Sun Withdraws Java from Standards Process 397
An anonymous reader pointed us to a story over at ZD Net about Sun withdrawing Java from the ECMA Standards body. They say they want to protect the "Integrity" of the company's investment in Java.
Re:Royalty-Free source hand-in-hand with withdrawa (Score:1)
Re:The thing to do in Mozilla (Score:2)
Every UNIX I know of does this automatically in any call to exec*(). Why can't a webbrowser do this for applets? Just get it as application/applet or something and then it can run it directly. Seems to be an okay way to do it, except that I'm squeamish about running any arbitrary code I'd run across on the web. Like, I wouldn't want Netscape to automatically run the following "applet":
#!/bin/sh /
rm -rf
Which is, of course, why Java is setup as a secure, isolated virtual machine, and why ActiveVirus...er, ActiveX uses a silly signature/authentication mechanism to make sure it really is a trusted source, in theory anyway.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re:Python assembler? (Score:1)
Re:The Java LANGUAGE, not the CLASSES! (Score:2)
Re:The thing to do in Mozilla (Score:1)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
there's so much better than Java (Score:2)
However, there is so much more available in other languages, for instance:
Re:Java to stand on its own? (Score:2)
Re:Question: *how* bad is this for users? It ISN'T (Score:2)
The community process is in place, and has been working. Needed changes to the language and libraries get adopted in the next release or two. It's not as responsive as OpenSource, but it's pretty effective. From what I've seen, notably in C++, having a committee as a guardian isn't very effective by comparison.
The bulk of the posts say how bad the decision is, and yet, Sun has acted in good faith and good conscience to protect the integrity of the language. That's why I can write the c/s app on Linux, and run it seamlessly on Digital Unix, Solaris, and NT/Win98 without any sort of port or recompile. Because their process is working. I can't even get two compilers to agree on output on all those platforms in C/C++, without even taking the db interfaces into consideration.
Why, specifically is this a bad thing? Don't the results matter? Isn't that the real reason for doing things? The principle isn't at stake here, as we don't have a comparable project I know of that a committee or standards organization has succeeded with.
My 25 cents.
Dallas Hockley
G++ extensions not "proprietary" (Score:1)
Re:it's screwed up (Score:1)
Can someone tell me why I have to pick a platform target for downloading the JDK javadocs or extended APIs??
Oh, for cryin' out loud. Normally I ignore the mass ignorance on /., but this is just too much. Below is a quote from Sun's download page [sun.com] for the Java 2 documentation.
"The download choices have identical documentation content and differ only in the compression format, so "theoretically" any choice should work on any OS. However, due to tool imcompatibilites, this is not entirely true. Do not download the COMPRESS tar or GZIP tar formats and try to install them with WinZip or a non-Solaris version of tar (such as GNU tar). About 10 of the included files have paths that are 100 characters or longer, and these programs will not install them correctly."
As you can tell, it's OS and tool problems. Sun didn't write your freakin' decompression tools, so don't blame them. (And ironicly enough, it seems to suggest that a GNU tool is at fault here.) At least they went to the trouble of packaging it multiple times and documenting things which is more then I get from most companies or open source projects.
Re:We need an OS virtual machine (Score:1)
Re:The Java LANGUAGE, not the CLASSES! (Score:1)
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:1)
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:1)
Python, like lisp can be compiled to bytecode and distributed as such--just like java. They both run in a "vm", although I don't know how different the vm design is.
Correct me if I'm wrong... (Score:1)
Re:Java is out, but not sure about Obj-C (Score:1)
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:1)
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:2)
Java's good ideas... (Score:1)
And then there's Java, a perfect solution. It suddenly makes life a ton easier on computer owners everywhere, because they can all run the same programs, using the same interfaces. Programs for the various flavors of Unix and Linux no longer have to ship the source code with the program, instead having to just ship the program itself, guaranteed to work.
Java is the solution that many companies are looking for. But, like any startup language, it's fighting for its independance right now (Microsoft J++) and it can't be burdened with a "standards committee".
But that's just my two bits...
Re:Independent Standards (Score:5)
First, Microsoft does not license their Windows technology to anyone. (Wince doesn't count.)
Sun licenses their technology to anyone that wants to pay the fees. In fact, Sun would be happy if they never had to do their own JVM implementations. They would be content to provide a reference implementation and compatability testing.
Microsoft charges for everything.
Sun gives JDK, JRE, etc. away for free... and has even made the JDK more free.
Microsoft does not provide a source for input to the evolution of their products.
Sun provides a Community Process to which anyone can become a member for a fee. Sure, not any old Joe can give his input, but would we really want a language developed by popular vote? I sure wouldn't.
Microsoft creates products to push their own defacto standards for API's and such.
Sun regularly publishes draft standards for Java extensions. Many of which are designed around third party implementations to be plugged in.
In conclusion, Sun controls the Java platform but not with the same stranglehold that Microsoft has on anything Microsoft. And this difference is significant.
