few more weeks. A 450Mhz PII has 17.2 SPECint95 and 12.9 SPECfp-95. A 450 Mhz UltraSparc-II has 19.6 SPECint95 and 27.1 SPECfp95. A 500Mhz EV6 Alpha is rated as 27.3 SPECint95, and 57.7 SPECfp95.
I don't have general volano marks available. Also, you can probably see what Sun are initially targeting HotSpot mostly at server side (for now anyway) as the effect is much greater compared to client side (because the longer HotSpot runs for the faster it gets, and because client side has much more interaction with the OS). Check the the article on 'real world' apps posted at the top. 2x, and up to 4x faster in heavy duty real world server apps compared to other recent JVMs is pretty good. The beta-testers particularly praised the high-speed, low latency garbage collector. (wha-hey, Sun build a better bin!).
As a final note, HotSpot will be getting faster (the 2nd release will apparantly be 30% faster), as will everyone else's of course.
performance comparisons (Score:4)
Not free (A lousy 2x increase?) (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
Re:Think again (Score:1)
Python compilers: JPython [] compiles to Java byte code. Python2C [] translates to C code, but not a lot of people seem to be interested in the project. (Anyone going to review the new Learning Python [] book for /.?)
I find the Dylan posts not out-of-line, and they've been enough to interest me in learning more about Dylan; a Dylan book is sitting in my to-read queue, and I'll probably write a /. review of it.
I'd like to see more language and programming-related items, too, since the business-related items are kind of boring and are usually covered by LinuxToday or LWN anyway. CmdrTaco, how about a new section like the book reviews or "Ask Slashdot", just for technical programming items?
Plenty of free JVMs? (Score:1)
Plenty of free JVMs? (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
Wow, excellent critic. (Score:1)
Java will never make it on the client side... (Score:1)
Dynamic Optimization rulz, should be used compiled (Score:2)
The initial demonstration of a lot of the concepts in HostSpot are from Self, a O-O prototype-based language, whose implementation does a lot of dynamic optimization. In the Self implementation the optimization actually takes place on machine instructions and not via intermediary VM instructions (which is why the Self implementation is closely tied to Sparc procesors). So having a VM-based language is not a prerequisite for doing these sorts of optimizations.
The future of compilation, IMHO, is compiling your code with profiling information included, running your app for awhile, and then feeding the profile back into the compiler for more information to generate your final optimized executable.
Granted that C/C++ aren't dynamic O-O languages, so many of the specific optimizations that Self/HotSpot are doing won't apply, but I still think there is a lot that could be done. And compiled Java, Objective-C, Eiffel, et cetera could all benefit from the HotSpot optimizations done with compiling and profiling as above.
Finally! (Score:2)
Reading between the lines here, though, it sounds like HotSpot's analysis phase is currently the bottleneck. They keep saying that it's good for server-side application rather than client-side; I suspect that despite their claims that 'server applications are more VM-intensive', this is actually due to the fact that it takes a while during any given session to analyze the code far enough to realize the speedup (less of a problem for servers, for which sessions are typically very long). Of course, there are good ways around this besides just improving the analysis -- specifically, saving analysis info across sessions (ship your app with a baseline analysis, which will then be modified gradually by the user's VM based on their usage patterns).
Java's great, but Sun?... (Score:1)
I would love to program all my stuff in Java, but I don't think that will happen unless Sun decides to hand Java over to some open committee, where the users can decide on its direction. Until then, I'll use Java for what I can, but I don't think it'll work for everything.
Free Beer (Score:1)
Hey a single user version is just great for NPOs that want to have a dope ass java happenin' site.
Java (Score:1)
primitive data types are not objects, they must be coerced into an object for methods which expect an object, and coerced back for operators which expect a primitive
No offense intended, but duh. Primitives and objects are two completely different creatures.
no operator overloading
collection classes are not convienent to use (take iterators for example)
Actually, that's a personal preference. I find the collection classes are quite easy to use. Regardless, it's the same type of construct that you find in the STL in C/C++.
methods can only return 1 value
Yes, but. Methods in C or C++ can only return one value as well. In Java, objects are passed by reference, which means you can pass an object into the function, manipulate it in the function, and the changed data stays even when the function exits. Just like references work in C/C++.
