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You've Got Male: Amazon's Growth Impacting Seattle Dating Scene 315

reifman (786887) writes "San Francisco's gender imbalance is so bad that a startup recently proposed flying women in from New York City for dates. But, if you're a straight male thinking of moving to Seattle to work in technology, think again. Seattle's gender ratio is even more imbalanced and it's about to get much worse for men. Amazon is building out enough space to employ 5% of the city population and its workforce is 75 percent male. By the end of 2014, Seattle will have 130 single men for every 100 single women."
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You've Got Male: Amazon's Growth Impacting Seattle Dating Scene

Comments Filter:
  • by AutodidactLabrat ( 3506801 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:14PM (#47011485)
    Tell me ladies, are you not very attractive, given to big glasses and serious introspection?
    COME TO SILICON VALLEY, learn useless coding techniques, give out buggy code and ask the nerdiest soon-to-be-billionaire to help you grow in the profession.
    After the divorce, you won't ever have to work again!
  • by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:15PM (#47011493)

    Will it have 13 men per 10 women? 26 men per 20 women?

    Will it even have... 30% more men than women???

  • So.... just to throw this out there. Why the presumption that Amazon's new hires will be 75% male?

    • Re:Presumption (Score:5, Insightful)

      by NotDrWho ( 3543773 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:28PM (#47011613)

      Why the presumption that Amazon's new hires will be 75% male?

      Well, about 85% of CS grads today are male. But if it makes you feel better, they could hire more women for the packing floor.

  • As a woman I think this must be great news! But as a foreigner - should I aim for Seattle or San Fransisco?
    • by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:22PM (#47011555)

      As a woman I think this must be great news! But as a foreigner - should I aim for Seattle or San Fransisco?

      If you're a foreigner, I'd recommend treating the world as your oyster. Personally, I can vouch for the rogueish good looks, sense of humour, and alcohol tolerance of Irish men.

      But if you're in a pinch, I guess there are a few expats in Seattle and San Francisco.

      • > Personally, I can vouch for the rogueish good looks, sense of humour, and alcohol tolerance of Irish men.

        Don't doubt this guy, he knows Irish men, but his spelling tells me it's not Irish-Americans he's talking about. I'll vouch for the Irish-Americans.
    • My wife changed from teaching school to becoming a network engineer about 8 years ago. She went from making 40% of my income to making 95% of it in the past 8 years time, and that's with about 30% increase in my income in that time.

      She is treated like a professional and doesn't have to deal with the parents of her clients. Yes, there are a lot of clueless "Durr, she's a girl!" nerds that she has to deal with, but she says they are easier to handle than her former students.

      So if you are a woman and you are

    • by khr ( 708262 ) <> on Thursday May 15, 2014 @03:09PM (#47012071) Homepage

      should I aim for Seattle or San Fransisco?

      I don't know much about San Fransisco, but I do know the weather in Seattle, while uncomfortably dry is less so than most other cities... If I had to pick between them, I'd probably go for whichever gets more annual rainfall.

    • San Francisco's housing costs are insane. Pick Seattle unless you've got at least a $100K income.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Ever date one of those guys at Amazon? All work and no play.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:23PM (#47011561)

    Queue the legion of people who will insist that Seattle companies be forced to hire less-qualified people who happen to be women.

    If this bothers you: stop telling little girls that they're pretty, and instead tell them that they're smart. Don't ask them their favorite princess, ask them what they want to be when they grow up.

    • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:26PM (#47011587)

      stop telling little girls that they're pretty, and instead tell them that they're smart. Don't ask them their favorite princess, ask them what they want to be when they grow up.

      These suggestions are un-American to the point of being treasonous.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:33PM (#47011659)

        My older daughter wants to be a princess when she grows up. My attempt to steer her into mathematics is so far a failure. I still have hope for my younger daughter. I've taken away her dolls and replaced them with legos and erector sets. She cries about it and says she hates me. I guess she just doesn't understand I'm liberating her from the Patriarchy.

        • The problem is all those damn Disney movies parents use as babysitters.

          • by schnell ( 163007 ) <[ten.llenhcs] [ta] [em]> on Thursday May 15, 2014 @05:23PM (#47013443) Homepage

            The problem is all those damn Disney movies parents use as babysitters.

            Not necessarily. When we had our first girl, my wife and I deliberately kept her away from all things Disney and princess-y to avoid just this situation.