If Sun suddenly decided to take Java in strange directions that the majority of the Java development community didn't agree with, Java would live on as another language. If that happens then I'll be the first one joining in on the Myva(?) project.
However, right now I think Sun is doing a fantastic job and I'm willing to give them some leeway.
Re:Funny, considering Sun was built on standards.. (Score:1)
I don't think there is any commercial UNIX vendor that does not profit from these things.
Re:Perl and Python too! Standardize NOW! (Score:2)
Perl is being pushed by O'Reilly, because they want to sell books. But hell, I can download the source and do pretty much any freaking thing I want with it. Same goes for Python. O'Reilly does have a motive, and they have Larry working there too. But O'Reilly isn't pulling the same crap that Sun is pulling. Why the hell would anyone claim that some C++ wannabe language is a standard when they really don't want to allow it to progress to full standardization?
Simple. They want control. Absolute control.
A little while ago, a competitor to Sun from across the garbage heap offered up a great technology to help boost java. Sun would have nothing to do with it, prefering instead to write its own API. Other companies have tried to write java technologies competitive with Sun, only to have Sun change the API on them in the next release to make their technology more difficult/impossible to implement, and allow Sun to covet that technology.
Folks, do not allow yourself to be fooled by Sun's motives. They are trying to protect their bottom line, and frankly they do not care who takes it in the shorts in the end. They want you to pay them for every use of the java based auto-toilet, and they want to be like Bill.
If they really wanted to grow Java, all they ever had to do was freeze the specs, release it (copyrights and all) to the orgs, and voila, a standard. That would have been good. Now, there will be a java standard. Sun just wont be involved.
Sauce For The Goose (Score:2)
Standards. Don't ya just love 'em.
When Linus says, "remember: a compiler is a TOOL"
people nod in agreement. When he says that if a
job's criteria can't be met by sticking within a
standard, the compliance to the standard should
suffer, not the criteria. And people murmur
their approval.
And Linux is completely dependent on gcc and
very popular and useful and portable.
Now along comes Sun shadowed by the evil
Microsoft. Frankly, Sun (and Microsoft) are
in it to make a buck.
Java is very public and portable and open.
But Sun was in a dogfight with Microsoft
and saw the mire of the Standards Process
as a way of shaking them. And it sort of worked.
Now when Sun's job criteria can't be met by
sticking within a Standards Process, the
compliance to the Standards Process should
suffer, not the criteria.
Pragmatic sauce for the goose
is pragmatic sauce for the gander.
Re:Let's go standard shopping (Score:1)
Eiffel does it Right!!! (Score:1)
Why is C++ multiple inheritance bad? Among many other reasons, because C++ has NO DISAMBIGUATION UPON INHERITANCE.
Eiffel does.
That makes an enormous difference in making multiple inheritance clean and painless. Why is it that so many people say "use delegation, not MI"??? Because delegation is a painful and manual way of, in effect, specifying how to disambiguate potentially conflicting features.
With GOOD multiple inheritance, you don't need to do that. You just use delegation when delegation really is the best solution.
Notice that Java still lacks dismbiguation, and it IS still a problem, but as Java only has MI of interfaces, the problem just happens to occur less often.
I disagree with the notion that the Java language designers were that brilliant. Compared to any other new OO language designed around the same time, Java is pretty damn poor. It would get maybe a C+
Only if you are used to poking yourself in the eye with pointed sticks (C++) or poisoned pointed sticks (MFC under C++) would you think that Java is all that great.
There are other boneheaded decision in the Java language design as well.
I always thought "well the language is lame, but at least we have all these great API's". I personally never used them. Now people who do are saying that the APIs suck but the langauge is OK.
Oh boy. Is there anything actually good about Java???
I guess the bytecode verifier and security model is fairly decently "high tech" and well designed. That's about it, as far as I see.
Re:I Realized it was a moving target immediately (Score:1)
Anyway, if you had any clue as to what you are talking about, you would realize that anything you developed for 1.0 would work fine with 1.2. You might get some deprecation warnings at compile time, but it would still compile and run.
For Sun at least, "innovation" doesn't mean "make incompatible".
The Java VM wouldn't work for this! (Score:1)
The problem with the Java VM is that it has a lot of Java-specific behaviors in the VM itself. For instance it assumes that there are classes. That's fine and you could compile a C program into a bunch of classes but why?
One reason that Sun may have had for doing this is that it makes the VM faster. If the VM can work at a slightly higher level by making a few assumptions, the VM can put a lot of code that would otherwise have to be interpreted in native code.
For instance, if you assume that the languages that target the VM have garbage collection, then you can have the VM handle it automatically instead of making the compiler emit code to handle it. On the other hand, that means no pointers. Then the VM isn't a viable target for C/C++ compilers.
Way to undermine the language.. (Score:3)
Suddenly, *WHAM*. We need to protect our investment.
Goodbye good 'ole Sun, HELLO Microsoft II.