HotSpot hasn't *really* arrived--there's no code! (Score:1)
In other words, the code's not done yet! I actually do believe it probably will be done Real (Real, Real) Soon Now, but still, it's humorous
Re:100 theorectical limit (Score:1)
optimizing the VM means that other languages
that produce Java bytecode will also be optimized.
Think of it as a win not only for Java, but for
Python, Dylan, and other languages that have
bindings for the Java VM.
(I don't even use these languages and I'm
sticking up for them -- is this a violation of
./ flame-bait policy?)
performance (Score:1)
first available. Both of these blow doors on
HotSpot. MS JVM was by far the fastest. IBM's
wasn't far behind. Unfortunately, MS will most
likely never support 1.2, and IBM's 1.2 support
isn't finished yet (may be available in Beta).
If you want to do a real comparison, compare the
speed of Java code under each of these to the
same code compiled native using something like
Visual Cafe or Visual J++.
My take on Java speed (Score:1)
My understanding of the "server side only" statement was twofold: 1st translation) "Sorry, our GUIs still suck guys, come back next year." 2nd impression) Well, the dynamic optimizer has to sit an run for a while before it gets up to speed, so it's better for continually-running server apps.
I really wish I could write consumer-level desktop apps in Java, but it just doesn't fly right now.
Java's great, but Sun?... (Score:1)
You know, I thought I'd die before I saw the words Java and incredibly fast in the same sentence, without the word NOT inbetween.
I mean come on, even with Hotspot if speed is your main criteria and you choose Java you deserve to be fired / shot / defenestrated, etc..
performance (Score:1)
100 theorectical limit (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
sun plans to make money off of this with royaltied distribution costs (free developer SDK is a great way to hook people in) and flat-fee source licensing.
A lousy 2x increase? (Score:1)
There are plenty of completely FREE JVM's available (many are very fast) -- I don't see why Sun can't charge for something they've sunk so much money into, especially since they said they were going to charge for it from the start.
Dynamic Optimization rulz, should be used compiled (Score:1)
Are they going to charge for the real version (Score:1)
A lousy 2x increase? (Score:2)
Now the big question is going to be how much will they charge for the real deal. Given how poor and late it is compared to what they promised, they should give us all copies of it with a check for $2.50. But it's far more likely that they'll try to recoup development costs by charging an arm and a leg for the "real" version. Oooo, maybe if I pay double, I can get a 2.5x increase.
performance (Score:1)
Is Sun going to release the source..? (Score:1)
the source. There are papers about dynamic
optimization on the self web site. As far as I know the self source code is available. The hard
thing to do is to get to an practical implementation that doesn't consume too much memory. Memory consumption was one of the problems with Self. Also a solution that is easy to retarget to different platforms is probably also
a hard thing to do because processors are so different today (Pentium versus Risc).
Enterprise Applications (Score:1)
Currently, NT, COM/COM+/DCOM, and MTS are ruling the roost in this field, but I think it can be done better and businesses love to have alternatives anyway.
I know Sun is providing limited assistance to Blackdown in order to make Java work on Linux. IMHO, they have very little to lose in getting as much Java stuff running on Linux as possible. Solaris and Linux don't exactly target the same market (SCO is a different matter, hee hee). My personal experience has been that Linux makes a great platform for Java development.
Companies talk a lot about "mindshare". Tier-1 support for Java on Linux would be a great way to win some.
Beware Corporate-Controlled Languages (Score:1)
The answer is: Two languages. One supported by Sun which would be secure and platform independant. And the other supported by Microsoft which would be Windows only and insecure.
Insecure? How do you figure that?