            Guess what happened? By age two, she was already trying to wear mommy's high heels and had firmly decided her future vocation would be fairy ballerina - all without ever having seen a Disney/Barbie/whatever TV show, not having any dress-up dolls, or any of the other stereotypical toys that I had always assumed were what caused the gender role identification in young girls. It turns out that some little girls just love "girly" things because it's baked into their DNA somewhere.

        • by khr ( 708262 )

          My older daughter wants to be a princess when she grows up

          Well good luck changing that... I only know one princess and she's a mean, nasty horrible woman.

          Actually, she's not a princess anymore, not after India's Independence did away with royalty. She was born a princess of some royal house in Rajasthan just before that. Now she's horribly bitter that she isn't "someone" anymore...

        • I've taken away her dolls and replaced them with legos and erector sets.

          That seems questionable. The last think you want her interested in anytime soon is erections.

      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        and your statement is doubleplus ungood. Report to the ministry of love for processing, comrade.

    • by Nutria ( 679911 )

      stop telling little girls that they're pretty

      A man my age telling girls that they're pretty is a quick way to get myself labeled a perv.

      Besides, if a girl's not pretty, I wouldn't say she's pretty.

      And I wouldn't know she's smart w/o spending some time with her, and that's just as creepy.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by epyT-R ( 613989 )

      Stop blaming men for the lack of equal outcome. Stop telling men what is 'proper' to look for in a mate. Stop blaming them as the default problem when women aren't seen in the same numbers in a given context. In fact, stop lying about men, period. If women are intrinsically equal, they don't NEED help as they can fend for themselves.. Most women aren't interested in technology for itself, only what it can do for them, so even with incentives, you're not going to find a 50/50 split. This is ok as men and

    • > If this bothers you: stop telling little girls that they're pretty, and instead tell them that they're smart. Don't ask them their favorite princess, ask them what they want to be when they grow up.

      This! I asked my ex-wife's 17 year old daughter what she wanted to do for a living and they way she looked at me, it seems nobody had ever asked her that question before. She has no idea. My daughter, who is now one week old, will be able toanswer that question by the time she's five (and change her mind

      • ...and change her mind six times after that).

        Well, you know what they say about a woman's perrogative. Wait. Stop throwing things at me. Ow. Ow. Ow.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Don't praise kids for being smart, it becomes a major part of their identity and whenever some situation comes along that they fail to resolve it can mess them up and they will avoid even attempting things that can result in them feeling not smart. Praise them for working hard, etc.

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      Well, we already have a hiring and promotion process in corporate culture that favors less qualified people who happen to be men.
    • Queue the legion of people who will insist that Seattle companies be forced to hire less-qualified people who happen to be women.

      Why would they queue? This is about America, not England.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      less-qualified people who happen to be women.

      And that's why there isn't a problem for many guys. With an attitude like that*, there's a whole class of men that have just removed themselves from the dating pool. The rest of us thank you.

      *Very common in the IT and engineering fields.

  • Well.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by cyberchondriac ( 456626 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:23PM (#47011563) Journal
    I suppose if you're a gay male that sounds like Utopia. Welcome to Seattle, the new San Francisco.
    The Space Needle will take on new allegorical significance as a monument!
    • by jasonla ( 211640 )
      I understand that this was meant to be a joke, and I find it funny. But if only it worked that way. Sure it's a bunch of guys, but they're still mostly all straight, which does me no good. Might as well go live at Wellesley College.
  • by xfade551 ( 2627499 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:23PM (#47011565)
    Everett, Tacoma-Lakewood-Puyallup, and Kitsap County have massive military populations (figure around 80-90% male for the military subpopulation). There's a tendency for the junior enlisted men to marry the local girls right out of high school, then they move away with their young wives on their next assignment. (These women often divorce their husbands when they find a place they like better than their hometown). ...And around 50% of the women left behind aren't worth dating.
    • by pr0fessor ( 1940368 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @03:44PM (#47012465)

      I grew up next to a military base and can confirm that and as a freshman in high school I could not get a date with any girls at my school because they were all dating soldiers. Instead their 19-22yr old wives were all very lonely... I once took a 22yr old soldier's wife to a school dance because, I knew he would be there with his 16yr old date.

  • by thatseattleguy ( 897282 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:29PM (#47011623) Homepage
    The Seattle Times has already debunked this, pointing out [] that the author(*) of that original article coflated two data sets that used completely different methodologies for the "number of single men" metric and so cannot be compared. Not that that will make any difference; I sense this will have the same life of its own as the "chances of a woman getting married after 40 are worse than that of her getting killed by a terrorist" meme that went around a decade or so ago, because it provides a convenient external explanation for a wholly internal failure.