Did anyone NOT see this coming? (Score:1)
"Look! we're trying to make this a standard and they're messing it up... boooooo hooooooo..... We need a preliminary injunction... wahhh haaaa!"
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:1)
Visual C++ is an IDE with a very fast and for all intents and purposes ANSI compliant C compiler. Visual J++ is also an IDE which by default uses microsoft's compiler, which is a 1.1.4 compliant compiler.
Just cause you add extra features doesn't mean it's not compliant (like sun would tell you).
J++ does everything 1.1 does - but does a bit more than that too (which I'm thankful for).
Re:Funny, considering Sun was built on standards.. (Score:1)
The unfortunate thing is that everybody assumes there's something wrong with NFS.
If Microsoft had adopted NFS and was sabatogueing it with as bad an implementation as Linux, you can bet people would be howling "embrace and cripple."
Re: Way to undermine the language.. (2, Insightful (Score:1)
Part of the problem with C was that Dennis Ritchie was not involved in the standardization process; Bjarne Stroustrup headed up the C++ standardization effort.
Steve Molitor
"Emacs is the Computer"
No "embrace & extend" as long as Sun controls it. (Score:1)
a "standards commitee".
What better way for Microsoft to "embrace and
extend" and eventually destroy Java than by gaining eventual control over such a commitee? Sun is only trying to prevent Microsoft from getting any toehold. Can't blame 'em a bit.
Sun has given away many innovations. Not
Microsoft. I can't blame Sun at all for wishing to be "keeper of the flame". The best way to keep any vision pure is to keep it out of the hands of a commitee.
Standards shmandards (Score:2)
Then there are the classes, that is the bread and butter of java. Sun wants to control that. Let them, the classes suck. Look at the performance of java, a good portion of it is due to classes. The classes are at least half of java's biggest problem, it's slow. JFC makes the problem even worse. JFC is a slow framework built on top of a slow framework. Not standardizing the classes could be a huge bonus for Java is IBM and some others go ahead and push to standardize it anyway and have to roll their own.
Honestly, I think we need to start looking ahead. Java missed it, it's nothing compared to what the hype had it made out to be and it never will be any of that. Java is best at providing a lingua franca for custom apps you never want to touch again. It's not ready for prime-time in the general programming arena and it probably never will be. We need to develop a structure and way to plug perl, python, tcl, etc.. into mozilla. We need to start our own active scripting and active content platform and let the world take notice and start copying it. What did java do to the web? It made icons bounce, allowed for some vector graphics, played sounds, I feel pretty confident we can do all that with perl. I bet we can come up with a ton of cool things that we can do with perl in a web browser and a way to make it safe.
As for portability and all that, we do pretty good with perl, python, and source code. GTK+ and QT are the big things anyways. GUIs have always been the pain in porting stuff.
Re:The thing to do in Mozilla (Score:2)
Re:Let's go standard shopping (Score:1)
Re: Wake up (Score:1)
Also, Microsoft give away SHITLOADs.
Your examples of JDK and JRE are stupid. Microsoft also give away their Java SDK and Runtimes. I reguarly get free copies of Windows Betas (and the full release eventually) - I'm not special, just applied. I also recently ordered a free copy of the VBA devleoper's kit - FULL shrink wrapped box - shipped etc for free.
There are shitloads if free downloads from MS...NT add ons like IIS, MTS, MSMQ etc are totally free.
And MS have the largest online developer's database with GB of information and source code, as well as commentaries from MS engineers etc.
Microsoft is by far the best developer support software company. Sun doesn't even come close.
I think MS have spent at least $1000 on me.
I get shipped stuff for free from redmond to new zealand.
In conclusion, Sun controls the Java platform but not with the same stranglehold that Microsoft has on anything Microsoft. And this difference is significant.
Yeah whatever, like I said, MS is the best developer support company, and that's why I continue to develop for windows.
BTW, check out MSDN.MICROSOFT.COM sometime, don't get lost in the GB of information there - much more than Sun's Java site.
Is ECMA to Tech Standards What IBF is to Boxing? (Score:3)
Is ECMA a legitimate standards body?
Are they producing standards that help to advance the state of the art?
The reason I ask this is because my only previous knowledge of ECMA is the certification that JavaScript (aka ECMAscript) went through. If memory serves, the ECMA group was chosen over other more well known standards organizations because it was thought to be easier to influence, thereby orchestrating the outcome. Ever since then, I have wondered about this organization.
Now, ECMA is in the news again. But, this time, a Slashdot community member posts a link to the ECMA Web Site. So I have the opportunity to check out the roster of member companies [www.ecma.ch]. If you look at them, you will note that practically every one is a multinational that is not based in Europe.
I guess that this point, in itself, doesn't say much. Except that there must have been a much bigger number of true European companies in ECMA back when it was founded in 1961. But, then I notice that at least one European computer manufacturer that I know of, Bull [bull.com] isn't a member. Neither is Nokia, although Ericsson is.