Sun fought for, and won the removal of those extentions which would have split the language. Not that I don't think it should eventually be opened up, but if Java was an open language back then, or even if it opened up right now, those extentions would still be around.
Actually, they won a preliminary injunction which forces the program to ask you if you want to use Microsoft extensions when you write a J++ app (note: not run one). It also made MS include JNI in the JVM.
Boy. You're just short on facts today, aren't you?
A lot of you don't like Sun, and as a result resent their control over Java. However they know what needs to be done to keep Java alive and they have the lawyers to do it. As long as Sun controls Java, it will still stand for the same things: platform independance, security, and probably some other stuff a more experienced Java programmer could fill in.
Funny... for a platform independent architecture, the JVM is pretty optimized for Sparc. eg. float/double types are Sparc format.
Java is free. (Score:1)
Well, you'd better start coding. Kaffee is GPL, Classpath and Japhar are LGPL.
You Forgot... (Score:1)
IMNSHO, Java string classes are OK. I like them.
As for Perl: I don't like it. It's too baroque. Sometimes even medieval.
Java (Score:1)
.. and often even Java. For instance: Java lets you dynamicaly construct and load arbitrary class at runtime and also checks code validity. Dylan can't do that.
Language Troll (Score:1)
I actually went to the Dylan site some months ago when I first saw this troll, but having to had read this same idiot post every time there's a Java post on slashdot has definitely made me anti-dylan type of person.
Great job, AC.
A lousy 2x increase? (Score:1)
performance (Score:1)
(Note: Sun will be offering developers single-user server-side binaries for free download from this website later this week. Check back here for download information.)
alpha has *poor* performance (Score:1)
Otherwise, as understood, those bound checks are fundamental to Sun's model for Java "safety" semantics. If I could work around the bound checking, I could write into memory all the lovely virus and pirate code I like, ultimately hack around all the security, and that ain't good for an applet loading into a browser.
Beware Corporate-Controlled Languages (Score:1)
There's simply too much of a chance that it will get mangled in the process of Sun trying to screw Microsoft, etc.
In fact, the entire debacle of Java on Win32 (MS extensions) validated these very dangers.
Beware Corporate-Controlled Languages (Score:1)
If you want to stay afloat after next year, you got to learn java.
And why not betting the farm on it?
I find it myself a safe bet!
As string poses it: There are just too serious players involved in (AKA: too serious funds) to let it go away.
Plus the ethics:
You can develop in a real OS and let the poor-minded use it in their crappy Mofti$h os...
Server-side java...stupid idea (NOT) (Score:1)
Is Sun going to release the source..? (Score:1)
Beware Corporate-Controlled Languages (Score:1)
"As far as waiting on Java, I somewhat agree with you. I still don't trust it enough to bet the farm on it, but it's the performance issues that worry me, and it looks as if those aren't going to be around long."
MHO: If you are not betting on or at least learning (read: writing real code in)Java, you will find yourself WAY behind over the next year or so. There are serious players 'betting the farm' on Java and related technologies... and these people are not about to lose. Even MiSFiT is cranking out new (and improved) VMs...
Dynamic Optimization rulz, should be used compiled (Score:1)
Also, because Java defines things like memory allocation and threading, the Java compiler and runtime can cooperate to make optimizations involving those features. In C/C++ you can basically roll your own allocation and threads, which is cool, but it means the compiler doesn't know how to help you and can't make assumptions about what you're trying to do.
IBM's plans (Score:1)
1) IBM research is working on a Hotspot like thing, codename: Jalapeno. They know what they're doing, they have some great people, it should rock. Still a fair way out, though. The interesting part is that Jalapeno is itself written in Java...
2) IBM is fiercely committed to making Java the COBOL of the 21st century, i.e. the language in which all the crufty old inhouse code is written. That would be interesting.
Language Troll (Score:1)
As for Java... well, Java Is Cool. It may not be the greatest language for every task but what it does, it does pretty well IMHO.
Server-side java...stupid idea. (Score:1)