    (*) Said author of the original debunked article also has the same user name as the submitter here - such a coincidence! I also note his last Slashdot submission was the also-debunked "OMG! Skydiver catches meteor falling on camera!" thing that was proven false a few days later. The Force is not strong with this one, fellow Jedi...

    • by thatseattleguy ( 897282 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:52PM (#47011857) Homepage
      More importantly, the above-referenced Times blog post points out that the gender imbalance in Seattle is nowhere near as bad as other cities that are tech hubs, like San Jose. Among the 50 largest metro areas in the US, Seattle apparently ranks at only 15th for predominance of males.

      Noting, too: the original Reifman article makes the truly odd presumption that because Amazon's _current_ workforce is 75% male, that all new hires will necessarily follow this same 3-to-1 male-to-female gender ratio - something I very much doubt. A company growing as fast and expanding into new, diverse areas like Amazon is, is likely to see a greatly more gender-balanced workforce than it had in its early tech-dominated early days. Maybe the new hires will not be 1:1 male:female - but certainly not the 3:1 of the past.

    • by jythie ( 914043 )
      See this is where the summary should be updated to reflect this.
    • Nice to also notice that he submits the same article 2 or more times over the course of a day or so, guess he takes advantage of finding the right editor to approve his rubbish.

    • by jasonla ( 211640 )
      Maybe he can't get a date because he's a creep? Please Google "Nice guys of OKCupid." Look at the women who actually commented on his post: http://webcache.googleusercont... [] It's the same error as always: correlation != causation. The guy isn't actually a techie, but a manager (overhead), who has no credentials whatsoever: []
    • I sense this will have the same life of its own as the "chances of a woman getting married after 40 are worse than that of her getting killed by a terrorist" meme that went around a decade or so ago,

      So that's why so many women perked up when 9/11 happened!

  • by WilliamGeorge ( 816305 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:31PM (#47011637)

    Seattle proper is actually relatively small, and surrounded by dozens of smaller cities and towns. I would wager that the overall metro area has close to a 1:1 ratio, but that young, single men tend to move into the city to be close to work, especially before starting a family. Housing in the city is expensive, but more livable for someone in a 1-bedroom or studio apartment. Once you need more space than that, the suburbs are much more appealing.

  • Mercer Girls (Score:5, Informative)

    by MDMurphy ( 208495 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:32PM (#47011655)

    If this is not debunked, then it's not a new issue for Seattle.

    The Mercer Girls were an 1860s project of Asa Shinn Mercer, an American who lived in Seattle, who decided to "import" women to the Pacific Northwest to balance the gender ratio. []

    Which inspired the TV series: []

  • The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle
    And the hills are green as green in Seattle

    Am I the only one that remembers that 70's western comedy show?

    • On one hand, it's probably cheaper shipping to get those brides from Russia and China that it would be for those guys living in New York. On the other hand, they often don't put enough food and water in the crate for that two week voyage on the ship, to say nothing of the air (water) holes.
  • by sandbagger ( 654585 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:47PM (#47011797)

    I gave up.

    Look, masturbation's more efficient anyway.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      You sound like a real wanker.

  • for obvious reasons
  • ...for smart business-orientated women to start-up the world's oldest profession in the Seattle area.

    oh...Tinder's already covering that base.

  • So it pushed ugly, unhealthy, and otherwise undesirable males out of the gene pool. Good! Have you seen what happens to the genetic disadvantages and diseases and average IQ in small, isolated communities? It's the same thing when it's 1:1. Imbalance in either direction ensures that adaptation and fitness improvements occur.
  • by EmagGeek ( 574360 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @02:54PM (#47011873) Journal

    When I was going to Georgia Tech, I would have given anything for a 1.3:1 ratio.

  • Its irrelevant, at least 30 of those men will be tech works and we all know that us nerds don't have girlfriends so that leaves 100 guys for a 100 women...
  • By the end of 2014, Seattle will have 130 single men for every 100 single women.

    Worst. Orgy. Ever.

    Of all time.

  • At least a 15% imbalance for 30 and younger after better family planning technology came along. I've heard of unrest in some of China's factories by bored young men. I dont know about India.
  • ...produce a musical comedy.

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Thursday May 15, 2014 @07:00PM (#47014053)

    ... Asa Mercer [] when we need him?

Computers don't actually think. You just think they think. (We think.)