There is an organizing body in the sport of boxing known as the IBF. It was created as an alternative to the WBA and WBC, and seems to exist for the sole purpose of having an alternate slate of champions who can challenge one of the more established sanctioning bodies' champions.
So, my ultimate question is, does ECMA serve the same role in the technology world that the IBF appears to serve in the boxing world?
Dave Aiello
Royalty-Free source hand-in-hand with withdrawal (Score:2)
In my view (and I am not speaking for my employer) this should assuage the developer's fears of not having the standards body oversee the process.
This URL [sun.com] has more information.
Re:What does Sun own? What is Java? (Score:2)
Why doesn't ECMA simply go ahead and standardize the same thing under another name
They're considering this, but the big problem is that everybody involved already has a license from Sun.
It's possible to write a jvm from scratch (e.g., kaffe), but most companies licensed the platform from Sun in order to port it. And with that license comes a lot of conditions.
If ECMA made changes without Sun, virtually nobody could implement those changes without violating the original contract with Sun. Remember, that's pretty much what they nailed MS for: using the licensed platform to implement something other than a Sun-approved java implementation.
By letting everyone see the source, Sun has actually manage to tighten the license even more.
Proving a cleanroom implementation after your development staff has pored over the java code for a few years is not going to be easy.
The thing to do in Mozilla (Score:2)
What the hell is a web applet language??? (Score:3)
That opening line destroyed whatever credibility you could have established as someone who knows what he/she is talking about. Java is not, has not or ever will be a web applet language in fact what the fsck is a web applet language?
IIRC, Java was originally designed for embedded systems and workstations/servers. That's why the VM and portability was the main push behind the language. With the advent of the World Wide Web, Sun added a few tricks to Java and enabled people to write web applets. The funny thing though, is that now Java is primarily seen not as a GUI development language (better use C++ or VB if your a pseudo-programmer) but as a quick and powerful server side development language.
Bad Command Or File Name
Re:The Java LANGUAGE, not the CLASSES! (Score:2)
It is NOT Linus's vision of what the kernel needed that holds the Linux project together. It's everybody's vision of what Unix is that does that.
Comparing Java to Linux is an incredibly flawed analogy.
Re:Independent Standards (Score:2)
Note: I have no first hand experience with this, but I have good information from several reliable sources saying this.
Sun licenses their technology to anyone that wants to pay the fees. In fact, Sun would be happy if they never had to do their own JVM implementations. They would be content to provide a reference implementation and compatability testing.
In some ways I agree with this, but not completely. If Sun wanted to never implement another VM, they would make it a lot easier to get the code. If they open source it, they will never have to implement it again. I'm not an open source bigot. I like open source software, but I recognize that currently some things need to be closed. A language like Java does not seem to be one of them. They want to control where the language goes. I feel this is the real reason Sun keeps a short leash on java. It also explains their 100% pure java program and such things.
I think Sun is a good company in many ways. I like aspects of their hardware. I even like parts of their OS. Watch out for them. They already do some scary things. Do you think you can stick a normal IDE drive in one of their IDE ultras? Good luck, It has to be sun branded.
Mike Mangino Consultant, Analysts International
Re:C++ wasn't killed by ANSI. (partly off topic) (Score:2)
Why do people all of a sudden become such expert on judging a language. A professional, experienced and good programmer can surely use C++ in a perfectly nice way. Besides you're not bound by all those stupid restrictions imposed in java.
Why is Open Inventor, or Qt or any other nice OO library based on C++ if it's such a bad language.
Java is a nice language "platform independent" language. But fast? NONONO!
Just couldn't help myself. Don't mean to use my flamethrower, but I just can't stand people giving statements without foundation.
Now for the real topic. Personally I think Sun is better of without going through the ECMA Standards body with Java. They did a good job designing the language and I trust they'll do a good job keeping control and developing the language in the interest of thousands of programmers currently commited to use java. Why? Because it's not impossible for another company like M$ to create a new language and too much effort and time is invested that they can't afford anything else.
Any yes, I've got a bad carma. That's because I can't be bothered writing long, intelligent comments. I'll just leave that to the others.... (I'm to busy programming)
Re:Question: *how* bad is this for users? (Score:2)
Seriously, I don't expect this to be a huge problem. In fact, now Sun pretty much has to ensure backward compatibility and a slow rate of change to the language, or they alone will face a worldwide mob of angry designers. I don't think Sun's original goals have changed, and the possibility of relationships with other standards organizations still exists.
On a related note, things like Verilog HDL aren't formally standardized, but the world happily uses them anyway. I'd say keep using Java (though you may not want to throw away your "C++: How To Program").
Re:rational decision but bad PR (Score:2)
The language spec, while good, is incomplete and outdated. There is no library spec publicly available. The two-volume (plus supplement) Java Class Libraries set from Addison-Wesley is pretty good, but they have many errors and by no means qualify as a specification: There is way insufficient information to write a compatible implementation (though they help). (I speak from experience as the former technical lead for Gcj.)
The documentation for Swing is even worse, with no real documentation out there beyond the very terse javadoc-generated api documentation. I have found one book (from O'Reilly) that goes into any detail on the Swing text classes.
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
Apples to apples, I don't think there is a difference at all. Java is not just some language or an API (like DirectX), but is a full-blown *platform* (or at least attempting to be one). If Sun has their way (and I hope they don't), Java will be the only platform a developer ever needs to address. As such, Java is to Sun what Windows is to Microsoft (an DirectX is merely a "Java 2D"). Therefore, it is in Sun's *advantage* to have Java ported to as many conventional OS's as possible. It promotes the platform, not competes with Solaris. Extending the analogy, this is like MS porting NT to non-Intel CPU's.
Unfortunately, again if Sun has its way, it may end up much worse than Microsoft II for MS only controls the platform (Win32). Java, in addition to being a platform (java.*), also forces the choice of language (syntax + java.lang.*) and even the CPU innstruction set (JVM)! These things don't stand out right now, because in most cases Java still lives in a virtual environment within another OS. Imagine if Java was all you had (Sun's goal).
Now I'm not an MS fan - far from it. But given a choice of the world domination by Gates or McNealy, I pray it's not McNealy.
Re:Independent Standards (Score:2)
First, Microsoft does not license their Windows technology to anyone. (Wince doesn't count.)
Sun licenses their technology to anyone that wants to pay the fees. In fact, Sun would be happy if they never had to do their own JVM implementations. They would be content to provide a reference implementation and compatability testing.
Hmmm... Microsoft does license Windows to people - many universities have the source code. So do many companies.
Microsoft charges for everything.
Sun gives JDK, JRE, etc. away for free... and has even made the JDK more free.
Sorry, but that's complete and utter rubbish.
Microsoft gives away all kinds of things for free, including a C & C++ compiler, assembler, over 2GB of sample code, documentation and libraries, plus lots of other freebie tools. They give away more than Sun has given away by a factor of 10, and have done so for YEARS.
You might want to check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/ some time... you'll be surprised (well, I don't know that for sure - but going off what you're claiming in your post, you'll be very surprised by the reality of what Microsoft gives away).
copyrights? (Score:2)
Take Mesa for example, it has not passed any OpenGL standards and aside from not being able to call itself OpenGL it works fine as a replacement to OpenGL. The problem lies when companies like Microsoft begin to "enhance" the platform, but Sun already sued MS's arses for that so not to many people are likely to try it again.
Re:The Java VM wouldn't work for this! (Score:2)
Even if everyone thinks using UAE is stupid, I think it's a good proof of concept. The Amiga is a ridiculously complex design, amazingly hard to emulate, and yet the developers of UAE have managed to get an emulation running pretty damn fast. At one time, it was widely believed to be an impossible feat.
If they can make a virtual Amiga run as well as it does, it seems likely that a clean, simple virtual machine design would run very quickly indeed. The 68000-series architecture wouldn't be a bad choice. Even a virtual Atari ST might work pretty well, if that abomination of a desktop was replaced with something else.
After thinking about this a few minutes, I think the Amiga would be a better choice. Strip out the custom chip emulation layers and do a pure-CPU Amiga OS in a virtual machine. It wouldn't have memory protection, but wouldn't need it; if you want to run more than one VM program, start more VMs. It would be multithreaded and highly efficient. The total footprint of the device would probably be under 2MB... including 512K of RAM for the Amiga OS to work with.
It seems like such an obvious solution that I'm wondering why it hasn't been done. Ideas?
I Realized it was a moving target immediately (Score:4)
I set up a mailing list, got a group going, and we started to go into our design phase. We looked at the new features that were going to go into 1.2 and decided to wait for 1.2 to come out and the spec to settle down. We shelved the effort until that point.
We never started up again. The java spec went all over the place and I decided that I didn't like Java for one of the same reasons I don't like Microsoft -- I don't want to be a member of the API of the week club. I have better things to do with my time.
Independent Standards (Score:2)
The difficulty with any language or standard which is controlled solely by a corporation which stands to profit from its control is that the company will naturally move to protect its control.
Other companies (Microsoft!) will move to undermine control or use of that standard, regardless of technical merit.
This only undermines the advance in computing technology as major corporations fight over market share rather than promoting the best tools available.
Re:What Has Standards Done For C++??? (Score:2)
You assume that Sun will make decisions for the best of the language, and for the best of those who use it.
However, Sun will make decisions based upon making Sun more popular with pointy-haired types, and investors, and making Sun's stock price go up.
The best thing for the Java language, to make it popular, would be to release a bunch of code with a real open source licence, not the SCSL. However, Sun has to keep control, in order to reserve the option of milking more money out of it.
That's why a standards body would be better. Sun wouldn't have that last-resort lever to pull; preserving their copyrights, trademarks, and other "intellectual property".
Protect my ass (Score:2)
You'd be better off with perl or scheme in your search for a portable language. I'm hoping someone embeds a Perl interpreter in Mozilla at some point. I'd take that over Java any day.
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:5)
Sun scares me, it should scare you too.
Re:Undermine what? (Score:2)
This was their last chance..
no recourse... (Score:2)
It is only when the control is too tight that programmers and users suffer.
Actually, programmers and users could suffer if they have no recourse if the maintainer happens to go off his/her/its rocker. With Linux and other open source projects, you could split and start your own project. You have the code. It doesn't matter if Linus goes insane one day and decides that we should implement a talking paperclip as an integral part of the kernel. Everyone can just turn to the next sane person who can take the reigns and pick up right where Linus lost his head. Everyone will follow this project and it will supplant the old.
Is that possible with Java? I've seen many people say that there isn't enough info to create a complete implementation of Java. Even if they did, could they do anything with it without being sued? I'm truly curious about all this. Anyone got the answers?
Java to stand on its own? (Score:3)
They seem to be saying "we don't need you-you need us" to developers too (SCSL?). They might have been better off not portraying themselves as the knight in shining armor, then abandoning that role once it had any disadvantages (at least short-term). At least with Microsoft, developers have no illusions about motive; you know what you get there.
There may be a lot of scorned developers out there who react like they have been betrayed by Sun. If that happens, we will find out if Sun "doesn't need you anymore."
This poster is a fake (Score:2)
This poster is a fake. Notice the period at the end of his name.
My user # is 57473.
,,, (Score:3)
Flames? Think I'm a karma whore?
Let's go standard shopping (Score:5)
So, who's left? I seem to recall they've already tried ISO, they've tried ECMA, and they're sure to get the same reception with the IETF.
Addendum, not found on ZDNet (Score:5)
Re:Star Office (Score:2)
It can use Java if you have it, and on some systems comes with it's own copy of the JVM. But then Netscape uses Java too...
It isn't written in Java and can run quite happily without a JVM on the system - as it does on my RedHat6.1 home PC.
I can only assume it's because it's so slow and such a memory hog that people make this assumption ;O)
Re:Independent Standards (Score:2)
No it doesn't. Go to msdn.microsoft.com, and download the platform SDK. Go ahead - you know you want to. 2Gb of compressed data. 2Gb of documentation, samples, tools - you name it. (For more tools, download the DDK's - eg. the Win98 DDK has the MASM assembler in it).
And guess what? It's free. All you have to do is register - which means painlessly providing a name and address; the same as you'd have to give to subscribe to, say, the New York Times online site.
If you want MSDN delivered to you on CD every couple of months, sure, it'll cost money. And the more you pay the more you get (the universal subscription is about $3000 - IIRC - but for that you get pretty much everything that Microsoft produces, in every single version, on CD). In general though, it won't cost you a *cent*.
What does Sun own? What is Java? (Score:3)
I guess they own the trademark, and a bunch of the code that's out there... but do they own other intellectual property involved, or is everyone simply worried about fragmentation?
Why doesn't ECMA simply go ahead and standardize the same thing under another name... perhaps the contracts that the current players in the Java industry have disallow them from going it "together" against Sun alone?
See, I'm speculating. It would be nice if someone who knew the answers could chime in.
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:2)
rational decision but bad PR (Score:5)
So far, Sun's Java specs are explicitly open: you can use them to build your own compatible implementation (you just can't call it "Java"). And Sun's Java specs are detailed and quite complete. This is in stark contrast to the Win32 API specs, which are so poorly documented that for practical purposes, it's not possible to make a complete independent implementation.
However, dropping the standardization effort also is bad PR because it gives the impression that Sun is renegging on their commitments.
One point of concern is that Sun every now and then seems to make some fuzzy claims about intellectual property related to the Java APIs. No matter who drives the evolution of the Java platform (Sun or a standards body), those parts of the Java specs would clearly not be acceptable to most users of Java, and that is something users need clarity on up-front.
If Sun does make IP claims related to parts of the APIs (rather than their implementation), that would be a serious matter and would have to be identified up front. That is a point, I think, Sun needs to be pressed on so that we don't end up in a situation analogous to GIF/Unisys. Those APIs would likely be only a small part of the Java platform and easily replaced by alternative de-facto standards developed outside Sun.
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
The Java LANGUAGE, not the CLASSES! (Score:5)
I've been to many JavaOne conferences, and a few of the other presentations when this topic comes up. All kinds of people have their own little pet additions to Java. Multiple inheritence is one. Do people miss it? Sure. Do they need it? NO. I've been programming in Java professionally for four and half years now (since the day it went public). I've never ONCE run into a situation where I've been stopped by this. And you know what? The code is cleaner because of it. Say what you want, but multiple inheritence is just a huge mess for the next poor slob that has to maintain the code.
What's the point of that rant? Without Sun (and mainly Gosling and Guy Steel) holding the reigns on the Java up until this point, all kinds of confusing crapola would have been added to the language (just look at what Microsmurf tried to add), and it would have gone from a simple, elegant language to a huge mess.
I think Sun (specifically the team of people that keep an eye on what to add) has been doing a pretty darn good job so far. Without the people who knew from the beginning what the original intent of the language was, Java would have degenerated into a mismash of crap.
Re:Ecma may write a spec, but not a real standard (Score:2)
Very true. Let's not also forget to look at just what ECMA has done for JavaScript compatibility. Very little. I see at least three different implementations out there, probably a heck of a lot more. All need to be ``written to''. Sigh.
Integrity... hmn. (Score:2)
"Integrity" is such a nice word, innit? It gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that there's somehow something pure and holy there that's being kept sacrasanct, out of the dirty hands of the teeming masses. Sun Microsystems, noble defenders of the "integrity" of Java2, stalwart bastions of truth and light against the unwashed heathens that would taint their singular manifest vision.
Merriam-Webster [m-w.com] defines integrity as, among other things, "an unimpaired condition : soundness." So, Sun is protecting Java2 from the "impairment" of the standards process. Standards are somehow "unsound." Sun is saying that Java2 becoming a standard will somehow innately taint, corrupt, or poison the platform.
Merriam-Webster also defines integrity as "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility." Aha. So Sun keeping Java outside of the standards process is an issue of morals? "It's a moral decision, Doc, and I'll stand by it." Sun-as-priesthood, handing down proclamations on morailty to the ignorant masses who are too immoral and corrupt to See The Java Vision(tm) themselves.
Finally, M-W defines integrity as "the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness." Here's the cruz of the matter: control. The One True Java, Sun's Java. The Java Above Which There Is No Other. I-AM-Brand Java. Thou Shalt Not Worship Other Java's Besides Sun's. Sun fears the fork, more than anything.
None of these observations is earth-shattering news, but it's interesting (to me, at least), to look at how Sun has doctored and spun this story with the use of that single word, "integrity."
We need an OS virtual machine (Score:5)
Well, we didn't; and we aren't going to out of java, not for a long time.
I think its time that we consider abandoning java, and starting up a new program. The real wonder of Java is, and should have remained, its virtual machine, and if Sun had developed a robust VM, and kept it seperate from the language, then developing for the VM would be just like developing for any other computer archetecture, and we could have used our languages of choice and cross-compiled to the VM.
In addition, an independant VM would have less security issues than a merged language/VM, and it would become easier to maintain the sandbox.
In conclusion, we need an OS VM, and you can write C, I will write C++, and my buddy will write Fortran and Assembler, and they will all run on it.
May not be such a bad thing (Score:2)
Multiple inheritance by using interfaces (Score:2)
You're absolutely right about the simplicity and elegance - it really hurts to look at a medium-sized project in C with tons of ifdefs and other crap like that once you've worked with Java.
Re:Java will splinter sooner. (Score:3)
Re:Way to go SUNW! Standardized bodies killed c++ (Score:3)
If you look at standardization of Java, there's three things that can be standardized:
- the language
- the bytecode
- the API
Standardizing the language at this point would not be a good thing since interesting language extensions are being developed at the moment (classes with parameters). As long as the extended languages are backwards compatible that's ok with me.
Standardizing the bytecode would probably be not very harmful but I don't see any immediate advantages either. The bytecode and the VM have been pretty well described already and anybody can make a cleanroom implementation of it. As far as I know the specs have been very stable. It should be possible to compile old jdk 1.02 programs with the latest JDK and run the resulting bytecode on an old java VM (provided the new API doesn't clash with the old one).
Standardizing the API is rediculous. The java API is a moving target, functionality is being added continuously and the existing API is also perfected from time to time. Fixing the API is not a good thing since I want new functionality and I want those errors fixed in the existing API. In any case a standard API would be lagging behind the current version of the API making it pretty much useless.
Comment removed (Score:3)
Re:The thing to do in Mozilla (Score:2)
Normally I'd check things out to back them up, but this is one thing I don't want to verify. :)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Standard organizations are NOT always good. (Score:2)
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:3)
My point here is that when you get right down to it, Sun is no more or less evil than MS. We just like to focus on MS because they have the power. If Apple had won the desktop war, it would be them on trial for anti-trust violations right now, not Microsoft.
What about Sun withdrawing Java from the standardization process? Well, it enforces my point: Sun is not our friend just because they are the underdog in the war. They will do anything they can to gain ground, even if it ends up screwing us, the loyal folks who have faith in the ultimate virtue of the underdog.
Perhaps that faith is their greatest asset?
Re:The Java LANGUAGE, not the CLASSES! (Score:4)
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
They do supply proprietary APIs and stuff and encourage their use, but being aware of that, I've actually had an easier time porting [the non directdraw portions of] my VC++ code to other platforms than [the non-svgalib parts of] my G++ code.
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
Linux too!Re:Perl and Python too! Standardize NOW! (Score:2)
Re:Independent Standards (Score:2)
If Sun retains control than that is exactly what we're going to get! Sun just wants to take over
from Microsoft.
Java has potential. It is very annoying to use currently, since it is in active development. If the changes to the language are motivated by the desire to improve the language, it will make a good platform. If, on the other hand, it continues to be abused by Sun, Microsoft, and whomever else gets their hands on it, it will never realize its potential.
That's why I wish to see the overall design taken out of Sun's hands.
True - the SC22 mailing lists confirm (Score:2)
In the end, Sun will sue their asses before letting them define a spec, so it will come to nothing.
Re:RMS, Java and Python (Score:2)
Sorry if that's incoherent, I'm in a distracted mood ATM.
Get a grip people (Score:2)
I become very cynical toward those who think open source is the answer to every issue and because someone has control of code they are unenlighten individuals that are beneath them. Companies make money.. that's the point.. I'm still amazed there isn't so much backlash against RedHat because they sell open source software. They make money off your work.. But it's not ok for Sun to control and make money off their own work.
Java was created for 1 reason. To sell Sun servers. The more programs in Java, the more portable and the less control Microsoft has over Sun. If in anyway Sun can lose control over the direction Java goes, then HP, IBM, Microsoft, or someone else can add extentions that cause it not to be platform independent and that will spell the end of Java's purpose, to sell servers.
I personally would love a open source standard, but not at the expense of portability. Sun offers me a free JDK that I can code whatever I want and do what I please. If I remember correctly you can still get the JDK source code and can still fix bugs, but you can't go and sell it.. Gee.. There's a big loss.. not!
It's the price you pay.. You want portability or fragmentation.
Want an Open Object Platform? Support GNUstep (Score:3)
Since Sun obviously can't be trusted to do the right thing as far as opening this platform up I don't install any Java VM on my Linux boxen. Support an open object API for Linux, support GNUstep [gnustep.org].
Java is over. The future belongs to Objective-C.
Re: (Score:2)
Java was a bad idea. (Score:4)
A run-anywhere platform should not be tied to specially designed languages. You should be able to compile your C into bytecode that will run on any system. It wouldn't be a big deal to implement, many game emulators do a bigger job. You'd have to provide a low-level window library, but that's really no big deal (the insanity begins when you try to make a high-level window library, and anticipate everything the programmer might want to use).
Let's face it, Java went as far as it did on a huge marketing campaign, not on its technical merits. It didn't deliver on its promises, and those not caught up in the trendiness saw that it never could. Let's not waste any more time with it.
Re:Protect my ass (Score:2)
IMO, Java is pure hype while Perl and Python get the job done (in Python's case, quietly, Perl does get a bit of hype).
Ah, flamage (Score:2)
Let Sun take over Java. Let them keep it closed and proprietary. As far as I'm concerned, Sun really hasn't delivered on ANY of their promises for Java, and even the Microsoft lawsuit was really a slap in the face to folks who took it seriously (ie. it's something to keep pure, so we hadn't ought to compromise it, so Sun better have the cujones to make sure nobody else does).
I'd have to say that I'm convinced that 100% of Java's success has to do with media hype and people buying into ANY hope of being able to slip loose the Microsoft shackles. Hadn't delivered on THAT promise yet either, has it?
It's slow, it's buggy, it sure as hell isn't cross platform. So who really cares about Java anyway. Oh, poor Steve Jobs (chuckle - chuckle). All that effort that went into OS X to integrate Java into OpenStep/YellowBox/Cocoa, and now it's going to be MORE irrelevant than Objective-C. HA HA! Stupid sucker.
Okay, I'll go seek counselling - I really have to work on my corporate sarcasm problem. It was mommy's fault. .
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone said "Information wants to be free".
Re:Java is out, but not sure about Obj-C (Score:2)
Re:May not be such a bad thing (Score:3)
I think the language is still too young for a totally committee based evolution. It would be 5 years before we saw a new version.
Rather than convincing Sun to do something as drastic as giving over their baby to a third-party, maybe we should be working on having them slowly open up the Java Community Process a little more.
I personally have no problem considering them to be their own standards body. At least for the forseeable future.
Just mismanaging of expectations perhaps (Score:2)
Re:Way to undermine the language.. (Score:2)
Among these Visual Basic is the only example. Visual C++ and Visual J++ are products they are not languages.
Among other things VC contains a fairly standards-compliant compiler. (At least for its C language subset; since C++ was still in draft-standard at the time of release it is harder to judge) Granted it does have proprietary extensions but so does every other compiler including g++. Same goes for Visual J++ except that Sun has been very aggresive about prosecuting-out any extensions there. As for the case of Visual Basic: who cares?
Java is unique in the sense that its specification is closed-- revisions, derivatives or descendant languages are not allowed. For reference it is not the only language developed in commercial environment. C was designed at Bell Labs, and so was C++. SmallTalk came out of Xerox Parc. How many people did AT&T and Xerox go after for implementing compilers with different language semantics or proprietary extensions? I am sorry but criticizing Microsoft and then being apologetic about Sun's behavior is sheer hypochrisy.
Re:Python assembler? (Score:2)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.